• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 289 Views, 0 Comments

Equestrian battle of the bands - Hugoo

Pinkie's past return's in the form of a pony she used to know. battles, bands, ponies what more could you want

  • ...

part 1

The sun radiated a soft morning light over equestria, the light filled valleys and forest and soon it graced ponyville with it’s presence.

It hit the window of sugar cube corner and shined and shimmered through softly brushing pinkie pie’s forehead and opening her eyes. She was only half awake but that was enough for to know where she was and what she had to do.

She lifted her trembling fore hooves and pushed her upper body up, then used her rear ones to stand on all fours. She had been looking after the place for a couple of days and it was carrot top’s birthday hence the party and the current situation.

She looked around the room to see some ponies had all ready left but her hangover prevented her from thinking which they were, she smiled to herself thinking about last nights party and then headed up stares to the cakes apartment to get a shower and maybe a cup of coffee.

She stumbled across the room tripping on legs and wings as she went noticing how unstable her stomach felt.

When she reached the bedroom she noticed somepony had already been here the window was open and the low soft buzz of the shower sounded around the room and down the corridor.

“Damn.” She thought, she wanted to shower now but hey she could have a coffee, and reminisce on the awesomeness of the previous night, she let out a giggle as she wondered into the kitchen.

Whomever was in the shower had left their mark in this room, pinkie thought about how weirdly good that description was as the mark was in fact a cutie mark patterned saddle bag.

The cutiemark in question looked strangely familiar, it was a trio of keys from a keyboard on black to white, she decided not to think to long on it as she needed a cup of caffeine, no, coffee?

The point was that her levels of energy weren't nearly high enough and no hangover could take away pinkies energy and enthusiasm she would fight the chemically grumpy morning and Celestia be damned she would win!

Soon she was sitting on the cakes double bed singing a song quietly to herself and drinking her coffee she was thinking about blowing up some balloons to ease the other ponies into their respective days, but she was interrupted by the sudden stop of shower sound and then the sound of bread being put in the weird wooden toaster that Mr cake owned. “I wonder why it’s made of wood?” pinkie said aloud before deciding to meet the pony who had taken so long in the shower and left open the window.
She left her half full cup of coffee on the floor and presided to the kitchen to see somepony’s back.
To wings protruded from about the shoulders, and a pitch black mane clung to them drenching the mysterious mare’s back. Her back it’s self was white and she held a towel warped around her lower body.

She turned around and a wave of recognition passed over pinkie, it was Monochrome Keys. Her, vinyl and pinkie had been in a band at around the time of their collective gap years, but some how they drifted apart, I mean pinkie and vinyl were still friends they would occasionally swap songs over the net and the fact they both lived in ponyville assured constant contact really, but somehow monochrome was out of the picture.

Pinkie galloped across the room to give her old friend a quick hug before either of them even spoke.

“Oh my gosh! Mono you remember me, you do remember me right? I remember you, vinyl’s gonna be so exited and she’ll be all like Oh My Gosh!”

“I’ve missed you too Pinke.”

“So what are you doing here did you come for C-tops birthday? Cus I mean that was yesterday so if you did you missed it but there’s still some left over cake if you want it, also how did you get in here?”

Mono gave a one word reply “window.”


“Somepony decided it would be a good idea to sleep against the door!”

“So urm what are you doing here?”

Monochrome smiled as if a piece of her plan fell into place and pinkie saying that was a great help to her. She wondered to where she left her saddle bag opened it and pulled out a roll of paper.

“three words for you Pinkie. Equestrian, battle...shit. four words Pinkie Equestrian battle of bands...the bands.”
Pinkie, a little taken back by Mono’s pour grasp of the English language and her cursing, remembered that Mono never really made a big thing of moderating her language, she then thought about what the implications of this battle were.
As pinkie was thinking Mono un-rolled the poster showing that the top prize was a record deal.
But... they hadn't played together in years.

Still though the idea gave pinkie a spark of her usual enthusiasm and she realised how fun this could be, and so she excepted with a grin.

“YES! Oh my gosh think about how much fun this could be! I can’t wait to see what vi-vi thinks!”



“Anyway pinkie I gotta go get something to eat and I might check on vinyl, so ur... see you round.”
After speaking she rolled the poster back up lazily through it in her saddle bag which she flung over her flank before heading to the window and again departing.

It sounded like she forgot she had wings as all pinkie heard was a thud and a loud “BUCKING HELL!”
She approached the window to check if mono was aright but by the time she arrived the streets of ponyville were empty.
She lay down on the bed with her coffee and her grin, thinking about what the following months might be, she then fell back into a deep sleep.

Author's Note:

So yeah first fic i ever wrote not sure how often i'll be doing these but i'd love any feed back...
also see if you can spot the obvious reference to a dj from the fandom