• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 363 Views, 3 Comments

Snooze addiction - Enzoado

Our princes Twilight has a very bad case of snooze addiction, can she overcome this obstacle or will she be forever doomed to press the snooze button over, and over, and over again.

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Not a morning pony

Twilight was looking through her checklist of things to do, and she was at the last item in her checklist "Fix snoozing problem", she looked at that sentence and thought to herself 'Easier said than done', she had tried numerous time to fix her snoozing addiction, but she never could, she tried sleeping earlier, she tried to find a solution in books but nothing, she could never just simply wake up without hitting the snooze button, she always would hit the snooze button at least one, two, even six times every morning, it was hard for her to fix this problem, but she had to find a way to do it.

She thought 'I bet there's a spell to fix this', and so she looked at every single book in the library, and not a single one had a solution, but she was not giving up so easily, so she sat there on a chair thinking of ways to fix this problem, but she could not think of a single way to put an end to this problem, maybe she could ask help! But what help would that be? She sighed.

She walked over to the alarm clock, examining it with a watch glass, she looked at the back of the clock, then at the front, not seeing a single reason why she preferred to press snooze instead of turning off the alarm, she looked at her bed and she inspected every single inch, without leaving a spot behind, with all the information she gathered she analyzed the situation:

If I sleep on my bed, I’m inclined to stay in bed because the comfort factor of the bed is so high, so if I leave my bed, I’m more inclined to stay awake, so all I need to do is put my alarm clock farther away from my bed so I have to get off bed to turn the alarm off, that’s it!

She figured out how to stop hitting the snooze button! So she moved the furniture the clock was sitting atop of farther away from her bed and gone through with her day as usual, she had gone to bed and she waked up to a familiar sound
She got up from her bed, she pressed the snooze button and got back on bed.

After the alarm bleeped again she got up from bed and turned off the alarm, she was frustrated, but she had more important things to do, so she grabbed today’s checklist of stuff to do and regretfully added a new item at the end of the list "Try to fix the snoozing problem, again", she went on with her day and when she got to the last item on her list again she tried to think of another solution, she thought about moving the alarm even farther away, but then she wouldn’t hear it, she was deep in thought, but still nothing, she couldn’t fix this, the only way to do this was to just, deal with it, if this was a problem beyond her reach the only way was to cope with it, she was not happy with this decision, but it was the only way to do it.

And so she did, she slept and waked up to that familiar tune


She mashed the snooze button three times that morning, she regretted her decision, and she was NOT giving up! She was going to fix that problem right NOW! She checked her books three times over checking for a solution, still nothing, she traveled to the Canterlot library and searched every single book there as well and still nothing, she traveled to the Cristal Empire’s library and checked everything there but still nothing, she went back home defeated, she looked at the alarm clock and she examined every single detail on it, she couldn’t find a reason why she couldn’t just wake up, she felt like she was missing something obvious, but she was too tired to think, she spent the entire day going from city to city she just needed some rest, so she went to sleep, the next morning the alarm clock did not wake her up, as it was not there, she waked up because the sun was shining right on her face, and when she noticed she overslept, she panicked, she ate a quick breakfast and started running to an appointment she had to go, at least she wasn’t tired, but when she came back home, she searched for the alarm clock, but it was nowhere to be found, so she went to the store and searched the massive store for a new alarm clock, but she couldn’t find it, she searched for over an hour and finally found one, why it was on the bread section of the store was beyond her, but she went to the cash register, an bought a new alarm clock for 13 bits, she went home and put some batteries in it only to realize they were the wrong size, she was furious, so she went back to the store and bought another pair of batteries for the alarm clock, impatient she put them on the alarm clock, set up the date and time and went back to sleep, she didn’t wake up to the alarm, instead she waked up to some construction noises outside, then she realized.

She had forgotten to set the alarm, she set up the alarm and had gone on with her day, she went to sugar cube corner for a cup of juice and some toast as she was too tired to make breakfast, she ate it, paid for it then went back home, she thought for a minute and realize something very, very stupid, she forgot it wasn’t daylight saving time anymore, she then quickly realized the one hour less of sleep was her problem, she was happy to finally have figured out what was wrong with her sleep! So she fixed the time on her alarm clock and gone on with her day smiling, she finally figured it out, that night she went back to sleep and the next morning was waked up by the alarm clock


She picked up the alarm clock from her bed with her magic and she threw it as forcefully as she could at the wall, at that moment she thought to herself ‘I give up’ as she went back to sleep.

Author's Note:

This is based on a real story, my story.

Comments ( 3 )

Sounds like me every morning...

4598476 Me too, the only reason I don't smash my alarm clock is because It's my phone.

4600690 Snap! Although I do end up pushing it off my bedside table to get it away from me.

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