• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

Dios Mio...

Author's Note:

Just a heads up
When something is italicized, it means it's only what Stan or Carl hear in their minds
Not what's really happening.
Phobias do that...

“Forty nine bottles of beer on the wall, eighty five bottle of glass, you take them down and throw em’ around...No more glasses of *BELCH* in the stalls!” Stan did a little jig before falling into a trash can.

Carl just watched as his friend continued to walk about drunk off his flank, they were just blocks away from the bar and Stan was still walking about with a head full of booze. “Listen, Stan-”

“That’s mister Stan doctor professor to you, good sir…” Stan said as he got out and spun around multiple times.

Carl grabbed him and had Stan face him. “STAN! Stop acting like this, you could really hurt your...Will you look at me!” Carl shook him again, but Stan wouldn’t stop looking at the wall. “STAN! Will you-”

Stan put a hoof in his friends mouth and said. “SSHHHhshhhshshshhshsshhhh. I got this.” He went into a combat stance and shook his hindquarters like a cat before pouncing at the wall.

Carl could hear the wall crack once Stan rammed his head into it, knocking off all the posters and having them pile on top of him. “Now look what you did!” Carl groaned and started picking up the papers while Stan popped his head out of the pile with a poster covering his eyes.

Stan whistled. “Carl, would you look at this hot piece of flank.”

“Hot piece of what?” Carl stacked the papers and set them down. “What poster are you looking at...wait.” Stan was having a rough idea at what he was looking at. “Stan, are you looking at por-”

Stan then jumped from the pile of papers and ran up to Carl. “Look at her!” Stan took off the paper and showed it to him. “Isn’t she just so on fire?”

Carl gasped and snatched the paper out of his hooves. “You mean hot, and Stan, do you know what this is!?” Carl held the poster in front of him.

Stan squinted intently at this poster before smiling. “Of course I know what it is...it’s a picture of that one pony that does the lifting and stuffs.”

Carl face hoofed and placed the poster with the others. “Stan, that’s a poster that one of our brothers drew for how they feel about our surrender.”

Stan grabbed the poster again and looked at it in awe. “So they want us to obey her, well who wouldn’t with eyes like that?” Stan held the picture between them and smiled. “They look exactly not like ours.” He smiled dopely at it while Carl stared at the scene with a dropped jaw.

“Stan, you are acting really weird right now…why don’t we just-”

“Find out where this sexy minx is and do her?”

Carl fell back, completely flabbergasted as to what his friend just said. “W-what did you just say?!”

“I said…” Stan then extended his wings and hovered in the air. “Let’s go find where out that white winged pony is and see what her horn and her wings...and her hooves…and maybe her tail...can do for me...and you.” Stan then started flying in the air in whatever direction the wind was deciding to take him.

Carl’s eyes went wide as he saw his friend begin to fly. “Stan, wait! You can’t fly when you’re drunk.” Carl flew after him.

“Oh come on Carly,” Stan said as he barreled through buildings. “you and I both know Stan drunks better when he FLIIIIIIEEEEYS!” Then he took off, so fast, that Carl couldn’t even see the black changeling in the dead of night.

“Stan!....STAN!” Carl circled around buildings and alleys, each one had no Stan. “Stan! It’s illegal to fly while under the influence, and I so don’t want to be responsible when you get a FUI….STAN!” Carl’s wings were starting to give out with the constant flapping. He lazily hung his tongue out and decided to take a break.

“Oh for queen’s sake Stan, why did I even think this was a good idea, we should've just gone home like you said.” Carl sighed and sat in a tree, which was weird since he was still in the city...wait.

Carl looked around to see that he was in a garden now. “This town has a garden?” He looked around to see nothing but flowers, statues, a goat monster, hedges, branches. Everything looked beautiful...

Carl immediately fell of the branch and into a bush, feeling the thorns starting to dig into him, he almost cried in pain, but something he heard stopped him from even breathing.

“You hear something?”

“Just your tasty beautifully voice Shy…”

Carl then heard giggles, but not just any kind of giggles, the ones that hypnotized ponies do when Talantilo controls them. “Oh diosa reina...It’s him…” Carl wiggled around until he could look through the bushes to see the creature in plain view, with the yellow pegasus currently resting on it’s back. Carl could only watch as the two of them look at the moon. “Probably part of the feeding ritual.” Carl whispered.

“Can’t you hear that Dissy?” Carl clamped his mouth shut and prayed to Chrysie that they wouldn’t find them.

“I’m telling you Fluttershy, all I hear is a delicious pony resting on me.”

He nearly gagged as the pony laughed again. “You’re so corny Discord.”

Carl could see the large tooth protruding out of its mouth as it smiled at its meal. “That’s not a bad thing, is it?

Carl saw the pony make its way to his face. “Oh no…” He thought, was this the part where she would really just enter his mouth and let him swallow her hole?

“Of course it’s not master I find it a little...hot.”

Carl's ear stems went up, hoping he didn’t hear that right. “He’s not really gonna…”

“Really? And why is that?” He saw the monster’s mouth start to water.

“Not sure why I find it cute.” The yellow pony said as she stood on the side of his long, slender body. “Maybe it’s the way you talk...it’s so hypnotic.”

“But not as beautiful as you my meal.”

Carl’s heart wanted to leap out of the bushes and help the pony, but his mind was telling him that would be the stupidest idea ever and to just continue hiding, because if he ran, the monster would just catch him. Maybe he could stomach through one feeding, yeah...then he can forget about this whole experience.

Then he saw the monster wrap it’s tail around the poor pony and hoist her over his head. Carl closed his eyes and plugged his ears in hope that he wouldn’t witness a death.

He heard giggles again. “That tickles master.”

Carl opened his eyes and saw the monster get on his back, resting his razor sharp claws on the back of his head. “I just need to get a better view of my dinner.” The beast then laughed and placed the pony on his stomach.

Carl gagged a bit and turned away. “This can’t get any worse.” He thought.


“Ow...what the- What are you doing here changeling?” Carl heard the beast yell.

“A changeling?” A shy voice called out.

Carl’s curiosity made him look out of the bush to see what that sound was, he then saw something that was even worse than witnessing a death. Witnessing two deaths.

“Why hello deep and dark fear of mine, *hick* how you doin’?...How’s your pony snack? She in your belly yet?”