• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,089 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 27

Late the next morning, Cliff found his brother writing a letter at the kitchen table. The Element Bearers were all holding Friendship Court, which gave the two of them some privacy to talk. “Hey, Spike?”

“Yeah?” The younger dragon looked up from his writing.

Cliff took a deep breath as he slid into a chair of his own. “Thanks for looking after Fluttershy last night. I really owe you for that.”

Spike shrugged. “She's my friend too, you know, but you're welcome.” He went back to his letter.

“Actually, I have to apologize as well.”

That got Spike's attention.

“I still feel like I deserve to know what's going on,” Cliff admitted, “but you obviously don't, and since it is your life, I should have accepted that. I'm sorry.”

At first Spike didn't respond, but then a small smile formed on his lips. “Thanks, Cliff. I'm sorry I got so mad at you.”

“Apology accepted.” He hesitated. “I don't suppose you'd be willing to let me help with whatever is going on between you and Autumn?”

Spike cringed slightly. “Would you be really mad if I wanted to take a bit longer and try to figure things out on my own first?”

Cliff sighed. “No... I'll respect your decision.”

“Thank you.”

There was an awkward silence before Cliff said, “You know I'm always here for you if you need anything, right?”

“Yeah, I know. I promise I'll talk to you about this as soon as I feel ready.”

Cliff nodded. It seemed that waiting was his only option.

Spike's face suddenly contorted before he belched out a scroll in a puff of green fire. “Ugh, I'm never going to get used to that.” He picked up the scroll. “Huh, it's addressed to you.”

“Really? What does it say?”

“Why don't you read it and find out?” Spike passed him the scroll.

Cliff unrolled it and began to read. “Celestia says she's having some trouble with the higher tiers of dragon magic.” His jaw suddenly dropped. “She's at tier five already?!” He knew that Twilight had given the Princess of the Sun some basic instruction at Discord and Pinkie's party, and had been writing her about it ever since, but he never dreamed that she could have advanced so quickly.

“She has been running a country for over a thousand years,” Spike said. “She has more practice controlling her emotions than any ten normal ponies.”

“I guess that's true.” Cliff shook his head in wonder. Tier five was the highest he could use, and he had been working for most of his life to get there. “Anyway, she wants to know if I would ask Grandma and Grandpa to come to Canterlot this weekend and give her and Princess Luna some personal instruction.”

“That could be good publicity,” Spike mused. “Wait, Grandma isn't going to challenge Celestia to a duel or anything, is she?”

“Not unless Celestia wants one. Why?”

He shuddered. “I'm just imagining the collateral damage those two could cause.”

Cliff had to chuckle. “Relax, Spike. Grandma is probably the most powerful warrior of her generation, but she knows how to control herself. Besides, Celestia is asking for instruction in magic, not combat.”

“Okay, but would you mind talking to her anyway? I'd rather not have to explain to the newspapers why Canterlot Castle suddenly lost half of its towers.”

“Fair enough,” Cliff agreed.


Fire Claws and Burning Torch were both honored by the request, and readily agreed, under the condition that Celestia would station a platoon of guards in Ponyville for the weekend, just in case somedragon went berserk. As luck would have it, they would be going to Canterlot on the same day that Cliff and Fluttershy would be having dinner with her parents.

The sky chariot and the sky taxi arrived within moments of each other.

“Study how Fluttershy interacts with her parents,” Fire Claws advised as she said her farewell. “Your relationship with your mother is the basis for all future ones, and her relationship with her father will let you know what she expects out of a significant other.”

Cliff nodded thoughtfully as he gave her and his grandfather a goodbye hug. “I will. See you both on Monday.”

They nodded and waved as their grandson and Fluttershy climbed into the taxi that would take them to Cloudsdale.

The ride was mostly silent, and not the comfortable silence that popped up so often when they were relaxing together. Fluttershy kept clearing her throat or looking at Cliff like she wanted to say something, but then she would lower her eyes and fall silent again.

Cliff could only hold her and wonder how bad her parents really were.

When they arrived, he hopped out of the taxi first to help Fluttershy down. According to Spike, it was a sign of respect between a stallion and a mare.

Weird, he thought as soon as his feet touched the cloud. It was somehow soft, bouncy, and solid, all at the same time. “It looks like Twilight's spell worked,” he commented as he helped Fluttershy climbed down. He jumped a few times to test out the strange surface.

Wyrms had no spell to walk on clouds. Luckily, Twilight had offered her services. If the alicorn was to be believed, Cliff would be safe on clouds for the next few days. Not that they planned on staying that long, of course, but it never hurt to be prepared.

Fluttershy giggled at the dragon's bouncing. “Should we go? My parents are probably waiting for us.

“Yeah, just let me try something.” Cliff pulled up a small clawful of cloud and breathed a small stream of fire on it. The cloud matter dissipated almost instantly, leaving his hand slight wet. “Too strange.” He shook his head. “Sorry about the delay. Lead on.”

“Don't apologize.” The mare giggled again. “I like to see you curious about things. It's cute.” She motioned for him to follow, and started walking.

Now that he was paying attention to something other than the clouds beneath his feet, Cliff realized that they had an audience. Not an especially large one, but about six pegasi were nearby and watching the couple curiously. He waved awkwardly as he followed his marefriend.

A few pegasi halfheartedly returned the gesture before the group as a whole went back to whatever they had been doing earlier.

Cloudsdale was certainly different than Ponyville. All the streets twisted and turned, and rose and fell with the clouds that the city had been built into. The buildings were strange as well. Unlike the mostly square ones he was used to, these ones all seemed to be circular, and employed pillars wherever possible. A few rainbow rivers coursed through the area.

Cliff paused as they crossed a bridge over one. “Is that a real rainbow?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Do you swim in them or something?”

“Oh no, they're too spicy for that.” She looked down at the stream. “They're just pretty.”

“Yeah, they are- wait, did you say that rainbows are spicy?”

She nodded again.

“Now I'm curious.” He knelt down and dipped his claws in the multicolored liquid.

“You probably won't like it.” Fluttershy shuddered. “They're really, really spicy.”

Cliff paused, and then licked a small drop off the tip of one claw. “Hmm,” he twitched suddenly as his face flashed through seven different colors. “Woof.” He flicked the remaining liquid away. “It's not the heat I object to, it's the crazy flavor barrage.”

This time the yellow mare laughed outright.

Cliff found himself laughing as well. The fact that he wasn't sure why he was laughing just made things even funnier somehow. “Anyway,” he said when they had both calmed down, “how much further to your parents' house?”

“We'll be there soon.” Fluttershy glanced around, and finding them alone, moved in for a quick hug. “I love you.”

Cliff returned the embrace. It was amazing how those words made him want to, (what did Pinkie call it? 'Squee'?) every time he heard them. “I love you too.”

Still smiling, they broke off and started walking again.

True to Fluttershy's word, they arrived just a few minutes later. It was a lot bigger than Cliff had expected. Sitting on a fairly large lot, the house was three stories tall, at least twice as wide as a normal house in Ponyville, and decorated with hanging prisms that reflected rainbows across the area.

“Is there anything I should know about your parents?” Cliff whispered as they walked up the path. She had avoided talking about them, but he figured that it couldn't hurt to ask one last time.

To his surprise, Fluttershy answered. “Um, Mother is always very formal. I told you that she wanted me to marry a Canterlot noble?

He nodded.

Well, um... acting like one might help.

A Canterlot noble Cliff certainly was not, but he began to rehearse a formal greeting in his head anyway. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady... uh... “What should I call her and your father?”

Madam Silver Lining and Sir Sunrise,” she whispered back, trembling slightly as they reached the door. After a few deep breaths, and a reassuring smile from Cliff, she gathered her courage and knocked.

A regal pegasus mare opened the door for them. She had a cream colored coat and a silvery white mane that had been interwoven with jewel-encrusted ribbons. What really made her stand out, however, was a pair of piercing blue eyes. “Hello, Fluttershy.” A tiny smile crossed her face. “It's good to see you after so long.”

Fluttershy seemed to wilt under her gaze. “H-hello, Mother.

Cliff was having trouble seeing the family resemblance, until her eyes flashed to him. It was like being on the receiving end of the Stare again, but where Fluttershy's Stare had terrified the young dragon, this one made him feel cold... isolated... alone...

She turned back to Fluttershy, and Cliff took a deep breath, repressing the urge to shiver.

“Are you going to introduce me to your companion?” The older mare's voice held a small but firm rebuke.

Oh, yes.” Fluttershy stepped to the side quickly and gestured to her mother. “Cliff Runner, this is Madam Silver Lining, B-baroness of Cloudsdale, and First Sergeant in the City Guard.

The young dragon paled a little at her titles. An Ice Stare, nobility, and a member of the military. He swallowed. Not a good pony to make an enemy of.

Mother,” Fluttershy continued, gesturing to him, “this is Cliff Runner, Adviser to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and an ambassador of dragonkind to Equestria.

Cliff moved forward and bowed. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Madam Silver Lining.”

She looked him up and down for a moment before responding. “You're smaller than I expected.”

He blinked in confusion. “Thank you?”

“That was an observation, not a compliment.” She stepped back. “Now come inside, both of you. Dinner is ready, and we have much to discuss.”

Fluttershy nearly jumped inside at her command.

Cliff paused to embrace the Stillness before following. He got the impression that he was going to need it.


The inside of Fluttershy's parents' house was every bit as impressive as the outside. Large pillars ran the length of the hallways, interspersed with expensive looking paintings, and fine rugs covered the floor. 'Impressive' and 'intimidating' were definitely good words to describe it, just as 'homey,' or 'comfortable' were not.

Cliff exchanged a look with his marefriend as Madam Silver Lining led them down the hall. He tried to smile reassuringly, but it came out as more uneasy than anything.

They came to a dining room, where an orange pegasus stallion with a short red mane rushed to embrace Fluttershy. “It's so good to have you home, Flutters!” He held her out at hooves' length. “How have you been?”

The young dragon expected Madam Silver Lining to rebuke him for being so informal, but he was surprised to see a heartfelt smile on the older mare. For a moment, it reminded him of Fluttershy. He cast Empathy, just to be sure.

…Yes, Fluttershy's mother truly did love her. In fact, she was almost overflowing with it. However, there was also a mixture of discomfort, annoyance, and even fear floating around the older mare's emotions. It took Cliff a moment to realize that she wasn't feeling those things at her daughter as much as for her.

He didn't maintain the spell very long, for fear of wearing himself out, but before turning it off, Cliff did catch a strong romantic love between Fluttershy's parents, lots of parental love between them and Fluttershy herself, and a tangled mess of conflicting emotions directed towards him. He avoided reading his marefriend's heart though. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of his argument with Spike.

“Perhaps we should finish introductions and take our seats, dear,” Silver Lining suggested. “It would be a shame to let the food grow cold, and you can torment her with questions while we eat.”

Oh, sorry.” The stallion blushed. He turned to Cliff and cleared his throat nervously. “It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Sir Sunrise, Baron of Cloudsdale.”

No military title, Cliff reflected as he bowed. “The pleasure is mine, Sir Sunrise. I am Cliff Runner, adviser to Princess Twilight.” Maybe he was wrong, but it seemed like it might be impolite to list more titles than his host had given.

Following Silver Lining's lead, the group took their seats. The table was smaller than Cliff had expected, only meant for a dozen or so ponies, he guessed. Fluttershy's parents sat at the ends of it, leaving her and Cliff to take the two remaining seats, set midway between the ends, and on opposite sides of the table. At least I can look at her as we eat, Cliff sighed. He really would have preferred to sit next to his marefriend.

As soon as they sat down, four servants entered the room, each carrying a tray of food. Salad and some sort of fruit pudding were placed in front of the three pegasi. To Cliff's surprise, he got a plate of sliced meats and dipping sauces instead.

“There is no need to be so shocked,” Madam Silver Lining said. “Cloudsdale strongly supports the Cultural Exchange Program. We would be hypocrites indeed if we expected you to abandon your culture, or ignored the differences in your biology.” She gestured to the meats. “Eat using whatever manners you find most comfortable.”

Cliff was a little suspicious, but stabbed a roll of meat with his fork and took a bite. It had been seasoned surprisingly well.

“So Flutters,” Sunrise turned to his daughter, “how are your animals?”

She finished chewing a bite of salad and swallowed. “They're all doing well. Angel Bunny has been behaving much better lately.”

No he hasn't. Cliff had just gotten better at dodging his ambushes.

“Have you considered my proposal for a wildlife preserve near Ponyville?” Silver Lining asked.

Fluttershy shrank down a bit. “Oh, um, it would be nice, but I don't think Ponyville has the money for something like that right now.

“I know a young duke who may be willing to provide funding,” the older mare said casually. “Perhaps if you took him out to dinner sometime and-”

“Mom!” Fluttershy braced her hooves down on the table. She paused for a moment, realizing where she was, and shrank back. “I mean, uh...

Silver Lining raised her eyebrows slightly. “Yes?”

I...” Fluttershy swallowed. “I'm dating Cliff. I-it wouldn't be right to take another stallion out to dinner.

“Fluttershy, darling,” she sighed, “we've been over this. I understand your fascination with this dragon,” she waved a hoof at Cliff, “but you need to think about your real future.”

The yellow mare shrank away even more.

That's enough, Cliff decided. It looked like Fluttershy was about to cry, and he'd go berserk before he sat by and let that happen. “In what way would a future with me not be 'real'?”

Madam Silver Lining gave him a disdainful look. “As I said, Cliff Runner, Cloudsdale fully supports the Cultural Exchange Program. However, you must see that wyrms and ponies would make abysmally poor life-partners for each other, and Fluttershy especially would be chained to a far inferior standard of living than she might have otherwise enjoyed if she were to marry you.”

Uh, dear?” Sunrise began, but a glare from his wife convinced him go silent once more.

Without the Stillness, Cliff would probably be fighting down the urge to scorch her eyebrows off. Instead, he leaned forward. “Shall we be perfectly honest with each other then?”

She nodded. “Yes, I believe that would save time.”

Fluttershy was glancing back and forth between them, her pupils tiny with fear.

Cliff gave her a reassuring smile before turning back to Madam Silver Lining. “All my experience indicates that the union of a dragon and a pony could be of great benefit to both members. If you would be so kind as to list the reasons behind your stance to the contrary, I'm sure the issue could be resolved to your satisfaction.”

“Very well.” She leaned forward too. “Fluttershy's letters tell me that you have no wealth nor material possessions to speak of?”

He nodded.

“Then how do you expect to provide for my daughter, or are you expecting her to work to support you for her whole life?” Her eyes hardened into the Ice Stare as she spoke.

Either Silver Lining's Stare was weaker than her daughter's, or the Stillness granted Cliff some level of protection, because he was able to force down the cold that was restricting his throat and answer, “As a royal adviser and ambassador, I receive a generous salary from the royal budget, one hundred thousand bits per year, to be precise, or roughly nineteen hundred per week. Seventeen hundred of that is put directly into savings, as I have no use for it. The rest is used to cover my expenses, including the food I eat at Fluttershy's cottage.” She had objected to that, of course, but he had insisted.

“If I were to get married,” Cliff continued, “full control of that money would, of course, be shared with my life-partner. While it's likely less than what you make, this amount should be enough to let Fluttershy live more than comfortably.”

Fluttershy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped when Cliff mentioned his salary.

Did I ever get around to telling her how much I earn? He mentally shrugged. I suppose it doesn't matter now.

“I was under the impression that you made a living wage only,” Silver Lining conceded. “Very well, my husband and I each earn about that much, but you are correct, that would be sufficient for my daughter's humble tastes.”

Her expression shifted to a frown. “However, you clearly lack any talent in political matters, which is often even more important. The reason Cloudsdale supports you, for example, is because my husband and I have been able to use our connections and influence to ensure that wyrms are presented in the best light to the city.”

“Why would you do that?” Cliff asked in confusion.

Silver Lining gave him an annoyed look, as though it should have been obvious. “Pegasi have always provided the bulk of Equestria's military strength. My personal feelings about you aside, we would be fools not to see the advantages of draconic warriors and healers, especially after you defeated that drake.”

He nodded that he understood.

“Good, but it can't have escaped your notice how Equestria has reacted in the aftermath of that battle. You have the power to save towns and cities, but not the skill to change them and make them side with you. As such, the public image of a pony who marries a dragon will always be left to the whims of chance. At best, Fluttershy would be stared at and have others whisper behind her back. At worst, she could be run out of town, attacked, or worse. I do not know about you, Cliff Runner, but I am not willing to risk my daughter's happiness on something as fickle as chance.”

Cliff couldn't think of anything to say to that. A small part of him started to wonder if she was right.

“Further, the ability to guide the masses means the ability to change the world.” Her eyes flickered to Fluttershy and her expression softened just slightly. “Because of my daughter's desire to help animals, I have arranged funding for and passed laws to support animal shelters across Equetria. Dozens have been established or maintained because of us in recent years, each one saving thousands of animals.” She turned back to Cliff, and her eyes hardened once more. “Even if society were to accept your union, could one lone dragon help reshape Equestria as I or any other noble?”

He couldn't. He wouldn't even know where to begin.

“Could you somehow bring her dreams to life by yourself?” she pressed.

“Mother!” This time Fluttershy didn't back down when the older mare turned her way. “I don't care what other ponies think of Cliff and I being together.”

“Yes you do, Fluttershy,” Silver Lining said softly. “Any attention at all makes you uncomfortable in public. We all know it, and that is part of why your father and I are so concerned.”

W-well maybe,” she blushed, “but that doesn't mean that what other ponies think is up to chance. Twilight, Rarity, Spike, and Autumn are working hard every day to help Equestria realize that dragons can be very nice. Even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are helping us. You can't ask for more political power than that.” Fluttershy swallowed and blushed even more. “And, e-even if other ponies make fun of me for being with Cliff. I-I would still want to be with him.

Silver Lining shook her head. “You're as stubborn as I am.” She turned to Cliff. “You still haven't answered my questions.”

“One moment.” He arose, walked around the table, and gave Fluttershy a long, firm hug. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear.

She hugged him back just as firmly. “I'm sorry. We can leave now, if you want.

It was a tempting offer, but Cliff shook his head. “We should at least try to get her to accept us.” The last thing he wanted was to cause a permanent rift between the mare he loved and her parents.

Okay.” Fluttershy nuzzled into his cheek. “Thank you.

Cliff looked up from the hug at Fluttershy's mother. “I can't promise that I'll be able to bring all of her dreams to life. I don't think any dragon or pony could. All I can promise is that I'll do everything I can for your daughter, and her dreams.”

Silver Lining was looking a little conflicted as she responded. “An admirable sentiment, but that doesn't tell me anything about your actual ability to do so. It also brings up my two largest worries for you.”

Both Cliff and Fluttershy were silent, prompting her to continue. “From what I'm told, dragons have a potential lifespan of over twelve hundred years. No matter your feelings right now, the fact remains that it would be unfair to both parties for her to age and die while you remain a young dragon. You could then either seek a new mate, dishonoring her memory, or spend the rest of your life mourning her loss.”

A-actually...” Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Cliff... he offered me... he said...” she looked a the young dragon, who nodded slightly. “Cliff can make me live as long as a dragon.

Dead silence greeted her words.

“It's true,” Cliff said to their stunned expressions. “Fluttershy hasn't decided if she wants to accept the offer yet, but it's always there if she wants it.” He gave her another quick squeeze.

Sunrise was the first to recover. “That... does change things.” He looked to his wife.

“Indeed,” she breathed. “How could that even be possible?”

“Life-force transfer,” Cliff explained. “Basically, a few other dragons and I will reduce our lifespans by several centuries in order to extend Fluttershy's by a similar amount.”

The mare in question squirmed uncomfortably. “I just worry that I would be selfish for accepting.

Silver Lining cleared her throat. “Yes, well that only makes the question of whether you two could be happy together all the more important. My single largest concern in that regard is that ponies and dragons cannot interbreed. Even if your life is centuries long, Fluttershy, could you call it fulfilling if you never have the chance to raise foals of your own?”

Cliff had always loved kids, and he knew Fluttershy did as well. Thinking that they would never be able to raise a child together... it felt like something was crushing him from the inside. He looked away.

That worry had been somewhere in the back of his mind ever since he and Fluttershy first began courting. Dragon magic wouldn't help them without permanently transforming one of them into the other's species. He would never be so unfair as to expect Fluttershy to become a dragoness, and he knew she wouldn't let him change himself that way either. Unicorn magic had more transformation spells, but not even Twilight knew of one that would let genetically incompatible creatures cross-breed. There was always the chance that she would come up with something, given enough time, but there was a much larger chance that she wouldn't. Even with magic, some things just weren't possible.

He blinked away a bit of moisture from his eyes as he thought of the children that they might never be able to have.

Fluttershy looked up into his eyes and smiled sadly. “We can always adopt, right?

He felt strangely empty as he met her gaze. It seemed like he was failing her somehow, but she was right. Adoption was probably the only way they would ever be able to have a family. He smiled back with as much warmth as he could manage. “Right.”

Silver Lining looked at them for a long moment before she sighed. “Very well. Cliff Runner, you still haven't proven that you have the political power to make Fluttershy's dreams a reality, but extending her life goes a long way in balancing that out. I only have one more question for you.”

Cliff nodded for her to continue.

“Do you really love my daughter?”

He looked her right in the eyes as he answered. “Yes, I do.”

Fluttershy's cheeks turned red. “A-and I love him too, Mother.

“I never had any doubts about that.” Silver Lining smiled gently. “The only question was whether he deserves your affection.”

So you approve? Of us I mean?” she asked hopefully.

The older mare let out a long, deep sigh. “You could do far better, dear... but for now at least, yes, I approve.”

Fluttershy flew out of Cliff's arms to catch her mother in a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Silver Lining awkwardly returned the embrace. “Y-you're welcome, dear.”


Luckily, the rest of dinner was far less stressful. Madam Silver Lining did most of the talking, but it was about local politics, how dragons might augment the Equestian military, and other such matters, rather than potential suitors for Fluttershy. Cliff listened quietly from his seat. He had considered moving it over to the yellow mare's side, but he didn't know how her mother might react, and frankly, he didn't want to risk pushing her.

After all four courses had been served, eaten, and cleared away, Cliff was given a tour of the house. Fluttershy's old bedroom was a treat to see. Books about animals filled a large bookcase, and posters of them covered the walls. It was obvious that she had wanted to know everything about the world below, even when she couldn't be there herself.

As they were leaving, Sunrise, who had been silent for most of the evening, slipped Cliff a small box. “For Fluttershy,” he explained, tilting his head towards where his daughter and wife were saying their farewells. “Say it's from you.”

Cliff accepted the box. “Thank you.”

“Please take care of our daughter.”

“I will.”

Fluttershy came over to say goodbye to her father, leaving Cliff with Silver Lining.

“You've earned a chance,” she said. “If you make a mistake, don't expect me to give you another one.”

“I won't.” They locked eyes for a moment before Cliff added, “thank you for this chance.”

“I didn't give it,” Silver Lining told him. “As I said, you earned it.”

Cliff and Fluttershy left as soon as the yellow mare finished hugging her father. “Um, Cliff?” she whispered as they walked away.


She draped a wing across the young dragon's back. “Thank you, for coming with me, I mean. I know my mother can be a teensy bit... scary, sometimes, but it made me really happy how you stood up to her for me.”

“You stood up for me too.” He nuzzled into her cheek for a moment. “I was actually stumped twice when you stepped in and saved me. So, thank you.”

She nuzzled him back as they continued on their way.

Cloudsdale was beautiful at night. The rainbow rivers glowed softly beneath the starlight, and glowing orbs in the ground, er, clouds, gave the whole scene a dreamlike quality. That feeling was only reinforced by how quiet everything was. It took Cliff a moment to notice, but walking on clouds was completely silent. There was none of the usual clip-clop of hooves on dirt or pavement. It was a shame to leave such an idyllic place, but Twilight and Spike would be expecting them back tonight, and Fluttershy's animals would need caring for in the morning.

It didn't take them long to reach the marketplace and flag down an air taxi bound for Ponyville. They were a few minutes into their flight when Cliff remembered Sunrise's gift. “Oh,” he pulled the small box out of his saddlebags, “this is for you.”

She accepted the box with a small smile. “Daddy asked you to give this to me, didn't he?”

“Uh, well, yeah.”

“He hates to take credit for his gifts.” Fluttershy hugged the box to her chest. “I know I'm supposed to be the Element of Kindness, but he has always been much more thoughtful than I am.” The wind had blown a bit of her long mane across her face.

He tucked it behind her ear. “I doubt that's even possible.”

She smiled gratefully.

“Are you going to see what he got you?”

Oh,” Fluttershy blushed, “right.” She lifted the top off the box, and almost immediately shut it again. A tiny “eep,” escaped her lips as her face turned dark red.

Cliff frowned. “What's wrong?”

She paused, staring down at the box and then back at him. A few seconds passed before she held it out to him with quivering hooves.

He gently took it and looked inside. It was a pendant on a silver chain with a small, star-shaped sapphire. “It's beautiful.” He looked up at his marefriend, who seemed to be hyperventilating. “...I'm missing something, aren't I?”

Fluttershy swallowed. “It's... it's an... engagement necklace.

He felt his jaw go slack. “Ah.”

If possible, the mare turned an even deeper shade of red.

Cliff's mouth closed, then opened, then closed again. The cycle repeated a few times before he could get anything out. “Should, um, I take it as a compliment that your father, uh... wanted me to... give you this?” He forced a soft chuckle.

Fluttershy didn't seem to catch his attempt at humor. She was too busy staring at the necklace like it might attack her.


“Oh my goodness!” She jumped, and then looked around, as if suddenly remembering where she was. “I'm sorry. This is just really, really sudden.

Cliff set the box down before he wrapped his arms around the frightened mare. “I know. It is.” He nuzzled down next to her ear and whispered, “we can worry about this later.”

Actually,” she swallowed again and pressed into his hug, “maybe we should talk about this now. If you don't mind, that is.

The young dragon's mouth went dry. “O-okay.”

Fluttershy shifted back just enough to look him in the eyes. “Do you think that we're ready for this?

“I... I don't know,” Cliff admitted. “How do ponies normally know when they're ready?”

I don't know,” Fluttershy's wings wrapped around both of them, “but I don't want to be without you again. You feel the same about me... right?

“Of course I do.” His arms tightened around her. “I love being with you more than anything.”

Then... should we?

Cliff paused. “To be completely honest, I've wanted to share my life with you for a while now. After those weeks when we couldn't see each other, I realized that I never wanted to be separated from you again. I asked my old coven to give you and your friends extra years because I couldn't bear to think of you dying.” He nuzzled into her soft fur. “I just... I can't lose you, Fluttershy. Not when you've come to mean so much to me.”

Her wings and hooves tightened around him. “What Mother said was right.” She sniffled. “It would be unfair to leave you behind. I was just afraid because I didn't want to live without my friends.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “If it's okay with you, though, I want to live longer so that I can stay with you too.” A gentle sob escaped her lips. “If you still want me, that is.

He squeezed her right back. “Always.”

Another sob came from the timid mare. “I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying.” She broke off enough to wipe her eyes. “I'm a little bit scared, but I'm just so happy too that... I just...” She threw her hooves around him again. “I love you, Cliff!

“I love you too, Fluttershy.” He blinked away the tears that were forming in his own eyes and pulled the yellow pegasus a little closer.

They remained silent for the rest of the flight. Fluttershy even fell asleep from the soft rocking of the taxi. Cliff couldn't blame her. Dinner with her parents had been an exhausting experience. He reluctantly shook her awake before paying the taxi fare.

The two pegasi pulling it nodded and said a brief farewell before taking off, leaving the couple alone in the fields outside of Ponyville.

“I guess I should put this on now.” Fluttershy smiled timidly as she opened the box once more.

“Here, let me help.” Cliff reached for the box, and she readily surrendered it to him. His claws shook slightly as he lifted out the pendant and fastened it around her neck. He stepped back to admire it. The sapphire complimented her coat and eyes nicely. “This is real, right?” he breathed. “We're actually engaged now?”

She reverently ran a hoof across the piece of jewelry. “Yes.” Their eyes met, and one of the largest smiles Cliff had ever seen spread across her face. “Yes!” She tackled him to the ground.

Cliff hugged her back, laughing with joy.

Fluttershy propped herself up so that they could look each other in the eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said, suddenly aware that their muzzles were only inches apart.

She seemed to realize this at the same moment. “Oh, uh...” Her eyes locked with Cliff's, a nervous smile flickering across her lips.

He swallowed, unable to look away from her beautiful teal eyes. He didn't know how long he could resist the urge to kiss her. “Fluttershy, if you're going to pull back, now is the time.”

Instead, she leaned down and pressed her lips against his.

It was just a quick peck, but something in Cliff's mind surged into action. His arms wrapped around her before he was even aware of it, and pulled her into another, much longer kiss.

Their lips parted after a few breathless seconds. “Sorry,” Cliff gasped, ashamed of his own lack of control. “I don't know what came over me, I just-”

Fluttershy's lips cut him off. They were both new to this, but love and enthusiasm more than made up for their lack of experience.

By the time she pulled back, Cliff could barely think, let alone speak. Only one word managed to escape his lips, “wow.”

Blushing furiously, but smiling uncontrollably, Fluttershy nestled into the young dragon's warm chest, closed her eyes, and held him close. “Wow,” she echoed.

Author's Note:

No, I have no idea what Friendship Court (mentioned at the beginning of the chapter) would entail, but all of the mane 6 had 'thrones' in the new castle, so I'm assuming they'll be using them for something.
Fluttershy's parents finally make an appearance. What were your thoughts on them?
Cliff and Fluttershy getting engaged, and finally kissing. There's another good topic for discussion.