• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 2,984 Views, 6 Comments

Stuck Being a Bully - Scootaloo-009

Chubby Diamond Tiara gets stuck in a doorway.

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Big Ponies and Small Doorways

Stuck Being a Bully
By Scootaloo 009

On the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres there was a tree house. In that tree house there were three small fillies. The three were sitting around a table doing their homework. It wasn’t much, but Sweetie Belle has insisted on doing it before they played. The others didn’t argue, since Sweetie Belle was the best of the three at geography.

“Okay, so what’s this big country on the other side of this ocean?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo looked over. “That’s Griffendon.”

Sweetie Belle looked over as well. “Yup.”

“Ah think Ah’m done then,” Apple Bloom declared, putting her pencil down.

Sweetie Belle released hers as well. “Me too.”

Scootaloo made a few last scribbles before spitting her pencil out. “Me three!”

“Alright, so what should we do today?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We could-” Sweetie Belle began. “Did you girls hear that?”

The other two sat silently, flicking their ears, trying to catch any sound. At first, there was nothing substantial, but suddenly they heard a loud creak from just outside the clubhouse.

“It’s right outside!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“It must be huge!” Scootaloo shouted.

“I might be a timberwolf!” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Here?” Scootaloo asked.

“We’re not too far from the forest.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Ah!” Sweetie Belle yelled. She leaped from the table and ran into a corner of the clubhouse. There was another creak, and the other two quickly joined her.

“Don’t let it eat me!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “I only look like a marshmallow!”

“He’ll eat me first! If only Ah didn’t wear apple perfume every day.” Apple Bloom whined.

“I- wait what? Is that why you always smell like apples?” Scootaloo said. “I thought it was from the farm.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof to her mouth, like she had said something she shouldn’t have.

The heavy creaking got louder. The Crusaders cowered together in a corner of the tree house, fearful of whatever massive creature was climbing up the ramp. It got closer and closer. A shadow eclipsed the doorway, and they knew what horror was upon them.

“Diamond Tiara!?” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle was correct. The rotund pink earth pony was indeed standing in their doorway. The thin wood frame of the clubhouse seemed to sag under the weight of the hefty filly.

“Wha… What are you doin’ here?” asked Apple Bloom, fearfully.

Diamond Tiara smirked. “Well, Silver Spoon is staying at school late to take the test she missed last week, so I decided I would grace you three with my glorious presence.”

“Get lost! This clubhouse is for Crusaders only!” Scootaloo shouted. “You wouldn’t fit in!”

“Yah got that right,” Apple Bloom said, snickering. “With her in here, there wouldn’t be room fer us too.”

“Or she might eat us if she came in here!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, half laughing.

“Or- ha- she’s going to- snort- sit on us!” Scootaloo said.

“We’d never be seen again!” Sweetie Belle added.

“We might be pushed intah another dimension ‘er somethin’!” Apple Bloom added.

The three smaller fillies started laughing loudly and rolling around on the floor.

Diamond Tiara’s face scrunched up in anger over the mocking of her weight. She stormed towards the three laughing ponies. “Oh yeah! Well-” suddenly she stopped. Something was holding her back, preventing her from moving. She looked around to see it somepony was behind her, but the realized what was wrong. “Oh…” was all she could think to say.

Meanwhile, the crusaders were finding it hard to breathe, they were laughing so hard.

“What? Did yah ferget what yah were gunna say?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Maybe her legs gave out!” Scootaloo replied.

Sweetie Belle tried to force herself to stop laughing, though it didn’t stop a few last chuckles. “Wait… can you actually not fit through the door?” she asked Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stopped long enough to get a good look at Diamond Tiara, who was becoming redder and redder from a combination of embarrassment and anger. Upon seeing she was in fact wedged in the door frame, they broke into a fresh round of giggles.

“It’s not funny!” Diamond Tiara shouted at them, but went unheard over their laughter. “Shut up!” Her face as practically burning with embarrassment by now, and the laughter did not seem to have an end. “F- Fine! Enjoy failing to get your cutie marks! The only thing you’re good at is not having one!”

Diamond Tiara knew she couldn’t turn and leave, but tried to back out of the small tree house. As she did so, she felt the same tug as before. For one of the few times in her spoiled life, she felt a pang of fear in her heart. She was truly stuck in the door. Visions flashed before her eyes of being trapped there forever. Growing old, having kids, her whole life spent half stuck in a tiny tree house. She started shaking and breathing rapidly.

Finally one of the guffawing fillies noticed her plight. She quickly stopped her merriment, and nudged the other two.

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“I think she’s actually stuck,” Sweetie Belle replied.

Apple Bloom giggled. “So?”

“So? So how are we supposed to get out! We’re trapped in here! With her!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “It’s the worst- possible- thing-!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “We can just climb out the window if we have to.”

“Oh yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. She smiled awkwardly, a bit embarrassed. “I forgot about those.”

“She’s still stuck in our clubhouse. We can’t have Crusader meetings with tubby watching us.” Scootaloo said.

“Well she’ll lose weight if she doesn’t eat anything, then she’ll get smaller,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“That’ll take too long,” Scootaloo countered.

Apple Bloom tapped her chin for a moment, deep in thought. “Well we’ll have tah get some rope and pull her out. We should probably grease her up first so she’ll slip out.”

“Okay, grease her up like the pig she is,” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle looked at her disapprovingly. “Hey, you shouldn’t make fun of her for being fat, you were pretty chunky for a while too.”

“Yeah, cause Rainbow Dash was!” Scootaloo retorted. “And I lost most of it. So meh!”

“Well, Ah’m gonna go get the rope and grease.” Apple Bloom declared. She started moving towards the window when Scootaloo grabbed her tail and pulled her back. “Ow! Hey!”

“Girls, I just realized: she’s stuck.” Scootaloo said out loud.

The other two looked at her, perplexed. “But we knew that,” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo began grinning evilly. “She can’t move. That means we can do stuff to her!”

Diamond Tiara looked at Scootaloo fearfully. “What! No you can’t! I’ll tell my daddy!”

Scootaloo walked over to a table and picked up a marker. Then she walked over to the trapped pony, and turned to face her friends.

“Girls, we have the chance of a lifetime here. We can get back at her for all the times she’s been mean to us. If we let her go, we’ll lose it. I don’t know about you two, but I’m not going to waste it.”

With that, Scootaloo turned to Diamond Tiara’s side, popped the marker into her mouth, and proceeded to write ‘Oink Oink’ on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder. Then she quickly backed away.

The other three looked at her in stony silence. Even Diamond Tiara was so shocked by her actions that she didn’t know how to react. Then Apple Bloom spoke.

“Ah don’t think this is the right thing tah do,” she said, walking over to Scootaloo. She took the marker from the pegasus, then walked over to Diamond Tiara. She then proceeded to draw on Diamond Tiara’s nose, drawing a crude pig snot. “But it feels good!”

“Stop it! Get away from me!” Diamond Tiara shouted, trying to push away Apple Bloom, but her heavy mass impeded her movements and she could only manage a light tap.

Sweetie Belle lit up. “Oh! I’ve got an idea!” She scampered up the ladder to the second floor.

“Leave me alone!” Diamond Tiara said, her eyes watering.

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom with a smirk on her face. “How many times did you listen to us when we said that?”

“I’m glad I saved this!” Sweetie Belle said, returning, carrying a bottle of green liquid.

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s the leftover hair dye from Green day,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“So that’s how you came in completely green,” Scootaloo said. “I remember thinking you were a different pony.”

“Rarity was so mad, but it was worth it to be the greenest pony there.”

“‘Cept Minty.”

“Yeah, but she’s normally green, and that doesn’t count!”

Diamond Tiara was openly sobbing now. This change of events was just too much for her.

Sweetie Belle uncorked the bottle and emptied it onto Diamond Tiara’s head. She kept out of Diamond Tiara’s reach, and rubbed the drops of dye around as best she could. “There.”

Scootaloo cocked her head to one side. “Eh. It just looks like a bird pooped green onto her head.”

“Ah wish we had a mirror,” Apple Bloom said idly.

“Ooo! I’ve got an idea!” Scootaloo said, rushing off, “I think I have an old sock around here somewhere.”

The three fillies took it in turn to do dreadful things to the poor trapped pony. She tried to push them away, but couldn’t keep up with all three of them, and she got too tired to fight back, and merely slumped in her trapped position. Tears streamed openly down her face, and she begged them to stop. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. If one stopped to listen, the other two would remind them of a different time Diamond Tiara had bullied them, and the torment resumed.

“Well I’m out of ideas,” Scootaloo said, removing her hoof from the apple she had been trying to unsuccessfully cram up Diamond Tiara’s nose. It fell to the floor and rolled away.

“Me too,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I guess we should let her go now.”

“Yeah…” Apple Bloom agreed as well. She moved towards the window, but stopped. “Wait, Ah’ve got one last idea!”

“Oh?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom went over to Diamond Tiara and plucked her namesake off of her head. “Ah’m gonna stick this where the sun don’t shine!” she declared, moving towards the window again.

This was too much for Diamond Tiara. Something inside her just snapped. She had to stop this now.

“No no no no no!” she shouted, pushing herself backwards with all her might. The door strained, wood cracked, but she kept pushing. She had to get away!

“No! Stop!” shouted one of the crusaders, though Diamond Tiara was too busy to notice who.

The loud sound of wood cracking echoed out, and Diamond Tiara felt herself moving backwards. The tugging was gone; she was free! She ran down the ramp to the tree house, and just kept running. She heard shouts behind her, but she wasn’t going to give them any chance of doing the horrible things they wanted to do to her tiara.

She didn’t care who saw her as she ran across town to get home. All she cared about was getting there and washing away what they had done to her. Through her tear filled eyes, she spotted a grey pony outside her house. She ran to the other pony and hugged her. She sobbed loudly into the other pony’s shoulder.

“Diamond! What happened to you?” Silver Spoon asked. She returned the hug, and rubbed her friend’s back. “You’re a mess!”

“T- *sop* Those blank flanks!” was all Diamond Tiara could manage to say.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them back!” Silver Spoon declared. “They’ll do whatever we want if they want their wall back.”

-The End-

Author's Note:

This isn't a direct sequel to my last story "The Plot Trap", but it takes place in the same universe.

For more of my stuff, check outmy daily tumblr.

Comments ( 6 )

“They’ll do whatever we want if they want their wall back.”


Great little chucklefic

The first one was kinda funny, but this just seems overly mean spirited.

Nice story, but the CMC came across as way too mean spirited even considering all the things DT and SS have done to them.

Do more chubby diamond fics please

Bravo, sir! I enjoyed both this and the previous chubby diamond story. Please write more stories like this!

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