• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 366 Views, 3 Comments

Changing it up a bit - RebelliousKuno

Isn't it great to have the power within your dreams? Where you can change whatever you want? Fly? Swift Quill had this power, just like everypony in their dreams. By day, she is an office secretary. But by night, she is a goddess.

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The Sun Has Fallen

Swift was laying down quietly on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as she did so. It's been about an hour or so after Brass left, so Swift had all this time to do whatever she wanted. But what did she do? Absolutely nothing. Yeah, that seemed to be something she was getting used to most of the time. She was really wanting to sleep right now after such a long day at work, but something seemed to prevent her from doing so. She wasn't sure what it was, but she wanted it to go away so she could just get some shut eye at least. She would be happy for even just five minutes of it.

She decided to throw every thought out of her head, so that he mind was just blank for the while. This was usually what she did when she couldn't sleep. If her mind was clear, then that meant that she had a faster way of just drifting away from reality as the new ideas crowded her head. It seemed like a silly routine, but it worked for most of the time when she needed it to. After laying there for about five minutes, she could already feel her eyes get a little bit droopy, the ceiling slipping away from her vision as her eyes were being taken away by darkness.

It wasn't before long until there was another light. But this wasn't an ordinary light like a lamp or the sun. No, this was something else. Before her, was a small round like object floating in the abyss. Nothing to spectacular, no color, no life, no nothing. It was just a ball. This confused her for a good moment, not really sure what it was she was dreaming about right now. She tended to have many lucid dreams rather than forgetting them in the morning when she would eventually wake up. She remembered every dream. It was as if it was a gift given to her by the goddesses themselves. That wasn't the case now. The case was that there was just some random ball sitting in the middle of nowhere with nothing to occupy it. That had to change.

Swift floated closer to the ball, and it got bigger, and bigger. It got as big as she was, before it stopped growing. She was now hovering over the said ball, about her size while she looked over it. Upon further inspection, she noticed that it seemed to be spinning very slowly. Was she on something? Was this some sort of sign?

Being the curious pony she was, she lifted her hoof and slowly guided it towards the glowing orb, before her hoof touched the surface of it. There was a loud 'splash', and she jumped at that. Next thing she knew, the orb was Ocean Blue. It didn't take long before she noticed that it was... Water? Did she just engulf the whole thing with water? This was quite strange, and exciting all the same. She looked at her hoof to see that it was not wet like she would have thought when touching water. Even more curiosity got to her, and she slowly moved her hoof back towards the sphere and poked it again, her hoof going in the water. She felt some sort of pressure push up against it, and she moved her hoof back to observe what it was.

A loud rumbling noise was heard, and something began to submerge from the water. A large mountain-like object was coming from the ocean! As it got to its peak, which wasn't too high, thick black smoke started to come from the top of it. Before she could react, a loud 'boom' was heard, and the mountain erupted with little splooges of orange coming from the top. Of course! It was a volcano! It scattered all around the mountain before eventually making contact with the sea. Almost instantly, every time the lava would hit a piece of the ocean, it would turn into stone rock, as if land. An island, perhaps? It continued to spread for a while, before it took a pretty good chunk from the.. Planet? That's what it seemed like for the most part. Yes, she was going to call it that. After the volcano took a pretty good chunk from the planet, it remained still. Undisturbed as if it didn't go off just now. The land was as black as charcoal, and there seemed to be no life what so ever. Could she perhaps make that happen?

Everything seemed to appear with just a simple touch of the hoof. She thought perhaps it was something to do with mind powers, or something of the like. Besides, this was a lucid dream, so anything could happen under her command. She took her hoof and waved it in a small circle motion, causing the planet to spin faster and faster after each twirl. She continued spinning it until it seemed to reach maximum speed. After a good spin, she started to slow it down by spinning her hoof in the opposite direction. This was amazing. This was so unreal, yet it felt real all the same. Perhaps that came as a perk?

Nevermind that, she had more things to do. She inspected the planet closely, specifically where the chunk of land was. It needed more.. Green. Trees perhaps? Maybe even life? Thinking about this, she started to visualize a full grown coconut tree, and slowly moved her hoof to a random location on the land, before placing it gently on there. As she moved her hoof back, she realized that the said tree was now there. It was like a white dove in a flock of crows, as it stood out from all of the black and showed its beautiful green leaves. She needed more of this if she was going to really bring this place alive.

She put her hoof back near the tree, and started to drag it around the land. One after another, another tree would take the place of the hoof as she ran it across the earth, trying to make it seem as lively as possible. Taking about three-fourths of the land, she finally stopped, studying over her accomplished actions and taking in the beauty of what seemed to be nothing but dead rock.

She scanned the outside of it, noticing that the ocean was just clashing up against the raised rock island. That didn't look so good. To fix this, she put down her hoof once more and fantasized a beach with many ponies sprawling around it, taking their foals and families to go see the wonderful ocean and shore that was on the outskirts. And seemingly enough, sand started to stretch across the boarder of the island, and it started to engulf the whole outside with just beachy goodness. After going through the whole circumference of it, she floated backwards and took a good long look at her masterpiece that she managed to create in about ten minutes. Yes, it was quite beautiful if she said so herself, for being a starting planet.

Now all that was needed was some sort of intelligence.

Author's Note:

Yay for long updating times. School really takes a toll on you, doesn't it? No matter, just look at the chapter I wrote! LOOK AT IT! I hope you're satisfied somewhat. If not, then oh well, can't do anything about that. Hope you like the chapter, as many more will be coming soon!

Comments ( 1 )

Ooooo I like the new chapters. And for the new intelligance of the new planet can you make it ponies so the planet could look like Equestria I mean if you want its just a suggesttion. Great story though keep it up :)

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