• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 7,858 Views, 357 Comments

The Second Year; Gravidity - TwilightsmyMare

When your married to the most beautiful mare in Ponyville and have adoped the cuteist filly around things can't get better right? What? A foal? Wow... Taking place within season three this is Twilight, Scootaloo and I's continuing story

  • ...

Chapter 17 (What was left behind. Part 2)

The next morning started like any other, wake up kiss my love drag a sleepy grumpy filly out of bed her sister giggling all the while. Some breakfast for us all and get her ready for school, only after we'd sent her off and cleaned up that things started to get a little... Weird. We'd just finished changing Star and were deciding on what to do today...

"I think I'm going to look through the book a little more but down in the study." Twi smiled sheepishly.

"Sounds good, I think I'll check the wards again make sure they weren't knocked out of alignment or anything."

"Better safe than sorry, sorry..." She looked down until I knelt down tilting her head up to kiss her softly.

"No blame love, I'll leave the little troublemaker here today." I grinned scooping her up and tickling her little belly making her squeal.


I gave her a kiss and set her on Twilights back making her smile. "See you at lunch my love."

"You bet love." We kissed once more and I set out, it didn't take me too long to see something was amiss. The ground was damp but I couldn't remember there being a shower scheduled... Well I didn't check the weather teams plans all the time. I detoured around town heading directly towards the Everfree forest, I was slightly concerned about what had happened last night though we hadn’t seen any effects that didn't mean there couldn't have been some...

I reached the first Wardstone and checked it over carefully, it seemed to be functioning properly. I returned it and moved to the next and next, all seemed fine to my relief. Not that there was anything to fear in the forest... Well ok there were a few things but they rarely ever came out of the forest even before the Wardstones and after only once or twice had I ever seen tracks of creatures that shouldn't be leaving the forest bumping into the barrier.

That out of the way I decided to head over to Fluttershy’s cottage to thank her for having the girls over the other night and frankly she still seemed... Lonely, I was sure Trixie’s betrayal and absence from her life still bothered her greatly and why wouldn't it?

As I approached though all clearly wasn't well, birds flitted in and out of the windows and the front door was wide open, I hurried up concerned sticking my head in and was more than a little surprised to find Dash there trying to corral the critters with her usual techniques and having predictable results.

"Dash! What’s going on? Where's Fluttershy?"

"Fluttershy?" She paused a moment as if lost in thought all the animals looking towards me hopefully but she shook her head interrupting the moment. "Probably in town, why would she be here? She's got her own job to do... Come here you little..." She dove for Angel bunny who swiftly stepped aside letting her slam into the couch flipping over it and as she did I noticed something very strange, three butterfly’s on her flank where her cloud and lightning bolt cutie-mark should have been! I moved closer to verify it wasn't just three butterflies who happened to be sitting there and... As impossible as that might seem the truth was nearly as hard to believe either scenario was equally unlikely, I ran my hand over seeing if it was perhaps painted on or just a cover of some kind, some elaborate joke...? But all I felt was her firm muscular flank and soft fur.

"Hey! I know I said some touching was ok but don't go too far mister married to one of my best friends..." She grinned sticking her tongue out at me.

Well there was a little of the Dash I knew, but it passed and she again began to try to get the animals in line. Something was very wrong, I knelt down and pulled her in for a hug whispering. "We'll figure this out Dash, just hang in there."

She hugged me back a moment then pulled free. "I don't know what you mean, this is my destiny..." And went back to the animals, the look on her face was... Wrong, it was like she knew what she was doing wasn't right but she was powerless to stop it. There wasn't anything I could do about it right now though I was growing worried, if this spread all over... Things were going to be much worse in town...

As much as I wanted to run right back to the library I was on the outskirts and it would be easy to make a small detour to check on Sweet Apple Acres, things were definitely off here too, unusually quiet but with sudden outbursts of angry muttering that died down only to start up somewhere else...

I rounded a corner hoping for the best but expecting the worst, Big Mac, Inkie and Granny Smith stood watching Pinkie...? Pinkie of all ponies doing her best to collect the eggs from the farms chicken coop and wincing when it became apparent her best wasn't that good. Chickens were running pell-mell and only a few eggs went unbroken.

"Pinkie! What are you doing?"

She didn't look like herself at all either her usually bouncy mane and tail hung straight and much like Dash she had a strange look in her eyes... "What do you mean Rick? I've got so many chores I don't know how I'll ever get them done!"

And right there plain as day Applejacks cutie mark on her flank though when I looked over to the others their marks were all still in their proper places...

"This isn't where you work Pinkie, you work at the Cake's bakery and in your spare time you love throwing parties at the drop of a hat for anyone! Making everyone happy..."

"The... Cakes...? Happy...?" For a moment I thought I could see something peeking through but just like Dash it passed. "I don't have time to make anyone happy! I've got to keep the farm running, it's my destiny!" And with that she rushed off to another chore.

I turned to the small group. "What happened?"

"We don't know! It must have happened last night, Applejack was nowhere to be found this morning..." Inkie explained.

"That’s not so strange youngin, sometimes she wakes up earlyer'n all of us ta start work."


"It was only after we got Apple Bloom off to school that we realized something was wrong, Winona was barking like mad and when Mac and I went to investigate we found her chasing Pinkie around and Pinkie doing all Applejacks chores! She wouldn't listen to any of us! And, and Applejacks cutie mark...!"

"There’s somethin mighty unnatural at work that’s fer sure, but ah can't figure out what..."


I was getting a sinking feeling but I still couldn't be sure a lot of crazy things could happen... Oh who was I kidding? Oh Twi, we're in it now... "Don't worry I'm sure Twilight will be able to help, just make sure she's ok eh? And keep her from doing much damage to your farm!"

"We will!" They promised as Pinkie tore by again.

"Pinkie wait..."


I gathered her up in a hug just the kind I knew she loved a big ol bear hug, I could almost feel her... The real her, so close just a bit more...

Reluctantly it seemed she pulled away her face sad. "I've got chores to do..."

"Ok Pinkie..."

And she was off Winona and the others following, oh Twi... I couldn't blame her she didn't know and she had to be true to herself, I headed towards town with purpose now there was a good chance Twi knew what was going on by now but any help I could give her I would... Whoa! I managed to stop just as a small bolt of lightning hit the ground not too far ahead of me.


Looking around I located another strange sight in a day full of them, Rarity standing atop a small hill her horn aglow rain splattered and windblown. I approached carefully buffeted by wind, rain and even the occasional small shower of hailstones.

"What’s going on Rarity?"

"Just... Getting... Todays... Weather... In order...!"

While the weather phenomena she was creating certainly was an amazing display they were completely random sending everyone galloping for cover, and there on her flank Dash's mark. What in the actual hell?! "Rarity this isn't... This isn't you, you make dresses, fashion, works of art!"

"F... Fashion? I... I do enjoy fashion but... I could never, it's not my talent... This..." She gestured up to the sunny / rainy / snowing sky. "This is my destiny..."

This destiny thing keeps coming up, not every pony's carrier is based on their mark, a lot of them granted but still clearly something else was at work here. I knelt down to hold her as well trying to... I don't know, will some sense back into her. A pointless endeavor I supposed but maybe it could at the very least let her know someone knew something was wrong. She leaned against me a moment with a sigh.

"Sorry darling, I've got to get back to work..."

"I understand, Twilight and I will be back to see you soon I promise..." I hurried to the library keeping a close watch out for Applejack or Fluttershy both of which I had no doubt were in the same straights as the others but I didn't see them, they could be anywhere...

I burst into the library but all was quiet. Twi?

Downstairs still... She must have been able to sense my worry. What is it?

It's tough to explain but I'll try, come on up you'll want to see this as well I guarantee.

She and Star came up quickly, despite the situation I couldn't help but smile seeing them, the beautiful mare I loved and my little baby laying on her mothers back playing with her mane until she spotted me immediately putting up her forelegs to be picked up. Holding her tight made me feel better, I might not know what to do but together I was sure we had a chance to help them.

"What’s wrong?"


I tried to explain as we walked, anyone could see something was wrong, the weather, ponies stomping around upset and arguing with one another when they weren't fleeing snow, rain and hail... First we stopped by Carousel Boutique hoping to find someone and boy did we, all the drapes were drawn and the front door locked but Twi easily teleported us in and there was Applejack, Rarity's three diamond cutie mark prominant on her flank, we found her sewing? Putting together outfits that even with my complete lack of fashion sense I could easily tell were not right at all...

"Oh! Hey ya'll, sorry stores closed awhile as ah make ma new line fer the year..."

"Your new line...? I... I don't..." Twilight shook her head and attempted a powerful dispelling spell, nothing...

Though I knew it was probably futile I tried to reason with her as Twi tried different spells. "Applejack, this isn't where you belong... The farm, remember the farm? Your family...?"

"Ma... Family...?" Her eyes widened and she even made a step towards the door, she always had a strong will... But it passed and she turned back to the machine and began sewing again. "Nah, they don't need any fancy duds like these out on the farm... This here's where I belong... My destiny..."

"Ok Applejack..." Anything?

I... I don't understand... How did this...? How could I have been so stupid?!

Star gave up trying to get her aunties attention and came back over letting me pick her up nuzzling against me looking confused and sad. Hey now you didn't know...

I should have known! I've read over a thirty books on the dangers of magic everything from Dark magic to Necromancy! I should have... I...

I knelt down and embraced her Star scampering onto her back as Applejack worked on obliviously. That’s how spells are made love, you have to try them, you couldn't have known how strong it turned out to be or the effects it would have. But you can undo it, I know you can.

Rick, I... She smiled softly and we kissed. Ok, I'll... We'll need more information, let's check in on them all. "Come on baby, auntie just needs some time..."

"Auntie..." She sniffed as we teleported out.

"It'll be ok baby." I comforted rubbing her back and kissing her forehead.

Dash had insinuated Fluttershy was here in town so we began looking and asking around, a lot of ponies apparently were having a bad day as we got a lot of snarky comments but eventually we got directed to the fountain in town square where we came across something I certainly didn't expect. Fluttershy decked out in a clown outfit trying to entertain a small group of ponies, juggling, dancing, singing (her voice was quite beautiful but her own insecurity kept getting the best of her stopping and starting, low pitch to high...) The boo's and jeers from the audience weren't helping either though I imagined.

Twilight got busy scanning her and trying a few spells quietly while Star and I watched trying not to interfere with either of them. Star seemed to enjoy her routine laughing and clapping her little hooves together though whether it was for the show or just for Fluttershy I wasn't sure. Ponies came and went but most seemed disinterested, who did they think she was? Pinkie?! Pinkie...? I moved behind her and just as I suspected was Pinkies cutie mark on her. This whole situation is crazy, cutie marks can't mean that much... Can they?

Yes and no... Their an integral part of Equestrian society with deep social and physiological roots... But nothing this deep, nothing like this! Something else is at work here I just can't figure out what!

It's ok love, let’s check with the others.

Ok... "Goodbye Fluttershy, I'm sorry..." She whispered.

Rarity wasn't hard to find we just followed the weather Pegasus darting back and forth the whole squad was out trying to fix the messes she'd made and was still making! I assisted the weather ponies trying to keep things stable while Twi checked over Rarity, she was impressed and confused at how much magic she was able to channel, she was no weakling normally but maintaining and changing the weather was on a different level altogether clearly whatever was going on had driven her to push herself harder or was providing her with additional power. Just another piece of a pretty damn big puzzle...

Again there wasn't much we could so, I assured the weather team we would come up with something apologizing for all the extra work they were having to go through. As hectic as things were the leaders of the weather patrol weren't too upset apparently they had some new recruits and this was excellent practice for them. Star at least was having a good time watching the Pegasus all flying to and fro catching snowflakes, raindrops and squealing and hiding against my chest at the occasional flashes of lightning.

Twilight was getting information and some clues but still we had no ideas... The farm was our next stop, things hadn’t gotten any calmer Granny Smith was resting in her rocking chair watching from afar as Mac and Inkie 'helped' Pinkie and cleaned up after her efforts. Twi and Star followed them trying to get her readings while I walked over to Granny Smith.

"Ah get the feelin you an yer wife there know exactly what’s goin on here Rick..."

I nodded. "We have an idea yes... And we're doing all we can to fix things honestly!"

"Ah don't doubt that... Like this all over town then?"

"Uh... Select ponies..."

"Hmm... Suspected as much."

"You did?"

She chuckled with a smile. "Ah may not know much bout Unicorn magic youngin but I've seen a lot in ma days, friends like them'r joined... Like a copse of trees thar branches an roots intertwined together in harmony..."

"That... That makes a lot of sense..."

"Don't know why this's happened but it aint all bad."


"Sure has reminded us all how much we rely on Applejack here... How much we miss'r when she's gone too..."

Interesting... "I hope just a temporary problem..."

"Ah hope so too youngin... Ah hope so too..."

Her head nodded down as she drifted off to sleep then I noticed Twi motioning to me. Anything?

I can't understand this! She just keeps trying even though she's totally unsuited to this work and even more so she doesn't like it! I just don't know what to do...

I leaned down and kissed her softly ruffling Stars mane as I did. "We'll think of something... Let's go see how Dash is doing..."

Or not doing rather, she was collapsed on the couch gasping away while critters of every kind ran amok snagging lots of food, coming and going but not really making a huge mess... Fluttershy might not be here but they still knew this was her home.

"Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?" Twilight exclaimed beginning to scan her and the surrounding area.

"Just taking care of these... Critters... Whew... what a workout!"

"I bet..." I already knew reasoning with her wasn't going to help, I took small comfort in at least none of the girls were hurt... Freaked out I was sure somewhere deep inside they knew and it showed a bit.

Angel bunny caught my attention gesturing and making little noises. "Sorry buddy I can't understand you like Fluttershy can, but I'm pretty sure I know what’s got you worried..." I scratched him gently behind the ears which usually would get me a scornful look and my hand kicked away but he seemed to draw comfort from it leaning against me. "We'll figure something out, just keep yourself and your friend’s safe..." I whispered not even sure he understood me, maybe it was for my own benefit...

"Let's go..." Twi whispered. "We’ll see you soon Rainbow Dash, ok?"

"Huh? Oh sure guys, don't be strangers..."

Twi choked back a sob as we left. "I'm sorry..."

Her inability to figure this out was getting to her I could tell and so could Star, she was getting teary eyed too but that was a blessing of sorts she nuzzled her calming both of them down she knew she had to be strong not just for her friends but her daughter too.

"So what’s next love?"

"Research, I... We need more information, answers!"

I chuckled as we walked. "I'll help all I can but you’re the one I'll be betting on."

"Don't say that! This is all my fault, I'm not sure I even can..."

"Shh... You can and you will, I know it and deep inside so do they there’s no one else they'd trust more..."

"I don't deserve their trust or friendship..."

I scooped her up levitating Star between us laying against her chest between us. "Enough of that..." I kissed her passionately. "A mistake, we've all made them and we'll all make them again don't you think for even a second they won't forgive you."

She blushed slightly nuzzling against me then Star. "Always my rock..." She smiled.

"And you my lodestone love, always pulling me in the right direction."

"You..." She drew a deep breath letting it out in a smooth motion. "Okay let's go, so much to do!"

I let her down and we started running / galloping back to town Star squealing as I held her up.

"Fazer daddy! Fazer! Weee!"

We got home quickly reassuring every pony we met that everything was ok and to be careful. Once we got home everything exploded into a whirlwind of book after book none of which offered any solution, still we searched, well I left most of the research to Twi she was far better at it then I, I snagged the occasional book I thought looked promising and tried to think of some connection, some reason for this turn of events. Starswirl the Bearded was a good pony from all I had heard and read he wouldn't have made or left a spell like this on purpose would he? While I thought I kept Star entertained building a small book fort for her and playing make believe.

Hour by hour passed by and Twilights impatience and frustration was clear by the number of books tossed aside all around the room, Star was napping in her book castle as we continued to check through book after book still finding nothing. Plenty on cutie marks and their place in Equestrian society but nothing on switching them or forced personality changes... At least not in any book we possessed, it's quite possible the archives in Canterlot might have something possibly even written by Starswirl the Bearded himself from when he created and likely even cast this very spell... Wait a minute...

It's a test!


The book, the spell... Heck Princess Celestia was there when he made it probably.

But why would she...?

A test, she knew the spell wouldn't harm anyone...

But why them? Because we're so close...? Bonded through the Elements of Harmony... That must be it! Maybe it hasn't harmed them but it's still disrupting their lives! The lives of everyone in town! She... No... I've still got a lot to answer for...

Twi... You’re probably right about the Elements though... Wait a minute, you know what?!


I think... Just stick with me here, I think what’s happening here is by design.

How can it...?

Well if it was made to target the Element bearers... Heh... I chuckled a moment thinking. Luna and Celestia...

What about them?

They were the Element bearers before... What if when he made this spell... They changed marks?!

That... That would be something to see... She giggled, it was good to see her smile. I leaned over and kissed her softly.

Very funny, but a learning experience too what would be the term... Walk a mile in another’s horseshoes?


I think once this is over they'll have a much better understanding and appreciation for one another and exactly what they go through each and every day.

But I...

And you'll have an even better understanding of your friends the ties that bind you, magic and ways of countering magic...

I don't though! I'm no closer than when we started!

Twi I...

"Daddy...? Mommy...?" A still sleepy little Star stumbled out of her book fort blinking.

"Did we wake you baby? I'm sorry..." I scooped her up in my arms holding her between us both of us glad for this brief respite.

"What was auntie Pinky an auntie Flutterhy an auntie Abblejak an auntie Dach an auntie Rarery doing? Dey were diffant..."

"We know baby..." Twi comforted nuzzling her. "It's not their fault, they can't help themselves."


"They just lost themselves for a bit baby..." I explained rubbing her chest softly.

She went quiet mulling over what we said you could almost see the wheels turning in her little head, we were about to resume our conversation when she blinked and looked up at us. "Well... Why can't dey remembers?"

Twilight sighed and smiled. "It's complicated baby you see... Remember...? Memory...!?" She jumped to her hooves a big smile on her face.

"What is it love?"

She leaned down giving Star and I both a big kiss. "My daughters a genius!" Books began to float restacking and arranging themselves several orbiting around her.

"I don't understand..."

"Memory! I saw a spell while I was searching that lets you relive old memories, if they see how things were... How their supposed to be!"

"I get it, and that should break the spell?"

"I think so... I'm not a hundred percent sure but it's the only plan I have..."

"Then let’s do it..." I glanced up at the clock nearly six, I was momentarily concerned that we hadn't seen Scootaloo but remembered she would still be at Pearl and Magnums today. Pearl while a very sweet pony was also a teacher for teenaged ponies and she and Magnum had come up with the idea for Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to all come over there after school twice a week for some additional study as a part of their punishment naturally Pearl wouldn't let them go without dinner as well.

Twi and I both memorized the spell it was quite simple just a way to relive past days I wasn't sure it would be strong enough to break whatever spell had a hold of them... I shook my head as we gathered up Star and a few things Twilight retrieving the Elements of Harmony from where we had them concealed their magic and the girl’s connection to them and each other would probably be needed.

"So who first?" I asked as we headed into town.

"I'm not sure... Oh..." Fluttershy was still at the fountain but no crowd any pony that walked by simply looked at her and turned away as she sat and cried, we rushed up holding her between us with Star hugging her from the front.

She jumped slightly surprised. "Oh! H... Hi..."

"Come with us Shy..."

"But... I have to..."

"They'll still be here when you get back." Twilight assured.


"Well... Ok..."

We quickly hustled her to her cottage the chaos within didn't seem to be any better and now Dash was tied up in a giant iron caldron! Where did they even...?

Twilight nudged Fluttershy through the door and everything went quiet all the critters stopped and stared at her. "Oh my..." The moment was broken and they all rushed up to her chirping, squeaking and pawing. She jumped slightly but to my surprise didn't back away an inch, she smiled and cooed moving from group to group of animals making sure they had the proper food, not fighting cleaning up as she went not surprisingly like she knew where everything belonged. Suddenly she stopped looking around confused. "It's... It's all so familiar..."

Twilight stepped forward her horn glowing softly. "It is Fluttershy..." The glow surrounded her as Twi levitated her Element to her fastening it around her neck her eyes went wide as she floated into the air a minute passed and she landed her head hung low and with a sudden shimmering the mark on her flank shifted from Pinkies three balloons back to her butterfly’s.

"What... What happened?"

"Oh Fluttershy! Thank Celestia it worked! I'm so sorry!"

"I don't..."

"Ahem... Still trapped inside here..."

I untied Dash noticing she still retained Fluttershy's mark on her as well. "We need your help Dash."

"My help...? But I..."

Fluttershy sidled up to her putting a wing over her. "Come on..."



Twilight sighed laying down beside me face to face on our bed it was still early afternoon the day after the excitement, Star was having a playdate at the Cakes and Scootaloo was still at school. The cleanup had been quite minor a bit around the farm and from Rarity’s 'efforts', the biggest problem had been from Pinkies absence. Somehow without her around ponies got more and more unhappy until they nearly came to blows, I wasn't sure if it was all due to Pinkies... Well... Pinkieness, or some sort of effect from the spell, once she'd returned things began to get back to normal pretty quickly but some hard feelings remained, things were pretty quiet now. There was one thing left to fix though and it wouldn't be easy...

I caressed up her neck gently to her soft ear fondling it and kissing her. "It wasn't your fault..."

Her eyes shot open giving me an accusing look. "You know that’s not true! I messed up so bad! I could have ruined everything...!"

"Maybe... I really don't think so love and you didn't, you did what you always do, came up with a plan and made things right."

"From MY mistake! I'm usually fixing other problems..." She whispered sadly making my heart ache. "They'll never forgive me..."

"What? No one is mad at you, it could have happened to anyone..." And the girls hadn't said an angry word about what had happened, they said it had been much like a waking dream. They could watch what was happening but not affect it much or at all.

"You know that’s not true either..."

I smiled and kissed her again. "You know I'll stand by you no matter what love, always."

That at least got me a small smile. "I know, thank you... But their still recovering... When they realize... I almost changed their basic nature! What if we hadn’t been able to reverse it?! What if..."

I stopped her with a passionate kiss. "You didn't know, what if the spell had been hugely beneficial? Made everyone’s lives better in every way? Bad? Good? It's all up to us love, all of us. Me, our friends, the Princess’s..."

"It's not the Princess’s fault! I... I should have been more careful..."

"We all have a little blame, I don't want you doubting yourself. You’re still you, the most beautiful, talented, loving perfect mare, mother, friend and wife... Don't you ever change."

"Rick..." She blushed slightly pressing forward to kiss me softly. "You always make me feel better, how do you do that?"

"Love. I love you and I'll do anything for you, anything to make you feel better, anything to make you smile."

"I love you, thank you..."

"You know, now that I've thought about it a little more everyone’s thoughts and desires may have driven that spell..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, let's think... Rarity the fashionista as a weather pony? Not likely, but her friend Rainbow Dash, two very different ponies but I think maybe she's always wondered what it might be like to be her? Perhaps even a bit envious of her..."

"Oh! I see... And Fluttershy, a sweet pony but so shy it's almost painful and Pinkie Pie friends with everyone and afraid of nothing!"

"And along those lines that same Pinkie lived on a farm so long ago but leads a very different life now, perhaps she was yearning for the old days...?"

"That makes sense, and Applejack as a seamstress?! Crazy but... That doesn't mean she couldn't be curious about what a life like that could be..."

"And Dash, she and Fluttershy have been friends for so long and their so different how could she not be curious how a life so much unlike hers could be."

"Do you really think that could be it?"

"Part of it I'm sure."

We pressed forward to kiss again lingering for a moment. "You know... We do have the house to ourselves..." She whispered with a sly grin.

"Mmm... You read my mind love..."

Afterwards we lay together spent and satisfied the book levitated above us as she flipped idly through the pages.

"This is pointless..." She sighed levitating the book over the trashcan letting it go but suddenly seizing it again before it landed. "Wait..."


She rotated the book slowly above us until it was upside down, still made no sense to me but looking over to her a look of wonder spread across Twilights face. "You were right, the spell wasn't meant to be harmful and it only would have lasted twenty four hours if we hadn’t reversed it... The true spell is intoned here too intertwined and reversed with the other, he had the knowledge and wisdom to create it but he didn't have the strength... He left this hoping someone someday would be able to complete his legacy... Has Princess Celestia been searching all this time...?"

"For you..."

"I... I don't know... Last time..."

"Twi... Don't be afraid, I'm with you. This may truly be your destiny, and I'll be here with you."

"Okay... Here goes..."

Her horn began to glow and across the library her crown too echoed that glow growing brighter and brighter a beam of purple light spearing from it to her simultaneously yellow, pink, white, orange and rainbow colored beams converged on her from afar passing through the walls leaving no trace.


"I'm here love..."

She seemed to relax as the power flowed lifting her up into the air the light enveloping her growing so bright I had to shield my eyes, when it faded I blinked to clear my vision and she was gone! It didn't feel like a normal teleport, I was worried but something else was happening... Pulling me, coaxing me subtly towards the door, I resisted at first but I could feel it was somehow connected to her so I threw on clothes quickly and let it guide me out of our home and towards the center of town and I wasn't alone ponies from every house joined me most of them looking as confused as I was but drawn on none the less...

I reassured them as we walked and tried to reassure myself as well as we all gathered and I located the Cakes with their two foals and Star making my way over to them.

"What's going on?" Mr. Cake asked wide eyed.

"I'm not sure but don't worry it's... It's..."

"Something Important..." Mrs. Cake breathed smiling.

"Mommy?" Star looked up at me.

I scooped her up holding her close. "Something to do with mommy yes... It'll be ok baby."

She nuzzled against me as we looked around, it looked like every pony in Ponyville was here a few stragglers arriving from outlying farms including Applejack, Big Mac, Inkie and even Granny Smith. I caught a glimpse of Pinkie dashing around excitedly chatting it up with anyone she could. Rarity and Fluttershy standing together looking like their spa day together had been interrupted, surprisingly even Dash was there but I supposed a flight from the academy to here wouldn't take long for her... I didn't see Angel, Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom but I was sure they were together here somewhere, we were all here...

But for what? Why were we all gathered here...? A few more minutes of tense waiting and our thousand questions were answered, with a flash Princess Celestia stood there her wings spread wide a proud smile on her face. She stepped aside and with another flash I caught the barest of glimpses of purple as ponies crowded all around...

All of a sudden I felt a stabbing pain in my chest my legs almost immediately buckled and I fell to my knees barely managing to hold onto Star.


I couldn't answer her barely able to draw a breath, I'd felt pain like this before and at the time I was willing to accept it but not now, I fought it, fought it with everything I had but my heart still slowed with each beat.

Twi...? Nothing.

I fell back my vision fading with Stars terrified face looking down at me as she nudged me.

"Baby..." I gasped.

Everything went black the last thing I heard was my baby’s anguished cry.





Author's Note:

The end...?

Epilogue soon...

Sorry Twilight, Angel, Star...