• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 7,805 Views, 357 Comments

The Second Year; Gravidity - TwilightsmyMare

When your married to the most beautiful mare in Ponyville and have adoped the cuteist filly around things can't get better right? What? A foal? Wow... Taking place within season three this is Twilight, Scootaloo and I's continuing story

  • ...

Chapter 4 (The farmer, the butterfly and the rainbow)

Being sick sucks! At least I knew how to make myself feel better, admittedly I too was a bit of a baby while I was sick. Scootaloo helped out all she could making her own lunches and even getting herself up on time in the morning! I tried not to let her do too much though I didn't want her to get sick again... But still every morning when I woke up I found a soft little filly snuggled against me keeping me warm...

A couple of days and I was feeling right again and just in time as spring was in full swing. I still missed Twi desperately even more so when I was sick, but just as well she wasn't here I wouldn't want to spread my sickness to her too. She had sent another letter while I was laid up detailing what she was helping with and the changes Cadence and Armor were making in the Empire...

First and foremost the opening of trade with Equestria and her (now theirs as well) allies. Made good sense as they had plenty to offer with their protection and year round growing season they could definitely afford to sell some of their stores to those in need. Not to mention their crafters, superior crystal and gem workers and I was sure plenty of other things too.

Secondary was opening the borders to any pony, griffin, bovine... Anyone! Who wished to immigrate into the Empire looking for a new start and also those who simply wished to see the wonder and amazement of it, tourism could be a big thing for sure! Granted of course they had to make it through the shield and anyone who wished to live there had to have some sort of skill, talent or wares to contribute or be willing to learn. Also any crystal pony who wished to travel, set up business elsewhere or just to go out and meet new cultures, ponies... Whatever. But with one condition, once every year they had to return to take part in the crystal faire to renew the spirit of love and harmony protecting the Empire.

Many other small changes as well, a council or advisors chosen not for their sycophantic pandering but from all walks of the Empire from the aristocracy all the way down to humble shopkeepers and farmers a very good idea I thought. They would help Cadence and Armor keep abreast of everything they would need to know all throughout the Empire.

Scootaloo read along for awhile but the intricacies soon lost her attention, I wished I could send her something back but I hadn't learned that spell yet and it likely took more skill then I currently possessed...

Early the next morning over breakfast we got a pleasant surprise though. A scroll dropped right in the middle of the table between us, it was short letter.

My loves

I'm on the train! I'm on the train! I'm on the train! Love you! Soon! Love you! Soon! Love you! Soon!



P.S. I'm so happy to be coming home!

As we read both our faces lit up in excitement.

"Let’s go Dad!"

I scooped her up as she made a dash for the door hugging her tight. "Sorry Angel it’s a three day train ride, one you will be taking with us one of these days..."


"You know it."

We still had plenty to do while we waited; cleaning up the library for one thing though it wasn't too bad. I also hadn't gone to see Applejack, Fluttershy or seen Dash so I had to remedy that not to mention letting them know Twilight and I assumed Pinkie and Rarity would be back soon.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Three Days. Three long days... Saturday Scootaloo and I headed into town stopping by to pick up Sweetie Belle on our way out to Sweet Apple Acres. As we walked up we found Applejack, Big Mac, Inkie and Apple Bloom getting ready for another busy day on the farm.

"Well howdy Rick, Scootaloo an Sweetie Belle! Nice to see ya'll."

"Thought we might take you up on that offer to help out."

"Sounds fine ta me. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle why don't you two help out Apple Bloom with her chores an then clean up the barn like ya been promising fer a week?" She added with a grin and a wink.

"Ok!" They echoed not caring what they were doing as long as they were doing it together they raced off excitedly.

"Mac an Inkie know what their doin..."

"Eeyup..." Inkie waved as the two of them walked off occasionally leaning against one another making me smile but with a bit of longing of my own.

"All them years on that rock farm sure seemed ta toughen her up; she's a heck of a worker. An truly I've never seen Mac happier, although they do tend ta distract one another on occasion... I've come around some bushes or a tree on occasion an... Well, seen some things I really wish I hadn’t." She laughed. "But ah'm happy for them, my brothers been alone fer far too long it’s good ta see em with someone who can bring him out of his shell..."

"And what about you?"

If she was surprised by me asking she didn't show it. "Most days sugar ah work myself so hard there’s no time ta think about it, other days... The slow ones, well ah'm grateful Apple Bloom and my friends keep me preoccupied ya know? But seein mah brother an Inkie, you an Twilight even Fluttershy an Trixie... It's hard some days; don't meet many stallions out here on the farm. A few in town but their just customers or just a simple how'd ya do..." She sighed longingly. "Someday... Anyhow! Enougha them depressin thoughts. Long time till harvest yet but we still need ta take care of the trees an make sure the new ones we've planted grow big an strong. I'm gonna check on the north field but over yonder Granny's tendin to some of the new trees, maybe you could go give'r a hoof... Ah, hand?"

I smiled and gave her a quick hug. "No problem Applejack."

I walked over to the small half acre or so where new saplings were growing, they all looked healthy but I really had no idea or experience with plants. I found Granny Smith sitting in the middle of the grove to be, at first I thought she had fallen asleep but as I quietly approached she popped open an eye looking me up and down.

"Well I'll be they were right. Wouldn't expect em to be able to give such a good description... Applejack an Mac sent ya to keep an eye on me eh?"

"What? No, no just to give you a hand... Hoof... To help you."

"Same thing youngling..." She sighed stretching out a few kinks in her neck. "Comon an park er here." I sat down across from her wondering just what she was up to here. "Ah'm old Rick, ah know that’s no secret but I'm beginning ta feel it. I've seen a lot of ponies come an go, some close to me and many others I barely knew... Every one of em I felt pass though... Some more then others. We pony folk... Well Earth ponies are most connected to the land, fer most it’s just an extension of our endurance an strength but rarely we have a deeper connection..."

"Magic?" I asked now very curious.

She laughed and closed her eyes settling down again. "Magic is a funny thing sonny, I've seen what most unicorns’ kin do an the way the Pegasus fly and mould the weather... Yer wife Twilights on another level from that an the Princesses another yet. But we're all connected... You, me, the sky, the ground an the water... Close yer eyes, breath deep an let it flow through ya... Open yerself to it."

I was a bit sceptical but if what I had been told was true Granny Smith was over a hundred and fifty years old and I had no doubt she knew and had experienced a lot in her lifetime. I did as she asked breathing deeply trying to... Something? I could feel a breeze blowing through the trees, the occasional chirp of a cricket and her breathing calm and steady. I wasn't used to this, whatever this was... My experience with magic was quite different, I couldn't feel anything... Wait... Something, maybe... At the back of my mind as I relaxed, almost felt like something touching the back of my head... That broke my concentration as I reached back to swat whatever annoying insect was on me but there was nothing there...

Granny chuckled smiling with her eyes still closed. "Not easy is it? But I kin feel somethin in you... Some magic of yer own mayhap an something else... Some sorta deeper connection... Well, that’s no nevermind. Try again now."

"I really don't know..."

"Y’all are supposed ta be helpin me ain’t cha?"

"Yes but..."

"No butts about it now concentrate."

"I smiled to myself closing my eyes again, that Granny was a firecracker to be sure. Alright then... Anything is possible, my very presence here proved that. Deep breaths empty my mind and let...

A ladybug caught my attention; just sitting on a branch I could see every part, every facet of it... Its shell, antenna... But my eyes were still closed I was sure of it! As I grew more accepting suddenly I could feel more and more! Bugs, birds, small animals! It was too much, overwhelming me bombarding my every sense, too much to see, hear, and smell even touch... My mind couldn't handle it...

"That’s enough of that youngin." Her voice pulled me back somehow piercing everything that was in my mind keeping me from becoming engrossed, lost in every detail... "Ya got some promise I'll give ya that. But not much control, yer too eager. Like any kinda magic, heck like anything in life ya need to have some control. But I recon you knew that right?"

I nodded my head still a bit fuzzy but recovering boggled by this new... Well new to me kind of magic and with my even greater respect for Granny Smith. "Better? A'right then ready to give'r another try?"

"Y... Yes..."

"Good, good. Now jes start small this time. Try a sapling they tend to be pretty laid back..." She chuckled.

I was both eager and wary to try again so I opened my consciousness very slowly, cautiously trying to block everything else out but one of the saplings. As I concentrated I found my training for 'normal' magic definitely helped, the need for control was ever-present. Magical energies of any stripe were apparently similar in that respect and that danger so I took my time.

"Ya concentratin on the sapling?"


"A'right then, expand yer senses out a bit... Slowly! Stick to the trees, you kin feel their life, their thoughts... Well as close to thinkin as most trees do... Live, grow, eat, reproduce... These are the things they feel... They know."

"All right..."

I tried to reach out, to connect on some level with the sapling... Suddenly almost like there had always been a connection I felt it. It's 'mind' was very alien, it's needs, wants and how it went about getting them were complex to my mind yet infinitely simple. My sharp intake of breath likely tipped Granny off I had made contact.

"Interestin ain't it? I been around em, studyin em and their seeds nearly ma whole life it seems... But they don't care about us animal folks really, hardly even notice we're here."

"What about when... You know... The things we do? Harvesting apples? Lumber...?"

"Hmmm... Trees don't give no nevermind about their offspring the moment they grow em, just a means to spread their seeds far an wide... Lil like this one stallion I knew when I was young... Ah... Never mind about that. The second though... A good question, ah was curious about that in ma youth, ah connected myself to an old oak who was due ta be harvested fer lumber... You have no idea of the age... The memory... Only the Princess's could understand... Ah'd gotten a bit lost in em when the first axe struck! Ah thought there would be pain! Panic, anger even but... No. It was aware ah'm sure still ta this day but... Simply a feeling of peace, it'd spread its legacy far an wide, lived fer hundreds an hundreds of years... Brought down by us ponies... Us insignificant... Made me so mad! It was my paw an brothers bringin it down with help from the neighbours, I tried to get them to stop! To understand, but it was too late... I cried all the way home, ma daddy didn't understand I'd seen trees felled before what made this one so different and I couldn't explain it to em... Later that evenin my momma came ta talk to me, she understood better. She had a touch of magic herself, not strong but she knew the feeling of the wild an even though she hadn't felt what I had she knew what to say... 'Baby girl I know the trees passing made you sad but he wasn't. He'd lived his life like nature intended him to, no regrets and no fear. And now he's helping us make a new barn, helping our family to grow and in return we'll plant more of his friends and help them grow. He's returned to the earth and we all will someday but don't be sad or angry it's just... Life.'"

She took a deep breath I could almost hear the smile on her face. "Ah never forgot that an I hope I never do, even when time took my ma and pa, my brothers an sisters even ma own daughter... Ah hope it’s all connected Rick, that’s what I'm gonna believe an maybe someday I'll see em all again... Applejack an Big Mac, the best kids a Granny could hope to raise but not a stick of magic between em. It flows through em strong but they can't touch it, Apple Bloom, well she’s got some talent. Ah think she might be able ta understand someday... Fer now I've just been teachin her minor stuff. Zap apple jammin an such, I dunno if I'll be around ta teach er when she’s grown..."

She paused after that and I had no idea what I could even say to that, but somehow in my mind it all rang true.

"Well, that’s enougha break I recon. You still connected to that saplin?"

My mind had wandered a bit as I listened to Granny but now as I refocused I found my consciousness had crept out to encompass the whole small grove!

"I am..."

"A'right then, we're gonna try to encourage these little beauties to grow a bit. Everyone needs a helpin hoof here an there right? Start slow; share your energy with it, just a tiny bit. Take some back but less'n you gave, slow an steady don't overextend yerself we're just helpin a bit. Yer body'll know when ta stop trust it, ah sure can't give as much as I used ta I'm plum tuckered already..."

I did as she asked spreading out throughout the grove carefully; it would be too easy for my mind to get lost in it all... Give too much, give it all... No different then any other magic, easy to lose control, lose focus... I gave and took slowly at first but more as I grew to accept it, it was an incredible feeling. Connected with so many living things, not anywhere near as deep as my connection with Twi but still different and amazing... Maybe this could be used to heal! To extend the... My train of thought was interrupted suddenly as I got shoved over breaking my concentration and connection with the saplings.

"Slow down there sonny." Granny sat down beside me looking tired.

I tried to get back up but found I couldn't, I felt so very weak I could barely reach up to grasp a saplings trunk to pull myself upright gasping.


Looking over Granny’s head was nodding I just let her rest as I did and I badly needed it. For five minutes or more I just breathed and while I felt weak I didn't feel... Damaged, just drained like after a long day of work or a strenuous workout...

Granny’s head shot back up with a snort. "Wha...?! Oh! Howdy thar youngin... Well look at that..."

I followed her gaze up noticing the saplings, I could swear... No, I knew they were smaller before barely up to my shoulder when I had come in... Seemed like ages ago... I pulled myself up with difficulty finding they now rose at least a foot above my head!

"Guess I still got it." She grinned.

Did she really just forget that whole...? Didn't matter, I shook my head and smiled. "You sure do Granny."

She slowly got up her joints cracking and popping, I gave her a hand though still not completely steady on my own two feet.

"Ahh, thankie. Well its gettin late best be headin back to the house ta get some supper goin, everyone'll be hungry soon enough."

"Can I give you a hand back to the house?"

"Don't you fret, these four hooves have carried me this far an they'll carry me ta then end. Ya kin go gather up the lil smelly belly an her friends though, they were cleanin up the barn."

She creaked off towards the farmhouse while I made my way almost as slowly to the barn when again I had a wait a second moment. How did she know they were in the barn? For that matter how did she even know Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were here?! I turned to watch her a moment, far more under the surface there then you'd think...

I approached the barn expecting to hear the girls long before I saw them but all was quiet and that was either a good thing or a very bad one... I peeked in to find the most adorable thing I had ever seen, looked like they had been hard at work all day the barn was cleaned up nicely. Poor little sweeties wore themselves out, I was pretty tired myself I'm sure a short rest before supper wouldn't hurt. I settled down with them in the hay trying not to disturb them but maybe subconsciously or maybe they just felt my body heat all three of them moved closer snuggling against me. I lifted Scootaloo carefully onto my chest while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom cuddled against my sides; I put my arms around them and closed my eyes comfortable and warm.

Ring a Ding! Ring a Ding! "Soups on!"

I opened my eyes hearing Granny call out and feeling three sleeping fillies twitch against me. Scootaloo yawned adorably blinking at me. "Dad?"

"Hey there Angel, you three looked so comfortable I thought I'd join you."

She smiled and nuzzled against me a moment. "Suppertime?"

"Sounds like, we better not keep Granny waiting."

Apple Bloom sat up with a grin. "Better not! Otherwise Big Mac an Applejack'll eat it all!"

Sweetie Belle was still asleep holding my arm tightly. "Go ahead girls we'll be right there." I carefully lifted her up and followed the girls out not wanting to wake her up before she was ready.

She mumbled softly in her sleep. "So comfy..." Nuzzling against me as we approached the house, she yawned looking at me with her big green eyes. "R... Rick!? Hi..." She blushed as I gave her a squeeze and let her down.

"Good nap?"

She nodded. "I... I didn't say anything did I? They told me I talk in my sleep sometimes..."

"Not a thing Sweetie." I grinned. "And you’re up just in time for supper."

"Alright! We worked hard!" She squeaked.

I chuckled as we entered to a beautiful and large meal surprisingly light on apple dishes. I had no idea how Granny had the time to make it all, maybe she stared it all off this morning...? However she managed it was a delicious meal with plenty for everyone, she knew her family and Big Mac and Applejack packed plenty away as did the rest of us. Needless to say Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and I were much slower on our way back to town to drop Sweetie Belle off and head home ourselves.

I tucked Scootaloo in giving her a kiss. "One day closer Angel. I'm going to help Fluttershy with her animal friends tomorrow, did you want to come or do you 'Crusaders' have plans?"


"I don't mind you spending time with them, you should."

"Thanks Dad, goodnight."

"Sleep tight."

I went up to bed getting undressed and lying down in our bed unfortunately I had to change the sheets a few times from when I was sick and I couldn't really catch her scent at all... I sighed staring up at the ceiling and just like that a small flash above me and a piece of folded parchment fell down to me like she knew I was waiting... Well she did know me pretty well or mayhap the spell was centered on me so it would have found me wherever I was, didn't matter.

If I had thought her last letter was short this one was simplicity itself. 'Soon...' Just that one word slightly damp from the ink I thought at first but that wasn't it, I brought it closer and the scent of her sweet breath and lips was all over it. I kissed it back my heart... And perhaps other parts of me aching for her, I placed it on the pillow beside me and drifted off to sleep...

I awoke the next morning to some little hoof beats below. "I'm going now Dad!"

"Wait... When will you be back?" I managed in my still bleary sleep addled state.

"Supper!" And she was gone.

I lay there a few more minutes looking at Twi's simple letter it still smelled faintly of her. With a groan I got up and had a quick shower and breakfast changing into some plain clothes, if I was going to be helping Fluttershy with her animal friends things could get messy...

About halfway to the cottage I encountered Trixie on her way into town levitating a big bag beside her.

"Hey Trixie, what’s up?"

"Good to see you Rick. They pushed up the date for Sapphires next tour so I've got to get to Hoofington for practice and to see Sapphire and the band." She sighed looking back towards the cottage. "Shy told me she’s fine with it but... Well, I'll make it all up to her when I get back I promise!"

"Why isn't she seeing you to the station?"

"She said she's busy helping her animal friends today but I just think she doesn't want to see me get on that train..."

"I was just going to see if she needed any help today, I'll try my best to keep her company."

"Thanks! I'll see you when I get back!"

I waved as she rushed off towards town then I headed towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

I tapped gently on her door but got no answer, cracking it open I could see her curled up on her couch sobbing quietly Angel and some of her animal friends trying to comfort her.

Definitely had something to do with Trixie, I smiled and shook my head slightly, I of all people couldn't blame her but so was so sensitive... I knelt down beside her clearing my throat while gently rubbing her back.

"Hey Fluttershy." I whispered.

She jumped slightly with a little squeak turning over to look up at me with her green eyes a bit red rimmed. "R... Rick, what are you doing here? I'm fine... Just... Fine..." She burst out in tears and I pulled her into my embrace unable to let her suffer so.

"It's ok Fluttershy... She'll be back before you know it, really. Trust me I know."

Her sobs lessened and she squeezed me back. "I know, thank you. It's just every time she goes or I have to go away from her I worry she won't come back or be there when I come back..."

"She loves you; she'll be back and won't leave..."

"Your right... I feel silly for worrying so much..." She pulled away from me gently smiling. "Did you come to help today?" At my nod her smile intensified. "That’s great! There’s an old friend of yours who really wants to see you!"

"An old friend...?" I pondered that as she led me out her back door practically skipping ahead, regardless of who this 'friend' was it was good to see her happy again.

It was a long walk wherever she was taking me and on the way we chatted but she steadfastly refused to give away any hints other then her sly smile. A few miles from her cottage we came up a small forested area parallel to but far away from the Everfree forest. The trees were spaced widely with a bit of bush and scrub between showing it to be a fairly old growth area. We came to a small clearing and Fluttershy settled down bidding me to do the same still sporting her little smile.

"Fluttershy what is...?"

"Shh... Just wait a moment, please?"


It was a pleasant afternoon nice and cool in the shade of the trees when I heard a small rustle behind me, before I could turn something struck my back pushing me over.

"What the...?" I rolled over to come face to face to a tiger standing atop me! I instinctively reached for my dagger but I hadn't brought it to Fluttershy’s of course. The tigers head lowered towards me turning to the side and rubbing against my chest and face a low rumble came from it as it settled down on me nuzzling and rubbing against me giving me playful licks with its rough tongue.

"Fluttershy...?" Looking over I could see her happy grin.

"It’s the tiger cub you saved Rick! Remember? He just wanted to show his gratitude, his name is... Well it’s a little hard to put into words... Something like... Chases breezes through the forest on an autumns eve... But you can call him Varippuli, isn't he gorgeous?!"

I remembered of course though I really didn't think I would ever see him again, I gently rubbed the side of his head marvelling at how soft and thick his fur was. "Well hello there Varippuli." I scratched him under the chin and behind the ears things I knew regular cats liked so why not tigers?

Fluttershy moved over by us petting and rubbing his as well with a smile. "I'm glad you came today, for what you said before and so I could bring you to see him. He’s gotten too big to stay much longer with his adoptive Ocelot family and he'll have to go back to the Everfree forest soon... I hope he'll be ok..." She sighed.

I smiled reaching over to rub her neck comfortingly. "As long as he remembers what his mother taught him, his adoptive family and you I think he'll be fine."

"I hope so..."

We stayed there a few hours petting cuddling and playing with Varippuli. As we left I saw a small group of Ocelots emerge from the trees to join him and they all gathered around a basket I hadn't even see Fluttershy bring.

At my questioning look she blushed slightly. "Just some fish, Varippuli grew so quickly they've been having trouble finding enough food for them all so I've been helping where I can..."

"Good for you Fluttershy."

"Well, I can only do what I can right?"

"You bet."

"And thank you for making me feel better today."


"Do... Do you think Trixie would be happy if I went to visit her...? I mean surprise her on her tour... Maybe I would just be a distraction..."

I stepped closed putting an arm over her giving her a squeeze. "Fluttershy she would be thrilled to see you I have no doubt, she knows how hard it is for you to interact with new ponies sometimes... If you went to see her, overcame your fears even a little bit just for her what would that say eh?"

"I... I guess... Maybe... I'll think about it."

I helped her around the cottage a bit then headed home to get supper ready, I made a bit extra as I had a sneaking suspicion there might be an extra couple of hungry fillies joining us. No sooner then I had set the table the door burst open and Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom trotted in but also Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!

"I'm hooome! Um... Can my friends come over for dinner?" All five of them smiled up angelically at me.

"Well..." I tried to make it sound like I was thinking it over. "I guess if it’s alright with their parents..."

"Yup! We checked!"

"So you had time to check with all of your parents including going all the way out to Sweet Apple Acres but didn't have the time to let me know we had guests for dinner?" I scolded gently.

"Sorry Dad..."

I laughed resisting the urge to hug her in front of her friends and embarrass her. "Come on in girls and sit down suppers almost ready."

They all got sat down after I got a couple extra seats and place settings. I had thought it would just be Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom who would show up so I wasn't quite prepared but I just took a bit less for myself to make sure they all got full. All five of them were quite ravenous even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon though they were likely used to more fancy food then this but once they tried some they dug in just as fiercely as the others. I had to break out the ice cream and heat up some hot fudge for dessert to sate their hunger.

We walked each of them home after supper even Apple Bloom each of us needing a bit of exercise after that big meal, we dropped off Apple Bloom last then we headed home. My little Angel must have had a long day and after that big dinner she was dragging her little hooves while we walked.

I scooped her up gently and she snuggled against me as we walked. "I hope you never get too grown up to let your Dad carry you... At least sometimes..."

"I won't..." She murmured.

We got home after awhile and I tucked her in with a kiss going out to clean up the big mess from supper, I lay back in bed hoping for another letter no matter how short but nothing tonight... With a sigh of longing I tossed and turned a bit before slipping off.


I rolled over that voice so familiar in my mind...


Twilight! I opened my eyes jerking awake. "Wha...?!" I blinked looking around finding myself in a somewhat familiar location, a star filled sky... Our bed... And... "Twi!" Lying across from me smiling beautiful but insubstantial, I reached out for her but my hands passed right through...

"Sorry my love, I've still got a long way to go to master this dream projection spell..."

"Doesn't matter love it’s just so good to see you." We both leaned forward kissing air.

"We should be back late tomorrow evening, I can't wait. Rarity and Pinkie Pie are getting a bit tired of hearing me talk about it." She giggled.

"Angel and I can't wait to see you, hear about what’s happened in the Empire."

"And I can't wait to hear about what’s happened at home..." Her form wavered slightly. "I'm sorry; I can't keep this up..."

"Not a worry, see you soon." We kissed air again.

"Love you."

"Love you."

Then she was gone, the stars faded and I slipped back into a far more restful sleep...

RIIING!!! Ugh, I slammed my hand down painfully on the alarm clock silencing it. I stretched in bed a moment waking myself up before rolling out and throwing on a robe heading downstairs to make some breakfast and Scootaloo's lunch.

I let her sleep a few extra minutes before calling her. "Angel! Time to get up!"

A few minutes later she came out of her room dragging her hooves sleepy eyed and adorably grumpy.

"Good morning Angel."

She clopped over to the washroom grumbling under her breath. "What’s so good about it...?”

I laughed to myself setting up breakfast for us both, she came out of the washroom about five minutes later still looking a bit grumpy but awake and ready to go. As we ate she got more animated maybe remembering Twilight was going to be home tonight.

"When's Mom going to be home?! Not before I get out of school right?"

"Not until late this evening Angel, you and I will make supper for the three of us then go and meet the last train and bring her home, how does that sound?"


"Be sure to let Sweetie Belle know Rarity will be home tonight too and Apple Bloom to let Inkie know Pinkie will be back too."

She ravenously chomped down the rest of her breakfast eager to get going, I met her at the door fastening her saddlebags for her and slipping in her lunch. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Have a great day Angel..."

She gave me a quick squeeze back then stretched out her wings and took off. "Thanks Dad!"

I watched her go with a smile then turned to go back in.

"Boy you sure got this 'Dad' thing down pat dont'cha Rick?"

I looked up in surprise to find Dash lying on one of the braches of our tree grinning down at me.

"Morning Dash, well... I'm trying..."

"Kinda makes me nostalgic for when I used to do stuff with my Dad... I miss that..."

"Not too late, I know you’re at odds about the Wonderbolts thing but I'm sure you both share an interest in the weather and maybe even flying..."

She laded with a thud beside me stretching her legs and wings. "Heh, you might just be onto something there..."

"Glad to help... Say, isn't it a bit early for you to be up?"

"Nah. I'm always up early on weather patrol days, doesn't mean I like it but hey it’s my job. But today there’s nothing! Not even a lousy Cirrus around! Booring! So I figured I'd drop by and do some reading if that’s ok with you?"

"Of course Dash you know you’re always welcome." I opened the door and she flew right in she already knew right where the Daring Do books were and grabbed the first two settling down on the couch to read.

"I've just got a few things to do around the house Dash don't let me bother you."

"Yeah, yeah..." She waved her forehoof at me dismissing me.

I chuckled to myself then cleaned up the kitchen looking through what we had to make sure Scootaloo and I would have everything we would need to make Twilights special supper tonight. I made some iced tea and put a glass and the jug by Dash as I made my way to the shower.

"Hmm...? Oh! Thanks!"

It looked like she was already halfway through the first book, granted she had read it before but Twilight had told me how these books had transformed her into a voracious reader and not just of Daring Do books but anything else she found interesting.

I looked myself over in the mirror wanting to look my best for Twi. Interestingly some ponies grew beards and moustaches’ so finding a grooming kit wasn’t a big deal; I got the clippers and trimmed my beard and moustache down just to the scruff that Twilight liked. My hair was fine though getting a bit shaggy; I hopped in the tub having a nice long hot shower. I finished and was halfway out of the tub when the door burst open (I hadn’t locked it naturally I was just so used to not doing so...) And Dash barged in; I quickly pulled the shower curtain over to cover myself.

"Dash! I'm in here!"

"Duh. You've been in here for twenty minutes, that iced tea was great but after three glasses it kinda goes through you pretty fast!" She gasped settling herself down on the toilet. "I reeealy gotta go!"

"Can't you wait until I...?”

The first splashes and Dash's look of relief told me she definitely couldn't and I ducked my head around the curtain embarrassed and to give her some privacy.

"Oh please Rick, it’s not like you haven't seen all of me at one point or another... All of us for that matter." She teased.

Well that was true, not that I went out of my way to look but... I'm a man ok, even my eyes get dragged over when they see something they like. It's instinct... Well that’s what I told myself at least.

"Not to mention I've seen you in all your glory, so grow up!" She laughed finishing up.

"Okay, okay..."

She washed up and left with a final chuckle as I looked out levitating my robe over, that Dash what a troublemaker... I headed upstairs to get dressed giving Dash a small glare which only made her grin. I put on one of my nicer outfits and went back down.

"Lookin sharp, what’s the occasion? I know me coming over is a big deal but no need to go getting all fancy." She teased.

"Not quite that big a deal Dash." I teased right back. "No, Twi is going to be coming home tonight finally; Scootaloo and I have been missing her so we're trying to make it special..."

"I bet I can guess which of you missed her more..." She grinned slyly. "Am I going to need my earplugs tonight?" She asked innocently.

"We'll probably use the sound suppression spell... I mean... Dash!" I fumbled my face going red again as she laughed.

"Wow, you are just too easy Rick. No wonder Pinkie and I stopped pranking you..."

Truthfully they did still prank me on occasion but a lot of the time depending on the prank I didn't fall for it to their annoyance, and if I did it was usually just with a sigh or even laughing along if it had been a particularly good one. As for pranking them back well I'm not much for that but I did get Dash once with a small electric shock and Pinkie once with the traditional 'snake' can (though I'm pretty sure she was just playing along.)

"At any rate... It'll be good to have her home, and Rarity and Pinkie too of course."

"You bet! Things are always more interesting when we're all here."

"Heh, I suppose that’s one way to put it..." I snagged a few books of my own to read sitting down on the other side of the couch from her, she flicked her tail at me playfully with a wink and mischievous grin and we both got lost in our books.

A couple hours later she was about halfway through her books and we both took a break for lunch, I started making it but she barged right in to help proving to be a fairly skilled cook herself. I guess she'd have to be living on her own as she did, we both made simple lunches bumping into one another occasionally in a bit of a race to finish first, naturally she was just that little bit quicker.

We ate and cleaned up before settling back down to read some more, it was a warm afternoon and that combined with trying to make sense of 'The dynamics of Pegasus weather control systems' was putting me to sleep. I picked the book in hopes of learning something more about what Dash and the other members of the weather team did but it was quite complicated.

Eventually I gave up setting the book aside and leaned back closing my eyes, Dash looked a little sleepy too yawning occasionally she usually took a nap in the afternoon I remembered but she was still focused on her book. I let myself drift off knowing Scootaloo would wake me up when she got home or Dash would when she left.

I had a simple dream, day-dream... Whatever. Long grass, flowers the sun in the sky and Twilight beside me. We laid there in a field her head in my lap as I stroked her mane and neck scratching behind and gently fondling her soft ears...

"Snort! Zzzz..." Woke me up suddenly I reached up to rub the sleep from my eyes but one of my hands was trapped by something, something soft... Looking down I was surprised to find Dash asleep her head nestled in my lap and my hand tangled in her wild mane.

I carefully untangled my hand from her mane pulling gently and untangling a few knots as I did. She was such a tough pony it was nice to see her softer side even if it only came out when she was asleep.

She made some small murmuring noises between her snores as I untangled her mane suddenly nuzzling against my... Well, crotch. Suddenly very aware of the position we were in I tried to pull away only to have her frown in her sleep scooting closer wrapping her forehooves around me pulling me close ending up sprawled out on the couch with her head thankfully resting on my chest rather then...

I breathed a sigh of relief still enjoying the closeness, she wasn't Twilight but she was a good friend and if she needed some snuggle time while she slept who was I to deny her? We lay there ten minutes or so as I gently stroked her mane while she snored when I had an idea...

I tried to remember where Twi kept it... Ah! I telekinetically opened the front door closet levitating out the camera aligning it in front of us hoping I was getting us both in frame as I pushed the button... Flash! I quickly hid the camera behind a chair as Dash woke up blurry eyed.

"Wha... I was having the nicest but slightly weird dream... Ahh!" She pushed away from me giving me an accusing glare. "What are you doing?!"

I held up my hands in surrender. "Just fell asleep over here on my own Dash... You little snuggle bunny..."

"What?! You take that back!" She shoved me off the couch standing over me looking a little mad but more embarrassed then anything.

I tried unsuccessfully to keep from laughing. "Sorry Dash... Really, I tried to fight you off but you were just too cuddly!"

"Why you... I'll get you for that! Her wings unfurled and curved down poking and nudging me finding sensitive and ticklish spots forcing me to try to return the favour while defending myself.

"Take it back!" She demanded giggling.

"Ok, ok! You, Rainbow Dash are most certainly not, not one of the snuggliest ponies I've ever met..."

She withdrew her wings with a triumphant grin. "That’s better... Wait a second...!"

That moment’s hesitation let me get the drop on her nudging her over onto her side pinning her wings against the couch while I tickled her mercilessly.

"Ahh! Stop, stop! No fair Rick!"

I knew I couldn't hope to hold her down long, she might be smaller then me but I well knew she had plenty of strength packed into that frame. "Alright Dash..." I let her go and sat back with a grin. "I'm sorry, for real. I know you’re not the kind to do much cuddling."

"Well it’s not like I don't like to... But I've got a rep to uphold you know? So you better not tell a soul!"

"Not a word out of me Dash, besides its not like I have any proof anyhow right?" I said hiding my mischievous grin.

"Well... Ok." We looked at each other for a second then both of us burst out laughing. Scootaloo got home a minute later and found us like that laughing like a pair of lunatics.

"Wow... Grownups are weird..." I heard her whisper as she went to her room to stow her saddlebags.

We finally caught our breath and sighed. "Well I'm going to go and check on the cloud scene, I can borrow these last two right Rick?"

"You bet Dash, see you tonight to welcome Twi, Rarity and Pinkie home?" We got up together stretching and still grinning.

"You know it buddy..." She looked over towards Scootaloo’s room for a second before sidling up to me. "Not a word..." She whispered.

I put the two books on her back taking the opportunity to give her a quick hug. "Not a word... Snugglebunny...'

"Hey!" She smiled good naturedly letting me hug her a second before pulling away and taking off.

"Rainbow Dash can I... Aww... She left."

"Sorry Angel she had things to do, what did you want to ask her?"

"Nuttin... Just some flyin stuff..." She seemed a little evasive about it so I let it go ruffling her mane.

"Just a few more hours..."

"I know! What are we going to do till then?!"

"Hmm... Homework!" I grinned.


"I'll give you a hand, you did tell Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom right?"

"You bet! Sweetie Belle is so excited! And Apple Bloom promised to let Inkie know."


We spent about an hour on her homework, it was still pretty standard stuff but I made sure to go over it several time to make sure she got the idea. Then we made a special dinner for Twilight making sure to include all her favourites and with the two of us making it together... Well, it wasn't the prettiest meal but there was a lot of love in it.

"Let’s go Dad! Let’s go! It’s almost time!" She practically dragged me out the door her eagerness only matched by my own. We rushed there and found quite a crowd waiting, Inkie and Mac as well as Apple Bloom and Applejack (it was getting a bit late for Granny I imagined she was fast asleep.) Sweetie Belle and her parents were there and even Dash and Fluttershy.

We all talked a bit waiting out the last half hour until the train arrived. Scootaloo soared up then quickly back down landing on my shoulders.

"It’s coming!"

We all lined up to the side keeping out of the way of the ponies waiting to board. The train pulled up and my heart was in my throat, ponies disembarked and got on and finally levitating dozen bags right behind Pinkie and Rarity she got off the train... Seeing her after so long, I was frozen my heart beating wildly the moment our eyes met. She let her bags drop galloping forward to throw herself on Scootaloo and I all three of us teary eyed.

"I missed you both so much!"

"I missed you Mom!"

We squished Scootaloo between us slightly as we kissed passionately.

"So happy your back love I missed you so much..."

Everyone else's greetings were similar, happy to have their loved ones home and glad to be home even Rarity for though she loved the beauty of the Crystal Empire she still loved her home, friends and family more.

It was getting late and we all parted ways promising to all get together to talk and tell of what happened in the Crystal Empire and everything Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie had done.

We walked slowly home side by side with Scootaloo happily circling around us Twilights bags levitated behind us.

"What’s with all the bags Twi? We barely took anything with us when we left..."

"Well... With all the traveling around the Empire and all the shop owners and ponies we met I did see a few things I wanted... For you and Scootaloo too not to mention our friends... Beside Cadence insisted..." She giggled as I squeezed her.

We came up to the library and she stopped with a gasp. "Home..."

I knelt down hugging her tightly kissing her neck; I scooped her up as Scootaloo opened the door. "Welcome home love."

I carried her to the table and sat her down as she left the bags by the door. "What’s all this?"

"We made supper Mom! I helped!"

"She sure did." I set out all we made and Twi's face lit up tears starting to fall as she looked at us, we both moved closer hugging her tight as she cried. "Everyday I thought to myself 'I wonder what Scootaloo and Rick are doing?' Wishing I was here with you..." She whispered.

I kissed her softly with a smile. "You were doing important things love, Cadence and Armor needed you. Someday the three of us..." I reached out and rubbed her belly softly. "The four of us, will have to go there and see just what you helped to make."

She smiled softly kissing Scootaloo on the forehead then kissing me. "Don't diminish your part love. We will visit; I've so much to show you. But later, for now I'm just so glad to be home."

We ate Twi exclaiming over every dish we had made for her and afterwards the three of us cuddled on the couch a small fire warming us in the evenings chill as we talked, well Scootaloo did most of the talking. So many questions and more then happy to tell Twilight about everything that had happened since we left and when I came back until her return.

As the fire burned out she was fast asleep between us our heads together watching her and each other.

So many things I missed...

Only a week and a little bit love, we'll catch up on everything... I emphasised by kissing her neck.


We tucked our sleeping little Angel in and I carried Twilight up to bed undressing and climbing in together holding each other close.

"Mmm..." She murmured snuggling close. "I missed this most of all, I need you with me. You make everything right, without you everything seems... Empty."

"Twi..." I kissed her firmly running my hands over her. "I couldn't have said it better, even though I knew you'd be back I was so lonely. Even with Angel and our friends around... I still need you more then anything."

"And I need you."

She engaged her spell of sound suppression and we embraced our need and longing fuelling our desire time and again. Finally we collapsed together exhausted, entwined and totally at peace.

"I want to hear about everything love." I whispered to her as we lay there face to face.

"Mmm..." She kissed me softly shuffling closer to lay her head on my chest. "I do too... Tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow... I love you Twi, so much."

She snuggled against me I could practically feel her smile. "Only as much as I love you..."

I could feel her heart beating in time with mine, her scent, her every breath...

I've never slept better in my life...

Author's Note:

What does this have to do with Pinkie Pie?! No idea... Sorry, when my brain starts going sometime I just can't stop it. Next chapter the Pink approacheth! Hmm... That might not be a bad chapter title... Nah I got one in mind already.
Hope you're all well, please comment and let me know what you think.