So many things to learn... True pretty much all the time but when you’re expecting a new baby... A foal! Well I had no experience, no idea what to expect. Shimmer, Prism and what small part I had bringing them into this world notwithstanding...
But this was going to be my child! My son or daughter! I needed to know more. Thankfully we did have some books on the subject and we found a few more as well there were other ponies that were more then happy to lend. I learned a lot, pony and human pregnancies weren't so different.
A typical human pregnancy was around nine months and that was about all I knew about human pregnancies, a pony one was closer to eleven months. She was likely to start 'showing' around seven months.
The differences between human babies and foals were quite staggering though. On Earth a foal might be up and moving around on its own hooves an hour or sooner after being born a necessity from the time they were prey to other animals, considerably longer for a human baby of course. Here in Equestria the process was quite a bit different, after birth the foal is more like a human baby needing attention and supervision but after approximately a month they were up and galloping around on their own four hooves as opposed to a human infant who takes a much longer time to develop.
Then things get even stranger, a foal grows slowly for the first few years eventually reaching the size of the Crusaders at about four to five. Then strangely the growth process seems to slow down greatly until around ten when again most fillies and colts hit another growth spurt heading into adolescence… I guess it wasn’t too different from human children.
There were plenty of theories about why the young fillies and colts took so long to grow but the prevailing one at least was that it gave them time to adjust, learn and discover their cutie marks, an essential part of Equestrian society.
A rite of passage as it was, sometimes a filly or colts special talent didn't even affect their chosen career, there were a few ponies around town like that. Heck even Pinkie and Dash, granted Pinkie's cutie mark certainly fit in with what she liked to do in her spare time and even though Dash worked as a weather pony her ultimate goal was to be a Wonderbolt so her cutie mark fit that to a tee too... I wondered, did the cutie mark shape the ponies life or did the way they lived their life shape it...?
No clue, but I was going to have a great deal of first hand experience with the whole process... And I couldn't wait.
Time passed as it always does and soon it was mid spring, we tried with varying success to get back to a somewhat normal schedule. Admittedly Twilight and I spent more then a fair share of time on research and talking about foals and parenthood but Trixie still managed to pull Twilight away to further explore magic and I too stepped up my studies especially in the area of healing. Not that I had any doubt in the Ponyville hospitals baby delivering abilities, I just wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
Scootaloo too kept us busy and distracted; I tried my best to make sure to spend time with her whenever I could. I knew even when Twilight began to show she would be getting even more attention from everyone including myself and when the foal was born... I just wanted to make sure she knew she was as big a part of this family as anyone. Twilight too spent time with her helping her with her homework and including her in her research into foals.
Twilight and Cadence sent numerous letters back and forth and Armor and I even exchanged a few, I was curious about just how Equestrian society saw stallions or males in general in my case and child rearing. From what I had seen the stallions and mares seemed to share responsibilities but I knew Twilight had a lot of ponies who depended on her for so much and while I knew she wanted badly to be a mother she also wanted to continue her studies...
Honestly I had no problem taking more responsibility in taking care of our foal, my job afforded me plenty of time and to be honest I really wanted to. I mean... A new life, that I had a part in creating! It was going to be amazing...
Cadence's letters stopped suddenly but she was a Princess and no doubt had responsibilities of her own to attend too so we weren't concerned about it. The next day we were having an early get together with our group of friends when a letter teleported in, Twilight read it quickly then again a look of concern on her face.
"The Princess wants me to come to Canterlot right away... To give me a test!"
She immediately began galloping around the house gathering things she thought she might need, I helped her as well as I could not seeing too much reason to get quite so worried about it.
"Trixie! I'm going to need you to quiz me on everything we've studied! Everything! Ooh... I need more books... And flash cards...! And... And..."
"Twi. Calm down, it’s just a test." I tried to talk her down.
"Just a test?! Just a test?!?! It’s more then just a test!" She fumed.
"I think she’s takin it pretty well don't you Rick?" Applejack asked with a grin and a nudge.
I sighed kneeling down by Twilight pulling her into my embrace. "Just relax love, no stress. Remember..." I rubbed her side gently and she calmed down almost immediately leaning against me.
"Sorry, sorry everyone. It’s just not that often that the Princess gives me a test."
"You'll do great Mom! You’re the smartest pony around!"
Everyone else agreed and we quickly got things cleaned up getting ready to go.
"Rarity? Would you mind if Scootaloo came over with Sweetie Belle after school? Just in case we're not back until late?" Twilight asked.
"But of course darling, it's always a... Pleasure, to have the girls over." She smiled wanly causing us all to smile.
"Aww... But I wanna come!"
"Sorry Angel, we won't be too long..."
"And besides young filly you have school." Twilight finished with a smile.
So with her large amount of books, scrolls, quills and paperwork we made our way to the train station waving goodbye to everyone and giving Scootaloo one last hug and her promise to be good for Rarity.
We got her stuff stored and settled down in our car for the long ride cuddling together, I could feel her shaking slightly and looking down I could see a few tears falling.
"Rick..." She whispered.
"What? Are you ok?"
"I'm scared..."
"About the test?"
"A little... But more about... This." She put her fore hooves over her belly, I reached around to grasp her hooves and squeeze them tightly.
"What do you mean?"
"Is this going to change everything? Change the way you feel about me..."
"I’ve been thinking and… I'm going to get so fat... You won't want to touch me... And... And..." She broke out crying holding me tightly as she sobbed.
"Twilight..." I lifted her head up gently, kissing her and wiping her tears away. "There is nothing that could ever make me not want to touch you..." I rubbed her belly and chest softly. "Your being pregnant won't change a thing, the baby might change a few things in our life for sure... But for the best. You know I wasn't lying when I said that I found Cadence even more beautiful when she was pregnant... I've always had a... Thing... You know for pregnant women and mares..."
"A thing...?"
"Uhh... You know... I just find them very, very beautiful... And sexy..."
She just stared at me wide eyed for a moment, I was worried I might have weirded her out when she pushed forward kissing me feverishly. We had discussed and researched just what was safe and not for making love while she was pregnant and found it was quite safe up until near the very end, thankfully.
A train car, even in our own cabin isn't the most private location but... We made it work.
I held her tightly afterward again amazed at how much she meant to me, how little my old preconceptions meant now… If you had told me a year and a bit ago I would be in love with, married too or making love to a pony, let alone a purple unicorn pony I would have thought you were crazy...
Twilight sighed snuggling closer to me under my shirt draped over us. "I love you so much. Even if I fail as Princess Celestia’s student... As long as we're together, I'll be ok."
"Don't be silly love, you won't fail. I know you. You can't fail; you’re strong, so smart, beautiful..."
I stopped her with a soft kiss and a smile. "It doesn't matter, together we're alright. You, Scootaloo, me and Starswirl." I said placing my hand protectively on her belly. "No matter the location where we four are is home. I love you."
"You always know what to say..." We kissed again then she glanced out the window. "What?! We're almost there! Quick get dressed! I've got to get my notes! I wanted to study a bit more on the ride...!"
I chuckled to myself getting dressed, same as always Twi... I wouldn't want her any other way...
We got all cleaned up and organized before the train pulled up, Twilight even managed to skim through one of her books she thought might have to do with this mysterious test.
As we stepped out and the crowd cleared a bit we got a surprise, Spike was waiting and waved gesturing us over.
"Hey guys! It’s great to see you!"
"Hey Spike!"
"Spike!" Twilight rushed up hugging him tightly. "I've missed you."
He blushed and hugged her trying to pull away after a moment embarrassed. "It hasn't been that long Twilight... But I missed you too."
I walked up with Twilights bags slung over my shoulder. "Good to see you Spike, your looking even bigger yet!"
He stretched out a bit showing off and he did look bigger still. When I first met him he had been around three feet long and had grown almost a foot when he first came to stay with the Princess. Now he was again mayhap a half a foot taller... Longer...?
And he was bigger, more musculature though he still spotted a bit of a pot belly. Clearly Princess Celestia was feeding him well, or perhaps Cadence and Armor were the culprits... No matter.
"What are you doing here Spike?" Twilight asked finally letting him get away.
"The Princess sent me to escort you of course! She was pretty sure you'd be here too Rick."
"Well she did send two tickets, but even if she hadn't you know I would still be here. Moral support, I can't match Twi's encyclopaedic knowledge." I grinned.
"I'm not that..."
Spike cut her off with a laugh. "Tell me about it! When I was her assistant I could barely spell half the words she used in her letters!"
We laughed together for a bit until she stomped her hoof impatiently. "Rick! Spike!"
"Sorry, sorry. Princess Celestia did want to see you right away." He started leading the way and we followed.
"So what can you tell us about this 'test' Spike?" I asked.
"Nothing really! There’s been a lot of activity the past few days at the palace. Shining Armor and Cadence are both gone too! They left Shimmer and Prism with your parents so they must have been going a fair ways away."
"I wonder what happened?!"
"I'm sure it has nothing to do with your test anyhow." He comforted.
"Maybe... What about you Spike? The few letters you've sent have been pretty vague. What have you learned from Princess Celestia?"
He looked surprised for a moment then looked down at the ground still leading the way but slowly.
"Good and bad really... I wanted to know what it really meant to be a Dragon. What do we do? How do we live? I saw first claw how a lot of Dragons live and behave..."
Twilight put a forehoof on his shoulder comfortingly. "Spike you don't have to tell us..."
"I do! You’re the closest... Well second closest thing I've got to a family..."
He started leading us again.
"Alright buddy, tell us what you can."
"Thanks Rick, you too Twilight. She's told me a lot and I've learned a bit myself from a few of the old tomes in the archives. Mo... The Princess gave me permission to go down there and Alizarin has been a big help too!"
"Anyhow, from what I've read and she’s told me it seems the majority of Dragonkind is a lot like I've seen already... Following migration routes, nomadic... Finding and stealing gems or treasure from anyone they can, other Dragons included! But their not all like that, some just want to be left alone tunnelling out a lair and sleeping... Hoarding gems and treasure too..."
Gems, gold and treasure seemed to be key here. Not unlike the tales of Dragons from Earth...
"A few, a very few are more like me... Well I guess I'm more like them, more social. Living with ponies, Griffins and others even on their own but near settlements allowing others to visit trading their wisdom and strength for treasure! So I have some hope that I'll turn out ok, and not like those other jerks!"
Twilight and I smiled together. "I don't think there’s any danger of that Spike."
"And you’re Mother...?" Twilight whispered stopping him in his tracks.
"Oh... That..."
"I'm sorry Spike! I didn't mean to...!"
He turned around with a forced smile then began leading the way again.
"Its ok Twilight, I want to tell you guys really... It’s just hard..."
He took a deep breath and continued. "Princess Celestia doesn't know for sure what happened but she told me of a time long ago when she and Luna wandered seeking something... One night they took shelter in a cave which they quickly discovered was an old Dragon den...!"
He stopped a moment to compose himself, we didn't press him and before long he continued talking while leading us.
"The walls, floor and roof were fire blasted and claw scored... That’s not so unusual though as a lot of the time its how Dragons expand their lairs. They started a fire and looked around but there was no treasure horde only a few scattered coins and tiny gems, deep in the back of the cave stuffed in a crack they found an egg... Me. I... I don't know what happened, the Princess isn't sure either. They could have missed what happened by days or years... When she told me... Described the cave... I... I was scared, I don't know why. I can't be sure... But I think my Mom died there protecting her horde... Protecting me..."
He stopped again his shoulders shaking and I could see tears plopping down onto the pavement, Twi rushed forward to hug him tightly and I knelt down to squeeze his shoulder.
"I don't know for sure... If I can even remember from then... Is it all just my imagination? What could I do...?! I was just a helpless egg...!"
"Shh, shh..." Twilight soothed. "Nothing, you couldn't have done anything. That’s why she protected you, her baby. It’s not your fault; just remember she loved you..."
He burst out crying at that and I enveloped the two of them in my arms. I imagine we made a strange picture, a baby dragon, a pony and a human hugging in the middle of the approach to the palace.
After a few minutes we stepped back, Spike and Twilight wiped their eyes. I had a few tears myself to be honest.
"Thanks guys... I just needed to tell someone, Mo... Princess Celestia and I have talked about it a lot but..."
"Spike...?" Twilight asked with a knowing smile. "What are you not telling us?"
He tried to look stoic and seceded for a moment then went slightly red in the face bursting out. "Princess Celestia's my Mom now!"
"What?!" Twilight and I's reaction was pretty much the same.
He started leading us along again practically skipping along as he explained.
"It's just... Coming back here and spending so much time with her brought back so many memories... Your magic hatched me Twilight but the Princess is the one who raised me, held me, fed me... Loved me. I know you do too! But with her it's different..."
"After a late night study session I was tired and when she suggested it was time for bed I said... 'Ok mommy...' I felt like such a fool! I thought for sure she was going to be mad at me, or laugh at me, maybe send me away..."
He took a deep breath and smiled. "She didn't do any of those things. She just smiled and wrapped me in her wings teleporting us to my room. As she tucked me in she whispered. 'Do you really feel that way about me Spike?' When I looked up and saw her beautiful eyes shimmering with tears I knew I was home. We stayed up even later that night talking until I fell asleep; from that day on I've called her mom... I try not to do it in front of others; I don't want to embarrass her..."
"I don't think she would mind Spike." I grinned.
"Your right. I'm just... Happy. Happier then I've ever been before." He started suddenly spinning to grab Twilight. "I don't mean I wasn't happy with you Twilight! You’re like my big sister! Please don't be mad!"
She smiled shaking her head grabbing him in another hug. "How could I be mad Spike? Princess Celestia has always been like a mother to me as well, this just makes us even closer..." She hugged him tighter a little teary eyed. "You'll always be my little brother Spike, even when the only way I'll be able to hug you is to wrap my forehooves around your finger..."
"Thank you Twilight!"
They hugged a moment longer before he jumped. "We're late! Quick let’s go!"
He took off running with Twilight hot on his heels and me floundering to catch up hauling Twilights saddlebags.
Fortunately we had been close to the palace and arrived quickly, Spike pulled us aside just before the door.
"She asked to see you alone Twilight."
"Alone...?" She gulped.
"You'll be fine love, I'll wait for you."
"Me too! Good luck! Not that you'll need it!"
She levitated her saddlebags onto her back and entered looking back once; I blew her a kiss as the doors closed behind her.
I moved a bit away sitting on the nearby grass in the shade thinking about everything Spike had told us. Spike was restless pacing back and forth beside me.
"That’s it! I'm going for some donuts, be right back."
"Sure Spike." I chuckled lying back in the grass and closing my eyes.
I lay there listening to the sounds of the city, ponies going about their business and the breeze blowing, when I heard some hoofclicks approach.
"Done already love?"
I popped open my eyes to find Luna looking down at me.
"She will be some time yet Rick..." She said sombrely sitting beside me.
"It’s good to see you Luna... What’s wrong?"
She sighed looking over at me with sad eyes. "I... I should not say it is my sister’s task for Twilight Sparkle…”
"This test?" She nodded looking down to avoid eye contact. "Luna please, is this test going to be dangerous?! I should be in there with her!"
I started to stand but she put a forehoof on my shoulder gently pushing me back down.
"No... The test is not here but far to the north it shall be a long journey..."
"Is it going to be dangerous?!" She continued to look down but kept her hoof on my shoulder, she seemed to be steeling herself for something. "Luna...?"
I put my hand on her hoof squeezing it comfortingly. "I did not want this Rick... My sister believes... No. Twilight Sparkle is special and my sister try’s to guide her to a greater destiny... That sounds a bit presumptuous I know..."
She took a deep breath finally looking up at me. "It will be dangerous, as dangerous a trial as any she has ever faced before. Circumstances have culminated and my sister has faith that Twilight will be able to handle the situation... Find a solution... Her friends and you will be by her side to support her but ultimately it must be she that solves this dilemma. Otherwise she may fail..."
She pulled her hoof away and slumped down looking dejected. I shuffled over to her and put my arm around her pulling her close; she stiffened for a moment then leaned against me with a grateful sigh.
"I wish I had my sister’s faith... The faith you all have put in Twilight Sparkle. She is a talented Unicorn I admit but... This test will be difficult, even Tia and I barely..."
"Please Luna tell me what you can."
"I... I can't, Twilight must go into her test... Uncompromised."
"It has been over a thousand years since my sister and I faced... No I mustn’t... Tia's memory of what we faced has faded somewhat over the years. I however have had ample time to go over my memories, catalogue them, see my mistakes, triumphs, loves and losses... They are burned into me now. Tia won't listen though... I should be going as well! Only she and I have faced what awaits them...! Even with Cadence and Shining Armors help..."
Her eyes went wide and she clapped her forehooves over her mouth blushing slightly with embarrassment.
I smiled and gave her a squeeze. "Luna please tell me what you can. I promise not to tell her anything, I only want to protect her. I know you would hate to have any harm come to her, me or her friends. Not to mention your future godchild..."
She turned and looked at me her lovely blue green eyes wide.
"My... My... Godchild...?"
I smiled softly. "Luna... You've given Twilight and I the greatest gift I could have ever dreamed of or asked for! How could we not want you to be a part of our foal’s life? Granted it’s an honour you'll be sharing with five other mares but still we want you to be there, for her or him to have an amazing godparent to look up to for their whole life!"
Tears began to form and fall upon the ground; I looked around quickly worried that we might be creating some gossip here sitting close together like we were. But we were well away from the main paths and in the shade of a tree no one seemed to have noticed us.
"You... You want me as your foal’s godmother? After all I did to you and..."
I couldn't bear to see her so miserable and confused. I pulled her into my embrace holding her tightly.
"The good you've done and still do far outweigh any bad you feel you've done Luna. You are a good friend to us and I hope you always will be..." I whispered.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She clung to me tightly crying openly as I gently soothed her mane and back.
After a few minutes she drew back and wiped her eyes with a smile. "Always crying in front of you Rick, embarrassing for me to get so emotional... I find it easier now though, Tia and I have had many long conversations about what I missed, how things have changed and what happened to me, and to her while I was gone... It’s just nice to have family, friends, those who care about me... Thank you."
"Glad to... I too have wrestled with... Well everything, being here, losing my family and friends... But what I've gained is so much more." I cleared my throat. "I didn't mean to sound like us making you a godmother was some sort of a bribe for information! We knew as soon as we thought of it that we wanted you to be..."
She smiled slyly leaning back. "Indeed, trying to bribe a Princess?? Even a knight cannot get away with such reprehensible behaviour!"
She laughed lightly giving me a nudge with her forehoof. "Truly Rick when I came out here and saw you I think I had already made up my mind to tell you everything..."
"And I will tell you but not here."
"I need to wait for Twilight though."
"Of course... Ah, Spike." She rose smiling as he ran up a big bag of donuts in hand and clearly surprised to see her.
"Princess Luna! Great to see you... Uhh... Donut?" He asked sheepishly offering her the bag and bowing at the same time.
She smiled warmly and shook her head. "Thank you but no Spike. However I do need your assistance."
"Indeed, I must discuss something with Rick in private, but we need someone trustworthy to wait for Twilight Sparkle and let her know he will meet her later. Can we trust you with this?"
"Of course Princess!" He replied saluting quickly and nearly dropping his bag. "You can count on me!"
"I knew we could." She leaned against me her horn glowed and we were gone...
I blinked a few times as my head spun slightly from the teleport. I had half expected it but it still dazed me a bit. Maybe ponies with all four hooves on the ground were less affected by it...?
My head cleared quickly though and I looked around the darkened chamber, two windows and a balcony were barely visible all shrouded by heavy drapes, I took a step forward squinting in the dark and immediately barked my shin off an unseen obstacle.
"Ahh!" I hopped back cradling my sore shin and ran into something else, soft and warm it too stumbled back with a gasp the both of us falling to the side entangled fortunately onto a large soft surface.
"Oops, sorry just let me..." I tried to pull away but was partially trapped underneath her.
"No, no. My fault sorry, I forget others have not my senses in the dark, just let me..."
The glow of her horn was quickly overshadowed by the lamps she lit revealing a modest and fairly spartan chamber, a small desk and stool which I had walked into, a small wardrobe to the side of the door and several portraits hung upon the walls. A large one just across from me caught my eye two regal looking Alicorns smiling warmly and there between them two small and very familiar Alicorn fillies... Celestia, her mane and tail a bright pink unlike her many colored cascading ones now, she looked small maybe a bit older then Scootaloo but with an Alicorn how could I tell...? And a tiny foal Luna perched on her sisters back peeking out through her sister’s mane.
The portrait glowed and suddenly the figures within seemed to come to life, there was no sound but the two fillies galloped around their parents legs in an apparent game of tag, the King and Queen seemed to laugh finally calming them both down and returning to their original poses.
"It hurts to see it, even more so to activate its magic and see it thus but I cannot... I will not ever forget them. Their love, kindness and everything they taught me..."
"Luna...' I looked away from the portrait to her and suddenly realised we were still in the same position we had fallen in, laid out across her large bed with her atop me still watching the portrait her eyes glistening.
After a moment she blinked and looked down at me realizing the position we were in she blushed heavily backing away. "Oh...! W... Welcome to my chambers."
I pulled myself off the bed trying to hide my own embarrassment. "Ahem... Let’s not mention this Twi eh? She... Can get a bit jealous."
Her eyes went wide as she stammered. "What?! No... No I would never...!"
I chuckled at her discomfort nudging her gently. "No worries Luna. Now about this test...?"
She nodded and sat back a thoughtful look on her face. "The test itself is almost entirely up to Twilight Sparkle to solve, I cannot give you any information there..."
She held up a forehoof seeing me about to interject. "However... I will tell you of Tia and I's experiences, I do not know how much help they will be..."
I settled back with a smile and nod and she continued.
"Very well, let me tell you of our time in the Crystal Empire..."
"Long ago before my imprisonment but after... He. Usurped us, at first Tia and I fled to the Griffin empire, the largest civilization on our world... Their high council was sympathetic to our cause but they could not risk helping us against a being so powerful... They had learned a hard lesson many years before when our parents were just forming Equestria; bring the tribes together and trying to outline their borders... The rulers of the Griffin Empire then were warlike and powerful; they had no qualms about taking what they wanted. When their forces came against us though they were surprised and outmatched, they had numbers but the tactics and magic used by my parents and their army were far beyond their understanding or abilities..."
"After many defeats they were forced to concede a large section of their land to us and while our forces could defeat them in battle we did not have the numbers to concur them. Truly though that was not my parent’s intent at all, they simply wanted a place for all ponykind to live in peace and prosperity. They did not fear the Griffins but nor could they afford to trust them, so instead of open war or even just hostile relations our parents helped them. Taught them, even assisted them in their battle against the wild Dragons who endangered their borders regularly…”
"Over time things changed subtly, the old leaders were replaced by the newly formed high council, some I have no doubt had to be forced... But eventually they became our close allies and trading partners! That’s why we were so surprised and upset when they turned us away... I understand now, with our parents... Passing. And everything that happened after, diplomatic ties were severed and I can't blame them for fearing... Discords power..."
She broke off stifling a sob and I reached over grasping one of her forehooves and squeezing it gently. "Thank you. We left the Griffin Empire angry and disillusioned, they had at the very least allowed us passage through their lands and furnished us with supplies. We travelled and travelled not knowing exactly what we sought but sure that we would know it when we found it..."
"Our search took us all around the lands and small kingdoms surrounding Equestria and beyond, we made many friends and were more then happy to use our powers to help when we could. Tia and I grew even closer but always in the back of our minds was the knowledge of what was... And the worse that could happen in Equestria!"
Her horn glowed and a small pinprick of light appeared between us, slowly it expanded filling the space between us and even overlapping us a bit. I could clearly see it was a map of Equestria and beyond, the most detailed I had ever seen.
"This is the path we took..." She traced onto the map a trail with her forehoof a faraway look in her eyes as she remembered.
"It had been almost a year since we had left and we still had no answers only more questions and leads, so many leads but most of them were based in folklore and myth... Still we searched them out finding disappointment again and again. We traveled far north seeking a city said to be lost in the snow. But what we found was so much more..."
She let the map lapse and sank down onto her bed face to face with me as I sat on the floor. "We're not infallible you know? Tia and I we've made... Mistakes, errors in judgement..."
"I understand Luna, we all do."
She smiled and shook her head slightly. "True, but when you have power... Responsibility such as we do, your mistakes can cause hardship or worse to all those around you..."
"Not unlike a knight..." She smiled. "Or a father."
"We had been traveling for days and days through the snow and cold, our supplies had nearly run out and we were both reaching the limit of our physical and magical endurance... But ahead in the distance we saw a shimmering, we both rushed forth hoping it was not another mirage. Oh yes the desert is not the only place you will see a mirage, the howling wind and blowing snow even the sun could and had fooled us into thinking we saw what we wanted to many times..."
She sighed and rolled over playfully. "I remember it all so clearly, it was a trying time and we were both so driven but full of despair... We helped so many each other included but it still never felt like we were never reaching our goal! It was a horrible and wonderful time... When we reached the shimmering we beheld an opaque wall stretching as far as we could see upwards and to the sides! Each of us cast spells trying to discern the nature of this barrier but it was like nothing we had ever seen before. Finally we decided there was nothing to do but take the plunge, we stepped forward together eyes shut into the unknown…”
She stopped stretching for a moment looking at me upside down.
"And...? What did you see?!"
"It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, green fields far and wide, flowers, crops and in the distance a huge palace and entire city made entirely of crystal...!"
"Yes, the Crystal Empire. A very isolationist Kingdom... Or empire I suppose. Regarded as mere myth, stories from the occasional traveller who came across it and survived the trek back across the artic waste were never taken seriously. We were even more surprised to find another tribe of ponies living there, the crystal ponies. Not really made of crystal but their bodies shone and glimmered as if they truly were. The crystal ponies did not practice magic as we know it, they WERE magic... True we all have a dashes of magic in us from the earth ponies with their endurance and talent for growing, the Pegasus and their flying skill and of course the unicorns, you above any other can surely attest to their magic..."
I smiled like a goof thinking of Twilight, her adorable excitement in discovering even the most simple new magic spell or trick. "I can at that..."
"The crystal ponies fell into no definition we could determine! Their bodies were clearly affected by magic as well as the way they interacted with one another and their environment. The complete lack of snow and cold attested to that! Our arrival was a shock to them very much like your's in Ponyville for the first time. Soon enough though we found, or rather they found us... Some kindred spirits, A few families of pones from all three tribes who had struck out on their own and found their way here through luck or destiny I do not know."
"Did they recognise you?"
"No! Their families had left before our parents had even been crowned King and Queen, rulers of the newly formed Equestria. From what we heard the earth ponies had been quickly accepted they being the most alike to the crystal ponies, over time they found mates and eventually their foals, foals became true crystal ponies as well! The Pegasus too, their foals were born true crystal ponies wingless but accepted. The Unicorns however due to their longer lifespan were not all gone when we came; several still lived within the crystal empire."
"The shield we found out protected them not only from the harsh environment outside but also hostile animals of the tundra as well as any sapient being with evil intent. The source of the shield they were less then forthcoming with but we didn't push them, we were the strangers here. We had come at a most unusual time; the old king had passed on but left neither heir to the throne nor any successor. Several factions within the empire vied for the throne and unfortunately as newcomers and beings of power we were drawn into the troubles..."
"Oh? I thought they were mostly xenophobic? Surely the two of you..."
"Definitely! There were many who didn't even want us there, but among the groups vying for the throne they quickly realized the power we represented, power they thought they could use to their own benefit!"
She practically growled the last bit then took a moment to clear her head. "Sorry..."
"No, I can get it. Being used or even having others think they can use you sucks."
"There were three major groups trying to win the throne as well as a dozen minor ones who lacked the power or resources to truly challenge for it. The largest was the core of the old kings advisors and supporters, they were highly in favour or isolationism expelling any pony not of 'true blood' us included, they were the only group who didn't want our assistance at all."
"The second group was a little more open minded, they were willing to allow other races into the empire but felt they could never be trusted with any position of authority. Also they were thoroughly uninterested in outside trade feeling that the empire was fully self sufficient."
"The last big group actually included several of the Unicorns living there; they had no clue to what had happened to the three tribes after they left. They were of course open to other ponies and races coming to visit and live in the empire and very open to trade. Unfortunately when we explained the current crisis in Equestria they were less then willing to guarantee any support..."
She sighed sitting back up and hopping off the bed to pace angrily. "So many ponies asking for so much! Things beyond what we could even accomplish! It was so, so frustrating... Days, weeks then even months passed. We came so close to leaving so many times but they were the closest best chance we had... If we could help them then they could help us! So we kept trying, we soon found the three major groups to be far too busy backstabbing, slandering and thinking of their own selves to be effective or trustworthy rulers..."
She flopped back down on her bed with an exaggerated groan and an apologetic smile.
"It wasn't all in vain, we got to know many of the empires inhabitants and cultivated many friendships, eventually through word of mouth we heard of one of the smaller groups that sounded promising... It was run by a brash young Unicorn not even in his hundredth year yet! He wanted very much to open the borders to invite in other races and open trade. He impressed us to say the least, his magical skills too were well above the typical Unicorn, he had ingratiated himself to the former ruler gaining access to the libraries deepest archives and had learned much. Tia and I were no novices of course, we had had our lessons growing up which I despised and Tia excelled at naturally..."
She stuck her tongue out at a portrait of Celestia on the wall giggling like a schoolfilly.
"Also as you know we used to frequent the archives to see Alizarin and to snoop... There are many magic’s that should not be played with... We didn't know! We were both still so young and naive..."
She smiled at my questioning look.
"Yes even Princess Celestia... Especially her... I knew romance, love... As badly as it turned out. Tia had no real experience; I should have seen the signs! But we were embroiled in a political war, with our support and that of the ponies we had befriended we were quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with... Around two months after we had found our way to the empire Tia came to me excitedly explaining how the Unicorn leaded had devised a spell to join our two kingdoms, when the crystal empire was filled with light, love and happiness these things would be reflected across Equestria as well, but should darkness and evil reign... Well we had no fear of that, with the two of us there and backing the best prospect for king we were sure of success! Naive remember...?”
"The three of us combined our magic using the entire city and palace as a huge power focus casting the spell and linking Equestria and the crystal empire forever! It was such an amazing moment; I thought I could finally see an end to our long journey! I never thought to ask Tia if she had taught him something in return..."
"After that we threw our full and unconditional support behind him, striving toward the crowning of the Unicorn... Sombra..."
She went quiet her eyes downcast.
"What happened then?"
"Things went very well; we gained support with the ponies many of the other groups even began to support him accepting his bid for the crown. Finally after another month all the criteria had been met, the other contenders pushed aside or having given in to Sombra's inevitable victory. He was finally crowned King Sombra, Tia stood by his side as he was inaugurated. By then I had clued in, I was happy for her... Perhaps a bit jealous but we had our own kingdom to reclaim!"
"Yet another month passed, I felt we were running out of time! But Tia and Sombra were busy restructuring the empire making many small changes here and there... The sweeping reforms he had promised seemed slow in coming but Tia had faith in him so I had no choice but to go along. He formed an elite guard to keep the peace as well as protect he and Tia... Things were beginning to unravel; I tried to make her see...! To understand... But she was blind, fallen for his charm and soothing words. I couldn't blame her, they were a good match and he treated her like she deserved, I knew all too well how love could blind a mare... Like me... Little did I know how soon Tia and I would have even more in common..."
"Common? The miasma?!"
"No, no thankfully. That would have made things even worse... If that were even possible..."
I could tell this story was depressing her; she had sunk down in her bed wrapping her sheet around herself. "Luna... You've told me plenty you don't have to..."
She looked up at me and smiled her eyes lighting up a bit. "I had almost forgotten how nice it is to have friends, who care for you and don't want you to hurt..." She wiggled forward kissing me on the cheek. "Ooh! They tickle! No wonder Twilight likes them so much..." She giggled with a sly smile making me blush slightly.
"I was beginning to lose my patience with the whole situation; my temper was frayed with Tia, Sombra and anyone I saw really! Thankfully before I really blew up Tia and I were summoned before him, he explained that he had been given information from a reliable source of a Dragons den not too far away, abandoned but still with a sizeable amount of treasure abandoned within. With that he assured us we would be able to hire enough mercenaries to supplement his own forces and retake Equestria!"
"I was so excited I didn't think... Didn't question... Who would choose to share such information? Why he would send just Tia and I and one wagon instead of a regiment of guards and many…? We set out well equipped at least, quietly and quickly so as not to cause a commotion, exiting the shield we were immediately hammered by the cold and biting wind it seemed far colder then I remembered... We trekked even further north barely able to see in the howling blizzard, thankfully we had our own... 'Connections' that kept us on track, that first night..."
She shivered despite the midday’s warmth. "So cold, we huddled together by the wagon, blankets draped over us trying to salvage all the warmth we could, a fire was impossible as was sleep. If we drifted off we might never wake... Close together we talked keeping each other awake, she told me of her and Sombra’s plans for the future. She was so happy and enthusiastic but... Something in them rang false to me; I brushed it off as just jealousy on my part... I wish I hadn't..."
"He wasn't what he said was he...?"
"He was and wasn't and what followed was his doing and ours... The next day the storm had lessened and we were able to make headway, by nightfall we came upon the cave. It was quite large the wagon easily came along with us inside, we lit the way as we explored reviling many troubling signs. Walls claw scored and fire blasted, whole support pillars smashed out caving in small sections of the roof. No one pony or Dragon had been here for some time but not nearly long enough to erase the smell of death... As we traveled we found little trace of treasure, a few hooffulls of coins and the odd tiny scattered gem. Deep in the back of the cave we found her... Clawed and mangled nearly beyond recognition, she had been a small Dragoness likely young and only with a small horde so why she needed such a large cave was beyond us until... Searching a bit further behind her hidden in a small alcove we found her true treasure, a dozen small eggs her babies..."
"Spike...!" I whispered.
She looked at me surprised. "You can never tell him.” At my understanding nod she continued. “His brothers and sisters had all been cruelly smashed, all but one pushed deep back in a crevice a tiny egg... Spike. We took the egg with us; there was nothing else we could do. As brutal and horrific as it seems now it was an all too common occurrence back then... We made camp for the night near the entrance as far from that scene of loss as we could. The wagon and wood we had been carrying together made a fitting pyre; we wouldn't need it anymore. The egg soaked up the heat seeming to grow the closer we moved it to the fire. Together we placed in into the very center for the night, taking turns sleeping and caring for it, turning it and keeping a steady flow of healing magic into it..."
"In the morning the egg seemed... Almost alive, practically glowing and warm to the touch. Tia perched it on her back and as we left we collapsed the entire cavern, a tomb for the lost mother and her offspring... The storm had died in the night and we made good time getting back to the empire late in the evening but as we approached we could clearly see something was wrong. The shield flickered barely keeping out the elements; we rushed to the city to find the streets empty, dark and strange... Wrong feeling crystal formations had begun to form all around the city. Quickly we galloped to the palace to find our way barred by the elite guard Tia had helped to form!"
"They too seemed... Wrong, small bits of that same crystal seemed to grow from their bodies and their eyes were empty and lifeless tinged with a sickly green and red glow a strange purple mist coming off them... When Tia saw that her face seemed to drain of all color and emotion 'No...' She whispered suddenly hurling herself into action flying over the guards and entering the palace taking us all by surprise. I followed her as quickly as I could having to fight off a few of the guards who had gotten too close. When I reached the throne room I found her fallen to her knees tears streaming down her face the egg placed carefully to her side. The source of her anguish was easily apparent, the throne room had been transformed into a mockery of what it had once been dark and jagged crystal forms had taken over and seated on the throne was Sombra his crown, cape and hoofguards on looking far more menacing in these circumstances, his cruel eyes blazing red and green with that same sickly light purple vapour coming off them as if they burned the very air they touched. He smiled seeing us... 'Ah my beloved and her doting sister, how nice. Do you like the changes I've made? I see no trace of treasure with you... Although... That egg may well fetch a fine price.'"
That seemed to snap Tia out of her malaise; she grabbed the egg clutching it close. 'No! Sombra... Why...?! Why did you use it?! I told you... I...' He laughed manically his horn flashing knocking us both to the ground, 'King Sombra. How soon you forget slut. As for your "gift" to me? Why shouldn't I use it? It's made me strong! Stronger then anyone! I will rule the Crystal Empire and Equestria forever!' I was in shock; he had been a skilled magician but this amount of power... It wasn't possible!"
She sighed looking me in the eye. "Please don't judge her Rick, I learned later she had taught him Dark magic. Something she had learned deep in the archives a book of forbidden lore... She never taught me, I guess because she knew how dangerous it was. Most magic is neutral; it all depends on what you use it for good or evil... Not so with Dark magic, it corrupts... The more you use it the deeper into your psyche it seeps, Sombra must have been practicing in since she taught him... Why would she teach him I questioned, yelled, screamed! Why would she even know it…?"
"Eventually I realized, knowledge is power, even if you never use it simply knowing of something allows you to in some way be prepared for it, react to it, anticipate... You know this."
And I did I realized, my studies into destructive magic, knowledge I needed to be able to counter such magic’s if I ever needed...
"At the time we were both badly unprepared, after our long trek and the things we'd seen we were both physically and mentally exhausted... Tia was shaking clutching the egg like it was her lifeline, 'No.' She looked up her eyes suddenly steely, she put the egg beneath her as she stood, 'Luna! To me!' As shocked and tired as I was her voice snapped me out of it and I was at her side in an instant. She looked up at him sadly. 'Sombra... I'm so sorry, I never should have taught you something so dangerous I just...', 'King Sombra!' He raged his magic again lashing out at us trying to knock us back but we were ready standing together we kept our hooves. 'You were foolish, you thought you could control me, but I fooled you! I mastered the Dark magic where you failed! Now stop this idiocy and join me, stand by my side and be my Queen and we will make this entire world ours!' I could feel her trembling again but with longing or fear I didn't know...
"Tia..." I whispered nudging against her gently; she started bumping the egg below. She steadied it; seeming to draw strength from it and me she drew a deep breath. 'Sister, join with me. I must try to banish this darkness from him... I do not know if we can succeed but I must try!' For you... I replied. 'For us...' I didn't know if she meant me or him but it didn't matter. For the Crystal empire! I gasped as we joined. 'For Equestria!'"
"He snarled as we began to glow together Tia's golden aura bolstered by my own creating a shield around us. 'Traitorous bitch!' He growled his own sickly aura flaring up and enveloping us tendrils of dark magic piercing our shield effortlessly and slamming into us, trying to corrupt us..."
I was on edge eagerly waiting what happened next. "What did you do?"
"We discovered something. We had a resistance of sorts to the Dark magic, I could feel it trying to invade my body, my mind, my very essence but it couldn't. Not right away... It could pierce our shield but not us, maybe because of how we were joined, what we are... Or what our parents had gifted us with..."
She shook her head with a snort. "No matter the reason for the moment we were safe, at his power level any normal pony would not have been... The guards we had seen before had clearly been corrupted. Almost any normal pony would be lost... We stepped forward together our aura strengthening. Tia and I... For so long we were all the other had. Being an Alicorn let alone the daughters of the King and Queen... Well, we didn't make a lot of friends...
She sighed standing again to pace about the room. "As soon as my studies began she was there to help me, we did everything together and we learned over time we could join... Combine our magic, our strength to accomplish so much more! Our parents had our instructors teach us much but they themselves taught us each our focus in very specific areas. Tia's was the light, the sun, radiance and warmth while mine was the night, shadows and the dreaming... Just as my mother had begun to shape before... I wouldn't let her down! We would survive! Reclaim Equestria and fulfill our parent’s dreams!"
"We took a step forward and another Tia's radiance pushed the darkness back. Sombra renewed his assault time and again but as we advanced it seemed inevitable. We pushed him up against his throne trying to draw out, to eliminate the darkness that filled him... He spat and hissed at us then suddenly stopped and an evil grin crossing his face his horn flashed and he was gone! We spun around trying to locate him and saw him at the other end of the chamber guards now flooding the room through all the doors and him standing over the egg..."
"He raised a forehoof above it as Tia screamed 'Nooo!!!' Surprisingly he stopped placing his hoof lightly onto of the egg. 'Yes... Destroying or selling it would be a waste, a corrupted Dragon to serve me however...' His dark smile grew and I knew it was now or never."
"Tia... I begged. 'Do it.' She sobbed, suddenly it was she pouring her magic into me, I don't know if she knew what I intended to do. I only knew one spell fast enough, dangerous enough to end this now. Penumbra... A spell taught to me by my mother, she had used it to shape the shadows of the dreaming but it had a dark side, with enough power focused it could rip the spirit, the flesh and essence of a being transforming them into a living shadow never again able to stand the light of day..."
"The spell sprang from us instantly striking Sombra’s hoof changing it to insubstantial shadow working its way quickly through his body. 'Ahhhrg...! I'll not go alone!' He cursed his horn flashing once before it too was consumed and his shadow scattered in all directions by Tia's radiance. The whole palace shuddered as his final spell reverberated throughout... Though the entire city, all of the empire! Using it as a focus as we had... We felt it take hold as everything began to quake, it was all we could do to grab the egg and hold onto one another as the dark crystals shattered around us once again revealing the throne room as it should be before everything went black... And in that darkness were the cries of thousands of ponies all silenced in an instant... I still hear them some nights…”
She stopped her head hung low; I rose up and embraced her quietly holding her tight as she continued.
"We clung together as slowly, so slowly the world came back... The snow, the cold and thankfully the sun... Of the palace, the city and the whole Crystal Empire there was no trace..."
"And now...?"
"The empire has returned and we fear Sombra as well... Cadence and Shining Armor are there already but I fear they too cannot meet this threat. That is why this is so important to my sister! But also why she dare not go herself and why she feels I must not go either... I hope Twilight Sparkle is up to this challenge but I fear... Rick! You must protect her! Not only from what Sombra may have in store but from herself! You know her thirst for knowledge; do not let her make the mistakes... We all made. But neither can you guide her... Ugh! It’s so frustrating! I am so sorry to dump all this on you..."
I squeezed her once more stepping back. "Luna. I am honoured you would trust me with this story; I will do everything in my power to protect Twilight but not help her... It won't be easy, but we'll get through. Believe in her, in me and her friends. We'll find a way..."
"That reminds me..." Her horn glowed teleporting something in behind her. "Kneel and put out your hands please.
I did as she asked and she levitated a small scabbard over her back into my hands. "A weapon for the royal knight." She grinned as I looked it over.
It was a small dagger in a simple sheath Celestia and Luna’s markings on it, I held it up with a questioning look. "What are you trying to imply here Luna?" I asked with a smile.
"I don't understand..."
"Well it’s like... You’re trying to say my... Never mind. What is this?" I blushed slightly changing the topic.
She smiled at me bemused. "Draw it but carefully. This is the same weapon you used to extract the Miasma; we enlarged it and made this scabbard it cannot cut through. Be careful with it for it is a weapon built to kill, but I can think of none other who I would wish to possess it. We have added a simple enchantment as well you will never drop it nor have it jarred from your hands."
I drew it carefully its shining blade seemed almost transparent, I sheathed it carefully fastening the scabbard and belt around my waist. "Thank you Luna, and thank Princess Celestia for me as well."
She leaned close with a grin. "And don't you ever tell my sister I told you my pet name for her or I'll get you!" She added nudging me playfully.
"I would never... Lulu."
"What?! How did you...? Did she…?!"
I laughed at her confusion, I had just taken a guess. "I had no idea. Lucky guess Luna, your secrets are safe with me. But if... When we came back from this I think Twi deserves to hear this story..."
"Of course. But it grows late, she will be reaching the train station soon and you must be there to meet her. Best of luck Sir Sparkle, until we meet again I hope for your safety."
Her horn flashed and suddenly I found myself standing behind five familiar mares.
"What’s taking them so long?!"
"Calm down Rainbow Dash, although I am interested to hear about this trip we're supposed to go on."
"Got that right Rare, what could be so dadgum important?"
"Who cares?! We get to ride on the train! For free!"
"I... I just wish Trixie could have come..."
I shook my head to clear the dizziness; I hoped they would all be alright...
Be strong...
whoa, sees tags.....
why is there a sad and dark tag bro?
Well... shit. This is going to be fun!
3885707 Got em thanks! You can read it without it being published? Interesting...
3885758 As long as you provide a link and the chapter is published, yes we can view it before it passes moderation. Otherwise how would the mods be able to read it?
3885766 Very true, cool!
3885817 Thanks, hey something just a little kick in the butt is what we need eh?
So you're finally into Season Three.
I look forward to seeing how this goes.
Made my day
It begins.....
Ah the sequel dont mind if I just dive right in!
Woot it's out I've been looking forward to this!
3885817 On the same wavelength are we...?
3886114 Thanks!
3887626 Glad to hear it.
3888683 Hopefully it will never end...
3888995 Please do.
3890149 Actually I've worked very hard all my life to stay in control. I mean I'm a pretty big guy and if I did 'lose it' as it was someone could get badly hurt. And even if they totally deserve it (and you know some people do lol) It's just more trouble then its worth. However... I sure as hell won't let anyone hurt my friends or the ones I love so lets hope it never comes to that eh?
So you are a maieusophile...
Wasn't Sombra beaten by the EoH?
Oh wait, headcanon, nevermind
Uh oh...
This should be interesting...