• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 871 Views, 1 Comments

The Count Rises - Stormy Night

My entry for the Writer's Training Ground #001: Bats! Undoing the spell on Fluttershy has unforeseen circumstances when an ancient evil is released from its confinement.

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Things Get Kinda Batty

Fluttershy stared at the mirror, her eyes locked on their reflections. The Stare, unpredictable and poorly controlled at the best of times, had gone completely haywire when combined with the magical essence of the vampire fruit bats. Triggered by the sight of the massive, unimaginably sweet, impossibly juicy apple, it held her gaze. The first glimpse had been short enough that the bat-ified mare had been able to escape, the second as well, but the third had lasted just long enough that her mind was trapped within her own magically charged gaze. The fruit was now forgotten as she stared into the depths of her own eyes, the world falling away around her to the point that she hardly noticed the lavender shroud of magic encircling her.

The spell worked quickly, purging the vampiric hunger from her body and mind. As the curtain of arcane light faded, a cluster of shadowy bats fluttered off into the night. Fluttershy fell to the ground, exhausted and confused. She blinked, the last of the magic fading as she regained awareness of her surroundings. Satisfied that the curse had ended, the six mares trotted off to plan a proper solution to the vampire fruit bat problem.

Meanwhile, in a different section of the orchards, a cloud of bats congregated on the withered husk of an apple tree. They swirled around, forming a solid mass of darkness, wings, and teeth. A pulse of magic, old and dark, ran through them as they ceased being individuals and became something else entirely.

A deep, dark laugh filled the air as a shadowy form rose from where the cloud had settled. Moonlight gleamed off of ivory fur, highlighted a pure white streak among an otherwise black mane and tail. Broad wings, not feathered but membranous, stretched as two gleaming crimson eyes opened in the shadows. The shadowy figure took flight as the clouds above blocked out the full moon. Its all-seeing eyes scanned the countryside for a suitable lair as the dawn rapidly approached.

The next day was a long one for Applejack. An entire section of the orchards had to be fenced off as a home for the former pests. The bats flitted happily about in the trees, draining the juices of their fruit and spreading seeds far and wide. Applejack had to admit that Fluttershy had been right about the ugly little critters. They weren't so bad when you got to know them, especially when the destruction they caused was contained.

The sun was growing low in the sky by the time they were finished. Applejack had been busily posting boundary signs while Fluttershy showed the bats their new homes.

“Ah gotta tell ya Fluttershy, I cain't wait to see if what you said about these here critters bein' good for the trees bears any fruit.” She said, giving the sign she was posting one last pound. She chuckled a bit at her own pun.

“Oh it will Applejack!” Fluttershy said with a grin. The vampire fruit bat on her shoulder nuzzled her cheek affectionately before flitting off to a nearby tree. “It's going to be dark soon, and we promised to meet the others back at the library.”

“Ah guess you're right Sugarcube.” The farmer said, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Let's hit the road.”

They made their way back through the town as the sky grew darker and the moon rose in the sky. Unbeknownst to them, a dark figure stalked them through the streets, red eyes gleaming with hunger.

In the library, the six mares had taken out the journal Twilight had suggested that they keep. Only the first few pages had been filled, in wildly different script that ranged from Rarity's elegant calligraphy to Rainbow Dash's crude scribbles. The newest page was writ in Applejacks slow and careful print, telling of her problems with the bats and what she had learned.

The dark figure sneered at them, safe within the light and warmth. A chill breeze sent dead leaves spiraling around it as it watched. Its red eyes glowed and it began to speak, a low whisper barely audible to any but the intended target.

“Fluttershy...” it said in a heavily accented voice, “come to me Flutttershy. You long to obey, you want to listen, you desire to be my queen of the night.”

Fluttershy's eyes glazed as his words sank in, losing focus as the magic of his voice took hold. The few lingering traces of the magic that had been within her began to awaken. Her teeth itched as they grew into fangs. Her wings tingled as feathers melded together into leathery membranes.

“Fluttershy, come to me.” The dark figure said, his voice echoing in her mind. “Come and be my queen of the night.” Each word slipped into her head, driving away all free will.

“Excuse me girls,” the mare said, turning toward the door. “I need to get back to my cottage.” She slid out into the darkness, the door slamming shut in a gust of wind.

Outside, she shivered. The changes were rushing over her faster than before. Her wings had changed completely, her fangs grown in. Her cutie mark's three butterflies had been replaced with a trio of soft pink bats. Tufts of fur sprouted from the tips of her ears, and her eyes changed from their normal green to a faintly luminous orange-red. A shadow loomed up behind her, a hoof gently touched her shoulder. She spun with a shriek, and was greeted by the sight of a tall stallion.

His coat was ivory, his mane and tail jet black with a streak of white. He wore a long black cloak with a high collar, fastened with a bat-shaped clasp. His brilliant red eyes glowed as he stared down at her, and his sharp fangs gleamed in the light of the full moon.

“Fluttershy my dear,” he said, grinning. No longer did he whisper, but spoke loud and clear. “Are you prepared to accompany me, to be my queen of the night?” He swished his cape dramatically, keeping his cutie mark concealed. “There is an entire world out there, and it shall be ours and ours alone!”

“Not so fast!” a voice rang out behind them, accompanied by a burst of light as the library door swung open. “Get away from her you monster!” Twilight flared her wings, magic glowing around her horn as she advanced upon the strange stallion.

“Wait!” He cried out. “It is a misunderstanding! I merely wish to raise an army of the night and bring eternal darkness to your land!” He paused. “That is not helping my case, is it?”

The stallions eyes glowed as he backed away, his wings flaring open as his cloak flapped in the wind. His voice rose to a shout, his fangs grew more pronounced.

“Get away! All of you! This mare is mine! My queen, my slave, my love! My...” He trailed off as a line of light appeared on the horizon. “What is this? Dawn is not for many hours yet!” He backed away as the light grew brighter and wisps of smoke rose from his coat.

Twilight smirked, advancing on the retreating pony. “When you know the Princess of the Sun, dawn gets a bit more flexible.” The fiery orb rose fully, shining down with divine fury on the creature of the night.

The vampire-pony leapt into an open crate, pulling the lid over his head. He laughed, voice echoing in the tight confines.

“You will never defeat me! Night will fall and I will return! You have not seen the last of Count...” He sniffed. “What is this smell? So familiar, so horrible, can it be? Garlic?!!? Nooooo!” He howled out his disgust as the mares drove dozens of nails into the lid and sealed it shut. “Curse you! I will have my revenge!”

The box rocked and rattled, shimmied and shook, long into the day. While the vampire within howled in impotent rage, Twilight cast her purging spell again. This time, she made sure to triple check. Every last speck of vampire fruit bat, and vampire pony, was removed from the shy mare.

The box was labeled for delivery, picked up by a gray pegasus mare with an odd wall-eyed stare. She hauled it off to a distant warehouse, located on the edge of the badlands, where it was taken by a large earth pony with a lock and key cutie mark. He loaded the box onto a wagon and hauled it into the seemingly endless maze of similar crates.

“Mark my words! You have not seen the last of me! The Count shall return, and you shall all pay!” The vampire hollered and struggled, but to no avail. The garlic sapped his strength, and he was unable to escape his prison.

They say that the warehouse still exists, and that the Count still struggles against his bonds. But then, they say a lot of things.

Author's Note:

Okay guys. This story is not meant to be taken seriously at all. Keep that in mind.

I may or may not bring back the Count later, perhaps an origin story or something.

Comments ( 1 )

This is actually VERy well done! Keep it up!

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