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The Beginning Of It All

In a time infinitely long ago, yet just a few seconds away, the universe was brought into order by the spirit of chaos. One may call this being Discord, if one born into a world of order wishes to stay sane. In the writhing chaos that existed, a cosmic gathering of power was formed. It mindlessly ate all that was formed in the madness surrounding it, and grew larger, hungrier, and far more intelligent. This was Discord. He looked at the incomprehensible spread that was all that existed and thought, "Well... this is no fun". (YES), said a voice that didn't exist.

Discord had certain view on chaos and order*, and truly believed that one must have some semblance of order, so that chaos could be understood and enjoyed by intelligent beings. So against all reason, he got to work on a land of harmony.

First he created an unimaginably small ball made of rock, this was a good start, as this is where reality would be based off of. Then, he sectioned off a small area to contain stars, small spheres of fire that orbit the ball of rock to keep it warm. He added a main star and another ball of rock, created water, ecology, et cetera. Soon, a living planet was formed.

Discord was bursting with excitement as he then shrank down to the world of order's size and took a look around. There were so many forms of life in this world, and the first thing he found a sort of a proto-slug thing, it looked like a rejected blob of gelatin, but Discord wanted to create chaos now.

He turned it pink. No reaction. He turned gravity off. No reaction. He gave it ostrich legs. It fell to the ground in a depressing heap. Discord, red with frustration now, left the world and wiped every living thing off of the planet. Violently. The nonexistent voice cackled with excitement at this. "Too much order is a horrible thing", Discord restated over and over as he finished filling the biosphere with cyanide.

This time, Discord made sure to make everything far more improbable, these beings would be intelligent creatures, who could manipulate the world around them, but were weak enough to be helpless in his presence. He later decided to make ponies instead.

The more that he imagined it, the more he enjoyed the idea of him spreading chaos to cute little ponies.With a devilish grin on his face, Discord crafted the most mindbogglingly adorable creature imaginable. When he breathed life into it, it didn't stand up, it skipped around. Discord, at this point, was laughing madly, enjoying the absurdity of the moment. The voice that didn't exist was not so amused. Without any sound, the pony was erased from existence. Even Discord did not remember it.

The pony, on the other hand, had other ideas about being erased from existence, and popped into being in its own bubble of order in the universe. This little mare looked around for a moment, cleared her head, and began to take in every bit of information that the chaos outside of her bubble created. Chaos was quite informative.

The bending of time and space that had just occurred really shook up Discord, as he slowly tried to remember what he was doing. He felt like there was another presence, looking over his shoulder. (NO), replied the figment of your imagination, and Discord settled back down. At long as there wasn't anything threatening him, he'd be okay.


Her knowledge was fragmented, but the pony knew enough to know what was going on at this point. She could tell that the chaos surrounding her feared her, as it shrank back, expanding her bubble of order. She also knew that in this plane, apparently the community between organisms produced magic and order. She contemplated this, and realized that she was very alone. She felt eons pass as she stated this, and knew that to defeat her mysterious creator, she would need to create life. (It should be known that creating life out of nothing is very similar to trying to kill a rock, a level of constant chaos is needed to even think about how to do this.) A nonexistent voice tried to chide her to create disharmony, but she ignored it as she began to prepare for the creation of another orderly being.

She poured everything into one area; her power, her memories, and her life into one single point in space, and at one solitary point in time. The fabric of reality bent as she tried to create matter, life, and intelligence out of nothing. Chaos seeped into this pony's soul as it formed, as this being was truly a daughter of chaos. Just as soon, memories of life and order danced in this creature's half-existent mind, keeping the true pandemonium of the small pony in check. A non-voice would have been screaming, if it had existed, as it didn't yell, (NO! NO! NO! NO!). The second pony then opened its eyes.


This new pony looked around for a moment, and then laid eyes on a rather impressive creature with a rainbow colored mane and a gaze that could definitely cause a rock to drop dead. She was the only source of light in the world and was quite painful to look at. She instinctively knew that this was her sister, for they were both born of chaos. This new pony then began to inspect what she was, and realized that while her sister radiated light, she managed to radiate darkness in the same intensity. A voice that never existed tired its hardest to make her feel nervous.

The sister smiled with tears in her eyes, as she finally had someone to share experiences with in this bleak void. The two sisters talked about Everything, not everything as in a lot of things; Everything as in Everthing that exists. On the other side of existence, Discord was finally the true god of chaos.

Comments ( 4 )

*It is known that as a last and very chaotic turn of events, Discord's brain was linked to all human culture and ideas.

Very interesting, blending story telling with a bit of a history lecture. Definitely tracking this.

You've definitely gotten the setup out of the way nicely. Discord's puppet master feels like it needs a little fleshing out, but I'm sure you'll be getting to that. Also the line separating Chaos the primal force and Discord the Draconequus is a little fuzzy here for me, I don't know if that was your intent, though.

Don't feel bad that you've gone a thousand words without dialogue, but do be cautious of it. I would point to Genesis as an example of this being OK when you're telling a creation myth; Genesis 1 is just God talking to Himself. But once you have more than one character, Celestia and Luna in your case or God and Adam for Genesis', you have to make sure you get to the dialogue in a rather speedy fashion.

Let's see how you do with the next one. :)

Hmmm. Very interesting. It kind of has a feel of the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Are you a catholic? I'll be tracking. :pinkiesmile:
By the by, would you mind taking a look at my story? Seeing as we're both starting out here? Also, I started a group called Rookies on the Rise, and I was wondering if you might like to join. I'm attempting to gather new authors here to post their stories in the group so that other members might see them. So, could you please consider joining? You'd be a nice adition to the team, or group I guess.
Keep on writing! :pinkiehappy:

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