• Published 27th Nov 2013
  • 478 Views, 3 Comments

One mistake - SimplyBagel

When Princess Twilight Sparkle accidentally teleports a human to equestrian, how long can she keep it a secret?

  • ...

Could this day get any worse?


"God damn it", I mumbled into my pillow.


"FINE!" "you win" I hit the alarm clock as I sat up in my bed, and just stared at the wall like a retard for a solid minute.

I got out of bed and stumbled to my bathroom where i grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. I squeezed the toothpaste to

hard as it came out got all over the counter.

"Fuck" I thought in my head.

After a brief struggle putting my pants on I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I got a bowl and poured myself some cereal

when I realized i had no milk.


My breakfast a dry and boring one as I put my bowl away in the sink and mentally tell myself i'll clean that later, I look at the

time, "shit, i'm going to be late!"

"and on the first day too!" I shouted in my head.

When out of nowhere my stomach growls, and the unthinkable happens.

I must shit.

*beep beep beep- beep beep beep- beep beep beep beep*


*Hey this is Wesley, sorry sir.... i'm going to have to be late.*

*you see, my dog...ummm is sick, and i think she might die if i don't take her to the vet*

*Fine, you may be late. But don't you think this is going to happen everyday, you hear!?*

*yes sir!*

~call end~


----------------------------------Later that day------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


"YES SIR" I shouted and ran out from my office.

"oh hi, yes. I need you to go clean the bathroom in my office." my boss says with a nicer tone.

"but sir, that's not my job. I work in the delivery department!"

"And i work in the, I don't give a fuck department. GO!"

At this point i have noticed on my bosses desk was three Big Macs boxes. I shuddered to think what horrors await me in that

bathroom. I get the plunger and kick open the door like a navy seal. The smell was so bad I think it burned my eyebrows.


two hours later I walked out of the bathroom to find a bunch of my coworkers and my boss sitting and laughing at me. They

were even taking photos.

Da Fuk?

It's now 8:30, and my day is over. My boss calls me into his office to tell me that if i expect to work here, i have to step up my

game. Really? I was ready to hit this man right in the mouth. And this was the first day.

I get into my car when I start to drive away my car starts to stall.


I run out of the car to see my engine smoking more the volcano ready to burst. After looking at it and toying around, i call the

towing company to come pick it up. They couldn't come till tomorrow. Outstanding. I started my 8 mile walk home. 3 hours

later I walk through my front door. I saw my bed and just dove into it.

I was just about to fall asleep when i was looking at the roof of my room and saw a dark purple aura. It stayed there for a good

five minutes. When I felt a wave of rush come over, I couldn't move, and then i went darkI woke up and everything was dark, i

looked and saw a dark figure looking down at me. I sat up and asked

"Where am I"

"Who are you"

"Da fuck is that smell"

I got no response just the sound of pages turning and silence. I was laying down on a purple bed with stars all over it. I looked

around the room, there were bookshelf,Everywhere. I felt like i was being studied. When all of the sudden, I hear a door open,

and something was walking toward me. Or trotting, it sounded like 4 foot steps. I could see the out line of a, large dog maybe.

A large, purple dog. With a horn. And wings.

Wait what.

"Hello there, welcome to equestria" it said.

To late, I was pass out on the bed , out cold. And as tired and confused as I felt....it might not talk to me for a bit.

The sounds of snoring filled the room, as I woke up. I slowly opened my right eye to catch a peak of a happy looking pony

thing staring at me with eyes the size of an ostrich egg.

So I did what any sane person would do. Get up to run and scream but then fall and face plant on the cold hard ground. Yeah

I think imma stay down here for a bit.

"Oh my, are you alright?" The purple pony rushed next to me to check on me.



I almost passed out again. When I looked up and the purple one talks again.

"Hello, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. But you can call me Twilight"

"what's your name?"

She looked at me as I was foaming from the mouth.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just fine." "My name, is wesley." I said with confused tone.

"Alright well, i'm going to ask you a few questions okay? Stick with me here" She said as i see a random list as long as a SUV

come out of nowhere.

This is going to suck.

"Well first off, I would like you to explain what life is like on your home planet!" twilight said with a happy tone.

I looked at her and laughed.

"I can't even remember what I had for breakfast!"

Author's Note:

This is one of my first shots in a fanfic....God easy on me.

Comments ( 3 )

God easy on me.

I think you mean "Go easy on me." Fine, then, I will.
It's a good idea, really, and the play-by-play is nicely done. But there are some things that need some help.
First of all, paragraphs. Seriously? There's no reason you should have single-line paragraphs, nonetheless paragraphs that
Start in the middle of a sentence.
IT IS A HUGE NO-NO IN ANY KIND OF WRITING.(Save for poetry; jeez.)
There are five reasons to start a new paragraph: One, new subject; Two, new speaker; Three, new place; Four, dramatic effect; And five, new time. This is one of the most important pieces of s**t you will ever know in writing.
Next, your punctuation.

"And i work in the, I don't give a fuck department. GO!"

This comma isn't, in the right place if, it was even allowed to, be there. Don't do that. Please, dear gods, goddesses, flying spaghetti monsters, laser-beam-eyed dogs, WHATEVER IT IS, YOU NEVER EVER INCORRECTLY PUNCTUATE. Here, another guide: First letter of a name of a company, book, person, dog, or referring to yourself in first person as 'I', you are to capitalize. When you end a sentence, it will always end with a '?' if it is a question, an '!' if it is an exclamation, a '.' if it is a statement, and '...' if the sentence trails off. If a sentence is cut off, you end with a '-'. For example:
<"Where are you?">
<"Look out!">
<"If it doesn't work...">
<"But if we-">
Next, last time I checked, there was no 'Random' tag on this story.

When out of nowhere my stomach growls, and the unthinkable happens.
I must shit.

Right here, folks, is where we jump from eating breakfast to needing to shit!

I run out of the car to see my engine smoking more the volcano ready to burst. After looking at it and toying around, i call the

What's this about a volcano? Did it magically appear from a bar of soap? Is its name Frankenpooper?

i'm going to ask you a few questions okay? Stick with me here" She said as i see a random list as long as a SUV
come out of nowhere.

Again with the paragraph thing, and also, how exactly did the SUV get there, another poof of magic? Did nopony notice? Did Blueblood finally pull his shit together and conjure a machine that he couldn't possibly even start to think in his tiny little brain?
Now, setting and explaining things. The reader has to know what the area looks like, other than 'Oh its a bathroom' or 'There's shit on the ceiling'.
You have to describe it. Such as, 'It was a multi-stalled bathroom, with tiled blue and white floors. The sinks were motion-sensitive, but there are the typical paper towels for drying your hands stuck on the wall.', or 'There was a brown, lumpy, and sticky residue plastered to the ceiling that gave off a smell that screamed, I HAVE COME FROM THE BOWELS OF HELL'S DEMONS!!!'
Just follow these tips and keep them in mind while you write.
Really, though, it's an amazing idea; you just have to know how to put it out there.
If I have hurt your feelings, I am truly sorry, but these things were bugging me SO much :twilightblush:.

i didnt even read it yet

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