• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 2,430 Views, 21 Comments

Outcast - Cameron Nightshade

We all know that Derpy is different than all the other poines. But maybe just a little too differemt. As their harsh words claw at her, the only thing to do is leave. Forever

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The End of the Line

Dear whoever happens to look for me and find this (although I don’t think anyone will),

Hello. As I am writing this letter, I am crying as much as a pony can. It never stops. The taunting and bullying. It never stops, and I’m tired of it. I have been told so many times that I should just go and kill myself. Well, they are about to get their wish. I guess I am just a useless pegasus. I can’t do anything right, and all their names to me have killed me inside. If I am dead inside, why not finish the job and get it over with? I guess you could say that these are my final words. So here are my final words.

I hope you realize that your words do hurt me. Anything and everything you say can hurt a person, and most of the time it will. I know that you want me dead, and I guess you can say that you got your wish. I know that I am a horrible pony and right now I can’t do anything to help you. But you never know. I could have been the pony who found a cure for cancer, or helped save your parents if they are dying. But now, no pony will ever know what I can do, since I am taking my own life. Well I guess my final words are going to be, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you treat them like they are nothing, then I hope that someday you get the same in return. I am picking up the pills and about to swallow them. I hope you know that you are the cause of this, and this is the effect. Goodbye.

~Ditzy Doo (Derpy Hooves)

So I guess this is the end. I started off with a good life, but now it is gone. I lift up the pills and swallow them all. I close my eyes and wait for the end.

Author's Note:

I cried as I was writing this, but I decided I should write it. In the end, you should all know that you are all loved, even if you don't know it, and even though your life may suck, you should never give up on it. Please keep living, and even if you think no one loves you , I do.

The whole reason I wrote this story is because I am getting bullied right now, and I felt it would be great to write a story about one of my favourite characters.

I hope you like this story, and if you decide to downvote it, please comment why you downvoted, and how I can improve my story.

Comments ( 19 )

I didn't paricularly like this story. It was really rushed, and everything was put to extremes.

brother or sister
life will always go on no matter who is trying to silence you
for that you must be strong both in and out and endure
for what is expecting you in the future will be a brighter tomorrow
you are not alone

I find that everything in this happens everyday, you know why, because it does happen every day. most people that bully others are just trying to get others to feel the same way by knocking others down to make themselves feel better and yes, it does hurt. I can't stand bullying:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

Jeez, I woke up not to long ago and now i feel tears building up inside:raritydespair::pinkiesad2::fluttershysad:

I hate to think that people would make others feel down about themselves just to feel better. I mean, it infuriates me, it's bullies are the ones that need to be dealt with, they are the ones that should learn to back down and change their ways.

A friend of mine lost a very special friend due to this very same thing, because of the way she was treated, because she let it get so bad and she didn't talk to anyone, she just let go, and that is when she took her own life, and I knew that, when my friend told me all of this, he was really hurting inside. for those that would bully others, how would you feel if you lost someone special to you because of this very same thing.

Wow. That. was painful. While the first chapter didn't exactly hit that many points, to me anyway, the last part... her letter to the world. damn... that hit home. and it hit it hard. I've been a victim to bullying, and to be honest her final words were the most powerful. It tells the story of almost every victim of bullying right there. the pain, the suffering, the complete and absolute loss of hope. It just really feels like someone pouring their heart out to the world, letting them know that this is the end, that they can't take it anymore. I think what really makes it so powerful is that instead of her writing how much she hated the ponies who bullied her and how that this was all their fault, she writes about how maybe she really is as stupid as they say. maybe she is as useless as they say. That is what tells us how lost she is; she has started to believe every word they say and it hurts. Her last paragraph, how she hopes they realize how much they're hurting her, is also very beautifully worded and powerful.

"I started off with a good life, but now it is gone.

This is the line that almost elicited tears from me.

and hey, it'll be ok. just keep looking for that light at the end of the dark forest, you'll get through it. Bullies, I think, do what they do because they somehow know that who they are bullying are going to end up living happier and more fulfilling lives than they will, so they just want to crush them and make sure that they will never get to. So keep your head up.

3411721 We don't know how long this has been going on. This could have been going on for years and this was just her breaking point so of course it will seem rushed. and reality check: people have been pushed this far. People have been bullied and harassed and put down so much, without anyone to care for and support them that they lose all hope, all the drive to keep going. They feel the only way out is death. They're pushed that far. Imagine all your hope and drive for life just taken from you. Taken, because somebody forcefully rips it from you every day of your life and cruelly stomps on it until it's nothing. This happens. Every day. Every hour, children, teens, and adults are killing themselves because they see no other way out. No other way to put an end to their misery and despair.

3412155 It wasn't the suicide that was extreme. What's extreme is that the story made it out so that every single pony was constantly making fun of her every chance they had.

3412192 When I get bullied, every time they see me, they decide to bully me. And since I felt that this needs to be addressed, I thought of Ditzy, who is different. I always thought she would have been bullied. For her, the bullying had been going on for many years too.
3411918 I'm very sorry that your friend had to go through this as well. I have had a few friends that have tried and failed to kill themselves, and it hurts.
3412155 I started writing this story on Friday. The day that the bullying for me erupted. I was told that I was stupid, and delusional, and many other things. Lots of times, I believe it too. Then I thought, 'What if a character had to go through this themselves?' and that's how I wrote this story. Her suicide note, is very similar to one that I would write. I put myself into this story as much as I could with still sticking to Ditzy.
3411741 I endure alot. And I hope that everyone else will endure as well. It may hurt, but you can do it.

3412651 but It's not just them telling you that it happened, it's knowing the toll it takes on the person telling you and the toll on yourself, my step-dad, he worked as a cross-country truck driver. barely getting any time with his family, we learned of his heart problems and recommended that he go and see a doctor, but he refused, saying that it would affect his ability to continue to support us. It cost him his life, I hate to say it but knowing that he ignored his heart trouble is another form of suicide that was unseen by anyone, even him, it really hurt me to find out that he died of a heart attack in his sleep. i was reluctant to speak about it for a few days until i began to receive the help i needed to properly cope with the loss but it was harder with it happening a month or two after my grandfathers passing, I was so tore up that i wasn't going to school the day after finding out about either of their deaths, spent time with my biological father going to my little brothers baseball tournament, just to help me leave the pain behind for a while. it really tore me up inside.:fluttercry:

everything seemed better once I had returned from georgia with my dad, but i was still shaken and i still am. if you want you could use my comments to fuel another story and if you would like a co-writer i would be glad to take the job just send me the work progress that you made and send the ideas with it that you had for that story and i will try to make it happen.

i even thought of it myself, but i kept finding reasons not to end it all. i have a family that needs me. i have people that love me, a lover which i can't wait to marry after dating for nearly 7 years.

3412651 Believe me when I say I've had to put up with bullies and their bullshit. But not once in my life have I ever been tormented by every single person around me.

I'm going to have to agree with pegasista, it did seem rushed. It's a good concept for a sad story, I think it could've been extended and went on to greater detail of her life and whatnot. I just don't feel sadness for a story that ended too quick, sorry :fluttershysad:

>> PrincessAshlynn just remember you are not what they want you to believe i can see it and everyone else here too
dont let the things they say dictate how you are going to be in your life you are better than that
and keep writting

3412762 I'm not saying that everyone has bullied me. And not everyone bullied Ditzy. But I do understand where you are getting at for it being rushed, and many of my stories are rushed, but I am getting alot better at not rushing my stories as much as I used to.

3413076 That's good. But while you didn't mean for it to come across the way that it did, I feel like you could have done something, maybe had her talking to a few ponies who weren't making fun of her.

Did seem a little rushed. Some grammar errors and the writing was a little awkward. Intentional?
Anyway, pretty decent story. Sad. I would defend her, take physical harm from the bullies. However, Derpy does need to stand up for herself a little. Please don't hate me for that.
Maybe it's the victims of bullying, not the bullies themselves who need counceling. The world is one of prey and predetors; to eat or be eaten, as it were. If you are strong, you will be likely left alone; if you are weak, you can be closed in on easily.
Don't be weak.
Be strong <3

I hate bullying like this..... and I know exactly what she felt like.... if I was there with her during those days.... Well, those pegasi would look pretty funny with their wings coming out of their butts. *nods* No one deserves to be treated like that....

II'm going to go cry silently in a corner now.

I was bullied when I was younger. Didn't have any friends (besides one, god bless him) and I didn't notice the bullying. I guess when you are ADHD and little heavy, people do make fun of you. I didn't get a group of friends after leaving my town and moving away for a year. I was lonely. Then I got a group of friends. I then started working out and playing sports and when I hit high school, I joined the JROTC. Now I can honestly say that I despise bullies and would do everything possible to end it. And with my build now, they don't try to bully me, except laugh at me behind my back. Wich feels good, since they are afraid to say it to my face. If you bully for problems at home and try to get a feel of being bigger but doing so, I will put you in check and show you what you do, by doing it to you.

This was beautiful. And sad. Kinda a mix.

AHHHHHHHH :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry: Why Derpy I Love you.:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

Although I have a heart of stone, I could feel the rushing emotion in this.

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