• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 547 Views, 42 Comments

The Mystery Element, Illusion - Nightshade Amberstone

Follow the story of a young filly that finds that she is not what everyone knows or thinks she is.

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Off to Take a Test, the Wonderful Test of Truth

"No." In the stillness of the library, Nightshades voice range out clearly. The six ponies in front of her jumped. Twilight looked shocked, as did the others.

"I am NOT a princess, let alone the sister of Celestia and Luna! I thought this would be a meeting on you getting me to Canterlot to talk to the Princess?!" Yet, as she said this, Nightshade felt a vague uncertainty on the subject. If she didn't remember anything, could it be possible? Twilight and the others got to their feet.

"But, Nightshade, look at the picture! That's you! It can't be anypony else!" she said. Twilight heaved a sigh. "About Canterlot...I can take you there, but I already told Celestia that we had found her missing sister. She wants to put you through the Test of Truth. She just wants to make sure." Nightshade looked at the other five ponies. They stared at her, Pinkie still of course bouncing. They didn't look as shocked as she did, but they looked baffled at her rejection of being a princess. Nightshade couldn't believe this.

"You guys knew about this!?" she asked, hoping against everything that it wasn't true. They all shook their heads. She felt rage inching into her system.

"You all knew..knew EVERYTHING!?" she demanded. There was a long pause. Then, Applejack broke the silence as she stepped forward.

"We didn' know everythan'. Twi told us you are a princess, but we didn' know 'bout everythan'. Come on, Nightshade, you gotta give it a chance." Applejack looked imploringly at the young filly. Nightshade didn't believe it. This was all a misunderstanding, a-a joke. She couldn't be a princess.

"We're all willing to come with you to the royal palace." said Rainbow Dash. She too looked imploring, but not as much as the others.

"Oh, please, Nightshade." said Fluttershy in her hushed voice. "You've gotta give it a chance."

"Yes, darling!" You simply must!" exclaimed Rarity. Pinkie Pie nodded at this to show her agreement (still bouncing). At this moment, Twilight stepped forward. She put a hoof on the young fillies shoulder. The look in her eyes told Nightshade that she just wanted to help Celestia and Luna get their baby sister back.

"Nightshade, I promise you, if you aren't the missing sister, we'll leave you alone to live in your..umm, house and never bother you with this again. But, please. Just come to Canterlot with us so that be can solve this once and for all!" Nightshade looked at her. How could Twilight possible try to make her believe that she, one of the lowest of ponies, could be a princess, a powerful princess at that. But in the light of all of the imploring faces staring at her, Nightshade knew she had no choice.

"Fine, I'll go. But know this," she snapped, but when she others started to cheer, she added, "But, know this, if you are lying to me about leaving me alone, I swear on Celestia's name, you won't have a moment of peace without misfortune, all of you." They all stared at her, stunned at the harshness in her voice ,but nodded all the same to show their understanding.

"Well, now that this is all settled, we will all meet at the train station in the morning, eight sharp." they all said there goodbyes, but as Nightshade was leaving, Twilight stopped her.

"Would you like to stay her for the night?" she asked. Nightshade, who knew she was to tired to walk home, gave a reluctant nod. Twilight gave her a guest room (were Spike normally slept, but her was off in the Crystal Empire, doing something for Celestia). No sooner had Nightshade laid her head down on the soft pillow had she fallen asleep, not know what the morning would bring.

Then next morning, Twilight came down the spiral stairs to see if her guest was still sleeping. To her surprise, the bed was made and empty. She then smelled something coming from the kitchen. She was confused. The only one, as far as she knew, in this house who could cook was Spike, and he wasn't here. Even so, her stomach growled and she followed her nose to the kitchen. By the stove was Nightshade, humming a song and flipping toasted wheat bread onto a plate. She turned to face Twilight.

"Good morning, highness. Did I wake you?" she asked, her face lighten up by a warm, calming smile. Twilight shook her head, her mouth full of saliva as she stared at the daisy-root and lavender sandwich Nightshade was making.

"Not at all," she said. "And, well, you don't have to call me "Highness", it's a bit embarrassing." she added. Nightshade nodded and motioned her to sit down at the table. Twilight sat, but she looked at the table, confused once more. The table was set for three.

"Who else is coming? Did one of my friends call in or something?" she asked, puzzled. Nightshade let out a tinkling laugh, which made Twilight stare in amazement.

"No, dear Twilight," she said in a sing-song voice, which made Twilight's eyes widen even more. "I have simply added another spot for my other-self. She's out for a morning walk, you see, and she asked me to make breakfast." Twilight didn't understand.

"Your, umm, other-self?" she said, baffled. Before Nightshade could answer, the front door burst open, and in came...Twilight rubbed her eyes, trying to see if she was seeing things. Nightshade walked in, wearing the same expression as she had been the night before, a cold stern stare. Twilight stared, mouth hung open.

"What?" The other-Nightshade asked. When Twilight didn't answer, the other-Nightshade continued. "Have a good night sleep?" The cheerful-Nightshade gave a sigh.

"Your scaring her, Nighty! Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold and then we can get back to normal." Both Nightshades sat down and began to eat. Twilight, still amazed, followed suit. The three sat in silence for a long while, until all the plates were clean. Then two Nightshades lit their horns with magic, and, with Twilight looking at them, mouth hung open, the two ponies merged into one, and floated down into the chair were the cheerful-Nightshade been sitting in. The original Nightshade looked at Twilight, whose mouth was still open, and grinned.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help myself..." she said apologetically. "It's how I get stuff done fast in the mornings sometimes." Twilight, just realizing that her mouth was still open, closed it.

"N-no, no, it's fine." she said, though her voice was still shaky from the event. Nightshade noticed this and frowned. To quickly get over the awkward moment, Twilight cleared her throat.

"So, um, did u sleep well? I hope the bed wasn't to small." Nightshade, who knew when a pony wished to move on from a subject, nodded. "It's actually the best bed I've slept in, ever." Twilight looked at her, but didn't say any thing. She knew the kind of poverty that Nightshade lived in. The day before, she had called on her house to see if she was there, before going to the school house. At first, she looked around to see if she had gotten the address wrong, but, she wasn't mistaken. Twilight couldn't believe that such a kind and, well, well-groomed filly lived out here, in this hut, all by herself.

Nightshade seemed to know what Twilight was thinking. To get out of the situation, she brought up a topic that she really didn't want to discuss.

"Do you really think I'm the lost princess?" Twilight looked up sharply. As she stared at the young filly in front of her, she knew it was a honest question. She knew that Nightshade wanted nothing but the truth, and only the truth, but the truth, as Twilight knew from experience, could be a difficult thing to except, especially when it was an answer that the recipient didn't want to hear.

"Yes," she said at last. Nightshade stared at her. She had known that Twilight felt this way, but she had expected her to hid the fact. "I really think you are, but if not, it won't effect me thinking that you're a very special little pony." Twilight continued earnestly. Nightshade blush. Twilight glanced at the clock.

"We should head to the train station, it's almost 8." she said. Nightshade nodded and the two ponies headed out the door.

I can't believe I'm doing this...

It was mid-afternoon. Nightshade and the others had gotten on the train on time, though Rarity had been late, carting along behind her, a mound of luggage. All the ponies had fallen into their own conversations, but then they all swarmed off into their own corners of the carriage they had all to themselves, thanks to Twilight. Rarity was in the back of the train, wearing an oatmeal face mask. The sun glistened off the wet slices of cucumbers on her eyes. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were fast asleep in opposing seats. Applejack's hat was over her eyes, shielding them from the rays of the evening sun. Fluttershy and Pinkie pie were near the front of the carriage, talking about what they would do first when they got back to Ponyville. And sitting beside Nightshade was Twilight, her head resting on an open leather-bound book, a slight bit of drool leaking out onto the pages. Nightshade chuckled slightly at the sight.

Gazing back out of the window, she glanced at the brightly colored lights that were Canterlot Square. They would be there in 10 minutes time, thought, she chuckled again at the thought, it would take them at least a couple minutes longer to unload all of Rarity's baggage. As they near, the whistling sound of the train jolted the others out of their slumbers and conversations. Twilight's head jerked upright. Wiping away the drool, the glanced cheekily at Nightshade, hoping she hadn't seen. They heard Rarity sigh as she wiped off the mask and disposed of it. Once the train had come to a stop at the station, they all climbed out.

"Ms. Rarity?! Is that you, darling?" The seven companions turned. Coming toward them, flanked by his lovely wife, was Fancypants. The tall, elegant unicorn, bent over Rarity's hoof, and gave it a kiss. Rarity blushed.

"And dearest Princess!" he exclaimed, bowing deeply. "How are you, your majesty?" His wife followed his bow, though she hadn't said anything yet. Twilight blushed at being address so, but she gave a polite nod to Fancypants all the same.

"Very well, thank you. We were just on our way to the castle, actually. Quite important, so if you don't mind..." she implied their rush to the castle, which Fancypants noticed. He nodded, said a few more words to Rarity, and they were just moving past them, when his wife noticed Nightshade, standing in behind Twilight. Her mouth fell open.

"Why, it can't be!?" she exclaimed. "Why, dearest Princess Shade, you have returned to us!" she flung herself at Nightshade's feet, and Fancypants, who had been gazing transfixed at Nightshade as well, gave a gasp of amazement.

"It can't be!" he said. He walked twice around her, and gazed at her eyes. His eyes flooded with tears, and he began to laugh a laugh that sounded of pure joy. "We knew you would come back." he chocked. Then he pulled the astounded filly into a tight hug. Twilight and the others stared, not knowing what to do. Fancypants' wife pulled him away. She gazed at Nightshade.

"Our grandparents told us all about you, and we knew you would return to Equestria to be with your dearest sisters!" said Fancypants. The two unicorns looked intently at the small filly, as if waiting for her to say something. Nightshade didn't know what to say, so she improvised.

"Well, I-I, umm, thank you for your kindness, but we, um, must be going now." she mumbled. The two ponies gave her a smile of content.

"Why of course, Princess." they bowed to her, and went on their way. The seven ponies stared after them. After a long, and quite awkward silence, Applejack spoke.

"Ah think we should be gettin' on, it's almos' dark." The others nodded and made their way toward the castle. At the tall, cast iron gates, two guards met them. When one of them saw Rarity's mound of luggage, he grimaced, for he was on luggage duty that time.The other spoke to Twilight.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia is waiting for you and your friends in the hall."

"Thank you, Dusk Shield." she said. But as they were moving past them, the one called Dusk Shield put out a hoof to stop Nightshade. Twilight looked behind her.

"She's with me! Let her through." But Dusk Shield shook his head.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I to have orders. Ms. Nightshade Amberstone must go a different way in. It was given by the Princess." The six inside glanced at one another.

"Fine, so be it." said Twilight. The two guards led them in and closed the door. Then, one of them preceded to handle Rarity's luggage, with great huffing. Nightshade followed the other guard around ontp garden. They walked in silence for quite some time. Looking up at the velvet darkness of Princess Luna's night, she wondered, rather hopelessly, if the others were worried about her safety. Dusk Shield stopped outside of a back door. Nightshade glanced at it.

"You are to go inside and find the throne room." Nightshade nodded, opened the door and stepped in. She had taken only a few steps, and then stopped. She turned to look at the guard, still standing at the door.

"You're not com-" she began but he shook his head.

"My orders were to lead you here and go back to my post." Dusk Shield stared. "For your sake, I'd find the room as quick as you can." And with that last chilling statement, he closed the door and locked it with a snap. Now completely alone, her heart thumping in her throught, Nightshade stumbled through the darkness. How did they expect her to find the throne room all alone? She'd never been here. To ease her nerves, she began to sing a lullaby, which, until now, she didn't even know she knew.

"Listen to the mockingbird sing. Listen to it's song. It warns you of dangers hidden in a throng.

Listen, my little one, for I too care. Listen to the singing with no despare." Then, she heard it. A soft, musical voice was sounding out of the darkness. It sounded very familiar. She started to follow it, but stopped. She knew something was wrong. The air around her had grown stale. It seemed to dark to be a normal corridor, and it had grown dreadfully cold. The singing had lead her in the wrong direction. She tried to step back, but jumped forward. She felt something sharp stick her side. Yelping in pain, she lit her horn. What Nightshade saw bewildered her even more. A long narrow chmber lined with stikes. She stared moving back but the floor gave way and she fell into the deep abyss.

Falling with a loud thump, she sprang to her hooves. Lighting her horn again, she saw the walls here where covered in spikes, and they were moving closer and closer toward her. She would be crushed! They were now digging their points into her flesh. Not knowing what to do, she called out, knowing nobody would hear.

"HELP! SOMEPONY, PLEASE HELP ME!" But nopony replied. Not knowing what to do, she focused on a thought that she didn't even think was possible, or even sane, before.

I am the lost princess! I can fly away! These traps are just...just illusions. I can control in all! And suddenly, Nightshade felt a hot pain washing from behind her shoulders, as if something was growing out of them.

"These are just ILLUSIONS! Show your true form!" she cried out. She moved her shoulder blades instictively, as if flapping some kind of invisible wings. She shot up into the air, wind rushing in her ears. Looking down, she saw the chamber and the spikes vanish, replaced with the normal palace floor. Suddenly, lights blazed into life around her, lit by an unknown source. Sheilding her eyes, Nightshade saw the Twillight and her friends hurring underneath her. Wait? Underneath...her? They were so small, as though she was looking at them from far away. Glancing around, Nightshade saw a crystal chandelier hanging above her. But that couldn't be! They should be at least some fifty feet above ground! But, she couldn't be so high up, unless....

Looking behind her, she saw to wings sprouting of her shoulders. She tugged on one, and she felt it in her shoulder. They were hers. Natural, like her had had them for ever, but not noticed. She flew back down to the floor, a familiar feeling of adrenalin ruching through her body. Landing lightly down onto the floor, Nightshade stared at Twilight and the others, all gaping at the elegant wings. Then she noticed that she didn't have to look up at them anymore. She had grown taller. But how? It wasn't possible! And from behind Twilight came the two ther princesses. Luna gasped, staring at her. Tears suddenly started flowing from her eyes. She rushed forward and hugged her. Celestia, tears forming in her own, pulled Luna away. Sniffing, Luna wiped her eyes. The two grinned widely at her. It was a grin of pure joy, not unlike Fancypant's.

"Welcome home, little sister." she said warmly. Then, something odd happened. The three princesses bowed to her, and the others followed suit. It couldn't be. Nightshade heard the words resounding in her head. Sister. She was home. She was the lost princess. But if she was, then why didn't she remember? Why didn't she feel happy that she had returened home? Then she thought something horrible. What this really home, or was this all a big, big mistake?

Author's Note:

Ahhhh...finally done! How many words does it have..
Last chapter: some thousand words...
Hmm, no bad....let's see now...
This chapter: 3208
*wide eyes*

Comments ( 32 )

An enjoyable chapter, though there are some bugs in it that you might want to fix... I didn't write them down, but if you reread it, you should see them.

Sorry about that. :twilightsheepish: I'm curious to see what happens next!

2951296:pinkiehappy: Thanks dude! I need all the help I can get! I'm really pleased with all of the positive response I've been getting because of this story! So may favorites!:pinkiehappy::heart:

This story is so entertaining unlike mine I keep getting writters block. Great job on this chapter

:pinkiehappy:Thanks! Did you feel like the ending was rushed?:rainbowhuh:

I'm liking it so far, way better than my first srory, which I'm still writing, but is just god awful, lol.

One thing you can do to get more attention is to join more groups and add your story to the appropriate story folders. Everyone in the group will see an update when you do, and again everytime you add more. Keep promoting.

To be honset I think you should add a little more to this story telling what happened after this:fluttercry:

It's just a thought nothing more then that.

2994969:raritywink:Don't worry, I'm not done. I just haven't had time to write more:fluttercry:. I'm going to post a new chapter once I get back to my computer. Did you like it though?:rainbowderp:

Ok thank you for the info I'm glad to know that. :raritywink:

2996418:pinkiehappy:I'm happy you're glad! Expect a new chapter in about a week or 5 days!:pinkiehappy:

Ok then. Hey will you take look at my story in the making I would like to have an opinion on it at the time being.:twilightsheepish:

Thanks I realy need it:rainbowkiss: I hope you like it ,and please be honest by telling me on my account? Will U do that?

3003015:pinkiehappy:of course. It wouldn't be helpful if I lied about what I though. Just tell me how to find it.:raritywink:

Look for the title [A Light of Hope will win.] that should be mine. With a designed of a sword with sun like rays from the back, and stars at the bottom is the cover. I hope you will find it. :twilightblush: It should be in comedy, and adventure parts.

:pinkiesick: Problem I have to go over it again :fluttercry:
please wait a moment.

It should be good now take a look.:raritywink: this is starting get annoying they're saying it's not go yet.

Do you have an idea when you'll put up the 4th page? :twilightblush: I am just asking so don't no need to rush. :twilightsheepish:

3119931No:facehoof:Stupid work gets in the way of everything....well, I'm sure it will be up soon! I'm glad you like my writing!:heart:

You are welcome :raritystarry: I wanting to know if you like pony avatar I be glad to make one for you :twilightsmile: all you have to do is say yes ,or no? It won't bug me if it's a no. :pinkiehappy:

3125889 OK will do:pinkiehappy: just need to know what kind of pony , meaning like cutymark, and color :raritystarry: and I will get it done for you. Fyi an example my avatar.:twilightblush:

3126002I'd like it to be like the main character from this story....chapter one has the description

3131218 I have it done for you where should I send it to you? :raritywink: By email, or some other way? :facehoof:

3147384 Ok but how :raritycry: I have zero of an idea what your email is :raritydespair: will you send it to me by the mail part of this site? So no one will use it to try and spam you:raritystarry: I always look out for others.:raritywink:

3147736sure...sorry it took so long to reply..I've been under the weather.:pinkiesick:

3159724 It's ok same here at the moment :pinkiesick: get better soon :heart: ok.

3165396 I have your pony done :pinkiehappy: but I don't know how to send it to you. :twilightsheepish:

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