• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,017 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

  • ...

Welcome to Rockport

It's a little bit before noon by the time the two of you arrive at the outskirts of Rockport, where you both start slowing down as another checkpoint comes into view.

As you pull alongside your friend, you can see him on the phone, so you simply wait until he's finished. It doesn't take long, and he hangs up and picks up his radio in the same motion.

"Alright, good news, we should be able to drive right in, cops are apparently tied up with a pursuit right now."

"Copy that."

You don't wait for him as you quickly get back up to speed, passing right through an empty spot at the checkpoint. You see a single police car light up behind you as you do so, but that's it.

"This is Rhino Eleven, got eyes on two street racers entering the city through checkpoint Alpha, they got Fairhaven plates."

"Rhino Eleven, dispatch, disregard vehicles and hold position, we'll deal with them later."

"Affirmative, dispatch."

The police lights don't follow as the road feeds into a highway, which then heads into another tunnel.

"Alright, my guy said he'd meet us in Rosewood, just north of the actual city," your friend explains. "Look for the exit that leads to the university."

By the time you spot the exit, your police scanner starts buzzing with activity.

"All units, be advised, pursuit is now condition 5, repeat, condition 5."

"He took out all my cover units, requesting backup!"

"Affirmative, backup should be there in a few minutes."

"Be advised, we got spikes on the road ahead, make sure you keep him left."

"Sounds like someone's having fun," you comment.

You just barely see Twilight roll her eyes beside you.

Once you were off the highway, your friend speeds ahead and takes the lead. "Alright, follow me, I remember the way from here."

"You never told me you were from Rockport, man."

"Spent some time here, yeah."

He leads you through a rather small town, and you notice that the roads felt less maintained than the ones back in Fairhaven. Probably a slightly poorer city, now that you think about it.

The police scanner kept going, in the meantime. "I think we should back off a bit, we're causing a lot of damage here."

"That's a negative, you WILL NOT fall back."

"Suspect just crashed back onto the campus, he's in the campus!"

You see Twilight give you a concerned look. "Weren't we going to the campus...?"

You just shrug, which does nothing to soothe her worries.

"I'm gonna have to break off pursuit, my engine's shutting down."

"All units, keep clear, gonna try and take him off the road."

"He- He missed the block! Suspect going into the hospital!"

"Alright, it's here."

The both of you pull in front of a typical parts shop, before he swings around to the rear of the building and you follow. As you kill the engine and leave the car, you hear sirens approaching, and you look back to the road just in time to see a red and white Viper drift around a corner, a small squad of VRT cars following closely behind, while a chopper started hovering overhead, following the chase.

You smile as you look back at your friend. "It's like we never left."

He returns the laugh as the girls all get out, Dash and Applejack stretching slightly. "So, what's in here?" the latter asks.

"An old friend of mine," your friend explains. "He actually helped me get started racing."

He leads the way inside, and you all follow.

The inside of the shop was pretty much just a garage with a store counter wedged in the corner, with a number of cars in varying states of dismantling filling the space. The only other person inside, besides the workers who were elbow deep in cars, was an older man leaning on the only fully-built car in the garage, who looked like he was pushing his late thirties. He was already smiling, but it widened noticeably when he spotted your friend. "Good to see ya, man."

"Long time no see, Rog," he replies, giving a quick high five. "How have things been down here?"

Rog chuckles. "Things have been blowing up recently. You guys see a red Viper driving around on your way in?"

"Just now, yeah," you say.

"Well, that guy blew into town about a couple months ago, driving this beautiful BMW. He tried breaking his way onto the Blacklist, but got cheated in his first race, and lost."

"Ouch, who did it?"

"You remember Callahan, right?"

"That wannabe?"

"Well, he ain't wanting anymore. He made it to the top of the Blacklist, using that BMW, calls himself Razor now."

Your friend fails to stifle a laugh. "Real original, then."

"Wait, hold on," you interrupt. "What's the Blacklist?"

"A list of the city's most wanted street racers," Rog explains. "People can move up the list by challenging the guy above them, but we put pink slips on the line when that happens."

"Wait, you said that guy lost?" you ask, pointing outside.

"Yeah, and he got busted soon after, but a friend of his bailed him out in just a few weeks and hooked him up with a cheap car. Since then, he's been tearing his way to the top of the list, no doubt just to take down Razor and get his car back."

"How high is he now?" your friend asks.

"Right now, he's number two."

"Oh damn," you comment.

"'Oh damn' is right. The guy can drive like no one else I've ever seen, and I've never once seen him lose a race or get caught by the cops. The guy's something else."

Your friend elbows your shoulder. "Dude, when we're done with all this business, we gotta race him."

You just nod in agreement.

Suddenly, Rog's phone rings, and he answers it. "Yeah?" A pause. "Alright, I'll tell him."

As he hangs up, he already starts explaining. "Well, I gotta go now. Looks like Razor's about to finally race that guy. You guys can follow, if you wanna watch."

"No thanks," you say. "We just need to get to Paradise, don't need any extra heat right now."

He nods. "Fair enough. Feel free to buy whatever you need from here in the meantime." He's already dialing on his phone before he fully gets in his car. "Alright, the race between you and Razor is locked-"

You don't get to hear the rest as he closes the door, and then drives out of the garage.

"Alright, so," you begin, "let's figure out what we can afford and what we need."

After some discussion between the two of you, you and your friend decide on improved nitrous systems along with a fresh coat of paint on both cars. The workers said it would take about an hour to get it done on both cars, so you were simply standing outside, watching the town.

In the distance, you see some small rain clouds approaching. A little driving in the rain isn't beyond your ability.

Behind you, you hear the door to the shop open, and you turn to see that it's Fluttershy. "Hey, Shy."

"H- Hello." She begins standing beside you silently, so you go back to looking at the town, as well as the nature that you could see around it.

"Y- You know, this place is kinda beautiful," she eventually says.

You smirk. "Yeah, it does look pretty nice. I should go on road trips more often."

She goes silent again, and you see her eyeing a squirrel in a nearby tree. You hold back a chuckle at the sight.

Suddenly, the squirrel ducks back down into the foliage, and a moment later you find out why. A pair of engines were starting to roar their way towards you, so you look in the direction they're coming from.

The engines get louder, until you see a silver and blue BMW with a massive spoiler drift into view, before rocketing off down a different road. Before it was even out of sight, that same Viper from earlier came right behind it, taking the same turn even harder and pulling alongside the other car.

They both sped out of sight before you could see the full outcome of the maneuver, but you smirk. That Rog guy was right, this guy knows his stuff behind the wheel.

As the sounds of the engines fade into the distance, you turn to see Fluttershy... not there anymore?

You turn a little further, and see her hiding behind the door to the shop. She blushes slightly at your confused gaze. "They're a lot scarier from the outside..."

While you allow yourself a small laugh at her expense, Dash nearly bowls her over as she exits the store. "Did I miss 'em?"

"Yep, you're just a bit too late."

"Aw, darnit!"

With that, she heads right back inside, and Fluttershy meekly follows.

Looking back to the sky, you notice that those rain clouds are a little bit closer and bigger, now. Looks like a storm is coming.

Checking your watch, you decide to head back inside and wait out the rest of the time with the others.

Author's Note:

The original Most Wanted is the best Need for Speed game in my opinion, and if you disagree I will respect your opinion even though it's wrong

Comments ( 12 )

and if you disagree I will respect your opinion


Why do I get the strange feeling Cross and his corvette will be in the next chapter

Fucking loved most wanted. Always wanted to play it again but never could find/ afford a copy

"Are you ready to give a new car to the Razor Fund, baby?! It's GO time!"

So wait, if the protagonist isn't the NFSMW dude, then who is he?! I don't know any NFS except Carbon and MW! Ofc, if the protagonist is an OC, I can understand.

When I hear about the red and white viper I thought of test drive.

8128023 The protagonist is the player from the newer Most Wanted game.


The 2015?! Alright then!

You're damn right the original MW is the best!

The lack of realism tipical of need for speed kinda bothers me, but still i find this fanfic quite enjoyable, hope you keep it up.

Will we see an update with NFS Payback in this?

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