Cool Coat has everything he needs:
A nice home, a perfect job, a lovely dog, and most importantly...alone time.
But can Cool ever call somepony a FRIEND and not just an acquaintance throughout his life?
Or will he just ignore the thoughts and lock himself away in his home?

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Soarin', The mane six, Spitfire, and lots of others. It's the first story I've written, so please give me plenty of critical comments!

Chapters (14)
by Orrm

Asura Fenrir


The Devil.


Metal Man.

All names gained by one thing. Blood at the end of a battle. Winning was never pretty, sometimes it was fun, but now? There is no one left to fight. No cocky asshat remaining to spring up and give a lackluster performance. No distractions.

He sees change occurring all around him. Orthros, Vanir, even Achiles to a lesser extent. So much things changed since he was gone.

Asura has time on his hands. Far too much time he would ever need to himself and god only knows.

He doesn't like it.


This is a separate series that occurs in the same world as Orthros, except this one happens a few months after the events of Orthros. Both are a work-in-progress, but the storyboard and story-line have been planned so I hope to finish Orthros before this one.

Also, for clarification, Wolf-cubs is a completely different world. In Orthros and Asura the boys are around 21-23 and meet Sunset under much different circumstances.

In Wolf-cubs they are aged 14-18

Anyhoo, HAVE FUN!

Chapters (1)

Different ponies in different parts of Equestria and the Earth become the only surviving ponies and creatures that exist. They will now suffer a certain event that will one day become a story tale like no other to their future children and grandchildren. A famous group of 6 heroic ponies,, a DJ and her cellist friend, 2 siblings, and a lone adventurer will have a story about how they could have survived such a devastating event which could have wiped them all out. Science joins fiction once again in this story.

Chapters (1)

Five years ago, Puzzling Insanity lost her father. The anniversary is always painful, but this year, she decides to do something to distract herself.

Chapters (2)