
Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results

Reader There's a Story on My Page · 8:18am Apr 6th, 2016

Despite all odds I have written another story. I ran an April Story Giveaway on the Quill & Blade forum and aside from Sixkiller5 getting some words out of me I was able to prove an old movie wrong. From the movie War Games there is a quote, "The only way to win is not to play." This is wrong, demonstrably wrong. As Sixkiller5 can attest, you can also win by being the only one to play.

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Report T W Hoof · 475 views · #Writing Process

2 Year anniversary and current writing process · 7:06pm Jan 25th, 2016

Today marks two years that I've been on FIMfiction and a very fun two years they've been. I don't know what much else to say other than the fact that I'm glad to be where I am right now and happy that you enjoy reading the result of me mindlessly pounding my keyboard. It fills me with happy. :twilightsmile::heart:

I just realized this is also the first blog post I've had of the new year also, so that's a thing.

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The Gift of Words · 2:54am Dec 21st, 2015

First things first. I found it and still find it absolutely hilarious that I was able to get my latest story title to work both as a story title and an accurate description of what it is in a meta sense. Since it is literally a gift of words for a holiday giveaway drawing I ran to give back after all the incredible luck I've had recently when entering other peoples giveaways.

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Blue Line of Fate: An analysis of my process... and me · 10:38am Sep 23rd, 2018

Since it's the first thing I've written that ever won a contest (also the first I've ever entered into a contest), I though it might be nice to write a little about how it happened. Even if no one else is interested I'll come back and read this months from now and enjoy the nostalgia. :twilightsmile:

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The Writing Process, I heard some people like this · 12:42pm Aug 19th, 2015


Velvet Step sneaks out of the theatre? Solid Snake style. Her only mission avoid detection and get to that bath.


Shocked look around the room post feeding
Hears some of the other girls still in the building
Puts on the war paint aka frosting
Sneaky sneaky hall
Da ceiling splits
Blob o frosting falls
Quick duct escape
AAAAHHHHH spi this is so cool
Roof top to roof top
Maybe sees something random for padding

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Continuity, it's a Thing · 3:04am Sep 12th, 2015

It's time for a blog again, that must mean another story is in the queue. The upcoming story is:

The Velvet Connection

Sunbeam and Pepper Ridge were ecstatic when they successfully opened Sunridge Sweets and filled it with satisfied ponies. Unfortunately in this town you don't get to move baked goods without the permission of a shadowy cabal of bakers.

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Some thoughts regarding the process of writing and posting "The Mask of Despair and the Face of Hope" · 9:08pm Jun 8th, 2018

So, I’ve learned a few things from doing this the way I did. First and foremost, don’t change POV and tense mid-write. When I began this project, I was working in third person point of view, and present tense. About 40% of the way through it I came upon the idea of the framing device of starting the story right as Twilight resolved the crisis. (hence: “We Begin at the End” and “We End at the Beginning”) However, this necessitated a shift in writing style into first person past tense.

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Another Story Another Blog · 6:05am Aug 25th, 2015

Truly I cannot fathom all the writing I have been doing recently. Just to reiterate I have literally not written a single word that wasn't required before the last week in almost 20 years since I was a wee laddy and cute as button. For whatever reason when Crystal Wishes told me that I could add 400 words (are you kidding 400 words) to and actually publish my joke on the site I didn't know what to think. I had made it, this account included originally as part of the joke with no intention to

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I'm not dead · 7:31am Oct 23rd, 2017

So I got sucked into Final Fantasy XIV and left Equestrian Horizon to languish unfinished. Then my computer died.

All data is safely backed up on separate drives or in the cloud but I am sans gaming rig for the time being. I am still going to attempt to finish EH by the end of the year. The next chapter, Ouroboros, is done and currently in the proofing and revision phase.


Report Jin Shu · 376 views · #writing process #slow

Resolutions · 11:53am Jan 1st, 2017

Happy New Year!

The next two chapters are outlined and just need to be written: a character-focused interlude called Rehab and a plot-focused chapter named Black Rain.

Rehab will revolve around Firefly's attempts to reconnect with her squad following the fallout on board the Sova while simultaneously attempting to wrap her brain around the extra burden of leadership placed upon her.

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There's No Such Thing As Notability · 9:21pm Sep 3rd, 2022

So I've been having some ups and downs...

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Buckle Up · 3:19am May 22nd, 2018

New chapter is entering revision phase. As per my last blog post, please use spoiler tags where appropriate.

Also buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.


Thoughts on writing and The Fifth Session of EoT · 6:50am Jul 9th, 2018

So it appears I can comfortably manage to write about 10k words a week, plus a few thousand more if I’m on a roll. Which is roughly 1400 words a day. That’s unacceptable. “Wait, what the hell?” I hear you cry out. “That’s like an entire story, every day! How is that unacceptable!?” Well, you person who probably didn’t say that. There’s a bit of backstory to that number, or more importantly, to the number 1,667. Waaaaay back in 2006, my sister introduced me to a little thing called

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Defect · 4:56am Oct 28th, 2017

Things I discovered writing this piece:

  • I suck at naming stories and chapters.
  • I suck at writing synposes.
  • I cannot post pieces to FiMFiction without titles or synposes, so my terrible ones will have to suffice.
  • I only have a partial idea of how to write Tempest, but also a desire to do so which is infuriating.
  • Here's a thing for me to publish so I don't burn out working on Equestrian Horizon.

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Chapter the 6th for Guardian · 2:25am Aug 11th, 2020

It has come to my attention that even though the chapters of Guardian aren't "short" per se, very few scenes have actually played out for you guys. I had planned to have this story move fairly quickly, but I've never been very good with extremely fast-paced stories (reading or writing). Despite this, I plan on making this next chapter a little larger than usual, which means stuff will happen rather than seemingly "pointless" exposition. I promise it is there for a reason.

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Report -Watcher- · 174 views · #News #Writing Process

Reviewer's Café response · 8:14pm Jan 2nd, 2019

So the reviewer’s café reviews for The Nightmare Night Knightmare finally came out a little over a week ago. To my surprise, they did not entirely eviscerate it. I thought I would make a response to them. I really wanted to get this done last year, but things got in

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A short detour · 8:56pm Nov 4th, 2017

Took another detour before heading back in on Equestrian Horizon.

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Epiphany · 1:47am Apr 29th, 2017

So it seems the original ending I had drafted for the end of Equestrian Horizon is now moot. A series of Epiphanies and crazy mad scribblings in the dead of night revealed just how much the characters had grown throughout the course of acts 1 and 2 and how much the story line had to change to reflect those developments. There is also a significant tonal shift that is in the process of occurring and will be in full swing by the end of Act 2. We're close. The next chapter - The Hushed Empress -

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A Blog Apart · 6:49pm Aug 27th, 2015

The latest chapter in my strange journey exists solely because Crystal Wishes commented, "I demand a spin-off of the poor receptionist's search for love in all the wrong places." I thought this might be a pretty hilarious premise so I decided to try and flesh out our new Star. I ran into a few problems here. The comedy element was a lot funnier when seen from the outside instead of from Solitary Star's perspective. Just how crushing would it be to always be searching for someone else and

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Why do We/You/I write? · 8:31am Feb 22nd, 2020

I often tought about this, though mostly I'd say it's me trying to justify to myself why I have been writing Crossing the Trixie Bridge. Even why I've encouraged a few others, and even helped them get started or co-wrote with their stories. Though, it seems all of them have gone on hiatus or put their stories on the shelf and may not pick them up again.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results