
Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results

Progress on How to Raise a Changeling · 4:55pm Mar 26th, 2017

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry it's taking a while for me to put Chapter 2 up, I've been swamped at work this past week. Very unfortunate. (I'm slightly traumatized by my boss's ring tone. It has been going off, non-stop) Anyway, I'm about half-way to two/thirds of the way finished with Chapter 2 so hopefully it'll be up sometime this week and after my pre-reader's approval!

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Status of Plotting a New Course · 11:00pm Nov 15th, 2016

Apologies for not getting the first chapter out! I DO have it planned out, but I havent had the energy to sit down and write because I had to work overnight shifts at work without warning. But my daily routine is back to normal, so I shouldn't have any problems finding time to write.

As my writing skills are still quite terrible, I can't really estimate how much longer the chapter will take as I tend to rewrite things a lot.

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Report DJ SNE4K-3 · 321 views · #Progress update

Progress Update 07/07/17 · 2:21am Jul 8th, 2017

Hello everyone. I know it's late, but I decided to write an update here about A Tale of Two Suns. I know it's been a long time but I can tell you that I've made a lot of progress on the story. Things have been a little busy. More renovations, which was a pain (and they're still not done, @___@). I saw Wonder Woman, which was awesome!

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Report Lupin · 301 views · #progress update

70 Chapters, 40 days. · 8:24am Sep 19th, 2021

And I'm still not finished. I did the estimation, and the story could very well break 85-90 chapters baseline (5k words a chapter average) with 10 epilogue chapters. Tons of plot bouncing, talking, small rewrites, a few dumped chapters (a *few, like... 5) and work keeping me slow, otherwise I'd be done by now. Out of these 40 days (I think it's closer to 38 days), I've spent maybe 2-5 days with less than one chapter's progress each.

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Hey! What's the Holdup? · 3:20am Apr 25th, 2019

Don't worry! I'm not dead! I won't abandon this story like I did in the 6th age of this world. Its just slow going as of late. Trust me, read the exposition below.

So, I have a lot of explaining to do. Finals for this semester have come up. In turn, it has eaten up any potential fanfiction time. I know this sounds like a cheap cop-out, but hear me out.

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New Story Coming Soon · 4:50pm Jan 15th, 2016

First of all, Happy New Year everypony. I hope everypony had a good new years eve and day. I had a pretty good one. Now on to business, I’ve got a new story coming up soon. Unfortunately, it’s not any of my current projects. It’s another oneshot and this one’s a bit heavier than my last story. I’m almost finished with it though I’m running into a small snag in that I’m not sure how the note I’d like to end on; simply tragic and sad or sad but uplifting in a way. If anypony is curious about the

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Chapter 24 and Section 5 News · 2:17am Oct 31st, 2019

If any of you need to catch up on the chapters, now would be the time to do so. The TLDR of this blog post: I'll be taking a break from posting chapters of Transparent Living.

So, the bad news first. Chapter 24 is the end of Section 4. Unfortunately, Section 5 is still under construction. School has been keeping me preoccupied ever since midterms ended. It will be a good wait (my prediction is that I'll have it ready sometime in December).

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Monthly Update: Slow Progress on Chapter 15 and upcoming delays · 6:28pm Aug 3rd, 2019

Well, here we are again. So, progress has been slow on Chapter 15. I'd say the rough draft is maybe 75% done. The reason behind this has mainly been due to the amount of activity that comes in preparing for moving to a new house as well as my job. Speaking of which, this coming week, my family and I will be moving to our new home. And I just found out that we probably won't have Internet access there for about 2 weeks. So, I won't be able to access Google Docs from home for awhile. I may be

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Progress Update: Section 6 · 10:17pm Jul 18th, 2020

No need for alarm, I’m still writing and getting stuff done. This is news just meant for you, the readers. If you haven’t caught up on Transparent Living, now would be a good time to do so since it will be a short time until I start getting traction again to my schedule (This commitment stuff is wayyy harder than I previously imagined). Please be patient with me as I’m trying to stick to my promises.

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Random Ramblings CLXXXIX · 10:00pm May 27th, 2017

I was supposed to be spending today dealing with my ex and her friends coming to get things out of my home, but bad weather forced them to take a rain check. As a result, I am here alone looking over my work, knowing I need to eat but too lazy to make food and too cheap to go out. My pillz often decrease my appetite – I only ate one meal yesterday.

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Happy New Years (and some progress updates) · 2:12am Jan 2nd, 2018

So, to start with, Happy New Years and all that.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and everything, I spent mine down in one of the capitol cities visiting friends. While there, I managed to get Lorenzo something hilarious...

The MLP tabletop roleplaying game.

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Progress update 01-21-18 · 4:11am Jan 22nd, 2018

Hey everybody, just a quick update. It's pretty late here so I'll be brief. I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on A Tale of Two Suns. Chapter 12 is looking rather long, and I haven't been getting as far as I'd like. Then again, I had Christmas presents to get through, among other things.

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Chapter 12 will be out soon · 3:37am Feb 8th, 2018

Hello, all my wonderful readers. I just wanted to let you all know that chapter 12 of A Tale of Two Suns will be out soon. It needs some final work, but it will definitely be out this month.

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The Winter Break Progress Report · 1:57am Jan 27th, 2021

So concludes the last school break of my life! Yeah, my school has done away with Spring Break as a COVID precaution. I graduate in May, so now it's just a 16 week blitz to the finish line. :applejackconfused:

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Act II Progress · 4:50am Dec 28th, 2017


Lil' progress update. · 8:39am Jul 28th, 2016

So I have....uhh....written only like three paragraphs....

Yeah, I've been lazy with this. I didn't think writing a multi-chaptered story would be hard. (probably just hard for me.)

I do want you to know that I do not plan on cancelling/abandoning the story, I am still motivated to see it to the end.

Until next time,
[Horse Noises]


Minoan Crisis World-Building · 9:14am Feb 20th, 2015

So I'm assuming a lot of you are familiar with the World-Building Alliance, a group dedicated to expanding the universe of MLP, figuring out details from show evidence and gathering various authors' versions of the world outside Equestria, focusing on non-pony races.

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merry christmas y'all · 1:22am Dec 25th, 2017

aight, so, i'm breaking the radio silence i've held for the last few months

my life has been a whirlwind of happenings since my last update so, here's my explanation:

i finished my a level exams, got thru em and accepted into a pretty slick apprenticeship

my cat went and fucking died like an asshole (god i miss him)

work has taken some time to adjust to, and the two assignments for uni due january don't help things lol

so where is clean the slate?

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A Tale of Two Suns Chapter 13 will be out soon · 2:16am May 14th, 2018

Hello everyone. Happy Mother's Day to everybody, and I hope it was a good day for you all. Yes, I realize that tomorrow will mark three months since I last updated the story. I hate that. I really do. But I did want to let you all know that chapter 13 WILL be done soon. I'm 95% done with it. I just need to finish the last two scenes and go over everything, and add some little bits here and there.

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Reading Format For My Stories. · 6:26pm Jul 19th, 2018

Hello, dear reader!... Or passerby, whichever!

Here is something I wish to discuss. In my story, I write like so.

"Hello, Captain." I say.

"Hello, Generic Bob." The captain replies with a smile.

"Lovely day, isn't it?"

"It is."

"Yeah, anyway, was wondering if I could borrow some sugar?" What did I just say?

Here is the thing. Some people call this format uncomfortable due to the spaces between lines, paragraphs, etc.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results