
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

I give up · 5:10am Oct 3rd, 2021

I put a lot of work into Verve. I have 92 total chapters. But at this point, I'm not writing anymore. I'm going to finish the last bit of editing, let the story end on chapter 92 - and that'll simply be the ending.

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Report Pumpkin Pony · 546 views · #inertia #verve

70 Chapters, 40 days. · 8:24am Sep 19th, 2021

And I'm still not finished. I did the estimation, and the story could very well break 85-90 chapters baseline (5k words a chapter average) with 10 epilogue chapters. Tons of plot bouncing, talking, small rewrites, a few dumped chapters (a *few, like... 5) and work keeping me slow, otherwise I'd be done by now. Out of these 40 days (I think it's closer to 38 days), I've spent maybe 2-5 days with less than one chapter's progress each.

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Bad News/Good News~ · 11:28am Aug 13th, 2021

Heya everypony! If you're reading this little update, I've got some bad news and some good news.

Let's start off with the bad news, as it's the most important.

The motherboard on my laptop decided now would be a great time to catch fire. Unfortunately for me, this specific motherboard is for an overly expensive gaming laptop - wonderful, right? So a replacement is not only hard to come by, but extremely expensive. $650! That's over half the price of the actual laptop.

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Small update to Inertia; more to come~ · 2:13am Aug 9th, 2021

Excuse any writing errors here, I'm exhausted and about to take a well deserved nap.

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I Can't Read · 4:46pm Mar 19th, 2017

UPDATE: I'd really like recommendations of stories to read that could improve my writing!

Last night, I dreamt I was taking a standardized test in an amphitheater with a few hundred other students. Except I teach college, and it was an eleventh-grade exam (all the other students were teens).

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results