
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results

End of the Month update · 10:42pm Feb 28th, 2017

So... I haven't been in the best condition, so things might be a bit... slowed when it comes to posting new chapters and such. But, I should still be able to get around to it.


Been sick. · 8:02am Dec 23rd, 2016

Eh just finally started to recover a bit, what was a minortrack infection turned in to a blood born one.. still low on energy and bearly have enough to drag my fat ass to work.. been on heavy antibiotics for over a month now that and really didn't feel like getting up at all... To be honest I was wondering if I was going to be hospitalized or in the morge before long being had no idea what was wrong.. pissing blood is not something you want to see.. that stopped a week ago, doctor said if I'd

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Report Callos Sombra · 195 views · #Life sucks

waterlogged... · 11:44am Dec 24th, 2015

So, a while back. While I was napping for work as well my son was having his after noon nap with my wife to be the only one up.

While having a smoke she had been keeping an eye in it since she uses imvu on this laptop too.

So, when she turned her back for a second then looked back again to see water leaking out arond it.

Later on, a friend of a friend took it apart and declared my poor laptop fried on arrival...

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Life sucks · 9:18pm Dec 11th, 2020

I feel the need to post this not because I’m looking for sympathy, but because writing has become an ever more important outlet in a world that, for mutual safety, requires people to stay apart when they most want or need others to be close. That, and it hurts so much that I don’t feel like working on any of my current stories and this is actually helping.

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Report Kaipony · 299 views · #I repeat #life sucks

Horny Horses Hiatus · 7:17am Feb 13th, 2020

Okay, this year has sucked hard, and I can't get in a clop writing mindset. I'm setting Horny horses to hiatus. It shouldn't be hard to finish up later.

In general, I might start moving away from clop, both because a.) I'm running out of ideas, and b.) I'm getting older and less horny. I still enjoy it, but it's harder for me to stay focused on it than on stuff with more of a plot.

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Just Great. · 2:00pm Feb 15th, 2020

My least favorite holiday of the year is over, and now I'm dealing with a cold again...


No Snow in weeks.... · 6:12am Dec 22nd, 2018

Looks like a green Christmas this year. It'll be the first that I can remember.


Status Update · 4:05pm May 26th, 2018


I'm very sorry about the lack of updates D:

I've been going through some very rough life-things, most of them being very -very- stressful. I don't really want to throw my dirty laundry out in front of everyone, but It's been very time consuming.

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Slow Down · 3:23pm January 7th

Short blog post, hey guys, sorry for not updating the story in over a month, my co-author and I have been dealing with some personal issues and this has complicated our production. Fortunately, we do have part of the next chapter with over 2k words written so far so about 25-30% of the chapter is finished. Thank you for your patience and dedication, if nothing else changes I will try to work on the story on my own or publish smaller stories for the time being. Have a wonderful Christmas if you

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Guess who's back! · 5:38am Sep 6th, 2017

Wow, I've been wildly inactive! My last blog post was on my favorite celebrity's birthday for Celestia's sake. I apologize for being away so long, snowflakes. I've just had a lot on my mind.

So, first things first, I'm going to do my review of Goodbye and Hello by JetStorm. I've neglected that and it's not fair to anyone that I've done so. So, it's going to be the first thing I do once classes are finished tomorrow.

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Too Much Crap · 10:49pm Apr 10th, 2017

So much bullshit going on in my life right now. Looks like all my serious writing, and especially reviewing, is going to be on hold for a while. No clue how long, but definitely for the near future. This sucks.


My first blog, a glimpse into my so-called life. · 8:08pm Last Thursday

I've been meaning to post a blog, but have been having trouble deciding what to write. The hard part is that I don't want to post a blog on Fimfic's shitty mobile version! (I hate typing on my phone's tiny keypad, anyway.) So, I'm writing this on my antique laptop. It's close to 20 years old, and runs WinXP. Thank Celestia that Mypal 64 was designed for "legacy" devices, and actually WORKS!!! Every other browser I tried, from Opera to Chrome, kept giving me bogus "Security Certificate"

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A Sunset Across the Galaxy is on Indefinite Hiatus. · 7:44am Jan 10th, 2022

So for those of you that care, I basically haven't updated ASAG in a year. This is a combination of real-life kicking my ass, me losing interest in MLP, and my original storyboard getting fucking nuked from my PC. I've been working overtime at my job thanks to the labor shortage in the US, so I barely have time to even try and salvage my planned plot points for the story, I just broke up with my girlfriend of nearly 3 years and I caught at the start of December.

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Random Ramblings CDII · 8:46pm Jul 3rd, 2020

Hi, y'all. Do you like J-Pop performed by a quartet of 10th-graders? No? Too bad. Here's @onefive. I like them.

One of the girls also dances backup for Babymetal, so there's that. Anyway, an apologia beyond the jump.

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A Bunch of Stuff Worth Mentioning · 9:59pm Jun 30th, 2015

Hey, guys!

I'm still alive and breathing. That much is (as far as I can tell) true. Life's still busy, but it should clear up here soon, as this week is the last of my grad school. (:yay:) In the whole job hunting phase now, with just a few projects to finish up by Thursday, and it's hello Master's degree!

But enough about real life. Let's talk about some things in the pony world, cause that's what you're all here for, right?

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UPDATES! · 12:22am Nov 21st, 2016

SO! Good news bad news time.
I have some time to pour into updating stories. I've been adding on to them little by little between work, and youtube, and Twitch but haven't really had a chance to just sit and work on them. Discovering Friendship should be updating soon and we'll FINALLY be getting the next chapter of BBO up and running. Also working on that RariAppleShy fic and a few other things.


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BBWLM: 3 Chapters in the Matter of 24 Hours?! GASP · 6:16am Apr 24th, 2016

Gasp indeed.

Seriously, I have been assaulted by various things, including more health issues, Fire Emblem Fates, Volunteering and Drama.

So I got Three Chapters, one of which is a Collab I had been planning for the last two or three weeks, and got them out basically today.

I am tired.

Go read, comment, like, reccomend, whatever.

I'mma sleep nao.


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 10 · 6:13am Dec 11th, 2018


October Pains, October Plans · 6:33pm Oct 11th, 2021

So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I posted a blog here, things weren’t so hot in my life. And frankly, they’re not getting much better. My mother’s cancer has likely spread to other parts of her abdomen, my father got conned out of $5,000, I’m stuck at a fast food job I hate, the jobs I want that can actually pay a livable wage are not showing up, the one decent job I have a good chance at probably isn't going to tell me if I’m accepted until mid-November if I'm even accepted at

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Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results