
Viewing 1 - 20 of 645 results

Anniversary! · 8:18pm Oct 29th, 2016

Today is my one-year anniversary of being on FimFiction! :pinkiehappy:

Man I feel old. :raritycry:

Oh well.

One year and seven stories in? :rainbowhuh:

I'm not dead yet! :pinkiecrazy:

Here's to another year! :raritywink:


Report Rubahhitam · 359 views · #Anniversary

Well. Happy 5th Brithday, Franchise That Consumes My Life. · 8:58am Oct 10th, 2015


Four Years · 10:29pm May 12th, 2016

Well, today is my fourth anniversary of being on FimFic and being in the fandom

Seems like just yesterday I was a scrappy little 8th grader posting dank memes on deviantart

Now I'm a pathetic high school senior who listens to hipster garbage and does drugs

Look at that development

For everyone, whether you've been here for just a few hours or have stuck with me this far, all the way back from that golden age we left behind


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Report Regidar · 561 views · #anniversary

Hi! · 2:21am Apr 13th, 2016

Yesterday was my first anniversary on FimFiction!

What should I do to celebrate that?

Report Lord of Flies · 308 views · #Anniversary

One Year of Fallen Canterlot · 6:35pm Jun 25th, 2018

So, a year ago today I released the first chapter of Fallen Canterlot, and what a journey it has been.

I started off hoping that each chapter would be released every two weeks, and for a while I kept to that. But then I got a job. And then more life got in the way. So, in short, I'm so sorry that the updates have been very few and far between this year.

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Report Feather Book · 329 views · #anniversary

Random Ramblings XXX · 4:03am Jan 19th, 2016

To the two people who will read this (and the other 33 who might): Remember how I said that the first half of January is always really busy for me? Yeah, well, that's over for now. So instead of not writing due to being busy, I can go back to my default state of not writing because I'm f-ing lazy. :ajsleepy:

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Report Soufriere · 240 views · #anniversary

2 Year Anniversary · 11:01pm Mar 30th, 2019

Yeah, this is a day late. Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of when TFATH got published. Surprised it been so long. I'm sorry for the wait. But SiE is a higher priority and I've been stuck on TFATH. Plus me getting distracted so much by some games and vids don't help. But at least the story isn't abandoned.

Report DarkSpider · 279 views · #Anniversary

3 Years · 7:01am Apr 15th, 2021

Okay, how does this keep happening? I think I'm beginning to notice a pattern because now my profile is 3 years old.

It's insane that it's already been 3 years since I decided I wanted to write MLP fanfiction, and God do I feel that I've grown a hell of a lot since then. In my time of being here on FiMFiction, and as the time of writing this, I've now written 25 stories with most being just short one-shots, but a few others being larger projects with one currently ongoing.

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Report MorbidTheBrony · 189 views · #Anniversary

1 Year Anniversary · 10:55pm Jul 16th, 2023

I have not realized until now that 6 days ago was my 1 Year Anniversary of me being an official member of FimFiction.

Time sure flies, doesn't it? It's been a year already?

Anywho, hooray for me. I'm looking forward to being here for more years to come.

Report Catpaw616 · 261 views · #anniversary

HAPPY 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! · 8:43pm Apr 10th, 2016

As the title says, happy two year anniversary guys!

It has been officially two years since I started writing The Life of a Wanted Changeling. And while there have been many downs throughout that time, the number of good things surely makes up for it!

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Marking the End of Year One · 6:49pm Jan 18th, 2015

A greater man than myself once said, “’Scuse me while I kiss the sky.”

Well, ‘scuse me, because I’m about to kiss wherever I’m at right now.

And where I’m at is a pretty good place. I started writing my first story in July 2013. In the months it took me to finish that story, along with two others, I kept telling myself it would be worth it if I could reach one person and make them smile. I found that one, and I am very happy for it, but I also found two hundred and fifty-one more.

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Report Minds Eye · 385 views · #anniversary

Realized something... · 10:02am May 4th, 2017

A day ago, last week, last year, I submitted my first story on FimFic!

Report bloons3 · 387 views · #anniversary

1-Year FIMFiction Anniversary! · 9:21pm Jun 30th, 2016

I completely forgot the fact that I made my FIMFiction account a year and 20 days ago...

Welp. Happy account-making anniversary to me! *Crawls back into bed*

Report TheMajorTechie · 282 views · #anniversary

Special Day for Me Today... · 3:04am Dec 12th, 2015

Today marks my first anniversary of officially joining the brony fandom! :twilightsmile: :heart: I'm really glad that I gave this fandom and Friendship is Magic a chance.

Here are the firsts for eveything of seeing in the fandom:
First Episode - Maud Pie
First Fan Made Video - "Massive Smile Project Music Video" by BronyDanceParty
First Brony I've seen - Joshscorcher AKA FireBrand (Subscribed to him way before he become a brony)

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Report Flarefeather · 291 views · #Anniversary

CRISIS: Equestria - 10 Year Anniversary-ish · 10:57pm Sep 1st, 2021

Ten years ago(-ish), the first chapter of CRISIS: Equestria was published on Equestria Daily. I say "-ish" because due to how EQD posts, I actually don't know the exact date it published on anymore! But I do know that it posted up roughly around the beginning of September 2011, so I consider September 1st to be the official "anniversary".

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Report GanonFLCL · 408 views · #anniversary

Anniversary Blog (two days late) · 12:09pm Aug 31st, 2020

I've been on this site for seven years, time flies very quickly.

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Report Chaos Phantasm · 321 views · #anniversary

One Year Anniversary of The Primrose War · 5:32pm Jun 10th, 2021

Four days late, I know, but I've managed an entire year of posting weekly without slipping up and missing a week. The day of posting has changed a little over time, but good grief.

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Report Noble Thought · 255 views · #Anniversary

Ten years today. · 11:34pm Jan 10th, 2022

According to the info blurb beside my name, this is the ten-year anniversary of this account. And to think, this all started with me doing self-insert riffs on bad MLP fiction. And now I've got two finished stories under my belt, a crossover atrophying in a forgotten corner, and two other projects completely pony-unrelated I've finally put some words down for*. And also the last vestiges of my involvement in riffing have more or less dried up, leaving me with not much to post about aside from a

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Report Fallen Prime · 490 views · #anniversary

Updates! Q&A, Sales, and Other Stuff · 6:24pm Feb 26th, 2016

Hey guys!

Right, so first things first, here's a cross-post from Unusual Things to give you guys a bit of an update on what's going on there, and then I'll get into what you can expect over here:

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Report Viking ZX · 383 views · #Anniversary

Today marks a special Two Year Anniversary · 5:55am Jul 15th, 2017

On this day back in 2015, I was asked a very special question by a very good friend and fellow writer on this site. If it wasn't for his stories on Fimfiction, or my own determination to write stories myself, I don't think we would've ever contacted each other years later. Honestly, one of the big reasons we actually started talking was because I complimented his story Melting Snow on a thread of what our favorite M/M stories were. I talked about what I loved about that Caramel/Big Mac romance,

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Report TheVClaw · 534 views · #anniversary
Viewing 1 - 20 of 645 results