Wait a minute... · 3:35am Jan 26th, 2020
Should it of been dogs instead of ponies?
I don’t know what to write and aim to finish, right now. What would be more exciting to see?:
The Broships AU from Details Make the Bigger Mac Picture and its sequel, or that Zephyr Breeze x Sassy Saddles thing I said I’d probably do?
Or, you know, just Shut Up and Write A King’s Brood Already because I Want to See The Extensive Changeling Lore You Made?
Celestia and Luna are the fusion of the founders of Equestria.
That's why alicorns did not exist in Heartswarming Story. They fused into Celestia and Luna cause Elements of Harmony. Or Discord. One of those two.
Also I definitely need to write that shipfic between Discord and the Tree of Harmony. That's my fanon idea of how Screwball was made.
I know I could hardly beleaf it either.
That is all
After looking back at this 200,000+ plus word cluster that I call a story. I feel like I could do MUCH BETTER.
There were too many random subplots and stupid/unessesary decisions I made that are now irreversible, I mean it's all over the place! I'd say the biggest was how Derrick behaved for a majority of the story. He was irritable and unlikeable and all the ponies wanted the D from him for no good reason.
So should I just sit down, watch season 4 and season 5, and the third EG movie?
I saw some scenes on youtube and was kinda meh, and a friend made me watch the Cutie Re-mark two-parter. Same friend also had me watch the Tirek stuff way back when.
This really reminds me of something I saw somewhere.
A wanted poster that said
Mother Nature. She is bipolar and believed to be off her meds. If you see her, call the weather station.
I really hope it gets warmer, I want to have a regular bike ride, and hate doing it in snow.
I helpmeed make a thing
No seriously, they're holding me hostage to make this blog post, HELP ME!
Yesterday on Discord, I got a completely random friend request. I didn't recognize the name or the avatar, and he wasn't on any of the servers that I was part of. The whole thing reeked of "complete stranger, don't deal with this person". So I rejected the request.
So I've asked at the Movement (PLUG!) To make a banner for the group, and this handsome chap decided to take it up. So after some discussion, we went with this:
There is a draft version where he looked super serious, but I personally think him being very nervous about being saluted fits him better.
Anybody out there ever taken a guitar lesson from a pro before? I was considering going in to learn a few new things from somebody who's been doing it longer than me, but then I saw...this.
Alright, I rediscovered my Call of Equis fanfiction. Looking it over, I think I could redo it. Like, better. Should I? I mean, I have a new plot I can write, or should I edit for a new one?
What do you think?
Name: Trevor
Gender: Male
Cutie Mark: Bottle cap
Job: Sells Sports (Energy) DrinksEats Designer Clothing?
For these Middle Shelf blogs, I usually make one after I finish (or catch up on) whatever good fic I've just finished reading, if I remember to. There have been a lot I've meant to make blogs for but didn't until it was too late for my memory. This one is ongoing, and just updated a few hours ago, so let's get to it.
Diaries of a Madman
Now should I reboot Chaotic Will? I'm pretty sure it's kinda dead.... Though I liked the Discord in DC idea so if I reboot it I'll have him join some another group.
So should I continue or Reboot?
So after reading a Discord headcanon list by taterforlife, I decided to make my own.
Note: I assume everyone is familiar with the concept of the headcanon, but just in case, I'm not stating these as facts (I do use some of the comics and tv series to back up WHY I think it works, but I'm not saying it's canon.)- I'm just saying I use them in my fics.
Hello my wonderful followers and acquaintances! This blog is more of a poll to see what I should do with my story The Greatest Betrayal And The Greatest Of Friends. If you have read it then you know it takes a rather... dark turn which may I point out was not planned not that any of that fic was planned. So I am faced with a dilemma do I A: continue it as is, B: Delete the dark chapters and work around it, or C: Scrap the entire thing and start over. Please please tell me which one you want me