
Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results

LOTR will never be equaled. · 1:21am March 25th

I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it changed the game for the rest of fiction to come. I won't aim for "being the next Tolkien" or whatnot when

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Report BradyBunch · 244 views · #LOTR

The power of Dwarven craftmenship · 1:36pm Jan 23rd, 2022

Better than any elf. All three movies much shorter now.

Report Bendy · 225 views · #LOTR

The Day Youtube Died · 3:06am Oct 17th, 2018

Where were you when YouTube died?

I was in my office, making edits to No Nose. I went to play some music to help inspire me.

There was no joy in Mudville this day. :fluttercry:

However, I was not the only one who was affected. Akira Dragonborne was rereading Chapter 5 of No Nose, and found a sneaky reference to Lord of the Rings. However, since YouTube was dead, there was no hope of adding a clip.

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Report Irrespective · 693 views · #LoTR

Happy 20th anniversary, Lord of the Rings. Stories, anyone? · 9:10pm Dec 19th, 2021

Sweet Celestia I'm old.

What are your favourite LotR crossover fics here on fimfiction?
I still remember 'The White Rider', an amazingly written fic that sadly was never finished.

Anyway. :b

Report Celefin · 217 views · #lotr

Two Days in Middle Earth · 9:59am Nov 4th, 2017

The movie theater one town over is hosting an event.

Yesterday they showed the Hobbit Trilogy. All three movies. 8 and a half hours of Middle Earth greatness.

And today, it continues with the showing of the LOTR Trilogy in the Extended Cut.

Wish my buttocks good luck.

Report Silver Screen · 304 views · #LOTR #Hobbit

Peaceful Orcs In Equestria · 2:46pm Aug 30th, 2020

Description: Peaceful orcs come to Equestria and be totally peaceful.

A possible new story I plan on to parody all the absolute nonsense I've been seeing on mainstream news.

What do you think of this idea?

Report Bendy · 248 views · #orcs #lotr #parody #orc

The Amazon LOTR series · 6:04pm Aug 25th, 2020

Does anyone have any thoughts on the upcoming Amazon LOTR series?

LOTR as in The Lord of the Rings.


December 15th · 2:53pm Dec 15th, 2022

we've finished our german film project, and i cried like a bitch to return of the king yesterday. but why??? i've seen it like 7 times and this time i cried way more than the other times? i don't understand that.

Report Night Pony · 105 views · #lotr #cry #15th

If Mumakil Existed? · 11:40am Aug 17th, 2019

What if Mumakil existed on Earth and humans used them as war beasts? Those giant elephants from LOTR. What affects would they have on human history? Would nations who have mumakill be powerhouse empires?

Some examples; Hannibal and his army crossing the alps with a least a dozen or so Mumakil (instead of War Elephants) into Rome. The Persian Empire has mumakil. (If the Persians used mumakil Battle of Thermopylae) India has Mumakil. Africa has Mumakil.

What Mumakil look like.

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Report Bendy · 255 views · #Mumakil #lotr #history

LOTR Orcs · 12:16am Nov 28th, 2018

Are a pure evil race in LOTR (The Lord of the Rings) They are basically mutated elves. They seem to obey the Dark Lord without question.

But it begs the question, could orcs find redemption after the Dark Lord's death? Maybe not in the Lord of the Rings universe, but something like it.

It could be interesting in a story where once mindless savages break free from the dark force controlling them. Could also be interesting to see the orcs resisting the mind control of a new Dark Lord.


The Captain of the Black Gate · 5:12am September 22nd

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :moustache:

In this Sunday's stream, we shall be entering the mystery-laden world of Middle Earth! :yay:

The stream starts at about 3pm Mountain Standard Time (4pm CST), and can of course be watched anytime after that as a video. :twilightsheepish:

See you then! :twilightsmile:


The Death of the Simple Game · 11:28pm Sep 5th, 2021

Today, we managed to reinstall/download a game that my older brother had taken with him on his married adventure. It was the 2003 video game adaptation of The Return of the King. My brother played it playing up, and more recently, I played it a ton as well. This is a very fun, yet simple game with no DLCs, expansion packs, online multiplayer, or complicated mechanics. You can play this game for a few hours every day for a few weeks, then put it away until the next time you feel a hankering for

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Report BradyBunch · 187 views · #games #lotr #minecraft

Rohan With Ponies? · 8:13am May 16th, 2021

How powerful would the nation of Rohan in Middle Earth be if they had MLP FIM ponies? Big enough to carry a human at least. Would they be able to significantly aid Gondor against Mordor and other forces of evil with their new highly intelligent cavalry units? (also earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns among the ponies ranks, and the rare alicorn) Also consider, the ponies might have romantic relationships with their human rider, so they would fight even harder. Rohan are the finest horsemen of

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Could Ponies Reform LOTR Orcs? · 6:03pm Jun 8th, 2020

LOTR Orcs from the Lord of the Rings are basically a race of savages. They are mutated elves, twisted into evil abominations created by the Dark Lord Morgoth. They enjoy cannibalizing each other and the taste of man flesh. They hate beautiful things and love killing. And by extension, I'm pretty sure the Orcs would love to eat the ponies.

Do you think the ponies should try reform these guys or simply kill them?


Equestria vs Mordor? · 7:45am Sep 26th, 2020

Would Equestria be able to aid against Mordor at its strongest? Second Age Mordor. Sauron has the One Ring in this scenario and is a coward and hides in his fortress of Barad-dûr, and just uses his near-endless legions of orcs and other monsters most of the time. He will only fight in the field if he has no other choice. Let's say in this scenario Mordor has more or less destroyed Gondor. Mordor won the Battle of Dagorlad. Sauron lost many orcs, but his legions are quickly recovering. Osgiliath

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Translation Notes for "Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya" · 2:13am Apr 21st, 2018

So apparently some people are actually interested in the Quenya used in my deer clopfic?

As I said in the Author's Note, I didn't keep translation notes, so I actually don't know what some of these sentences mean, but I've retranslated a portion of it (the first 40% or so of the story), along with some linguistic notes. I might do some more translations later, though likely without the grammar explanations.

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The Rest of the Translation Notes for "Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya" · 3:39am Jul 14th, 2018

I really don't feel like writing right now, so here's the rest of the translation notes for Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya. Prior knowledge of the first part of the translation notes is assumed.

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Dwarves vs Elves? · 8:00am Oct 3rd, 2020

Who do you think is the stronger race? Dwarves vs Elves?

From LOTR/Warhammer,DND.. etc. The hippy tree-loving elves. Or the great miners and craftsman of the mountain halls and vast underground kingdoms from the manly big beardy people known as the Dwarves?

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Shipping Maud Pie With A LOTR Dwarf · 6:51am Apr 25th, 2021

If you really think about it, There's a good chance Maud Pie would absolutely love dwarves from LOTR. Their beautiful architecture, great craftsmanship, they know lots about rocks and other materials, and they even live underground. Dwarves are known to have great bravery and loyalty.

This hairy beast of a man is what Maud Pie wants. But what say you?

Report Bendy · 203 views · #Dwarf #Dwarves #Maud Pie #LOTR

Sauron vs Voldemort · 9:16pm May 22nd, 2019

I really love this classic video of comparing Sauron and Voldemort.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results