List of Authors I write with · 11:42pm Feb 16th, 2017
These are good friends of mine, if you follow me and my works, please follow them as well
These are good friends of mine, if you follow me and my works, please follow them as well
Tl;dr: The new writers skewered Friendship is Magic and because of the tonal shift and what I perceive to be disloyalty to the characterisation of our favourite ponies, I no longer watch the show or consider myself one hundred percent a brony.
I'm not an analytical type so please bear with me as I talk about my journey with Friendship is Magic.
Art by bluemeganium
So... my friends.
Season 9 premieres today, the final season, the last leg of our journey through the show after almost ten years.
So, clearly you've read the title of the blog. But I want to pose a question. However, just like the pony that is my profile image, I feel like I need to elaborate before I can really get to the question proper.
Hey, sorry for the wait, Life's been busy, still kind of is.
Let's talk ships while I'm continuing FaM.
I made it home, safe and- well, safe at least. Massive wad of con crud in my head and chest that I'll have to get over. But I will. Yesterday was right out of the ending of MASH, where we started as a band of friends and then slowly dwindled down into smaller and smaller groups. We woke up, had breakfast (Insert Saturday Morning Cafe plug here), and then started to split up. I had to say goodbye to WandererD and everyone else, tried my hardest not to cry, failed, and then had to make my
Hello everyone, it is I, Rewrite wolf. I have been missing since April but I am back! I was on vacation in April and when I came back in May, I had to hit the ground running because there was ALOT of things that had to be done. But this post isn't a Q&A About me. It's about these guys:
Only 13 minutes of screen time in seasons 8 and 9. To me, that is a crime since Ocellus is my favorite character.
Hey guys. So I when though something yesterday that kinda left me in the dumps. My friends helped me out of it, but I was reminded of a lesson I learned awhile ago. I guess you can call this a friendship lesson, So I figured, why not write it here? So here we go. I learned that, even though relationships can come and go, real friends will stick by you. No matter what happens, true friends always find a way to help you out of your despair. And to quote Sonic's words in Sonic and the black
My haters are so ignorant, I'm surprised they made it out of grade school...
Like I told them many times, but they refuse to listen...
It's not JUST because all my other shippings failed, I hate MLP for my own reason
-It promotes friendship (Worse than other shows I've seen)
-It promotes it in the most ridiculous ways I've ever seen...
So earlier today I uploaded a story for you guys, but it failed moderation because "Putting an MLP episode through a translator doesn't count as writing a story."
Okay, fair enough. So I'll just post it here then. Enjoy!
Quick tip: Read the dialogue in your head with the characters voices as seriously as possible for maximum enjoyment.
We, the Bronies. Tried and true. A family.
Today we celebrate 10 long, beautiful years.
10 years of, friends, friendship, and beautiful fiction.
Today I make a toast of cider. A toast to the wonderful show, My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. I toast to us, and our friendship. To all the agreements, disagreements, groups, artworks, and everything else. I make a toast to 10 years of all this, and to 10 more! We are the bronies, and we are legion!
Hello friends, it's been a while, a lot has happened since I last finished "A Tempest Tossed," to a smattering of applause and some disappointment, I'm sure. I was burned out, exhausted, my personal life was wall to wall caregiving, and I couldn't muster the mental energy I needed to focus on the story right and proper.
So I have been thinking about this and about how Luna escaped after a thousand years, and I have to conclude that it was most likely a celestial event (meaning the movement of various planets in the Equestrian solar system) that is actually responsible for setting Luna free. We actually see several stars apparently converging behind the moon. But what if they were planets?
So this is gonna be a Brad only blog, but I have to say this so I can express something that I think every writer feels towards their audience:
And I mean this in the best way, so let's go down the list people on how Comments are the best thing ever to a writer:
1. It tells you that people ARE reading your stuff. Whether or not a comment is positive or negative, the commments verify that people, whether they like or not, are reading your fics.
You can run all you want Hedgehog. But you can’t escape from me.
I don’t even know who you are?
You will eventually, because we’ll begin the hunt!
Laughter echoes across the Everfree Forest.
Coming Soon…
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic turns 13 today! Happy birthday to an amazing show!!
This is aimed squarely at the worst of this fandom. The rest of you are cool beans who I have respect for.
This fandom has a generation of blood on its hands that it never repented for and so many here think that someone hating MLP is a sin? Really?!
You know what? Buck it. I like FiM for many reasons. But, just to piss off the literal stalkers and child traumatizers among us, I'm gonna say this truth as well:
Yeah, I have no idea why the fuck this shit is being spammed in my feed, but look at me, I can be cool too!