
Viewing 101 - 120 of 305 results

Ever Have One of Those Days? · 6:47am Jul 1st, 2021

I am. Every day. I get on my computer, see the open text documents, go "I need to write something today," and basically Nope on it.

I'm sure that there's at least a few of you who's done that.

I'm stuck on writing. There are too many things I want to write, on top of myself suddenly jumping off into the deep end of the Ace Attorney fics and franchise. Now I wanna write two, maybe three, stories with that as a crossover.

Of course only one of them's going to be readable here.

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Love Bite · 4:12am May 28th, 2022

Chrysalis is feeling mischievous and sneaks up on Mark Wells as her stallion sleeps. However, all is not what it seems and Mark is ready to turn the tables on his herdmate.

Art by RatedPonystar.


A Visual Timeline of MrNumbers Mental Health · 8:25pm Feb 1st, 2018

October 16: House destroyed by termites, have not yet made the decision to drop out of university

December 10: Mental health ward declares brother 'fine'. He'll try to blow up a TV station two weeks from now. Completely rebuilding house. Have at least dropped out of university. Have not yet made WholesomeRage.

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Chapter Retakes Incoming · 3:16am Feb 13th, 2017

Chapters 1 through 4 of Pirene will be getting retakes with the black beast, spawn of Caerbannog. :3 I need more time to work on chapter 17 than originally expected, since my recording schedule brought it up prettttty fast.

So those will be taking place over the next two weeks or so. It'll be more editing work, to be sure, but when I'm already 8 chapters ahead, may as well plow on through.



Finally finished Past Sins (First review of anything) · 1:09am May 8th, 2016

Okay, I've finished Pen Stroke's story Past Sins, and what od I have to say about it. Well, there's no way to put this lightly... It was great. Hah, had you worried there for a sec, didn't I?:trollestia:

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Well, hats off to SEGA! · 7:01pm Aug 24th, 2016

Some have cited that there has been corruption going on in music lately, and so I applaud SEGA for coming up with a song that allows these people to hear it and then say, ''They're reading our minds!''

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Weekly Update · 10:41pm Nov 25th, 2015

First off, I want to say sorry on the fact that I haven't updated Project X Zone. I got a number of people hyped up only to go into semi-hiatus on the story. However, I would like to note that, in between my other enterprises, I'm trying to find the time to rewrite the first chapter to make it past the Displaced mods.

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Retirement bandwagon · 5:01pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Hello fellow readers and enjoyers of my carnal tales.

I guess my blog post will lump in with the rest of the retirement blogs so I don't particularly feel that I have to go into deep details about my decision.

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Happy Holidays to Everyone! · 3:09am Dec 24th, 2023

It's exactly what it says on the tin. Happy holidays to everyone out there, Merry Christmas to my homies, and a Happy Hanukkah to my shalomies. It's been a great month being back, and we've covered a lot of ground so far. We've touched on old works, made new works, had some rousing successes, and some middling outcomes. But no matter what, I'm happy to be writing and I hope you'll all continue to read my work.

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AU nonsense is finally visible on the site · 10:11pm Jan 22nd, 2016

The alternative title for the message I got regarding my new story. Oh, and I submitted a new story. Huzzah~

Now, if you excuse me, I gotta go work on a lab report that's due on Monday.


Amelia Ocean should be a comfort to us all (Pirene spoilers) · 2:57am May 20th, 2017

You heard me right.

Yep, I'm saying this right in the middle of reading through chapter 19, when she performs her arguably most horrific acts.

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Forgetting to save your game. · 7:11pm Jul 6th, 2017

*Spend effort writing a oneshot of Sunset and Twilight accidentally mutating a lab rat to giant proportions. They have to save the school.*
*Post it, it's not the best fic but I wrote a oneshot today so life's good.*
*Wake up.*



Progress is being made! · 10:09pm Mar 27th, 2015

As I write this, the raw file for Chapter 5 is being exported, and Von Snootingham is in the midst of Chapter 4 - which bodes very well. Having finished Chapter 5, I can only assume that we've pretty neatly made it out of the exposition stage, whether that sounds pretentious or not - because if I have learned anything from watching Breaking Bad, it is that any time it feels like there's a lull at the end of a chapter in someone's story, it very likely means that a lot is about to start

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A way too long absence · 5:26pm May 26th, 2018

Howdy boys! How is everyone doing?

Yes, once again, I'm still alive, and I am sorry I've been giving no news whatsoever during these past two months.
I honestly didn't feel the urge to write, but I also have been working on my engineering school project (a motherf*cking exoskeleton because why not), searching for a new roommate, playing Overwatch, etc...

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I haven't been able to get any writing done, but... · 11:42pm Dec 2nd, 2017

I have a good reason. My wife is finally going to be moving in very soon, and I had to get my apartment ready for it. LOTS of cleaning and setting things up.

So, no chapter updates next week either, I'm afraid. But, I will try to get some writing in next week and finish a god damn chapter for once...

Well... see you when I see you, I supposes.


Now that that that that that that... · 1:23am Sep 17th, 2015

...that that that WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL that's over with, I can take a break from updates.

That well over there.


Radio silence · 12:34am Jul 25th, 2017

Hey folks!

Just want to give a quick update on how Pirene is going.
I'm going to re-record chapter 10 to fix up some major quality issues I discovered during editing. Chapters 22 through the epilogue will also be taken care of very soon.

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It's been a while · 9:48am Jan 2nd, 2017

Hasn't it? It's been over a year since I posted a story, and longer than that since I actually watched the show. There's a few reasons for it, but I imagine the prudent question is if I'm coming back or not.

Well, the prudent answer is it's not that simple.

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Needs New Intrest · 7:11am Feb 19th, 2021

“Hm...I need the character to develop more of a personality. I guess adding to there hobbies would help, though what should I give them without seeming out of place?”


“Maybe I could use some of my own hobbies? Let’s see...what do I like?

Drawing, Reading, Writing...”




Happy New Year. · 6:42pm Dec 31st, 2023

That's it. That's the whole post.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 305 results