
Viewing 101 - 112 of 112 results

Hearth's Warming Tidbit 6.5: The Winter Solstice · 7:09pm Mar 27th, 2019

This tidbit is probably the shortest one I have written on these and I'm really sorry for that, this one was pushing ideas that I guess needed a bit more refinement. That doesn't mean this should be skipped, if anything this tidbit is by far the most important when comes to understanding Episode 9 that we're building to for this season. There will be a lot of stuff happening in that chapter and it will be by far my longest chapter ever so be ready for it. This is the tidbit of the Winter

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Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 2: Cerberus Plains · 7:25pm Aug 29th, 2018

Sorry, this came in a little late, I've had a bit of a bad day. Now we have the next of tidbits, the one is important not just because it is such a beautiful place, (I'm planning on showing off much more later), but because this will be the center of a lot more of the story after the first season, from battle with the unicorns to pegasus, particularly the battles with the earth ponies, a lot of it will be happening in these beautiful plains. This also a good way to get a feel for the map of

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December Monthly Schedule - Commission Release - Another Commission Order - Updates · 6:23pm Dec 2nd, 2020

Hello everyone. The final month of this strange year is finally here and like always I have more stuff to do, my work never ends. For December I will be posting at least one chapter for Journey To Hearth's Warming and while I am planning to release some Hoodwinked, maybe, don't get your hopes up in case I'm wrong. I know the Journey To Hearth's Warming chapter is coming out only because I just need to proofread it, it's pretty much done.


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Brand New Side Stories to Something Wrong With Canterlot Are Here · 10:05pm Dec 13th, 2023

[Adult story embed hidden]

This is the first post of many and if you already a big fan of SWWC, then there is plenty of clues here. Sure, on the surface, its just any random clop, but behind that are all kind of details that connect back to the main story as well as connect to other side stories yet to be posted. Another one is coming next month so be pumped for things to come.


Home is for Weak audio reading. · 5:46am Aug 29th, 2017


Moe Howard Interrupts Sprout Cloverleaf's Song · 2:12pm Jun 29th, 2023

This video was my first attempt at creating a crossover video by combining some clips together. My biggest inspirations for the video in general were that I couldn't help but think to myself, "How would Moe Howard from the Three Stooges respond to Sprout's 'Danger, Danger' song? Even before it got started?" So, I created a video to illustrate the scenario.

Here's the video:

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SWWC Side Series List - All 18 Parts With Links That Will Update When Posted · 10:25pm Dec 10th, 2023

The part of my ever growing universe is arriving this week. A series of one shots and mini stories, spanning about 4-6 chapters each. During the winter, I will post two one shots and during the summer the mini stories. Each one can be read on their own, but are also meant to serve as backdrop to the main series of anthology, Something Wrong With Canterlot. Each one will offer extra details to certain stories within the anthology. You can read those stories first or these. Now you are probably

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Moe Howard Slaps Phyllis Cloverleaf · 3:31pm Jun 29th, 2023

This was another video that I couldn't resist making. I was inspired to create it based on wondering "What would Moe Howard do in response to Phyllis manipulating Sprout into taking charge of Maretime Bay? Especially considering everything that followed afterwards was her fault to begin with?". So, I did just that.

Here's the video

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January's Monthly Schedule / Month of One Shots / Three New Ones / Continuing the SWWC Side Stories · 8:18pm January 3rd

This month is nothing that big, though it never is with me. I will be posting a few one shots and the latest part of the SWWC side stories. No Hoodwinked, or Journey, just this stuff. However, I can guarantee Hoodwink's return in Feb. Nothing much else, so I get right to the posts.


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July Monthly Schedule / Hoodwinked Update / Journey to Hearth's Warming update / New Long Running Series / New Chapter for Stuck In Place · 7:42pm Jul 3rd, 2023

Hey everypony. Are you enjoying my birth month. This month is going to be so packed for a lot of people, especially me. Becuase not only do I can to watch the return of Sonic Prime and WWDITS on my very birthday, but also Fate is getting a new series this month as well. But that's on the public side. What's happening with my fanfictions? Well, Hoodwinked was going to return this month, but I pushed it as a new one shot back to September. Both have finished chapters but if I post them this

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Journey To Hearth's Warming Universe is Expanding · 8:27pm Jul 17th, 2023

Yes, you see that right, this is the new side story to Journey To Hearth's Warming. This one involves what happening to everypony else while Twilight and Starlight are trapped in the past. This story covers 17 months of hell that the main six, and several ponies suffer through as they tried to find out what happened to Twilight and Starlight.

TSWWC: Something Wrong With Canterlot
17 months ago Canterlot was ripped apart and remade, Ponyville was destroyed, the main six vanished, the princesses were defeat and a new group the Anti-Six rose. Now what is left behind for us to find. Seeing 9 ponies in their journey to find out.
Lighttone GryphonStar · 38k words  ·  26  5 · 679 views

Who are the Anti-Six? New Commission / New Artist / · 8:31pm Dec 28th, 2023

The Anti six are a group of six warriors that were formerly friends of the main six. None of them are ocs, rather I've taken close and background characters that the fandom often connects directly to the main six and turned them into the worst of the worst. Their minds and bodies have been morphed by King Kray to be the perfect opposite of each of the main six. This post will give you all the information about them and will even update every time one of them gets an art piece. First up, Slice

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Viewing 101 - 112 of 112 results