
Viewing 921 - 940 of 1,038 results

2012: The Lemuracolypse - Part Twelve Finale: Ragnarok and Beyond · 2:46am Jan 25th, 2018


[Announcement & Teaser] "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" returns on February 7th and your FIRST teaser for Chapter 4 is here! · 8:22pm Jan 29th, 2021

Like the title says, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return again on February 7th, with monthly chapter releases. I have begun working on Chapter 4 today, which was easier than I thought, as I discovered that a good part of it is already written. Something that I didn't remember anymore, I thought I will begin with a new chapter, so that was a pleasant surprise.

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Here's TEASER #3 for "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"! Chapter 5 releases on Sunday! · 12:17am Mar 13th, 2021

Only two days more until the release of Chapter 5! And to sweeten the wait and hype up the release, I'll release the third teaser today!

Even with the adventures she has already been through, so far, Fizzlepop is still a filly with filly interests. It's nice to get a reminder for this and, perhaps, Fizzlepop needs a reminder on that herself:

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"I have become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds." or How I stopped worrying and found the Barbenheimer Pony. · 2:15am Jul 29th, 2023

There is this trend on Twitter going on right now, called "Barbenheimer". A combination of two movies; "Oppenheimer" and a new "Barbie" movie. It makes jokes about how two movies with such diverging moods have been released in cinemas on the same date.

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"A World That Wants Her Dead": Chapter 4 brings "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" back. · 11:00pm Feb 7th, 2021

Can you imagine how it would feel to be exposed to a world that wants you dead? Fizzlepop Berrytwist can. And not only can she imagine that, she experiences it. It's Fizzlepop's fourth day alone in the outside world since she left her village as a shunned outcast; a weak, worthless unicorn with a broken horn and dysfunctional magic..... Will she survive? Can she survive, in a world she doesn't know, filled with things that are strange to her?

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"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is back! Chapter 1 "The Outside World" is released now! · 4:21am Aug 5th, 2019

And this story is back in the game! After a long time of waiting and trouble with the plot, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" returns today!
From now on, there will be monthly updates, always on the first Sunday of each month!

And in this first chapter, titled "The Outside World", you will finally see how Fizzlepop reacts to being away from home for the first time in her life. What will she discover and where will she land? Find it all out here:

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[Teaser] The long awaited SECOND TEASER for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is finally here! Only THREE DAYS until the story returns! · 8:44pm Feb 4th, 2021

The wait is over, here we are with Teaser #2 for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"!
We are only three days away from the release of this chapter and the return of the story with monthly updates!

In today's teaser, Fizzlepop recaps the adventures she had so far and thinks about her situation. What conclusion will she come to? Join Fizzlepop in her thoughts with the second teaser below!

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[Announcement] "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return at the beginning of February! · 4:54am Jan 26th, 2021

After a long, forced break, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return to updating soon, as mentioned here in my blog entry about my plans for the first half of 2021. Here are all the infos about the return for those who are still interested in the story:

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[Reminder] Chapter 5 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" has been released: "Comfort" · 12:09pm Mar 18th, 2021

Every month, after the release of a new chapter of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World", I write a little reminder for the chapter's release, to boost the attention for the story and get it more views. And today it's time for this, so here is your reminder for Chapter 5, titled "Comfort":

A month has passed since the return of the story and Chapter 4 and now it is time for Chapter 5, "Comfort", to release!

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Relaxedly Reading Fanfictions..... · 6:30pm Oct 13th, 2016

The last few days were quite interesting. Right now, a few very lazy days lie behind me.
There was my birthday on Sunday, the first Cutie Mark Anniversary of Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and some more added for good measure. I spent my birthday with reading Flurry Heart fanfics all day long and the anniversary with watching "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" again and with catching up on a Cutie Mark Crusaders fanfic I'm following.

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There won't be a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week anymore (Post contains SPOILERS!) · 7:52pm Feb 12th, 2017

I'm making this quick. Unfortunately, worst has come to worst and there won't be a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week anymore. Well, not everything that causes that is bad, but it partially is.
There are several reasons for this. One is finding back the drive to write and the discipline for daily writing after the stressful weeks that are behind me is hard. Another one is a spontaneous outbreak of depressions I suffer from currently.

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" officially reaches novel length: Chapter 12 is here! · 6:14pm Sep 21st, 2016

And with this chapter, it is done! Clocking in at 52,248 words now, "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is officially a novel, the longest type of fictional stories!

And we go with a slightly darker atmosphere in this chapter, as the tensions in the Crystal Empire rise. What will happen? Read the chapter to find out!


"Legends of Equestria" is slowing down my writing a little..... But more will come! + Hiatus Explanation (IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!) · 3:28pm Dec 9th, 2016

As many of you probably know, "Legends of Equestria" is starting its Limited Access Release (aka closed beta test) on Monday. This will lead to my output being a little slower than you're used to.
I won't fall into another unannounced hiatus, don't worry! This is why I'm writing this blog entry, to inform you what's going on. It won't be much slower either, just a little.

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Interlude · 1:58am Dec 22nd, 2016

A new chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" has been released:

But this time, it's a chapter of a different kind. It is a very short interlude chapter that does not feature Flurry Heart and is not taking place in the Crystal Empire. I have written this chapter to prepare something specific that will happen in the far future.

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Chapter 8, One Day Late! · 11:43pm Jul 14th, 2016

After an intensive writing session today, I can now finally present you Chapter 8 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!":

I actually wanted to have this chapter up yesterday, but I'm suffering from burnout a little lately, that is why Chapter 8 is one day late! And why I will take a day off writing and just relaxing tomorrow, to avoid a reduce in quality of my fics.

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Chapter 7 "The Strangest Day" of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is out! · 6:00pm Jul 6th, 2016

As announced two days prior, the newest chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!", Chapter 7 "The Strangest Day", is now released:

It's time for some relaxation for Flurry Heart after this hard schoolday. And a little reflection on the events of the first half of the day.....
But will she stay alone in her safe haven and is it safe even? Read the newest chapter to find out!


Seven reasons why life is pretty cool, Day 1 · 12:31am May 11th, 2018

In case you guys didn't know, Professor Plum wrote an article a few days ago about how life could use a bit more positivity in it. Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with that - and when i say "inclined to agree," I mean "Holy crap I'm really thankful somebody is making a post like this."

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The Spiritual Successor of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Differences and Similarities · 11:08am Apr 15th, 2017


The Sweltering Summer Sun is Upon Us · 7:49am Jun 2nd, 2020


Tempo Boost Story Poll #9 (August 2023) · 10:24pm Aug 1st, 2023

It's time for another Tempo Boost Story Poll on Patreon! Once more, you can vote for one of my currently incomplete multi-chapter stories, which then gets an extra update before the end of the month.
This will be an update in addition to the chapters I am already writing and releasing, completely chosen by you!
Here's how it works:

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Viewing 921 - 940 of 1,038 results