
Viewing 61 - 80 of 366 results

Why did I dump the hooch down the sink · 11:42pm Oct 13th, 2016

Today sucked. I can't find my lanyard, the thing that gets me in and out of school. The car might be totaled because it's so old. I can't drive with other people in the car anymore because this and some other incident. The problem is I get excited because I only see my really close friends once a month, causing me to get distracted behind the wheel. I'm starting to feel really shitty again. Let's hope it doesn't last ten months like last time, or make me want to jump off a

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PRECIOUS BUGPONE · 6:13am Aug 21st, 2016


Guys I just came across the best website ever · 4:35pm Jan 10th, 2017


New Story: Sonata Can't Read · 8:30pm Feb 8th, 2018

Hello my fellow followers,

After my holiday fic bombed, I decided to go back to my roots and write a new Equestria Girls story, starring our beloved Siren, Sonata Dusk. I just got the story approved and it is released today, so go and check it out if any of you are interested.

ESonata Can't Read
Tired of being illiterate and getting mocked by Trixie and all the peers from her school, Sonata asked Sunset and the gang to help her learn how to read.
sonicfan05 · 47k words  ·  58  6 · 3.1k views

Have a nice day! :twilightsmile:


Might write a story · 4:58am Jan 6th, 2016

I've had a few ideas cooking up in my head,make the one I've decided to try is well... It's not family friendly to say the least. It's going to be featuring EXTREMELY violent symptoms to disease that end in coma, death, paralysis, and a vegetive state. If you're sensitive to these types of things let me know, I'll try to either work around them or not feature them at all or only for a short time. And the majority rules on this. For the record. I can't please everybody. Oh and it's a horror with

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Meanwhile, in the Heart of Darkness... · 10:26am Nov 20th, 2017

Hello everyone. While I have my whereabouts public in some select places, I haven't really done so on the site, so I'll make the announcement here.

I am currently in the Heart of Darkness Africa to visit my family. As such, while I am not completely cut off from the world, my connection to everything is considerably more limited.

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Sleep? What's that? · 6:44am Jun 22nd, 2018

Really though, I keep writing and making chapters at like 2 in the morning I can't sleep please end my suffering existence is pain I can't sleep I can't sleep I can't sleep save me from the dark.

Nathanael 'Stanley Parable' Bandy every time.


Bleh! · 3:43am Jun 27th, 2015

I wan't to write, but every time I pull up the editing page, I go blank.



Marwile watches SAO Part 11: "And now everyone is blind, too" · 10:14pm Jun 1st, 2018

Back to Kirito who just saved Leafa without any problem. Leafa decides to accompany him and teach him how to fly. Less than 60 seconds. That's how long it takes Kirito to master it, if anyone was curious. And yes, she doesn't recognize him. I can understand it in Kirito's case, but really Suguha? If someone has the voice, appearance, skills, mannerisms and name as your brother– I mean cousin, then it might actually be your bro– cousin.

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When people have no understanding of personal boundaries and won't stay back · 11:11am Jan 23rd, 2021

  • Spend all night last night trying to sleep: check.
  • Fail to sleep because you were rudely woken up twice: check.
  • Be moody because you're both ill and incredibly restless: check.
  • Find it impossible to get comfortable: check.
  • Stay up all night again to play DnD with friends: check.
  • Finish game at 8AM: check.
  • At around 9:40AM, get rudely woken up again: check.

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WTFIWWY-We Can't Take You NOWHERE · 4:27pm April 14th

This week's life lessons learned:

-Keep an eye on your crotch goblins or they may very well steal your car. Though this kid kinda, sorta had a good reason.

-Don't make fun of people with Down's Syndrome. Nobody will feel bad when you get your ass kicked.

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And life deals me another bad hand... · 10:58pm Dec 20th, 2016

Okay, so my old charger finally died.
And my laptop has little power left.
I ordered another charger, but it won't be here until the 29th.
So, unless I find a spare charger, I won't be online for a few days.
Which means...
Hunters is going to be on hiatus until I get a new charger.

I'm really sorry about this. This story always seems to be own hiatus. I really would like to fix this come 2017.

But, until then. I'll catch you all later.


Dashing Apples Update #2 :P · 8:43am Aug 15th, 2016

Why hello all you patient people!

You probably didn't notice *ahem* that the next chapter of Dashing Apples is taking longer than usual to write. But I'm trying my best to finish it! Trust me, it's harder than it looks to get all my ideas down.

(Those of you who HATE spoilers may not want to continue reading. You have been warned.)

But I do think you all deserve a treat for being so very patient for the next chapter, and so an excerpt from the next chapter twas included:

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Quick Naming Question · 2:04am Jun 23rd, 2015

So I have a pony OC for a story, whose special talent relates to diseases, viruses, and other toxic materials, and I've settled on two potential names for her - Quarantine (Simple and direct but makes her come across perhaps too villainously) or Merry Typhoon. (Takeoff on Typhoid Mary, more in line with what a sane parent would name their child, but seems like it's stretching things a bit.)

Which do you think I should choose? Or do you have other suggestions?


Book. BronyCon. Party. Swag. · 3:26am Jul 30th, 2019

I'll be at BronyCon. I will be selling and hoofing out these pretties (400+ pages, $20 at con, $25 afterwards):

I will also be hosting a dead dog party Sunday evening for fanfiction authors and readers. I'll post the details here Wednesday night.

EDIT: See next entry!

See you there! :pinkiehappy:


Ideas? · 4:10am Aug 21st, 2015

I plan on making another headcannon story but I'm not sure what. Right now I think I want to focus on what the season finally will be and how will it tie in with the animatic that was revealed. But I'm not too sure.

Right now I'm doing a wicked story in which :ajsmug: Is elphaba and :raritystarry: Is Glinda.

Though I am not sure. I want to make it a college one shot or expand. Since I am going into college, it can help. Not too sure.

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New Series Excerpt! · 10:43pm Apr 7th, 2017

Twilight Sparkle, M.D.
Ponyville Hospital, Day 1

Every city has some particular little slogan that defines them. In Manehattan, it’s “everypony for themselves.” In Canterlot, it’s “shape up or ship out,” and from what I’ve seen in Ponyville thus far, theirs has to be “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”

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Late Night Story Idea · 8:36am Mar 24th, 2019

Hey guys, Gamer here. Just had an idea I wanted ta' swing by you guys. I've been contemplating this one for a while and, to be honest, I have my heart kind of set on it. I was thinking about making an anthology of crackship, one-shot clopfics. For example: Maud Pie and Tree Hugger. Or maybe Big Mac and Queen Chrysalis. The more outlandish the better, and the more practice I get out of it to get back into the swing of writing. Let me know what you guys think. And maybe give me some suggestions.

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100 Likes! Thank you all! · 2:31am Nov 20th, 2021

I went to go about my day after replying to people in the morning who had commented on my newest story, Sex Therapy. Responding to as many people as I could took a while to do, but it was worth doing before heading to sleep for a nap.

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School's Out and Immediately In Again · 6:42pm May 19th, 2018

I'm not quite finished with my senior year yet; I still have one last final to take, and there's still graduation to worry about. For most intents, however, summer vacation has arrived. Hopefully, this means that I'll have a little more time available to work on my stories, but since my summer job is a full-time affair, that's not totally certain. I've just posted chapter two of Friendship 101, and later this summer I intend to put out the following:

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 366 results