A g5 bible leak and my rant on it · 7:21pm Nov 3rd, 2024
I guy did a video talking about key parts of a leaked G5 bible and shows how stupid everything was. Here is the vid.
now my rant.
I guy did a video talking about key parts of a leaked G5 bible and shows how stupid everything was. Here is the vid.
now my rant.
My commentary:
What's the point of the flying roller coaster if Zipp can just fly on her own?
Twich feels unlimited power when he can scramble his own brain.
Why did Mane 5 get Allura stuck, anyway? All they had to do was open a portal for her.
So, the magic happens at night when nopony is around? That seems wasteful.
I read on another site that FiM is officially ending sometime next year, and then there will be at least one more official movie, followed by Generation 5 in 2020. I will definitely give G5 a chance, and the rumors about making earth ponies “more interesting” sound somewhat promising. I already think they're fascinating, but maybe everyone else will finally realize how fascinating they are. OTOH, it's possible that earth ponies will lose some of their appeal to me if I have less room to imagine
-- Nah, I'm messing with you.
I saw the trailer. I liked it. Looks fun. I might do another blog going over a few theories I have.
the music is really nice and we get to see a little bit more background stories of the main five well maybe just a little who knows but still it's very nice 😊
Hitch: "...isn't polygamy illegal?"
Zipp: "Geez, how many conclusions can you draw from one little haircut?"
Pipp: "Erm, exCUSE me, the correct term is 'petite'."
Sunny: "What's a bro-knee?"
Izzy: "No, I've never made HD-flavor cupcakes before, why d'ya ask?"
Misty: "No that's not true, Opaline always makes sure that I stay healthy and get at least one meal every other day."
We’ve got a bunch of info from... Kidscreen? Anyway, link here, article text below the page break for the spoiler adverse
Gonna be completely honest and probably gonna get my asshole torn in half for this but fuck it here goes.
Okay the goo Canterlogic uses is a green sticky substance.
Where have we seen glue like green goo before that used to trap ponies? Changelings!
Of course I have no proof other then sticky green goo. It be interesting to see non-reformed Changlings in G5. I really don’t think the reformed kind would be working in Canterlogic.
now they have cell phones in Equestria interesting
So it was recently announced that the MLP G5 kick-starter movie will be skipping a theatrical release and going straight to Netflix.
Me? I'm honestly okay with this. Mostly because I have Netflix myself and that just means I'll be able to watch it all that much easier!
Assuming it ends up being worth watching, of course...
News just came in about the main characters of the series, plus some revealed plot points and themes. I won't spoil anything. You can watch this video yourself here.
The artwork is starting to grow on me since I saw it this afternoon. I love the modern 3D look. The Flash animation of G4 looks strangely antiquated after seeing the G5 stuff.
I love the playful expressions in this picture. It gives me a Zootopia vibe, but with ponies. (Furries rejoice)