
Viewing 481 - 500 of 944 results

To all potential readers, · 1:22am Aug 20th, 2017

I have taken down my story, it is only temporary, as I am doing a major rewrite to the opening chapter. I have found an editor to work with me and with their help I am going to improve my story and its quality. I still plan on going to the new movie around when it launches, and I still plan on going to Nightmare Nights Dallas. I have started to raise money on my twitch stream, I will match the goal when I go. I plan to have at least 3 chapter written and edited before October.

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I love y'all guys · 5:46am Jan 1st, 2018

2017, what a year, I quit my almost 14-16 hours long job(8 hours working - 6 to 8 hours of travel), started my thesis, started to write fanfictions. I came to terms with my self with the single fact that I'm in love with a fictional purple drake by the name of Spike...

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A Story Abouth My Uncle, Free—Yes, again · 9:03pm Jan 12th, 2019

Yes, it's deja vue all over again. No idea why they seem so desperate to give their game away, but hey, our gain, right?

On steam this time, 'until January 14th, or while supplies lasts.'

Again, highly reviewed. Jadda, jadda, be sure to nab a copy if you missed the last one.



979 blogs... (One more until something special, I guess) · 4:12am Aug 13th, 2017

I'm not gonna ruin the surprise that I have in store for my 980th. I'll just keep you all in suspense.


Whoa what the fuck?... huh cool place. · 1:46am Jan 30th, 2016

Soooo, things are looking better. My attitude towards live is improving, my akwardness in conversation is diminishing. And, I'm actually starting to upload content. :twilightsmile:

---I've been taking some Tai Kuan Do classes for the past month or so. (thank you dad...) I'm starting to feel better, which is good.

---I have more motivation than before, now the main obstacle is just twitter-based-distraction.

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Today is the huge day · 4:28pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Today is the day of prom. Bid me good luck gentlemen!


Commissions Closed and what's to come. · 8:23am Jun 16th, 2019


In Memoriam · 4:20am Oct 14th, 2019

I am very sad to report that Spitfire, my nineteen year old cat, has passed away.

She lived with some friends of mine and when I lived with them we got really close. She just loved when I petted her and gave her kisses. She was such a sweet cat. I'm definitely more of a dog person but she was something else. She got me on that girl level.

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First Figures (Update) · 10:47pm Oct 13th, 2019

Okay, so now that I've actually seen the price for Blood Of The is too expensive for me to afford at this time.

But, I decided 'screw it' I'll just start from a truly humble beginning and drop 30 bucks on a mob of Ork Boyz (Orks are my favorite anyway)

More on the story as it develops.


Put the Shovels Down! · 6:06pm May 10th, 2016

The title.

No, I'm not dead, as my previous update shows. I truly do apologize for the long hiatus, I can't use my regular computer because it apparently hates my guts. I apologize if I'm unable to update in the future as well, but even then, thank you all for being so patient, I truly do appreciate all of your responses. Feel free to comment anywhere you like! I may not get to it very quickly, but I'll try to find other ways to read them.

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What's to come/BronyCon · 10:37am Jun 23rd, 2018

Hey guys! Man, it has been a while, hasn't it?

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Decisions · 6:16am Aug 16th, 2018

So I'm at a decent stopping point where I can continue on another chapter if I so wish. SO... Shall I cotinue for another 3000 words as I would like to because I'm mostly done... Or release what I have? I'll continue working on it, tweaks and the like, but I really want y'alls opinion.
I'll most likely end it how I want to. But if y'all want it now I feel like I can stop it where it is.

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darf makes friends · 1:32pm May 26th, 2021


now that we are attempting to settle into life as a disenfranchised creative type, it occurs to us we are lonely a lot and could use some people to talk to. until therapy becomes freely and publicly available, we'll probably have too much of our personal life to share, but we're starting to take in stride that this applies to most people. maybe therapy is only so recommended because so many people have so many problems.

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At My Gate! · 5:14am May 8th, 2019

I still have like an hour and a half or so before boarding begins, but I got to my gate early. I accidentally got in the wrong airline baggage line for check in though XD Good thing my actual airline's line was literally nonexistent. I bought some headphones at a store so that I can have headphones for my laptop again (which I am listening to music through right now- woo!) so I can watch shows and movies on the plane. I had dinner at a Panera Bread in the terminal. The place I wanted to go to

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Hi all · 1:22am Sep 13th, 2020

Yes, I realize it's been a long time since I've posted anything on here...

Well, figured that since the you-know-what has made things decidedly less busy for me, I figured I'd say this:

1.) My apologies for those who enjoy reading "Patches". A combination of irl stuff and writer's block made things difficult for me to think of anything to write.

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Ghostbusters: The Video Game free on Epic · 9:47am Oct 30th, 2020

Now, I haven't been shy about not being a fan of Epic's bribe-to-victory strategy, plus a whole slew of anti-consumer crap I'm not going to dwell further on...

But they're giving away Ghostbusters: The Video Game right now, and that game has a special place in my heart.

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Huge List of Ebay Pony stuff, and MORE to come! · 9:48pm Jan 15th, 2022

Some of the Pony items I have up. I accept offers on all of them, and if you want to negotiate here, I can alter the listing or even make separate listings with items all bundled together especially for individual buyers. I'll have even more stuff in time... but honestly, I have a FULLY PACKED ENTIRE ROOM OF ITEMS of everything on the planet jumbled together from my own collection, my parents' things that we're going through, and TWO grandparents' houses. Close to a THOUSAND things in total

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We bought a house! · 4:56pm Oct 19th, 2021

This is a major milestone for me and I am happy to cross off this lifelong dream from my bucket list. Life is busy, atm.

Be blessed, stay safe, keep moving forward.


Gonna Board My First Flight On The Way Home · 8:15pm May 14th, 2019

Here comes the damn airport marathon on my layover. Lord help me and make my feet fast to catch my plane with the measly hour and two minutes I have When Atlanta’s airport is one of the biggest in the country.

I hope I can fly safely!


Starforge: A Literary Trailer · 7:19pm Nov 19th, 2022

With a sudden bang the weakened airlock door burst outward, slamming into the cutter and knocking the tech over on the tarmac. Someone screamed as something large and armored shot out of the opening, slamming into the other exosuit and driving it into the ground, claws digging deep through the metal.

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Viewing 481 - 500 of 944 results