
Viewing 21 - 40 of 160 results

The next ch of Lords of Harmony is on the editor's desk. · 1:10am May 6th, 2019

Title. :twilightsmile: Little hint: this next ch introduces another key player in the deeper plot that is to come.


Next 2 chs on the editor’s desk · 9:03pm Mar 1st, 2020

The next two chs of Lords of Harmony are now in the editor’s desk. It’s actually one ch split into two parts so technically a two-parter but they will be published at the same time. I hope you’re prepared for some of Equestria’s forgotten past to finally be unveiled! :rainbowdetermined2:

TThe Lords of Harmony
When Luna goes missing during the Nightmare Night festival, a mysterious enemy emerges, wielding a terrible power that nopony knows anything about.
Whinifree · 174k words  ·  156  4 · 4k views

Happy 20th Anniversary to Teen Titans (2003)! · 1:37am Jul 20th, 2023

Twenty years ago today, five teenage superheroes came together to battle the forces of evil.

Also, RIP Derrick J. Wyatt.


Out of Context Screenshot Theater #682! · 3:58am Mar 23rd, 2017

BONUS FEATURE: Pinkie Murphy's Law PMV

(Kudos to divinearcadia for sending me the link!)


How does MLP keep me awake at night? (Simple) · 5:53pm Oct 11th, 2019

When my OTPs crash, it's hard enough, but then when it happens like it did on Teen Titans (Terra faking amnesia, and just kicking BB to the curb like that, not even wanting to see him or be friends anymore for a selfish desire)

That pissed me and millions of others right off, there are still many who share me anger. (It doesn't matter to me if they can move on from it or not)

(Look at the comments)

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Teen Titans Go Is going to get a movie In 2018.... · 7:31pm Sep 26th, 2017

A Teen Titans Go! feature film is headed to the big screen on July 27, 2018

I don't know how I feel about this but maybe this Is good news maybe after the film they will be done with the show, maybe they will move onto better things because let's be honest this show Is killing Cartoon Network.


Out of Context Screenshot Theater #567 + Weekly Death Blog · 6:00am Nov 28th, 2016


Moth Presents: #ShitStarfireSays · 11:14pm Jul 26th, 2018

One thing I do on Twitter from time to time is tweet out random nonsense in Starfire-speak, with the hashtag #ShitStarfireSays. I'm pretty much the only person who ever uses this hashtag (at least, since 2013 or so), so searching it on Twitter will mostly find a bunch of tweets from me.

Why do I do this? Boredom.

Below is a collection of all of my #ShitStarfireSays tweets, grouped by category.

Why am I posting this blog? To distract myself from the 100 degree heat.

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My Review of Teen Titans Go! to the Movies · 10:58am Jul 20th, 2020

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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Lords of Harmony update and vacation alert! · 8:51pm Jul 15th, 2018

I managed to draft another ch (for a current total of 8 chs ready for editing) before I go away to CA the rest of the month for a family vacation. Also, my good buddy who's editing the story his computer started working again out of nowhere (none of the techs can figure out how it started up again but we're not complaining) and we've managed to put in a little work to Act 2 ch3. With any luck I'll be able to publish a ch or two in August before classes begin for Fall Semester.

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My Personal Preference/Spite (Once again, explained) · 8:36pm Dec 22nd, 2022

Relating to the previous blog before this one...

We all watch the canon of cartoons. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we applaud what happened int he end, how the characters handled things, ect, ect...

...and sometimes we don't. Sometimes we are totally frustrated with "WHAT IFs" (Meaning there are still so many possibilities and alternate ways things could have gone)

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Some of my Christmas vids · 8:47pm Dec 18th, 2021

December 18 2018, my grandmother passed away; she had Cancer. She came to live with us for about half a month as her situation deteriorated. We hoped she would make it to Christmas one last time because she loved it so much... she didn't.

That's why I post this blog today.

Every year around the holidays I usually make TWO Christmas vids for my BEAST BOY'S MAGIC VOICES SERIES.

A Happy and Cheerful one, and a Downer one...

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That's nice of Tara (Revive Teen Titans OG) · 3:04am January 4th

Like I said, the majority of people were not pleased the way Teen Titans OG ended (18 years ago) even the actors didn't like the way the show ended, not just because Terra dumped BB in such a horrid manner, but...

When I met Khary Payton (Cyborg) he told me "It was a good show, we all loved working on it. We felt like family... but when it broke up, we all had to break up too, and we loved each other."

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Teen Titans video game review · 4:53pm May 27th, 2016


To everyone following Lords of Harmony · 4:37pm Jul 2nd, 2018

Due to a number of things happening in real-life, my good buddy who was editing the story before is unable to continue and we have no way of knowing if he'll be able to in the forseeable future. I've made the very difficult decision of finding another who can help. Those of you who don't already know, the story is this:

TThe Lords of Harmony
When Luna goes missing during the Nightmare Night festival, a mysterious enemy emerges, wielding a terrible power that nopony knows anything about.
Whinifree · 174k words  ·  156  4 · 4k views

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My Review of Teen Titans Go! Vs Teen Titans · 2:31am Jul 29th, 2020

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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OC and non cannon characters battle royale style fic · 8:12pm Feb 28th, 2020

Just a idea I got after reading a amazing fic it's just a game which was a sequel to another fic but it's a simple open to enter idea for anyone interested with a few rules number1 no character actually dies they enter a spectator box so if you enter a round and are beaten then you can talk to discord and other competitors

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Reincarnated into pony, deaged too after 27 year in this world. Ughh, Fate You su*k - teaser 2 · 3:31am Apr 10th, 2019

"I love you Nightmare Moon. I want to love you the moment i see your eyes. Other pony might see you as dangerous pony who her power rival Celestia. But that is their loss, what i see is a mare that want to be loved.

You are born from Luna jealousy over Celestia. Luna want to be loved by her subject but they not love her night. They love celestia sun more than her night. Luna give up, don't know what to do anymore to make her subject love her and her night. You are born.

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LoH 2-9 is almost ready! · 2:09am May 16th, 2019

In a rare bout of such free time for my buddy who edits the story, the next ch of Lords of Harmony is already edited except for a brand new scene in the middle of it that it was missing. Just need edits on that one scene!

TThe Lords of Harmony
When Luna goes missing during the Nightmare Night festival, a mysterious enemy emerges, wielding a terrible power that nopony knows anything about.
Whinifree · 174k words  ·  156  4 · 4k views

Either way, you're screwed. · 4:58am Dec 22nd, 2021

People keep telling me that my way is the wrong way. Well to them it is... but isn't to me.

Besides, I don't like their ways just as they don't like mine, so I can consider it wrong too.

Then again, I can use that to my advantage to maintain the fact how I want things to work out for me, or other characters.

I can make it so choosing either way will result in a bad ending or something unpleasant will happen.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 160 results