
Viewing 21 - 40 of 43 results

OC Hunger Games [Submit OC via PM] · 7:15pm Sep 5th, 2015

Welcome to the first aunnual OC Hunger Games! And since I have little knowledge about how the real hunger games works, I'm doing it my way.

Let me explain what the OC hunger games are. It is a competition that will hold a poll at the beginning of every week where you submit your ponysona/OC into a contest where people from this site will vote on which OC is better. They will be judged based on

-Abilities and Powers
Strengths and Weaknesses

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OC Hunger Games Round One Results! Pt 1 · 7:14pm Sep 7th, 2015

Welcome to the result blog of the OC Hunger Games! Here, I will list the winners of Round One. I know there are few who haven't submitted a story yet so I'll be nice and give you the rest of today to submit. If you fail to do so, your opponent will win. Okay, the first couple that have submitted a story was...

Kaiber Crystal and Double Moon Flare.

Kaiber's story was short... Too short. So short that I can add it here.

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the WINNER · 1:53am Dec 28th, 2020


OC Hunger Games, Round Two Results (Pt 2/ New Challenge) · 3:18am Sep 14th, 2015

Welcome all to the second part of the OC Hunger Games! Now not only will this blog reveal the last winners of round two, but it will also detail the next challenge that was actually inspired by one of the contestants' stories and an idea that a contestant shared with me. But right now, let's focus on the winners of Round 2

Last time it was revealed that JumpingShinyFrogs, Crescent Blade, and Smaug the Golden were the winners of the round. Joining them is... Wait, breaking news folks!

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Round 3 Results/Next Challenge · 1:30am Sep 20th, 2015

Due to family reasons, I'm away from my computer and forced to write this with my phone. So I'll keep this short and sweet.

Now I have some good news, as a thank you to those who are still in the competition, you all get a day off tomorrow. But on Monday, it's back to business.

Anyway, here's the results to round 3. Another thing is this round will only have one person eliminated. With that, let's begin.

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OC Hunger Games Hiatus · 2:53pm Oct 18th, 2015

It's over y'all! The hiatus is over, and the games are back on! The final two players, JumpingShinyFrogs and Smaug the Golden have received their final opponents and have until Thursday to turn in their work! I apologize for the long wait, but I assure you, everything will be on time from now on.


The Slender Games - HISHE · 8:23pm Aug 13th, 2018


Slumberland... · 10:05pm Aug 30th, 2022


THEY HUNGER: Half-Life's Spookiest Mod · 10:58pm Sep 30th, 2023


My Little Pony: Friendship means Nothing (Hunger Games) · 6:16pm Oct 18th, 2019

District 1: Twilight Sparkle (Twilight) and Spike. District 2: Rarity and Sweetie Belle. District 3: Rainbow Dash (Dashie) and Scootaloo (Scoots). District 4: Applejack and Applebloom. District 5: Fluttershy and Discord. District 6: Pinkanema Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie) and Cheese Sandwich. District 7: Octavia and Vinyl Scratch (DJ P0n-3). District 8: Button Mash (Button) and Cream Heart (Button's Mom). District 9: Derpy Hooves (Derpy) and Doctor Whooves (Dr. Whooves) District 10: Diamond Tiara

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we play as one · 4:47pm Jul 7th, 2021

Hi everyone! I am going to post day 2 very soon!

I will be updating this story again in a year’s time, after my GCSEs(hopefully) and I should have a bit more time to write and chat.

For now, enjoy day 2 when I release it!


Hunger Games Simulation (Part 1: Bloodbath to Night 3) · 5:22pm Feb 19th, 2021

District 1: Thorax and Pharynx
District 2: Apex and Ocellus
District 3: Ember and Smolder
District 4: Blue Fang and Brokenwing
District 5: Gallus and Gilda
District 6: Sandbar and Mitchell
District 7: Hero and Zenex
District 8: Stinger and Kydra
District 9: Mantis and Dagger
District 10: Hivehunter and Tempest Shadow

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OC Hunger Games: Season One Winners/Season Two Official Players Roster/Starting Date · 11:43pm Oct 24th, 2015

We made it.

Tis the winner's cerimony of the first ever, OCHG tournament! I can not be any happier than I am now to reveal the winner of the Games. Before we announce who the winner is, let's do a short recap.

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OC Hunger Games Season 2: Challenge One! · 8:36pm Oct 31st, 2015

Heyo! Welcome to the very first challenge of the OCHG Tournament! Here, we will present the contestants their first challenge and they will have until Wednesday to complete the challenge, making Thursday their late day. I don't wish to dilly dally too long so I'll just come out with the challenge.

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OCHG Round Three Results/Round Four Announcement! · 4:36am Nov 17th, 2015

What's up y'all!? Like last time, I'm gonna keep it short and get straight to the meat of this little project. As you all know, the contestants were paired up once more and had to fight their partner's OC in a fair boxing match! I must say some of these were pretty exciting and enthralling! So with that let me introduce the winners.

The first winner is...

Nioniosbbbb! With his outstanding piece! Job well done lad!

The second winner is...

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OCHG Semi-Finals Challenge! · 1:52am Nov 30th, 2015

Hello and welcome to the Semi-Final round of the OCHG Tournament: Season 2! Where we last left off, Lucky Stars and Kaiber Crystal were eliminated, by GOB himself, leaving four finalists!

The Fan Without a Face with Coalstone

Cambiato with First Spark

The Loyal Patriot with Merc

and Nioniosbbbb with Selune Darkeye

WHO. WIll. WIN!?

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OCHG Tournament Round Two Winners/ Round 3 Announcement · 1:12am Nov 13th, 2015

Alright alright all! Congrats on turning your work in on time! Job well done if I do say so myself! Let's not beat around the bush, I'm sure you all are wondering which team will be booted off the tournament! Well, believe me when I say it was a very, very close decision. But let's focus on the winners. I'll announce the first three teams that made it, so here we go!

The first team that made it to the next round is...

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OC Hunger Games! Introduction/Round #1 · 7:04pm Sep 6th, 2015

Hello, and welcome all to the first annual OC Hunger Games! The tournament where you submit your best OC to fight for the prize! The prizes in question are determined as to what place you land in at the end of the Hunger Games. Third Place will receive an honorable mention in a blog of mine. Second place will receive an honorable mention, and a free portrait of their OC hand drawn by yours truly, and first will receive an honorable mention, a portrait, and a free writing commission written by

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OCHG Round Four Winners · 2:53am Nov 23rd, 2015

Hello all! Here, we will present the winning couples of round four, in which will four four winners, and two losers!

Now, I recently added a small incentive for the writers to add to their story if they wanted the extra prize, well, let's just say it didn't really work out and nobody did it... Well, one couple did, but it didn't really live up to the standards so I won't really count it as the extra prize. So, let's get to the meat of this blog and reveal the winners!

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Future GOB (Planned Sequels, New Stories, and more.) · 3:05am Sep 9th, 2015

Hello everybody. Now, I'll address the elephant in the room, my new contest I'm holding. The OC Hunger Games. Now I realize I haven't been very active when it comes to writing recently, mainly because of the OC Hunger Games. But, I assure you, when the Games end, I'll submit or try to submit the first chapter to Defective, and I'll admit, things have been changed with the story. Not a lot, just minor details is all. Also, as blaitent as my reference will be, to anybody who can catch the name

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 43 results