
Viewing 361 - 380 of 478 results

F/F/T3K15 5/8: Blitzkrieg! · 3:42am May 9th, 2017

Let's see if I can maintain maximum punnage until the event ends.

Last week's is set in stone. Go look.

This week... well, we're continuing "Mighty Morphin' Kaiju Rangers." So yeah, you're slightly fucked.


Chapter 13 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:42am Dec 29th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 13 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I've wanting to bring Fluttershy properly into the story for awhile. She's a mix of canon Flutters and Lunaverse Flutters. Shyer than canon, but not enough that it's debilitating. I like having the original Mane 6 appear in the background or have small supporting roles. Though I do admit they are more like their canon versions then the Lunaverse ones. I never really liked the level of hostility between the Luna 6

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Chapter 15 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 10:16am Jan 15th, 2017

Hey guys. Chapter 15 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. Writing Zecora is so hard! Constant rhyming is so difficult and annoying to write. No wonder she barely shows up in the show. Usually when she appears in the story, I write a general idea of what I want her to say then some back later and contrive a rhyme for her later. I use a rhyme generator to help me out. It makes it a little easier. Still, not fun. Anyway, I hope you enjoy

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Mechanic: Massive Network Failure on a Town and Country · 2:11am May 3rd, 2022

Oh boy, this was a fun one. And belated; this was at the beginning of October last year.

Anyway, get your favorite drink, we’re going on a wild ride!


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Chapter 25 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:44am Jun 8th, 2017

Another update! I should probably have the story done by the end of the month. Cross your fingers. I will at least try to work harder on it than usual and find more time to write it. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 25


Anniversary of True Love chapter 4 is finished. · 9:10am Oct 28th, 2017

Hello again! Next chapter will be the grand finale. I know this chapter isn't exactly Halloween themed, but it still sorta fits. This story had way more horror in it than I expected. I have been reading through the entire works of HP Lovecraft, so you can see the inspiration. Interesting guy. I have never seen anyone so afraid of everyone and everything in my life. His stories don't always work, but Lovecraft is very talented in harnessing his own fears into his writings. I would recommend

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Chapter 4 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 9:39am Jan 26th, 2018

Hello again. Chapter 5 of Magic School Zord is done. This is the chapter I have been looking forward the most to writing. I love when Trixie and Corona interact. They are a great foil for each other. One thing I never expected is just how much Spike would grow to dislike Trixie. It isn't something I really planned, but I love how it worked out. Trixie is very bad at meeting people. Every first encounter seems to go poorly somehow.

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Second Blog! Upcoming Stories! · 12:05am Jun 13th, 2015


New Story! Secret Agent Dinky. · 9:23am Oct 30th, 2018

Hello again. Here is another new installment of the Galaxy Rangers. This story is about Dinky learning Bon-Bon is a secret agent. Hijinks and craziness ensue. I've been wanting to do a story about Bons being a secret agent for a long time now and I thought it would be fun to write a story about Dinky wanting to be a secret agent.

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How Many Times Does Trixie Actually Say "I"? · 5:31pm May 19th

One of Trixie's best-known traits in the fandom is that she speaks in the third person all the time. But does she really? Turns out, no one has ever counted the times she says "I." Until now...

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Big ol' blog of updates · 6:51pm Sep 4th, 2016

As promised, here's the latest story updates and news and blah blah blah if you like my stories or are reading one read this.

New Celestia (and Luna) one-shot can be found here. It's a little different from my other Celly and Luna filly fanfics in a few ways but is the same in terms of continuity and stuffs.

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Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 5:25am Oct 5th, 2016

Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! Things really start hitting the fan this chapter. You might be wondering why I made Vinyl a bad guy in this story. The reason is I wanted to create a reverse Octavia/Lyra character. I thought that it might be interesting if Vinyl was with Greengrass instead of Octavia in this continuity. I like mixing things up like this and I find her a lot of fun to write. I also think she has a nice dynamic with Lyra. Oh, and yes this

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Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:15am Jan 1st, 2017

Happy new year! Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I worked hard to get this chapter out by the start of the new year. I hope you enjoy it. Here's to a new year and let it be a brighter and better one than the last.

Chapter 14


Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 10:25am Dec 12th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I hope you like it. The first fight scene was super difficult to write. I had many ideas, but putting them to paper was difficult. I rewrote it several times. I had the idea of Trixie fighting an unmorphed Notary for a little bit, but I couldn't get it to work. Having Notary transform at the start actually made the whole thing easier. I think it all turned out pretty well when I was finally able to finish it.

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Celestia and Luna versus a cloud: Post-match analysis · 4:33pm Apr 11th, 2016

On the one hoof, Celestia and Luna are the closest thing Equestria has to gods. They control the sun, the moon, and the stars; they're thousands of years old and still in their prime; they're capable of magical feats beyond any unicorn. The only beings who've ever fought either of them to a standstill are each other, Discord, Chrysalis (beefed up on more love than she'd ever known before), and the Smooze (who, under the circumstances, we can file under Discord). What they fought couldn't have

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Let’s Discuss Clichés: Give the Main Character Your Powers · 5:07am Feb 2nd, 2016

Today, I’d like to discuss a cliché that is very common in children’s media, and actually shows up in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a few times. The irony is that, even as a child, I recognized and disliked this particular cliché. In particular, I remember it from both Dragonball Z and Digimon Frontier, among others. Captain Planet even built its entire premise around this cliché (well, that and being preachy, but let’s not get sidetracked).

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Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:31pm Dec 1st, 2016

Hello again. Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. It has been pointed out to me that Trixie has been taking what has been happening to her a little too well and I have been trying to work on that. I am not the most emotional writer. I have been trying to balance Trixie's emotional responses and the urgency and danger of the situation. I also really don't want to have chapters of Trixie moping. This might be a response to Fallout Equestria where Littlepip spent

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Opening and Other Extracts from Liberty Heights 2000 Demo VHS · 8:17pm Jul 29th, 2016

The opening to the 2000 Demo VHS of Liberty Heights, basically a pitch of the tape and four other titles to an interested store owner. Yesterday, I bought the officially released version of it, which is much different.


Chapter 30 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:08am Aug 25th, 2017

The final chapter of White Raven is finally finally done. Phew. It took forever to wrap up all the plot points in this story. Hard to believe I was able to get this far. Thank you to my faithful viewer for sticking with this silly story of mine. It had some ups and downs and some parts I am unsure of, but I am overall happy with how the story turned out. This chapter is one of my favorites. I love writing Luna and Trixie interacting with each other. I feel they learn a lot from each other. I am

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Chapter 5 of Anniversary of True Love is finished. · 10:19am Nov 15th, 2017

Anniversary of True Love is finally finished. I really enjoyed writing this story. I have never done romance before, but I think it turned out well. This story ended up with more action than I first imagined when thinking up the story. My first idea was for Lyra to comedically kill an eldritch abomination at the end of the story after getting pissed off that her date was constantly interrupted blowing a hole through a mountain. I am kinda glad I didn't go with that. I like that I have

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 478 results