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"Letters to Cozy Glow" continues! Here's Chapter 18! · 3:46am Feb 21st, 2020

Cozy Glow has received another letter..... one she was waiting for. Right now, it really looks like there might be a silver lining on the horizon for Cozy.
Though, before Starlight can help her, it requires a little effort on Cozy's part.....
Go and read Chapter 18 here before it gets cold:

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Mini Re-Reviews: "The Cutie Pox" - Season 2 Episode 6 · 3:56pm Feb 9th, 2020

APPLE BLOOM: "You know, I was being forced to do so much stuff with all them there cutie marks, that I couldn't even see half of them! There's a mallet, a fancy brush, two thin swords hitting each other... Man, am I glad I have just the one cutie mark now!"

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My Episode Review on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-Daring Doubt · 9:21pm Jul 26th, 2020

Bueno Dias, my friends.

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 34th episode analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "Daring Doubt". The 21st episode in the ninth season of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" to be precise.

Here’s the rundown of it:

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" is back! Read Stygian's epic letter here! · 8:21am Aug 3rd, 2019

And "Letters to Cozy Glow" has returned! Sorry that it's a little late! I couldn't find much sleep yesterday and Thursday night, so I fell asleep and overslept the release by a few hours.
This time, it's Stygian's turn to introduce himself to Cozy. And he delivers an important question for her..... Find out what that question is here:


"Letters to Cozy Glow" will update tomorrow · 5:03am Jan 10th, 2020

Today was kind of a bad day. I'm not really sure why, but I felt tired, sluggish and slow for the entire day. Every time I sat down to write, my mind drifted off to something else and I couldn't focus. I tried to write Chapter 12 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" until the very last moment, but now I have to admit that my mind doesn't really let me do it today. And forcing it could mean that the chapter doesn't come out as it should be and I rather not sacrifice its quality for meeting a release date,

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" will continue on Thursday · 12:09am Aug 18th, 2020

As you noticed, "Letters to Cozy Glow" did not have a new chapter released last week. This was intentional, though, so don't worry, I am not losing track of my writing again. There were a couple of other things that had piled up and I decided not to write a new chapter last week to finally work through them. Then I got a little carried away with these things, so my mind ended up sidelining a notification about skipping last week with a release. But I still don't want you to stay in the dark

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It's Starswirl's turn to write Cozy Glow: Chapter 7 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here! · 3:16am Jun 8th, 2019

It's Friday and that means "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here with another chapter and another letter! This time, it's Starswirl's turn to introduce himself to Cozy Glow. What does he have to say and what does Cozy think about his wise words?
Find it all out here:


July Monthly Schedule / Hoodwinked Update / Journey to Hearth's Warming update / New Long Running Series / New Chapter for Stuck In Place · 7:42pm Jul 3rd, 2023

Hey everypony. Are you enjoying my birth month. This month is going to be so packed for a lot of people, especially me. Becuase not only do I can to watch the return of Sonic Prime and WWDITS on my very birthday, but also Fate is getting a new series this month as well. But that's on the public side. What's happening with my fanfictions? Well, Hoodwinked was going to return this month, but I pushed it as a new one shot back to September. Both have finished chapters but if I post them this

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Chapter 24 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally here! · 7:22pm Sep 12th, 2020

Well, the last three weeks have been a little bit chaotic once again..... Some other stuff that isn't writing had piled up and needed to be worked down and, somehow, the new chapter was covered under all that stuff and I had to dig it out. It is still alive, though, that's the good news and after reanimating it, I can send it out to you now, like a healthy, young filly who leaves the house after she has been cured from the measles.

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More episode react-y things · 9:16pm Apr 30th, 2016

Season Six, Episode Six
No Second Prances

0:45 So, Twilight has confimed my belief that Frienship is Knives. And is it just me or has she been behaving rather odd for this season? Is there something weird happening with the writing staff?

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Chapter 10 is HERE! · 8:24pm Aug 5th, 2016

We have reached it. The big milestone in my fanfiction for Flurry Heart, "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!":

This is the tenth chapter now and it is the chapter that finally contains the big climax I have in my head since I started writing it.

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How do you celebrate reaching a major milestone in your fic? · 1:47pm Aug 6th, 2016


Flutter Brutter, various thoughts · 6:32pm Jun 4th, 2016

I like this episode. While it doesn't explore the topic in-depth, it does a pretty good job indirectly addressing Fluttershy's own growth through her brother and her parents. Also, we get to learn more about the relations between characters.:rainbowkiss: The moral is rather appropriate and positive, too. Now then, unto the thoughts!

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Chapter 3 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is released! · 1:31am Jun 13th, 2016

Today I sat down and polished the newest chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" and released it!
If you waited for it how it continues with Flurry Heart after her devastating experience with Magnolia Sunshine, now's your time to find out!
This is a very crucial chapter, while the first two ones served as introduction for Flurry Heart herself and for Sunny Spirit, this one delves much more into the personality of Sunny Spirit and contains important characterization of her!

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Season 5, Episode 16 Thoughts and Review · 6:59pm Sep 26th, 2015


Just saw Krampus · 10:53pm Dec 20th, 2015

God, what a hilariously horrendous movie. :rainbowlaugh:

It was so bad, the guy in the back row must have drifted off and had a nightmare cuz his head was titled back and he was moaning. His girlfriend also must have been bored because she pulled out his headphones from his pocket (that must have had a really short cord) and head banged to some fast paced music.

Oh, and then he took off his pants and they fucked on the sticky theater floor.

True story, bro.:moustache:


"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" will show you a familiar face soon..... · 5:31am Nov 21st, 2016

Here's a little blog entry about something upcoming in "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!".
There is one thought I'm toying around with for a long time already now, since a few months, something I would like to bring into the fic, but wasn't sure if it is a good idea, since the fic focuses on a prediction how Flurry Heart will be in five years from now and several OCs so much.
Precisely, about bringing back a character you all know well.....

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Season 7 Episode 14 – Fame and Misfortune · 8:33am Aug 14th, 2017

This post is about “Fame and Misfortune”, the 14th episode of season 7. If you haven’t yet watched it… why not? Go do it! It is a good one!

More after the break.

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Why there wasn't a new chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" last week + Anniversary of the official comics! · 2:03pm Feb 7th, 2017

As you probably noticed, there wasn't a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" last week. There is a reason for that and I'm going to explain it now. I went over it in a blog entry explaining why I didn't update "Aunt Millie" for more than three weeks here already, but I give another rundown in this entry for everyone who doesn't read the other story.

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Chapter 19 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is here: "Pendulum" · 6:25am Jan 26th, 2017

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