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As a counterpoint to that other long thread that's active now, what's the best movie ever, everyone? "Best" of course being however you want to define it.

Theres way too many to count for that one. :derpytongue2:

Either Amazing Spider Man 1 and 2, any Disney movie, Lego Movie, or Book Thief.

3527885 Hmmm... Let's see...
1: ASDF Movie 1-6
2: Up
3: World War Z

3527885 My favorites would probably be these:
Pulp Fiction
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Star Wars:Episodes IV and V
The Princess Bride

Now Up is a movie I can see several times in a row. :pinkiesmile:

ACK, I forgot to mention that movie! :twilightoops:
Reedit: Fixed it.

3527901 My vote supports Saving Private Ryan as well.

Guardians of The Galaxy
The Incredibles
And Many More

3527885 The Fault In Our Stars. The best book ever, made into a movie. It just makes sense.

Into the Storm
The Grey

Made that mistake once, will never do it again. :rainbowdetermined2:

It's really hard to narrow it down to one... So I'll give you five. :twilightsheepish:

(In no particular order)

1. Princess Mononoke
2. Schindler's List
3. The Secret of NIMH
4. The Dark Knight
5. Star Wars Episode VI

There are tons of others, but these ones stick out in my mind for good reasons. :rainbowkiss:


The Princess Bride. That movie is perfect.



Well, shit. How the hell am I supposed to choose?

The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
LOTR trilogy.
Harry Potter series.
The Land before Time
Dark City
Terminator 2
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Star Wars: Ep IV-VI
Jurassic Park
All Dogs Go to Heaven
The Sandlot
True Lies
Titan AE
Kill Bill
The Sixth Sense
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
Harold and Kumar Escape fro Guantanamo Bay
Home Alone 1-2
Fight Club
The Dark Knight
Batman Returns
Tommy Boy
V for Vendetta

Can't choose, and I'm too lazy to order this around.
Pulp Fiction
Die Hard 1-3
Finding Nemo
Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory
Toy Story
The Iron Giant
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Forest Gump
Saving Private Ryan
The Silence of the Lambs
Enter the Dragon
Lethal Weapon 1-4
Rush Hour 1-2
Fists of Fury
The Matrix
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Ghost Busters
The Breakfast Club
Mrs. Doubtfire

Group Contributor

The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang, or Bubba Ho Tep.
I'm listing these because they're so obscurely bad that I like them, unlike suggestions on the other list.

That's pretty dandy.

Group Contributor

Every other lemon I know liked it.
But I thought that movie was FAR from dandy.

3527885 Regarding recently watched movies, Warm Bodies and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Best of All Time........

Near impossible to say.
But I did really enjoy Speed Racer.

I will probably get some hate for that one

3528080 Agreed.
The only movie to come even close to being as good as its book.

3528080 I love that movie! :raritystarry:
I'll add it to my post right now!

I think it's a little better than the book because it doesn't have the death zoo sequence dragging down the pacing.

3528184 You would think a movie being better than the book would be impossible.


Star Wars:Episodes IV and V

III was better

3527885 I'd say, Atlantis the Lost Empire

I love your list. :rainbowkiss: I think the ratio is shifting to a 90%-10% with this list alone.

The only way that sentence could be more horrible and wrong is if it was "Episode 1" or "Episode 2" instead of "III". It's still wrong and horrible but significantly less so because Episode 3 is the only halfway worthwhile film in that wretched trilogy.

3528267 three connected the dots that was long missing. 2 had a really great battle at the end. 1 had some issues, but even then, the battles were pretty good. What sold 3, was the epic lightsaber duel between Obi and Anakin.

But how does an overly flashy lightsaber fight and "connecting the dots" make Ep3 better than New Hope or Empire?


Oh, don't worry. I'll end up saying something insanely vulgar and the ratio will drop right back down. :twilightsmile:

3528296 did 4 have an epic lightsaber fight? 5's wasn't epic either, only the end.

3527885 Jurassic Park and Titanic


Jurassic Park

seen the first and have the third one

The ones in New Hope and Empire were epic though. They were epic in a different sense than the "omg so shiny and kewl" epic that's permeated our society.

If you look at Ben and Vader's duel in New Hope, there are very few wasted moves. Each blow is intended to kill. Pretty much the same for the Luke/Vader matchup in Empire.

Meanwhile in the prequels everything is designed to be kewl and awesum instead of practical, like 90% of everything that comes out of the entertainment industry these days. Why does Optimus Prime have a sword in the new Transfailures? Who the hell knows, it just looks "badass" and "cool"*. The same logic applies to the swordfights in the prequels. Most of the lightsaber moves have no practicality, they're just there to wow the audience into thinking there's actual substance in the fight when it's really just a guy slashing at air and another guy slashing at the same place to parry it despite the blow being nowhere near them.

*- I feel like I should say this for transparency: I don't give a shit about Transformers and my favorite mecha, possibly ever is Gundam Exia, which has a physical sword and a reason for having one. Does Optimus have a reason for a physical sword? If so please tell me because I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

3527885 Not really a way to choose. Here's just a small list of greats:

On the Waterfront
A Clockwork Orange
Natural Born Killers
Barry Lyndon

3528363 you talking about Dooku vs. Yoda?

I hate transformers. I prefer Star Wars for a reason.

Nope. Talking about literally every lightsaber fight in the prequels.

3528459 You should see what they go through just to get ready for those fights.

is your avatar really that one tank commander from Girls Und Panzers?

Yep, seen the special features. Doesn't change my opinion any.

yup, she's my waifu

3528514 If Disney ruins these new ones, I'm going to their offices and show them what a Darth can do.

annoying Cesar.

Finding Nemo
Fantasia 2000
Toy Story (All 3 films)
All movies that left an impression on me when I first saw them. :twilightsmile:

Casablanca--I hate to join the mob, but it really is about the most perfect movie ever made.
Lawrence of Arabia
Patton aka George C. Scott Can Upstage Tanks And Explosions
Star Wars in the original theatrical release
The Errol Flynn Robin Hood.
The John Wayne True Grit (Jeff Bridges is good too, but not a classic)

These last two are personal favorites for eloquent and witty dialog

Danny Kaye, The Court Jester:

Ronald Coleman, If I were King

Note that the costumes in both were done by Edith Head:

Who was of course the model for:

3527885 Here are the best 5 movies I have seen and because of that they are my favourites

Tim Burton's Batman Returns 1992

Tim Burton's Batman 1989

Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands 1990

Walt Disney's Fantasia 1940

David Lynch's Eraserhead 1977

3527885 The Return of the King. Then the other two in the trilogy.

I guess I should answer my own question here. Let's go Top 5 in a countdown.

5. The Incredibles. Blah blah Pixar blah third revolution of Western animation blah blah blah John Lasseter. Pixar has an above-average number of films of high quality, so The Incredibles goes overlooked sometimes... which is a damn shame, since it's awesome. A surprisingly honest depiction of family life and a similarly-grounded treatment of a world filled with superheroes -- sort of an all-ages-accessible Watchmen -- that also doesn't fail to disappoint in terms of action, yet the action sequences always call back to the hero-team-as-family-unit theme for emotional resonance and are never just things blowing up for the sake of looking cool (a sin committed by innumerable films involving superheroes).

4. The Godfather. I set myself the challenge of watching and reviewing all the films in IMDB's Top 250, and as I was getting closer and closer to the end of the list I was getting more and more apprehensive about The Godfather living up to expectations. How can it possibly, when so many lists and critics mark it as the greatest film ever made? Well, it does, because it is. I don't buy much into the idea of a "universal best" whatever, an indisputable #1, but if you absolutely had to rank films this way, then The Godfather would make sense at the top. Whatever meaning or understanding of the human condition you take from the film, I think that's a personal thing you already had with you: what makes it so good is the raw quality of direction, the level of craftsmanship. It's the cinematic equivalent of fine wine or stupidly expensive shoes.

3. Pulp Fiction. Foul-mouthed, ultra-violent, and no cohesive plot; Pulp Fiction should be everything wrong with entertainment, but with the signature flair and dialogue of Quentin Tarantino and his encyclopedic knowledge of b-grade cinema it becomes one of the pillars of its decade in film. A black comedy where the prompting to laugh at terrible things almost seems accidental rather than the typical sudden realisation of "oh, I've been made to laugh at death, how dark", peppered with Zen statements and philosophical musings of perpetual navel-gazers and moments of such indescribable coolness that you wish, just for a moment, that real life could be as interesting sometimes as this bizarre fantasy version of Los Angeles.

2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. There will never be a better action blockbuster than this. Never. This is the high watermark. Practical effects still ruled the day -- those cars, trucks, and helicopters really do crash and explode -- and the role the computer played in effects was technically impressive but not overpowering. James Cameron was at the height of his ability to tell a story before all that deep sea exploration made him nuts. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the biggest thing -- literally -- in shoot-first-ask-questions-later theatrics. And the sequels that would piss on this film's legacy were far, far in the distance of the future. The Terminator universe has just enough mythology to make killer machines from the future seem plausible but not enough that it gets bogged down in details, but the second film discards the strictly-horror feel of the first in favour of more car chases and shootouts, while also managing to be a not-too-heavy-handed hope for peace and the story of a wayward little boy regaining a family.

1. My Neighbor Totoro. Every time I have ever watched this film, I sit transfixed with an idiot grin on my face. Studio Ghibli produces films that are beautiful in every sense of the word, and this is founder Hayao Miyazaki at his most pure. My Neighbor Totoro is like the distillation of everything childhood should be: full of amazing experiences with both the fantastic and the mundane, everything protected by an aura of knowing things will all turn out okay, even things that are sad or dangerous. I don't think I could trust a person who disliked this film; it may mean they literally had no heart.

Honourable mentions: The Breakfast Club, Cool Hand Luke, The Lion King, The Lord of the Rings, Lost in Translation, Metropolis, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Network, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Seven Samurai, The Shining, Stand By Me, The Wizard of Oz, The Wrestler

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Rated R and deserving of it, but one of Jim Carrey's best roles and in all other respects absolutely outstanding.

Recently, The Grand Budapest Hotel is also ranking among my top films. Darker and more gruesome than some of Wes Anderson's other films, yet often funnier and more poignant along with it and probably the most fun I'd had in a theater in a while.

And finally Airplane!. Witty, irreverent, absolutely hilarious parody of disaster movies. No comedy will continue to make me laugh as Airplane! has. Although Airplane 2 has my favorite scene of all time.

There are a lot of other movies that I know and love, but these are probably my top three at the moment and I can't decide which one's better.

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