Please Read My Story 367 members · 3,859 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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Group Admin

Hello guys I am trying to take a count to see how bad The Please Read My Story Group was hit by people leaving the fandom when season 9 ended. So please reply to this blog post so you won't be considered KIA (Killed In Action).

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

*tap-dances around a bit*

Well, I never post here, but I’m part of this group anyway, I suppose, so here I am.

Group Admin

I knew you were still active.
It's been a long time since I have talked with you. How are you doing?

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Glad to see you again, Mine. I've missed that terrifying avatar. :rainbowwild:

I’m still here

I’m fine, thanks for asking. Mostly just stressed out from school stuff right now. How are you?

I’ve been pretty consistently active in The Not So Cynical Creators’ Guild, which I’m pretty sure you’re a part of, so I’m a little surprised you haven’t seen me to be honest. Which is okay to be sure, I don’t comment everywhere. Still, it’s nice to see and chat with you.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

I don't open most of the threads in the (NS)CCG: I don't have a ton of comments for most of the shitposts, so I tend to be a silent lurker there, more often than not.

I see. Most of what I post are dumb memes anyway so it makes sense. I don’t say things in most threads either, really. Maybe I overestimated my visibility...:twilightsheepish:

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Lol. Whereas I maybe underestimate mine. Still, it's good to see you out and about.

7075990 I'm here. It's just that my most recent stories have actually been pretty popular... so... yeah. :applejackunsure:

Well I joined to get my story noticed more but I guess if you want something you have to give in return. I'll read some of the stories here.

I'm around here still.

Heh, I guess. Good to see you around too.

I continue to exist, despite having nothing new to post since... I don't wanna know how long ago. (waiting on cover...)

7075990 I'm still here. I never noticed anybody leaving the group after the series ended.

Still alive and kicking!

Joined this year. Ain't going nowhere.

Group Admin

You can post a thread about your story and we have lots of links in the description to other groups that will help you. I am pretty sure if you throw a promotional thread up it will help you.

Please read my novel!

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  178  45 · 6.8k views

Both slowly lean out of the shadows, short curt nods, then disappear into the darkness again. Armor scratched and dented, but rifles always at the ready to defend ponies in need



Here when needed

And new people will come eventually.

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