• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014


Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.

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Long ago, a village in Equestria was struck with a terrible plague. The ponies fell deathly ill in mere days, coughing phlegm and blood as their muscles shriveled; crops withered and died as a poisonous odor permeated the air. And if that weren't enough, strange bellowings and roars could be heard from the distant woods.

A plea for help summoned two of the Pillars of Equestria: the Mage Meadowbrook, the Mystical Mask who could cure any sickness, and the mighty Rockhoof, mover of mountains and tamer of monsters.

When they respond, the two heroes quickly determine that this is no ordinary disease. Following the trail, they find the true source of the plague, and soon must battle for not just the villagers' lives, but their own...

Chapters (1)

It's autumn and Izzy's sitting in the Crystal Brighthouse, watching the rain out the window. There's no reason for her to be sweating, for her heart to be going so fast, or for her entire body to be tingling.

No reason except the mare sitting next to her.

A G5 romance that I dreamed up a couple of nights ago and needed to write out. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Stygian sits beneath a tree, surrounded by discarded drafts of a love poem.

Mistmane wanders through the garden, reflecting on the days when she was the beautiful mare in the world.

A little nudge from a couple of their friends might be enough to bring them together.

This is a story that I've been tinkering with for a long time, but it was only earlier this week that I finally managed to sketch it out into a proper story. Romance isn't my forte, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless!

Chapters (1)

The mares and stallions of Manehattan Tanker 45 in Firehouse 9 are amongst the ranks of Manehattan's Bravest, the firefighters who willingly rush into danger to save the lives of others. Hydrant, Bull Run, Smokey Bear and others perform a dangerous job and perform it well.

But when Skybridge Tower is accidentally struck by an airship, they are amongst the first to arrive at the massive fire. And their bravery may cost them all dearly.

Dedicated to firefighters everywhere.

Chapters (3)

Nurse Redheart has had too many long days and weary nights, too many lost causes to care for. And one cold winter's night, she finally reaches the breaking point, questioning whether her career has been truly worth it.

But tonight, she receives an unexpected visitor, one who will help restore her hopes.

A special Christmas charity story commissioned by Crystal Wishes. Dedicated to nurses everywhere.

Chapters (1)

Dragons are feared creatures, portrayed as horrific monsters in every bedtime story that ponies have known from birth.

Spike is a dragon. And as time goes on, he grows more acutely aware of his monstrous side and wonders if the fabled beast is all he is meant to be.

His fears come to light one day while he his helping Rarity collect some gems. The two are attacked by a rogue Diamond Dog and Spike, acting in fear and anger, kills their attacker. Horrified at his actions, he flees into the Everfree Forest with the rest of the monsters. Now, it is up to Twilight and Rarity to find him and bring him back home, if they can prove to him that he is not the monster he believes himself to be.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy should be focusing on the protest that she organized for that day, but her mind is focused on one thing right now: her friend, Tree Hugger. Their friendship is deep and abiding, centered in their mutual love for nature, and in Tree Hugger's serene ability to tune into whatever troubles Fluttershy and help her center herself.

But could her feelings for her friend go deeper than she thought? With a little help from her friend, Fluttershy will explore the depths of her love, and she may discover a thing or two about herself.

A Flutterhugger/TreeShy shipfic.

Chapters (1)