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Admiral Biscuit

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Trotcon! · 12:59am Dec 21st, 2021



Uh, I mean Trotcon!

I went there and back again! It was a little less lively than most Trotcons, presumably since it was the weekend before Christmas . . . still, it was a good time! Got to hang out with some people: AlwaysDressesInStyle, TheRedBrony, Cold Spike, Bad Horse, Trick Question, lordfreespace (I think?), Uncr3at1ve, Greypon3, Sunny, Ruirik, Fiura, and I think I might have seen SudokoBrony? Estee was there, but I did not see Estee.* I guess we’ll wait for their blog post to see if Estee saw me. I also ran into counterfeit SS&E (I suppose he was technically a SS&E alt). Maybe if I’m feeling unlazy a little bit later, I’ll go through and put in links to all those people.

*This is a shame; I brought something specifically for Estee. Maybe one day I’ll mail it. Or maybe I won’t, ‘cause AFAIK we’re at three death threats already, and it might lead to a fourth.

Got into the merch hall early to get merch. Got all the G5 ponies and also Sweetsong (you may remember her from a story of mine). Went to a couple panels; Brony Church on Sunday morning was a really, really good panel. Fiaura also did one on what we know about the G5 world so far and what questions need to be answered.

Also did the occasional hanging out wherever and exchanging random bits of headcanon, as one does at a con. Could be you’ll get a post-con fic out of that, or maybe you won’t. Y’all will have to wait and see. :heart: One of the interesting things about Trotcon as compared to Bronycon is that there’s no room for writers, so we instead tend to cluster in weird places and talk about things.

I should also say for ROBCakeran53’s benefit, they rebuilt the Bob Evans.


Maybe moreso than other cons, Trotcon has had its fair share of memes, and this year was no exception. If you cast your minds back a decade or so, just as the last Bronycon was wrapping up, there was the “anyway, come to Trotcon” meme, and shortly thereafter not only was Bronycon over forever, but there was a global pandemic.

Once the world got back to normal, well . . .

Inky (I want to say that’s her name, but I don’t remember for sure; someone will correct me in the comments I’m sure) started the con off by having her catalytic convertor stolen out in the hotel parking lot. Making the the best of a bad situation, new shirts were promptly designed and they sold like hotcakes:


Seriously, as soon as I heard about it, I had to get one, but she was already behind on orders and asked if I could come back later . . . and by ‘later,’ she had run out of vinyl transfers and all orders were going to be shipped instead of printed on demand. So anyway, there’s the new Trotcon meme.

Mari Lwyd also made an appearance at Trotcon, which is appropriate for the season. If you don’t know, Mari Lwyd is a festive horse skull that is carried around by a person under a cloth. You’re supposed to give it a present, and since I still had some from Ciderfest:

Note: Image loads backwards ‘cause that’s how I roll

Hard to say if that’s the kind of present it wanted, but that’s what it got.

Incidentally, I also got knighted by Ruirik, so henceforth I’m Sir Admiral Biscuit.

What I really should talk about is the end of the final day.

Nobody likes it when a con wraps up. Well, maybe hotel staff, but for everybody else it’s kind of a sad time. Trotcon has the charity auction, followed by the closing ceremonies, and then, well, that’s it. Maybe there’s a post-con deconpression period where you hang out with friends, new or old, and then all go your separate ways. But that’s not what happened here.

Before we get to that, I am legally obligated to talk about the charity auction, since if there’s ever video of it, both my merch and myself feature in it.

I donated books and a shirt to the cause . . . I know who got the winning bid, but I’ll leave that person to blog about it. I only mention that, because just after I offered tribute made a donation at Con Ops, a gentleman came up with an Anonfilly plush still in the wrapper which he also wanted to donate, and I said to ADIS that I wanted that, and that we were going to the charity auction.

Not only did I get Anonfilly (as you can probably guess by the picture above), I also got some Pirates of the Caribbean merch that was signed by a whole bunch of people who weren’t M.A. Larson but pretended to be. Argembarger (whose name I probably spelled wrong) even signed the book, several times, with various spellings and crossouts, and then a drawing of a spider.

This gif never gets old

After that was closing ceremonies, and after that would have been nothing, except that Ellie Ray, who is a fandom treasure, insisted that we re-purpose the overflow room for a showing of the G5 movie and for those of you who have spent even the briefest of moments in Elley Ray’s presence will appreciate, it was every kind of fantastic and the perfect, if unofficial, capstone to an overall wonderful weekend.


Elley Ray is a fandom treasure.

Anyway, come to Trotcon 2022!


Comments ( 58 )

I can confirm that Estee spotted you at one point. I encouraged them to try to get a T-shirt; don't know if they ever did.

Wanderer D

Seems like you had fun!

Yeah it was great having lunch with you guys, have never been to a con (of any type) before and was pleasantly surprised how fun it was. Only went Saturday, but I've got my weekend badge already in the cart, and my pto submitted for july so I'm ready to go. It was suggested there should be a fimfiction meetup and that sounds like a fantastic idea. I'm sad I missed estee, they are one of my favorite authors. Anyway, hope to see you next time, would love another luncheon atleast.


It was great meeting you as well and I wish you could've been there for the whole weekend! It was also my first con of any type, and I likewise thoroughly enjoyed it! The Admiral was kind enough to point me in all the right directions and introduce me to a bunch of great folks. :pinkiehappy:

*This is a shame; I brought something specifically for Estee. Maybe one day I’ll mail it. Or maybe I won’t, ‘cause AFAIK we’re at three death threats already, and it might lead to a fourth.

Might? You're very optimistic! I like that! :rainbowwild: I don't, however, like your odds of surviving any potential meeting with Estee. Estee's another of my favorite authors, so I also hope to meet them someday.

I only mention that, because just after I offered tribute made a donation at Con Ops, a gentleman came up with an Anonfilly plush still in the wrapper which he also wanted to donate, and I said to ADIS that I wanted that, and that we were going to the charity auction.

And thus we did! I was tasked with holding your ill-gotten won fair & square treasure, at which point I felt like I was finally truly dressed for the con. I started on Friday wearing a t-shirt for a different cartoon franchise, and by the time Sunday's charity auction wrapped up, I was sporting a TrotCon t-shirt, a con badge decorated by 16 MLP buttons purchased in the vendor hall, with your Anon Filly perched on my shoulder like a parrot (it was a pirate-themed event, after all).

Anyway, come to Trotcon 2022!

It was my first con, but it won't be my last. I'll be there! I'm going to put in for the vacation time as soon as I can (in January).

and I think I might have seen SudokoBrony?

Actually, I wasn't there. I'm surprised you remembered me honestly. I hope to be there for July next year, and maybe do my panel I did online from this year, but with an audience!

Incidentally, I also got knighted by Ruirik, so henceforth I’m Sir Admiral Biscuit.

Sir Lord High Admiral Biscuit is the next obvious step.


In middle age my shame was gone
And so I went to my first Bronycon:
I dined on nachos and I slept on floors--
Fanboy'd when they opened up the merch room doors
Oh he really went otaku at the merch doors
I greeted all the dealers with so loud a squee
That now I am an Admiral, or somepony
He greeted all the dealers with so loud a squee
That now he is an Admiral, or somepony

Sorry that ColdSpike and I didn't get to say goodbye... I may have screwed up our schedule and we had to get back a day earlier than anticipated.


Bummer! :pinkiesad2: I was wondering why I didn't see either of you on Sunday. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope to see you both in July! :pinkiehappy:

Several real-world commitments ganged up on me or I would have been there. Glad to hear you all had fun!

Got all the G5 ponies and also Sweetsong (you may remember her from a story of mine)

Sweetsong is hobopony, right? She's cool. :twilightsmile:

I also got knighted by Ruirik, so henceforth I’m Sir Admiral Biscuit.

Oh, congrats! :pinkiehappy:

May I call you Knight-Admiral Biscuit? I feel like that has a better ring to it than Sir Admiral, but maybe that's just me. :derpytongue2:


Of course you know who that is :twistnerd:

Elley Ray is a damn cult leader and you know it Biscuit. XD

Green Grass, Blue Skies..

I was totally *not* indoctrinated at Hearth's Warming Con. >.> :rainbowwild: :twilightsmile:

Anyway, come to Trotcon 2022!

Oh, well now I can't go. Not if Sir Admiral Biscuit is pushing it. I hate that guy.

I get the feeling that Estee's actually a Middle Earth wizard. They're never quite where you expect them to be, they always show up only when they mean to, and they have a way with words that never fails to boggle even while it enlightens. So... their magic is subtle, much like one of the Istari.

5618878 I would say Estee needs both an Admiral Biscuit shirt *and* one of Inky's cat converter shirts. PM me if you want me to chip in a few bucks (or the purchase price).

Same story for me. Double-shame because it’s the pony con I know I’ll never have to pay hotel fees for. Here’s hoping that Trot Con ‘22 doesn’t overlap with Go Fest yet again.

Mail it. We're getting close to Christmas and technically, I can only kill you once.

At least it's not a Useless Box.

...and if it is a Useless Box, exchange it. No one needs two.

Also, "Catalytic Converter."

Everyone was repeating that. Everywhere. It was in most of the panels.

I think the Jackbox competion artists kept trying to draw one.\

Not with much success.

I went to one of these a few years ago. To be honest, I likely won't go to another without a good strong arm-twisting.


I can confirm that Estee spotted you at one point. I encouraged them to try to get a T-shirt; don't know if they ever did.

Estee may have gotten one at the last Bronycon or might not have, it went down like a proper espionage thing or maybe drug deal. I assume if Estee did get a shirt, right now it’s adorning a voodoo doll. :rainbowlaugh:

I did! I might have found a pin or two for you, as well, maybe even one of knockoff Sonata Dusk.


Yeah it was great having lunch with you guys, have never been to a con (of any type) before and was pleasantly surprised how fun it was.

This is how we lure you in :trollestia:

Seriously, though, I regret not spending more time talking.

Only went Saturday, but I've got my weekend badge already in the cart, and my pto submitted for july so I'm ready to go. It was suggested there should be a fimfiction meetup and that sounds like a fantastic idea. I'm sad I missed estee, they are one of my favorite authors. Anyway, hope to see you next time, would love another luncheon at least.

Estee’s super secretive, so who knows if you’d get a chance to see them or not? I’m not opposed to a FimFic meetup, but can tell you from experience that getting a bunch of writers together is like herding cats. Maybe someone needs to take responsibility and make it a thing that happens, and I can promise I’m not the one you want to do that. But if someone else does, I’ll be there.

What we really need to do is take a room hostage . . . I suppose that’s a thing that could be arranged with con staff, honestly; there were lots of other meetups for various sub-fandom groups, so why not have a FimFic meetup?


Might? You're very optimistic! I like that! :rainbowwild:

Estee made a good point in the comments below, I can only be killed once, so. . . .

I don't, however, like your odds of surviving any potential meeting with Estee. Estee's another of my favorite authors, so I also hope to meet them someday.

Yeah, we’d either get along like a house on fire or, well, that expression goes both ways, doesn’t it?

And thus we did! I was tasked with holding your ill-gotten won fair & square treasure, at which point I felt like I was finally truly dressed for the con. I started on Friday wearing a Scooby Doo shirt, and by the time Sunday's charity auction wrapped up, I was sporting a TrotCon t-shirt, a con badge decorated by 16 MLP buttons purchased in the vendor hall, with your Anon Filly perched on my shoulder like a parrot (it was a pirate-themed event, after all).

IMHO, shoulder pony is only one step removed from fursuit, which is to say that once you’ve got one, even if borrowed, you’ve reached about the pinnacle of proper con attendee. Next year, I imagine you’ll have a Cozy Glow and won’t need to borrow Anonfilly. :heart:

It was my first con, but it won't be my last. I'll be there! I'm going to put in for the vacation time as soon as I can (in January).

Assuming we aren’t continuing to live in the worst timeline (and that’s a big assumption) I think Trotcon 2022 is gonna be awesome. I haven’t got my tickets just yet, but I’m about to do that.


Actually, I wasn't there. I'm surprised you remembered me honestly.

Huh, I thought it was you. Well, if it wasn’t it was either your twin or my poor memory for faces (especially masked faces).

I hope to be there for July next year, and maybe do my panel I did online from this year, but with an audience!

Let me know if you do, I’m always happy to sit in on a panel and maybe heckle just a bit. :heart:


Sir Lord High Admiral Biscuit is the next obvious step.

Clearly. I’ll ask Ruirik about that, although it might take a larger donation to get a Lordship, too.

This is just how it was. Although this year I’m happy to report that I had a proper bed to sleep upon, and Bad Horse wasn’t in it.


Sorry that ColdSpike and I didn't get to say goodbye... I may have screwed up our schedule and we had to get back a day earlier than anticipated.

We were wondering about that. I figured it was one of those “my people need me” situations, and you had to hurry back as a result.

Those door handles don’t polish themselves, you know.

EDIT: and with some experience with a vast number of idiots coming through the shop and flaming out, there’s something to be said about proving you can be trusted with things like taking the trash out or . . . well, polishing door handles before you get trusted with something that matters.


Several real-world commitments ganged up on me or I would have been there.

Such is life, sometimes. Honestly, with as close as it was to Christmas, there were more people than I expected.

Glad to hear you all had fun!


See you in 2022?


Sweetsong is hobopony, right? She's cool. :twilightsmile:

She is indeed!

Oh, congrats! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! It cost me a dollar, so that’s proof it’s legit.

May I call you Knight-Admiral Biscuit? I feel like that has a better ring to it than Sir Admiral, but maybe that's just me. :derpytongue2:

You may, I think that is also a perfectly acceptable title. :heart:


Elley Ray is a damn cult leader and you know it Biscuit. XD

Sure I do. Best cult ever.

Green Grass, Blue Skies..

I don’t know that ref, but I do know that Elley Ray has an Admiral Biscuit t-shirt and has proudly worn it in public.

I was totally *not* indoctrinated at Hearth's Warming Con. >.> :rainbowwild: :twilightsmile:



Oh, well now I can't go. Not if Sir Admiral Biscuit is pushing it. I hate that guy.

Estee has informed me that I can only be murdered once, so you’ll have to show up to get your shot. :rainbowlaugh:

I get the feeling that Estee's actually a Middle Earth wizard. They're never quite where you expect them to be, they always show up only when they mean to, and they have a way with words that never fails to boggle even while it enlightens. So... their magic is subtle, much like one of the Istari.

Based on what evidence I have, you honestly paint a convincing picture. I feel like there were moments where I saw Estee or nearly saw Estee or should have seen Estee and yet did not. According to Estee’s blog posts, we sat some of the same panels and maybe were even nearly in the same short LineCons.


I would say Estee needs both an Admiral Biscuit shirt *and* one of Inky's cat converter shirts. PM me if you want me to chip in a few bucks (or the purchase price).

Estee may or may not have an Admiral Biscuit shirt. I’ve never gotten a thank you or a f:yay:k you, so it’s hard to say. Honestly, how that went down could be the subject of an entire blog post.

I am in favor of Estee having a catalytic convertor shirt, and would chip in bits for that. You gotta do it right, though, make a blog post to get donations :heart:

EDIT: also you’re in charge of the adulting, I can’t be trusted to put something in the mail.


Same story for me. Double-shame because it’s the pony con I know I’ll never have to pay hotel fees for. Here’s hoping that Trot Con ‘22 doesn’t overlap with Go Fest yet again.

Trotcon 2022 is July 15-17; no idea when (or what) Go Fest is.


Estee made a good point in the comments below, I can only be killed once, so. . . .

A fair point.

Yeah, we’d either get along like a house on fire or, well, that expression goes both ways, doesn’t it?

When one plays with fire... something something burns. I dunno, I try not to play with matches.

Actually, I'd find it harder to believe that the two of you wouldn't get along.

IMHO, shoulder pony is only one step removed from fursuit, which is to say that once you’ve got one, even if borrowed, you’ve reached about the pinnacle of proper con attendee. Next year, I imagine you’ll have a Cozy Glow and won’t need to borrow Anonfilly.

Honestly, the only reason I'd even consider a costume would be to obscure my identity. Not my thing, but very handy when one doesn't like one's photo taken. I'll probably just stick to wearing masks, even after the pandemic's long over. If nothing else, hiding my face helps keep America beautiful! :raritywink:

Oddly enough, while a Cozy Glow plush was the #1 thing I wanted to find, I was unable to obtain one at the con. Instead, I find myself waiting on a Minty plush to be made. I mean, when I see an example, and the artist has gone to the trouble of measuring their pet cat (I can't imagine that went well!) for dimensions, not to mention that the hair is simulated hair, and not just part of the plush, I get interested. Pricy of course, but it's Minty, and she's worth it. When that's done, I'll inquire about a Cozy Glow. I did, however, commission a Cozy Glow brushable while I was there.

If anyone makes one of those little plush ponies as Minty (or Snowcatcher - I can dream, right?), that's probably the pony I'd pick to cart around. Minty's best pony, but Snowcatcher just seems more me (though most people would probably assume she's an OC). I think I got a card for one of the vendors who does the mini plushes, maybe I can get something made in advance.

Assuming we aren’t continuing to live in the worst timeline (and that’s a big assumption) I think Trotcon 2022 is gonna be awesome. I haven’t got my tickets just yet, but I’m about to do that.

We can hope for a better 2022, but I wouldn't hold my breath. That said, I'm already hyped. I'm glad I don't have to wait an entire year. Seven months is much more manageable.

What we really need to do is take a room hostage . . . I suppose that’s a thing that could be arranged with con staff, honestly; there were lots of other meetups for various sub-fandom groups, so why not have a FimFic meetup?

I'm in favor of this. Or even a FimFic dinner where we agree to meet at a certain time and go out to eat. We're authors, put a bunch of us in the same place at the same time, and the creativity will flow. I already have ideas for two new stories as a result of TrotCon.


Mail it. We're getting close to Christmas and technically, I can only kill you once.

That would require me to both go through the Discord and find the address, and then put the abomination beautiful heartfelt gift into a box and affix postage. Which is three things.

At least it's not a Useless Box.

You say that, but . . . well, I could have found something you’d like less.

...and if it is a Useless Box, exchange it. No one needs two.

Set the pair up and let them fight it out. Video it, put it on YouTube and get million likes for some reason.

Also, "Catalytic Converter."

The best kind of convertor if you ask me.

Everyone was repeating that. Everywhere. It was in most of the panels.

As well it should be. And it’s rare that something so much in my wheelhouse is the hot topic at the con. Why, the week before I left I spent many happy (ha!) hours dealing with the catalytic convertor assembly on a Ford Taurus. You don’t have to take the top of the engine off to get it out, but it helps.

Not with much success.


Incidentally, when I google-imaged one for a Honda Element specifically, not only did I get images of the actual part, but also links to a security device to keep said convertor safe.

Wanna collab on a stupid, half-baked story idea, or is the mere suggestion enough to send you to researching if you can, in fact, kill me twice? It pains me to bring this up, but there’s an episode of Firefly that implies with good, prompt medical attention, it is possible to kill someone twice.


I went to one of these a few years ago. To be honest, I likely won't go to another without a good strong arm-twisting.

I’ll give the obligatory “anyway, come to Trotcon.” Certainly not the thing for everyone, though, and I can respect that. :heart:


Elley Ray is a damn cult leader and you know it Biscuit. XD

Hmn, I could see that. I'd also probably willingly join. Considering I already changed my user page quote to 'Ellie Ray is best pony!' you have a valid point.

The reference is to one of her speeches, I was only *half* joking about the cult leader thing. :unsuresweetie:


The best kind of convertor if you ask me.

The best kind of convertor is technically a convertor.


Also, Go Fest is Pokemon Go's huge annual summer event. Normally held in July. 5619111 must be prioritizing fake ponies over ponies. /shakes fist

It was good seeing you Friday, then my stamina died and I lurked at home sat and sun alas

I am sad to have missed you. I was unable to attend except for Saturday because interim con timing was balls.

Argembarger (whose name I probably spelled wrong)

It's not spelled right unless it's misspelled.

I don’t think Niantic has announced Go Fest dates yet, but it’s usually in mid-July.

I am not shitposting when I call myself a PoGo addict.

I've been having a busy week so far, but I'm glad it sounds like you had a good convention!

And to check, Elley Ray is Mistmane's voice? The wiki I checked just now had a slightly different name, so I'm guessing that, if the wiki is accurate, the one you used is a nickname?

Yea I just was feeling dead and idk why

I will bring you back to life as soon as I figure out how to do that to me :pinkiesmile:


Hmn, I could see that. I'd also probably willingly join. Considering I already changed my user page quote to 'Ellie Ray is best pony!' you have a valid point.

I’d certainly join. Elley is a treasure and has glitter and candy, what’s not to love?


The best kind of convertor is technically a convertor.

So that would be a SCR convertor on some diesels; it’s not a convertor by the mechanic’s sense of the word, but it’s technically a convertor.

Don’t as me how it works, it’s magic and rare elements and a jug of pee Kirin Beer you gotta pour in the special tank to make the magic happen.

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