• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

More Blog Posts120

  • 34 weeks
    Collabing with my editor...

    who doesn't want to be anonymous anymore for the foreseeable future. Refer to the new tagged story and go say hi to him.

    1 comments · 351 views
  • 35 weeks
    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

    Despite my deafening silence, i still lurk this place... yet a recent proposition from my anonymous editor, who plans not to be anonymous much longer, will have me coming back to this place more and more in the future. What's the deal? You'll see eventually.

    Also are Private Messages broken? I can't PM any of my site friends. :raritydespair:

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    10 comments · 312 views
  • 110 weeks
    Dealing with suicides is never easy.

    It really isn't.

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    12 comments · 907 views
  • 120 weeks
    Taking 2 story commissions (both slots filled)

    Meant to start this last month but never got around to doing such thanks to life being too busy to focus on side projects, however with March around the corner and things easing up, I've decided to open up commissions again. Much like how I usually take commissions, I'll open myself up to writing any genre and/or fetishes my customer is interested in at a rate of $16/1,000 words. I will

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    4 comments · 485 views
  • 121 weeks
    Gift from my editor in regards to Verity

    Sometimes the smallest of gifts are ones that you'll cherish for a long time.

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    10 comments · 643 views

A Request. Start enforcing site rules better · 1:42am Apr 25th, 2021

  1. No personal attacks, in public or otherwise.
  2. No attacks directed at individuals or groups due to race, gender, gender identity, religion or sexual identity.
  3. Fimfiction is not a place for public criminal accusations. Please go to the police or talk to staff about criminal matters.
  4. Do not make blogs attacking another user or encouraging people to attack another user.

Particularly these 4 rules here. I feel like everyone needs to start acting on these rules a lot more than they already are and I mean everyone ranging from; content creators, followers/watchers that love to comment on stuff, and lastly to the admin/moderation. I feel like everyone is too lax and very passive when it comes to these 4 rule above, and it all needs to be enforced better, especially when comments like this exist. (good story by the way, I recommend reading it, because I personally enjoy it so far.) This casual behavior of referring to others as Nazi's needs to be dealt with more effectively, because it's starting to damage the overall enjoyment of the site and tainting it. It's not the first time either and the source of the problem is coming from virtue signaling children with no self-awareness that think calling everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi is okay behavior.

Protip; it's not behavior that should be allowed to normalize any further than it already has.

Normally this repulsively ugly behavior is kept to blogs, but seeing it constantly bleed into stories, on a fanfiction site no less, shows there is an overall lack of responsibility on this site by everyone. Honestly I want it to stop and I want everyone to get along, but with bad actors actively harassing and smearing users for characters, what characters they like, and what stories they write, then those bad actors need to be dealt with more effectively. Ignoring them and labeling them trolls doesn't work because they continue to do it regardless, and when these bad actors don't get any blowback from the mods and the community because they simply view the 'trolls' who can be ignored, those same 'trolls' continue to spread their vile behavior and destroy the integrity of this site because by ignoring these 'trolls' they become more brazen and emboldened to act out and scare people away from both this site and the fandom.

We as a community need to be better, and we should all be cracking down on the rules. I don't want this site to become a woke mess because we are quickly nearing the next image's overall message at an alarming rate. In all honesty, I'm very sure we've already hit this point and nothing is being done about it!

We are on a fanfiction site that allows a vast array of stories, so why do we have users on this site trying constantly shame, harass, and smear people for stories they write? This bad behavior can't be tolerated anymore. We need to start caring about this fandom and this site, so how about we start pushing things in the right direction? I want the bad users dealt with properly and I want people and content creators who notice these bad users to start actively reporting them more. I want moderation to start caring more about user interactions and start being active more in order to stop fights between users that can end up spanning 100's of comments.

Is this too much to ask?

Report TittySparkles · 1,780 views ·
Comments ( 64 )

Is this too much to ask?


~Skeeter The Lurker

So in a nutshell

The YouTube Algorithm

But Tiddy, the mods are underpaid as it is!


I can get %100 behind this. Too many people get so butthurt about a particular character being on the cover-art or even being in the story. Story has Anon? People flip their shit. Cover art has Lufty? We need to cancel the site. Honestly so dumb.

We should all learn to be more excellent to each other.

Yes, but also recognizing when the second party is fine with the actions, and whether or not it's a mere jest.


"And PARTY ON, DUDES!!!" ~ Abraham Lincoln

The Nazi shit directed at this community is manufactured outrage. Most right wingers here are libertarian in nature, but there are plenty of morons on this site who (probably intentionally) have created a fake world where the Nazis are taking over. Just like Weimar Germany all over again folks, except this time with right wing libertarian nerds who write about lesbian horses.

YPSE #9 · Apr 25th, 2021 · · 1 ·

calls users nazis/pedos to establish the narrative that they are nazis/pedos, then use that as a means to remove them from sites and by and large, the fandom as a whole.

its power that shouldn't be allowed on any site.

I agree with you

Wydril #11 · Apr 25th, 2021 · · 2 ·

In before they ban you again with the excuse that linking a comment of something disgusting like that is "encouraging people to attack another user". But yes, site rules haven't been reliably enforced for a while now, and it's having a noticed effect.

Titty's going for a speed record. Place your bets, boys and girls. Sorry. I forgot you're not allowed to say things like that now.

I heard they do it for free.

кто кого?

Who, whom? (Russian: кто кого?, kto kogo?; Russian pronunciation: [kto.kɐˈvo]) is a Bolshevist principle or slogan which was formulated by Lenin in 1921.


It came to be used as a formula describing the inevitability of class struggle, i.e. who (which of two antagonists) will dominate the other. In this view, all compromises and promises between enemies are just expedients – tactical manoeuvres in the struggle for mastery.

There are no site "rules" to be enforced. There are only excuses the staff can use when they've already decided to ban people.

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.

But that would make them do work, and work is hard.

But it’s more fun this way

5505902 I think you just defined the world as it is and was. There is an amazing amount of projection in most personal attacks no matter what platform or political bent is doing the attacking. I think both that and the Dunning-Kruger effect make up the vast majority of internet traffic today, and that's probably true back to some Phoenician scribe jabbing Cuneiform symbols into a hated rival's mud hut.

I mean hell, we have graffiti from Herculaneum describing some servant as "having the biggest dick in the land" and another calling the local Pro Consul "A Damn fucking Dick!" ... They had quite the obsession with the dick back then apparently. Good to see things haven't changed in the ensuing centuries!

Do you realize that you're joking about betting on the life of an account? I've never seen such an immoral, heinous disregard for somethings life, and frankly it makes me question everything I've ever thought about humanity's intrinsic goodness. How disgusting!

Now excuse me, I've some research to do on how to flay a pony alive and make furniture out of their skin.

You're right. How thoughtless of me. What if someone dug up my comment and showed it to the account's family?

i respect that


Here's a good primer video:

I don't think one is entitled to free work of mods. However, if they have energy to delete blogs certain people don't like, Asking for that energy going both ways isn't a stretch.

Just report it every time. If we all spam the report button on people who break the TOS directly. The mods will have to do something at some point. Fill their box up, make sure to report every single even tiny infraction of the TOS.

5506027 Marines existed that far back in history? Whoda thunk it.

Because being annoying will surely change things.



But, whatever the case you sure know how to troll admins, Titty :rainbowlaugh:

But just in case this blog magically disappears, I'm gonna leave this here:



I think the issue is the politicization of blogs. I'm sure I'll get some flak for this, but suppose blogs were no longer politically aligned, or even a useable function? Most of the politically oriented venom seems to stem from blogs, and spreads from there. And I'm not just talking about your pithy blog posts, I'm talking about the cancerous stuff we've seen from certain users who will go unnamed.

For instance, I was looking through some of the events surrounding jetfire2012 and the blogs surrounding his circumstances were some of the shittiest I've seen, to say nothing of that RGRE/porn bad fiasco a few years back. There's blogs celebrating death and political division. Plenty of vitriol, snide comments, condescension, accusations of homophobia and racism and so on. And some of the sweetest, kindest users on this site bearing the brunt of the abuse for wrong-think, or even just asking for clarification. Seriously, does anyone think Georg deserves that kind of snide bullshit? Or PaulAsaran? I'm not the kindest person when I get into crap online, but they certainly are so far as I've seen.

But it all folds back into politics and this god-damned culture war we find ourselves conscripted into. The more we allow politicization of this space, the more power political tribalism will hold. One only needs to check the comments sections of various blogs on politics for a good accounting of which tribe is dominating that specific space, with associated bullying in whichever direction. If there was some way to return to a state of apolitical shitpoasting, or at least leave politics at the fringes, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Well, most ways.

Suppose we removed blogging altogether? Suppose we required blogs to ONLY relate to stories? Suppose we banned politics in commenting on stories? Suppose, suppose, suppose... etc. Become the monster we strive to prevent?

Let me be clear: all of these hypotheticals leave a sick feeling in my stomach, because they go against my principles for free speech and even if it were something I could arbitrarily enforce through authoritarian diktat I don't think I would want it. It could well be that these political divisions are something we're going to be stuck with, and that's a price of having our freedom of speech. I'm sure someone smarter than me could come up with a better solution, but simply enforcing the rules strikes me as treating the symptom rather than the disease.

Definitely a good start, but the rules can't prevent or resolve blogs calling for us to "own our sins" and claiming we're all tangentially responsible for the actions of the FedEx shooter for not being pro-censorship. The rules can't prevent or really slow the cultural and moral conflicts that consistently arise from users looking to bully their way into positions of authority, or enact sweeping changes in the name of feminist porn, or political censorship, etc. Etc. (I know, I know, there's a question of whether they should even be allowed or prevented to begin with, but it goes back to politics being such a source of spite and venom)

I'm happy to lay down arms and bury the hatchet with our tribal rivals, but from every indication I've seen, they aren't. Some number of users can't stop themselves from snide condescension, and opinions on the political beliefs of others aren't something that the moderation team can regulate. "HE'S A NAZI, THAT'S MY OPINION." Is being rude against the rules? So on.

We might just be stuck here, but you're right, I think enforcing the rules more thoroughly will help.

I just wanna grill pony, for god's sake!

Thanks. I also brought this up elsewhere, but what about a rule or a guideline that states that writing about something is not an endorsement of that thing? Titty certainly seems to get plenty of shit thrown at her from this alone, but it would also neatly tie up issues with our resident Edge Horse and such.

Maybe SOMETHING that explicitly states: Don't like, don't read.

I know, right! That's what I have been saying. It's a fictitious story. I could write terrible crimes in my work but not endorse it. I am not fully what I write.

Precisely! It's silly, people are capable of recognizing the difference between fiction and reality, and the separation between an author's work and their positions. That we even have to consider something like this is absurd, but here we are. And yet, so many people attack others on this basis because it is a convenient and easy method of shaming or attacking someone. Just pretend you can't tell fiction from reality, and boom, easy shaming.

I don't like eternal night-induced genocide (Nightmare Moon is still best princess), but I'm perfectly capable of recognizing there's a difference between writing about it and endorsing it in your daily life. It's not like clopfic writers are about to go out and fuck a horse any more than the producers of Band of Brothers are going to start goose stepping and heiling the Fuhrer.

Huk #32 · Apr 25th, 2021 · · ·


I don't mean to intrude, but IMHO what we're seeing is probably another iteration of the everlasting argument that's been going on forever and comes down to the old as dirt approach where there MUST BE some boogieman responsible for every bad action happening in the world.

We like to think we know the answer to every problem, especially if it takes the blame away from us. That's why in the past, believers blamed Satan, witches, and even black cats when something bad happened. People couldn't accept that the drought is a normal phenomenon occurring every few years. NO! IT must have been the devil's work! They needed to do... something! So they 'found' the 'witches' and burned or drowned them.

This is old as dirt and still going and going. The only thing that changed is the scapegoat. It was brutal video games in the nineties, and now it's stories/pictures with Aryanne (among others).

As long the 'answer' gives someone the illusion of knowing and control (because if you know what causes the problem, you may be able to fix it), and let them be the hero that 'fights the good fight!' he will accept it - no matter how irrational it will be - and use it to attack others.

There doesn't seem to be an easy fix for this...

You're intruding. REEEE! But no, I think you're on the money with that one. Further, having an answer and using it to their advantage and political ends seems to be a thing.

Absolutely, the adage "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" exists for a reason. Make enough noise, spam the ever living fuck out of the mod/owners email with complaint after complaint, all done in a adult manner. Thing will get done, when hundreds of people do the same.

Ask a few BLM protestors how that worked out.

This site has rules against personal attacks?
The replies I've gotten had me thinking it was all-holds-barred.
I like all-holds-barred. It's the top reason why I daily Fimfiction anymore; even when I don't feel like reading.

AP news says about 90 million dollars in donations from corporations

If you're expecting money for annoying the staff here... I dunno what to tell you.

Is that what they were up to last year?

I suspect not, but one way people lend support is monetarily. Do you see people donating to your cause of pissing staff off with endless complaints?

I don't have a cause I just answered you asking if raising a fuss did anything for blm

Yea because torching building and using the report system on a website is exactly the same.

IQ much there son?

5506785 Course they're not. Reports are much easier to ignore. You'll accomplish far less.

They got the veredict they wanted. There's already an alternate juror that had an interview and it can somewhat be drawn the implication that they were scared :)


Really good point.

The problems we have are so complicated, with root causes embedded within layers of second/third/fourth/etc order effects. It's a challenging task to simply appreciate the complexity, let alone determine the actual root causes, how much each of them contribute to the actual overall issue, and then how to actually solve the issue in a way that doesn't present its own disastrous second, third and fourth order effects. And let's not forget how tightly woven each issue is to practically every other issue.

It's a big reason why I troll so much haha. The level of nuance needed is beyond 99% of people and 100% of internet discussion. Unless we all have a multi-hour long nuanced back and forth in person with an emphasis on solving issues with preventing bad second and third order effects, you might as well act like a dumbass :trollestia:

I'm not going to take a side on this, I'm here to say that calling somebody a Nazi technically isn't a TOS violation. Nazi is a political affiliation which isn't protected by the guidelines. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that's what the TOS says.

It might not be covered by 2, but it is a personal attack, covered by 1.

I believe in Germany it is illegal to be a Nazi, currently, and it certainly is illegal there to have the swastika symbol on things, whether it's the religious one or the political one. That was the reason Fimfiction banned that particular symbol last year, so as to remain in good legal standing for the servers hosting it and the users from there. So with that in mind, since this is about technicality, it could be argued that it is in fact a public criminal accusation, which is not allowed per the rules.

Very true, but the assertion of the post is that all 4 of the rules are being broken by accusations of being a Nazi. The other three rules definitely are being broken, but rule 2 doesn't apply here.


“The point is, you see," said Ford, "that there is no point in driving yourself mad trying to stop yourself going mad. You might just as well give in and save your sanity for later.”
― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything

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