• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

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  • 34 weeks
    Collabing with my editor...

    who doesn't want to be anonymous anymore for the foreseeable future. Refer to the new tagged story and go say hi to him.

    1 comments · 351 views
  • 35 weeks
    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

    Despite my deafening silence, i still lurk this place... yet a recent proposition from my anonymous editor, who plans not to be anonymous much longer, will have me coming back to this place more and more in the future. What's the deal? You'll see eventually.

    Also are Private Messages broken? I can't PM any of my site friends. :raritydespair:

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  • 110 weeks
    Dealing with suicides is never easy.

    It really isn't.

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  • 120 weeks
    Taking 2 story commissions (both slots filled)

    Meant to start this last month but never got around to doing such thanks to life being too busy to focus on side projects, however with March around the corner and things easing up, I've decided to open up commissions again. Much like how I usually take commissions, I'll open myself up to writing any genre and/or fetishes my customer is interested in at a rate of $16/1,000 words. I will

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  • 121 weeks
    Gift from my editor in regards to Verity

    Sometimes the smallest of gifts are ones that you'll cherish for a long time.

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Back from my 24hr bath. · 11:06am Apr 22nd, 2021

Not gonna lie, that stream of silence gets pretty f'ing cold after you bathe in it for 24 hours.

Jokes aside, you all don't have to worry about me because I'm still here and ain't leaving anytime soon.

I'll address the big issue in a blog later on today, so try to stay calm and keep your questions closed until then. I still gotta wake up after all.

Report TittySparkles · 898 views ·
Comments ( 47 )

Have to be more careful. The eye of Sauron is watching us all.

Yup that deleted blog post was pretty alt-right cringe... Siding with the officer in that court case would have been the end of our country probably. I mean there were years of protests all over the friggin' world! But nope I guess that's all just fake and their problems aren't real, eh? Because people just protest for months at a time when there isn't a problem...

And legally speaking, separate charges get charged separately, even if they seem redundant. Generally all possible things are charged in case things are dismissed, just in this case none of the charges were dismissed.

Anyways, I wish the blog post had stayed up so you could have learned the price of free speech.

Despite your actions TS, I still wish you the best under the circumstances. Just please stop claiming to be anything left of center.

Actually that was a good lesson of this new free speech.

Good to have ya back.

Nah by shutting that down the mods prevented TS from becoming a pariah for real this time. I understand why she gets death threats sometimes now.

Bendy #9 · Apr 22nd, 2021 · · 2 ·

Only from the Far Left Stalinists basically. Or perhaps insane anarchists. I don't think removing the blog did really anything to appease them.

Normal people don't care what goes on some random pony site.


But also any libertarian or believer in the N.A.P. who isn't a hypocrite would probably take offense, though not to that extreme.
Also most minorities, Antifa, 'Woke' people, and maybe the LGBTQIA+ etc etc crowd, not that you think their opinions matter.

Elaborate on "becoming a pariah" please.

An outcast, according to google.

Being a Brony by definition is an outcast. You will be hated by both the Left and the Right. Because one is considered not normal if they love cartoon ponies. The right will call you gay. The left will call you far-right... somehow.

Even if you tried to show up and talk to bunch of Far-Right jackboot/skinheads and say you are a Brony. They will just beat you to death and call you gay while doing so.

There's a good reason to hide the fact you are a Brony offline. In the real world.

So, I guess an outcast of an outcast. Even though it's just a small number, yet a vocal number of crybabies among us I think. I don't think us Bronies have been fully infiltrated by the fun police yet...

Wow look at all those downvotes! Guess we've got some fascist bootlickers here.

With that in mind, I guess she wouldn't be a pariah here.

Yeah, call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. That will show em.

I am not from the US. Joe Biden is your president. So, the left holds the power as of right now. So, the bootlicker seems confusing to me.

Most people are these days, whether on the left or the right.

If Biden wasn't a bootlicker why would he have chosen Kamala Harris as his running mate?

Comment posted by StarFall825 deleted Apr 22nd, 2021

I don't think so. Just a small number of idiots make it seem like it's the case. Because evil corporations make money from the Far Right and Far Left killing each other.

Biden is a bootlicker because he has a history of being a warpig, racist, and lover of the KKK.

Also most minorities

Many minorities (as in not white people) work hard to feed their families, pay their taxes, love their country, just like everyone else. They don't all live in squalor with handouts.

Antifa. Are mostly made up of racist white people that want to live in a world of Mad Max with no rules. They want to rape, kill, and burn with impunity. These Antifa scum went into poor, working-class places and burned down their community.

"Woke' people" are racist. They judge you as a collective, not by an individual. And are basically willing slaves to corporations.

LGBTQIA+ etc etc crowd

Being gay/trans or whatever should not be a big thing. Hell, I think I'm a little gay (bisexual), I looked at gay porn before and liked it. But I don't feel the need to shout it to the rooftops in an already very liberal society. Maybe, even here you will get some nasty comments, but that's about it. If someone wants to be brave, try that in the Middle East, you will just get an axe to the head.

>Biden is president so the left is in power

Don't make me laugh; Neoliberals and Neocons are all tools of the corporate oligarchy, and there hasn't been true leftist policy since the public works programs before WW2 and Teddy Roosevelt's trust busting.

And nearly all the social liberals got astroturfed by 'wokeness'. and are now playing into the hands of the fascist corporate oligarchy.

Slavery just got replaced with debt slavery.

Because pure leftism just ends up like the French Revolution. You kill all the rich people, take their land, and then you wonder why society collapses? And then you put people who don't know how to farm onto farmland to try farm it. Each and every time this been tried, millions of people have died.

Corporatism is functional leftism. Humans are evil and selfish by nature. You could be the most virtuous person in the world in your party. But Joseph Stalin is just waiting right behind you to stab you in the back and take power. Politics is a dirty business and playing nice gets you nowhere.


Many minorities (as in not white people) work hard to feed their families, pay their taxes, love their country, just like everyone else. They don't all live in squalor with handouts.

I said nothing of the sort and I resent you implying that I did. We just don't like having our necks curbstomped by needlessly aggressive police, and think that supporting that sort of behavior is abhorrent and evil.

Antifa. Are mostly made up of racist white people that want to live in a world of Mad Max with no rules. They want to rape, kill, and burn with impunity. These Antifa scum went into poor, working-class places and burned down their community.
"Woke' people" are racist. They judge you as a collective, not by an individual. And are basically willing slaves to corporations.

As I just said; astroturfing. Easy to control people who aren't thinking for themselves.

Being gay/trans or whatever should not be a big thing. Hell, I think I'm a little gay (bisexual), I looked at gay porn before and liked it. But I don't feel the need to shout it to the rooftops in an already very liberal society. Maybe, even here you will get some nasty comments, but that's about it. If someone wants to be brave, try that in the Middle East, you will just get an axe to the head.

This is a nonsequitor and irrelevant to what we were discussing


I don't think so. Just a small number of idiots make it seem like it's the case. Because evil corporations make money from the Far Right and Far Left killing each other.

Biden is a bootlicker because he has a history of being a warpig, racist, and lover of the KKK.

I see you straight up ignored what I said because it was convenient to you

I love these blogs. All I have to do is get popcorn and scroll down, and I got more entertainment than any fanfic could ever provide.

You have to remember you're arguing with a dishonest troll hiding on a clop-alt account that enjoys posting terrible opinions as bait.

I said nothing of the sort and I resent you implying that I did. We just don't like having our necks curbstomped by needlessly aggressive police. and think that supporting that sort of behavior is abhorrent and evil.

Take into note, the police kill lots of white people. But nobody cares, since all white people are evil somehow or whatever.

By all means, reform the police. Fewer guns may be a start in cities. (I heard most people in a city don't even own a gun) Most police in my country don't even carry a gun. Perhaps have fewer police, but just give people guns instead to defend themselves from criminals.

So you either have fewer police. Or you expand the right to defend yourself from criminals. Somehow expand the wealth of the poor, so there would be less criminals on the streets anyway.

But totally abolishing the police leads to nothing but total anarchy. Before there was law and order, and defense in this world, hordes of Barbarians would just randomly go into cities and kill everyone in it. That was the case for most of human history. A Warlord like Genghis Khan just come knocking.

She had thrown lots of minorities in jail just like Joe Biden for simply smoking weed. Sorry for ignoring your point. Joe Biden sees her as nothing but a tool for power.

Honestly? I dont think they care lol But ya welcome back Titty!

How do you define alt-right? Can you name a couple of alt-right people, and a couple of normal right people? Can you name a couple of alt-right positions, and a couple of normal right positions?

Also, why do you engage with TittySparkles? What do you hope to accomplish? What is your end goal?

I'll come back to the first question when I have time

As for why here? Seemed like a decent place to troll some far right people and possibly introduce some people on the fence to different perspectives they wouldn't otherwise be exposed to by the algorithm. To be quite honest it hasn't been worth it. I guess having been so focused on life these past few years and completely cut off from social media, I forgot how utterly ridiculous it all was.


Because people just protest for months at a time when there isn't a problem...

I assume you're going to apply this same standard to pro-Trump, anti-lockdown and Qanon rallies right?

24 hour bath?

Look, I know we're both older than most of the people around here are, but we don't need to speed up the process of looking like prunes.

but isn't hosing a kirin down with the stream of silence considered a hate crime?

What far right people? what do you think these far right people believe?
Inb4 emotional response on the lines of "they want us dead and poor because of ism"

*gives pervy big sis kirin a towel and hot tea*

Welcome back to pseudo-civilization, TS.

Good to see you back.

Owned. I sure do love accountability.

Welcome back.

Make sure that mane and coat don't go poofing everywhere when you dry off.

Shut up, Putin. Unsupercharged post.

Once I took a bath for a week, my blogs really suffered from it.

Sure, there are perceived issues there. But what matters is the extent to which the perception matches reality. For example, the Epstein case requires more investigation, but saying Bill Gates drinks baby blood is just silly.

And one must be aware that all these movements are to some extent astroturfted to the benefit of various rich people or corporations. To use Bill Gates as an example again, basically he just pissed of Trump or some other billionaire associated with the current far right propaganda, so they're dragging his name through the mud right now.

Pretty sure someone just tried to hack me so I'm done for today.

But TL;DR people who support police brutality are fascists. There's a time to support the police and this wasn't it. A brony suicided by cop and we look down upon that but when a cop kills someone with unnecessary force then suddenly it's ok?

Most people who believe far right propaganda are mostly well-meaning people who just don't think for themselves enough, so they get all surprised when people on the left call them fascists or nazis. The problem is a few of them are straight up neo nazis like David Duke and whoever writes Tucker Carlson's scripts, and they use weasly arguments which seem ok at the surface level but somehow always end up manipulating the flock to their ends. Then when you call them out they feign ignorance by blending into the crowd of genuinely confused right wingers.

Furthering the divide will eventually lead to civil war, which the conservatives think they will win because of their guns. They are laughably, tragically mistaken. But hey I've warned them in the past about what they're up against so I've done my part. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think.

No one supports police brutality.

Or, to be more specific, people may support something you consider police brutality, but that's not what police brutality is.

Why not? People have been doing it for thousands of years.

God damn this is a shitshow lmao

Aside the fact that we obviously stand on opposing stands of the aisle. The bill gates thing is the other way around. He astroturfed his way into seeming like a nice dude after many goofs where his monopolistic practices made him seem like devil incarnate (microsoft was so ridiculous at some point during 90's that a kid named mike rowe was told to cease and desist by microsoft for infringement with his personal website "mikerowesoft.com". Just imagine. People hate EA for consuming and killing franchises, the practices that microsoft actually engaged to secure its spot were even more(or actually) morally questionable)

Anyone that has a bit of memory from earlier decades remembers that at some point the media began to cover him nice and talk about his humanitarian work (which passes through his own foundation and ends up being a machine that probably advances his objectives while at the same time laundering his image.)

Edit: it was actually on 2004, it wasn't even the 90's. The visual transformation of bill and his company happened even later.


Sure, there are perceived issues there.

Ah. There we go. The same standard is not upheld. One is tricked and the other (your side) is protesting about real problems. In their case there isn't actually a problem is what you're saying, only on your side is there a problem. An opposition to lockdown for example is a 'perceived problem' but systemic racism, now that's a real problem. If people can protest about "perceived issues" that I assume you don't think are actual issues, then we must accept that people can indeed protest for months about what are actually non-issues.

And one must be aware that all these movements are to some extent astroturfted to the benefit of various rich people or corporations.

BLM is supported by almost every corporation and institution. The Democratic party, every major university, the catholic church, majority of the media, Bank of America, Nike, McDonalds, Target, Walmart, Airbnb, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Reddit, Facebook, DoorDash, Uber, Snapchat, Home Depot, Levis, Ubisoft, Coca Cola, etc. You can't say the same for right-wing protests.

If we were to list all the institutions backing BLM, we'd be here all day. It isn't the right who's on the side of the media, corporations, the federal government, etc.

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