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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Friday
    Fic recs, October 11th!

    I am about to eat delicious donuts, but never let that stop me from doing stuff for y'all. c_c;

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, October 7th: Under 3.5k edition, part 1!

    Not long ago, someone — I forget who, hopefully they'll shout out in the comments — posted a blog asking what was too long for a fic. I, perhaps in some sort of mental haze, half-cheekily answered "3500 words :c". So here's everything off my RIN that's no longer than 3500 words!

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, October 4th!

    No One and Nobody has done a reading of Masterweaver's Delayed Reaction!

    And Lotus Moon has done PonyThunder's A Cold Winter Morning! I almost deleted my entire notes document while typing that out! :'D

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  • 1 week
    Oh hey, he's talking about us

    You know all those MLP fanfics where ackshually, Equestria has some kind of dark, seedy underbelly? Not just a rougher side that doesn't come out in the show, but some actual evil, perpetuated or at least maintained by usually Celestia, in order to make pony society peaceful and harmonious?

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  • 2 weeks
    State of the Writer, September 2024

    God, I feel like shit.

    My computer's fucking dying.

    I don't wanna do anything.

    That's all for now. :c

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Pipe Land 3! [episode recap] · 5:55pm Apr 26th, 2017

(See here for explanations, in case you missed the last one!)

Okay, so who actually noticed Nurse Redheart's cutie mark was changed before EQD pointed it out? Anyone? We haven't seen her for a good two seasons, at least. (I like the idea that someone in that post posited: if we can pinpoint the last episode where she had her original CM, we'll have a lower bound for what can be considered an alternate timeline!)

Between "Horsey Hives" and "Pony Latin", it's clear the writers have just stopped trying. And I liked Pony Latin! :B

I'm still watching this online, not on TV, but I'm pretty sure it's not just me: the animation does look jerky in this episode. o.O What the heck?

Shining Armor is clearly being driven to the edge of insanity by parenthood. I expect many real-life parents can sympathize.

Man, if anything's wrong with this episode, it's Twilight putting anything in front of using a checklist. Priorities!

I like that visual cue that she's not quite old enough to stand on her own. Followed immediately by the excited dog dance, which is funny, but confusing given the previous context. :V

Whatever I may have felt about Flurry Heart before, her grabbing the bear and going "Grrr!" is the cutest shit I have ever seen.

Flurry's inability to telekinesis with bear is also adorable.

I was too busy laughing at the excessive diapers the first time (proof that alicorn babies poop a lot! :V) to notice Shining Armor repeats himself about the mashed peas. XD I hope time doesn't pass too fast, the 'tired parents' jokes will never get old.

"Just give her the Whammy." They did this on purpose, you know. This is surprisingly realistic parent behavior, which is impressive. And I love that it's a snail. Trust a baby to form an intense attachment with something so bizarre. Also, inb4 Whammy/Smarty Pants shipfics

We haven't had too many named guards, have we? I love that joke about their names being similar, but it leaves me wanting context.

"That's what I said! Isn't that what I said?" Props to Cadence's VA for the delivery of this line.

Flurry obviously takes after her dad in the realm of magic. Also, Twilight called her "Bug". What?

Seriously, I can't get over Flurry's wings being the size of her ENTIRE BODY. And her failure to wink is adorable.

How do unicorn parents survive?

Cadence gave Spearhead knee. One has to wonder at a Royal Guard who's so chummy with a princess, y'know? I mean, friends with her husband or not, it's kind of strange.

For all that this is your pretty standard "no one understands art" joke sequence, I actually agree with a lot of what Spearhead says. Just, y'know, in case anyone was wondering. :B He's legit.

Spearhead invented pony vantablack Cadence and Shining really are the worst parents, though, re: how much time they spend talking about Flurry. X3

Flurry really is a dog, because mouth open in the wind. :B

Spike needs to lay off the ice cream. :V

I think "don't turn your back on a baby" is the real moral of this episode.

The parasprite plushies definitely send a bad message to children.

Spike, whatever you just did, it was not math.

"Why come to me for books?" Cheerilee asked, confusion plastered across her face like cheese on a hayburger. "Aren't you the Princess of Books?"

Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates. Just, let the title sink in to your eyeholes.

Man, I just can't get over the G1 stuff with Gusty. You barely see the cover of the book, but it's got the right mane color, and the maple leaf is reminiscent of her cutie mark. And they're right that she was great. :V

There's got to be some connection between Spearhead's art show and Flurry Heart's sorrow at seeing her stick-pony drawing erased. Maybe she's gonna grow up a hipster like Uncle Spear.

There's something about the phrase "little chocolate hoofprints" that is inherently adorable. Like, you don't even have to picture what it means, just the sound is cute by itself.

If the disparity in behavior between the Cake Twins and three-seasons-younger Flurry Heart bothers you, just chalk it up to "alicorns develop faster". :B

Pinkie's "BRB" is acceptable.

Why is the sad pony stamp so funny?

Flurry has a future as a misunderstood artist and a conflict resolution specialist! :V Also, the Cake Twins will grow up with an irrational hatred of alicorns after this.

"The sampler platter" is one of the funniest one-liners Pinkie has ever said. XD

Honestly, Equestria is not going to survive Flurry's Terrible Twos. Or toddler tantrums. Or her angsty teen phase. To say nothing of her parents.

No, Twilight, you're not supposed to feel bad, you need to put the hoof down. :|

That is a nurse who is going to commit regicide one day.

Cadence and Shining crying over everything reminding them of Flurry is hilarious.

And I definitely like that ending with Spike! So this episode is about as substantial as All Bottled Up, but I rate that one higher because ship fuel. :V Still, if season seven is just episodes like this, the only thing I'll have to complain about is the lack of great, memorable episodes. And that's far better than terrible, memorable episodes. :B Three oudda five!

Comments ( 21 )

It was a good episode. I enjoyed it and Flurry stole the show.

Honestly, WhammyPants never occured to me. It feels vaguely incestuous, even if the ship name is kind of fantastic.

Also, Spike's math actually does check out when you factor in how they were twenty minutes behind schedule when they finally left the castle.

And yeah, fun episode. Though I do hope this isn't the only time we'll hear of Grogar in G4. Or of Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates.

But... why would we ship a donkey and a snail of roughly equal size?

They should have made Spearhead a unicorn...

Also, Twilight called her "Bug". What?

To be fair, their family is pretty much a Changeling magnet.

a Royal Guard who's so chummy with a princess, y'know?

Cadance is the Princess of Love, y'know.

proof that alicorn babies poop a lot! :V

Have a link.......

Also, Twilight called her "Bug". What?

Not that strange. "bugaboo" is a common term of affection for tiny people in my family.

If the disparity in behavior between the Cake Twins and three-seasons-younger Flurry Heart bothers you, just chalk it up to "alicorns develop faster". :B

Possible. Also worth considering is that the timeline is probably much more compressed than we tend to imagine. I was talking about this in the Writeoff Discord chat some time ago and we math'd out that the first 3 season take place in about 2 years or so. Or it's just the Goten/Trunks thing, where the writers/animators aren't concerned enough to age them up properly.

All that said: As a proud uncle and certainly not a father, the parental jokes all landed well with me, and this is the best I've seen Pinkie in awhile. I'm looking forward to the rest of Slice of Life Season.

I noticed Red Heart's cutie mark change immediately, but I'm a graphics design kinda guy.

Flurry's inability to telekinesis with bear is also adorable.

I forgave the episode for "Pony Latin" because of this.

Also, Twilight called her "Bug". What?

I like "Furry-burry" better. :raritywink: Speaking of which... Best Auntie Twilight scares Flurry Heart, Flurry is way magically OP, even Grogar... all this sounds kinda familiar... :twilightoops:

...a Royal Guard who's so chummy with a princess...

Like... Shining Armor? Cadance has a thing for uniforms, evidently.

Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates. Just, let the title sink in to your eyeholes.

Damnit! There goes my idea for The Platinum Perplexity. I don't want to be accused of plagiarism.

So happy that they're doing callbacks to G1! (But Gusty wasn't in the Tambelon episodes... and I hate myself for knowing that.)

Why is the sad pony stamp so funny?

Note to Knighty: we need a new emoticon.

I'd give it a solid threeouttafive as well. :pinkiehappy:

I call smaller things in the house 'pest' all the time. Dogs, younger siblings, you name it, I've called it a pest. Being 6'5", that means just about anything can be a pest. Of course, I also call the dogs names with a happy voice and they get all excited. You know, because dogs don't understand too many words, just voice tone.

As for the alicorns growing up faster, I actually use the exact opposite rate in most of my stuff. I think Star Struck is almost a century and he's just recently hit physical maturity. Mentally he's a smart guy, but I like the idea of a born immortal taking a longer time to develop. Twilight's development was 'shortcutted' by her ascension after a mortal start to life.

I like to think Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates is the Motorcycle Mice from Mars of the MLP world.

The parasprite plushies definitely send a bad message to children.

So no shark-plushies for kids then? What about Snuggie Tails where it's a shark that you get into so it can look like you're being eaten like Jaws? Yeah, Parasprite plushies don't seem that bad to me for some reason.

Flurry's gestures, be it the bear or the wink or the bubble or what have you, are all the cutest thing ever.

Are they related to the Biker Mice from Mars at all?

To be fair, Flurry's failure to blink is very realistic. How she tries to copy Twilight and how she just ends up blinking both eyes is a very common thing for toddlers to do.

There's something about the phrase "little chocolate hoofprints" that is inherently adorable. Like, you don't even have to picture what it means, just the sound is cute by itself.

Written like someone who doesn't suffer from regular exposure to babies. You know what that phrase means to me? It means that the baby somehow got its dirty diaper off, stomped around in it a bit, and is now toddling all over the carpet, leaving a trail of fecal footprints in its wake.

This is a thing that babies do and it is not cute

Author Interviewer

Because they're both plush toy, and crackshipping. :V


(But Gusty wasn't in the Tambelon episodes... and I hate myself for knowing that.)

I had an idea this was the case, but I don't mind knowing! :V

Sharks don't live right next to your home or have a tendency to eat everything in your town when they show up. :B

I read a story recently about a puppy doing similar (followed by the Roomba getting into it). Puppies are considered cute. :V

Biker Mice, Motorcycle Mice; tomato, tomahto.

No, Twilight, you're not supposed to feel bad, you need to put the hoof down. :|

That's the parents' job. Aunts and grandparents placate kids.

4510771 I don't even see it as a thing. I mean maybe it's just me but it's just like their siblings, possible in the terrible twos, and Flurry is the kid of the Alicorn of love, of course a disagreement is upsetting. I mean Flurry seems bigger but alicorn size has plenty of leeway, especially when you add the whole not full grown thing.

Author Interviewer

Hey, she yelled at the kid, she's gotta follow through! No take-backsies. :B

My wife and I adopted (and have regularly used) the term poopocalypse :ajsleepy:


Sharks don't live right next to your home or have a tendency to eat everything in your town when they show up. :B

They do if you live on the coast, and they will if they are named Jaws. Nom nom nom nom nom! :pinkiecrazy:

Also, inb4 Whammy/Smarty Pants shipfics

Be careful what you wish for. :pinkiecrazy:

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