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Emergency Status Update: Notice of Impending Hiatus from Writing · 3:13am May 22nd, 2016

TL;DR: Effective immediately, I am on hiatus from writing until at least June 1. Persona EG is on hiatus until around June 6 or so. Harmony League is on indefinite hiatus--I'm probably waiting until after Persona EG is complete to resume it. Cheer Princess will probably update during the hiatus since I have another chapter around halfway complete and I can knock it out by Wednesday. sPxHoLEic might update during the hiatus because I really do want to work on that.

But most importantly, Persona EG is on hiatus until early June for personal reasons, and I am not making ANY promises relating to writing until after June 1.

Regularly scheduled blog posts will continue without interruption.

More details follow.

Since about May 12, I have been dealing with a seemingly incessant stream of bullshit, both in real life and online. It's mostly petty, relatively inconsequential shit, but it's the quantity of aggravations and annoyances piling up on me.

My attempt to vent it with that one story I wrote around mid-week...did not work as well as I had hoped. I'm still angry. I'm still irritated. I'm still frustrated. Tonight didn't help because my Crunchyroll account got fucked up and I had to deal with that instead of sitting down to watch Haifuri like I wanted to (I did get to watch Haifuri though, and my CR account is straightened out, but it's Just One More Damn Thing I Didn't Need).

I also have not been sleeping well lately. I'm back to sleeping 2-3 hours at a time, twice a night and once in the middle of the day, and not getting very restful sleep. That's mostly due to my sinuses/allergies picking the worst times of day to act up.

My sleep being all screwed up and the general level of aggravation in my life has combined to make me very stressed out and prone to flashes of anger.

And then there's the other thing, which I didn't even realize until today:

Writing Persona EG is contributing badly to my angry mood right now.

To write Persona EG, I have to really put myself in Flash's mind. Those of you following the story know that...isn't really a good place to be right now.

Flash's anger and frustration are becoming my anger and frustration. And I'm already angry and frustrated enough.

I need to walk away from him and his problems for a little while, at least until I relax, destress, and get myself sorted out sleep-wise and life-wise.

But I also feel like right now is just a really good time for me to take a little break from writing in general. So until I sort of purge myself and get things back under control, that's what I'm doing.

Persona EG LTE will be updated tomorrow with the latest chapter, it just needs formatting and one quick additional scene that I can do in the morning. Cheer Princess will probably update sometime during the week.

Beyond that, I'm pretty much on break until between June 1 and June 6.

Report MythrilMoth · 677 views · Story: Persona EG ·
Comments ( 13 )

Just relax and take some time off, I know it's hard dealing with the problems of the world right now.

Thanks for telling us, it's nice to know when we can expect updates.
About your problems... Take your time, fix your sleep schedule and go on one or two rampages.

'preciate the warning, esp since we know you don't owe us one. good on you for realizing a cause and separating yourself from it. wishing you serenity as life is too stressful and tumultuous without it

Here ya go moth. Take a Soul-hug. You need it.

*hugging intensifies*

I recommend, at least daily, a dose of hugs and snuggles, I've heard they are really effective. Still, overdose is impossible so get 'em when you need 'em.

Take as much time off as you need, man. Your health should always come first. We can wait. We will wait. And we'll keep hoping you chill out.

Entirely understandable. If it turns out you need to take longer, by all means, do so.

It's ok. Take your time to blow out some steam and go back to a normal sleep schedule.

Also may I suggest you getting a punching bag to spent your anger and energy on it.

Hope you feel better, dude. I really do.

Take all the time you need. Your health is paramount.

Will Flash be able to get his shit together after this break? If so, then please take as much time as you need.

Seriously though, I understand what you mean. I get into the head of my characters too, so much that at times I get horribly depressed writing. So please, take as much time as you need.

Dude, get thyself to a doctor and talk with him about your sleep problems. I've been there myself. That kind of thing wears badly in the short term and makes life completely unmanagable in the long term. Getting that fixed will do wonders for your ability to cope with frustrations.

Beyond that, take what time you need. Writing fics needs to be a lower priority than taking care of yourself. Go out, heal up. We'll be here when you get back.

3981080 Re: going to a doctor about it: been there, done that. Found out sleeping pills don't really "take" with me. For some reason, my circadian rhythm is just all screwed up. As long as I manage to somehow get six or seven hours per every 24, I'm alright (usually broken into 2-3 hour chunks). But it's a rare night where I get an uninterrupted 6-8 hours' sleep. (Last night I did in fact sleep six hours.)

My body is all kinds of screwed up. This sleeping thing is just...kinda part of it. :unsuresweetie:

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