News Archive

  • 26 weeks
    The Day of the Dead Anthology

    The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a now-famous tradition from ancient times that has been a huge part of Mexican Culture through the centuries. Like so many things in Mexico, it's influenced strongly by certain aspects of the Aztec people.

    It has shaped the way those of us with that heritage look at life and death in many ways, and most importantly on the remembrance of, and honoring the deceased. We traditionally decorate little altars dedicated to the memories of those that passed away… but it's not a somber occasion.

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    22 comments · 4,654 views
  • 26 weeks
    Jinglemas 2023!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

    You only have until November 24th to Sign up!

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    30 comments · 5,825 views
  • 50 weeks
    PSA: Using AIs to Write and Publish Stories in Fimfiction

    Hello everyone, this is a PSA (Public Service Announcement, for those of ESL) to put to rest consistent questions about using AI to 'write' stories and publish them here. This is not intended as a poll or a request for feedback. It is exclusively a clarification on an already-existing rule.

    People ask: "Can I, oh great and powerful D, post a story or chapter that I got ChatGPT to write for me?!"

    And the answer, my friend, is... No.

    Absolutely not. Not in a thousand years!

    Because you didn't write it.

    It is not your creation. You are NOT the author. In fact, you are the opposite.

    There seems to be some confusion when interpreting the following rule:

    Don’t Post (Content)


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    698 comments · 23,893 views
  • 78 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

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    62 comments · 12,460 views
  • 106 weeks
    Phishing Awareness

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this?

    And then you magically find yourself in a suspiciously familiar site, except that you're not logged in, and it requires you to do so?

    Well. Don't log in. This is a scam, and a cheap one at that. 

    There've been recent attempts to obtain Fimfiction users’ personal data, like passwords and/or emails through links like the one I'm making fun of above. And a distressing amount of people don't seem to know what phishing attempts are.

    If you HAVE entered a site like this and put in your data, make sure to follow these basic steps at least.

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    167 comments · 15,435 views
  • 118 weeks
    All Our Best [Royal Canterlot Library]

    As should be obvious from 15 months without a feature, life has taken the Royal Canterlot Library curators in different directions. While there’s still plenty of awesome stories being written in the My Little Pony fandom, we’re no longer actively working to spotlight them, and it’s time to officially draw the project to a close.

    Thank you for all of your support, suggestions, and comments over the years. We’re grateful to have been able to share seven years of exemplary stories with you, and give more insight into the minds behind them. In the spirit of the project, please keep reading and recommending fantastic fics to friends—the community is enriched when we all share what we love.

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    115 comments · 18,270 views
  • 122 weeks
    Jinglemas 2021 has come to a close!

    Jinglemas had 114 stories written and exchanged this year!
    You can read them all here, in the Jinglemas 2021 folder!

    Jhoira wrote The Hearths Warming Eve Guest for EngageBook
    GaPJaxie wrote Twilight and Spike Hide a Body for Telly Vision
    SnowOriole wrote The Armor Hypothesis for BaeroRemedy
    snappleu wrote Words Said So Often That They Lack Any Meaning for Trick Question
    NeirdaE wrote Starlight and Trixie Direct a Play for Moosetasm
    Ninjadeadbeard wrote Garland Graveyard Shift for NeirdaE
    Roundabout Recluse wrote Apples to Apples for Ninjadeadbeard
    MistyShadowz wrote The Times We Shared for NaiadSagaIotaOar
    Petrichord wrote A Gentle Nudge for Angel Midnight
    Jade Ring wrote Past, Future, and Present for Frazzle2Dazzle
    Jake The Army Guy wrote The Big Talk for Dreadnought
    The Red Parade wrote Heart Strings for Franso
    Greatazuredragon wrote A Hearth’s Warming Question for GaPJaxie

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    20 comments · 9,909 views
  • 152 weeks
    Reunions: A Swapped Roles Contest!

    Okay guys here's something fun presented by Nitro Indigo.

    Presented by me, I guess, but I digress.

    Last year, I (Nitro Indigo) noticed that there was a surprising lack of roleswap fanfics on this site. To fix that, I decided to run a roleswap contest over the summer themed around secrets. While it didn’t get many entries, it nevertheless attracted the attention of some big authors and was the origin of two of my favourite fics. Overall, I think it was a success, so I’ve decided to run another one!

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    57 comments · 16,431 views
  • 225 weeks
    Minor Rules and Reporting Update

    Hope everyone is enjoying the new year.

    Some small changes have been made to our rules as well as to the reporting process.


    "No attacks directed at individuals or groups due to race, gender, gender identity, religion or sexual identity."

    This better clarifies our previously ill-defined hate speech rule and includes groups as well as individual attacks.

    "No celebration, glorification or encouragement of real life criminal activity."

    This includes past, present and potential future crimes.

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    747 comments · 15,925 views
  • 228 weeks
    Jinglemas 2019

    There's truly no time like the holidays. What's better than copious amounts of food, quality time with family and friends, hearing the sweet sound of Trans-Siberian Orchestra on repeat, and unmanagble financial stress from our capitalist overlords?

    Gift exchanges of course!

    Our Own Little Way of bringing Hearth's Warming to Fimfiction

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    28 comments · 8,404 views

Site Post » [Interview] AVery Strange's Kindness's Reward · 2:57pm Jun 26th, 2012

Originally posted at the Vault on 1/9/2012.

We're starting the week off with a beautiful tale of redemption and renewal, a story that's become mine and many others' favorite Trixie fanfic.

[Shipping] • 28,800 words
Fluttershy is used to nursing critters of all sorts back to health. When she comes across a broken showmare, however, it will take all her patience and care to help the other pony. Especially when Trixie begrudges her help every step of the way. Can she get through to her? And can Trixie learn that she doesn't need to stand alone to stand strong?

Hit the title for a few words from AVery - or is it Avery? find out below - and links to Kindness's Reward on your favorite pony sites. Don't forget that eBook copies await you on the Vault's Downloads page!

deviantArtFIMFictionEquestria Daily

Where do you live?

Judging by the amount of time I spend there, the internet. No seriously, most of the time in Massachusetts.

What kind of work do you do? (i.e. are you a student, do you have a career/day job, etc)

Oh, I'm a college student. Usually leaves me with time to write. By which I mean I write straight through most of my classes.

How did you discover My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? When did you realize you were a fan of the show?

I never actually knew it growing up! Well, only in passing. Then my friend linked me episode one of FiM in... I want to say May, I don't have the best memory. I was hooked five minutes in.

Do you have a favorite episode?

Season one, episode one, will always be special to me because it proves how much you can do with such a simple premise. Maybe it wasn't the funniest, but it provided so much world-building, and the characters were astounding. The humor still had me giggling nigh-constantly at that.

Who is your favorite character based purely on the canon of the show itself? Would your answer change if you considered the fandom in its entirety (i.e. art, fanfiction, memes, etc)?

Purely on canon? I'd have to go with Twilight. She gets decent character development and backstory, and is just so adorably dorkish. Mostly it's the fact she plays the straight man to a lot of the others' antics, almost being "the sarcastic one" and I love that kind of humor. I love Fluttershy as well, but her canon is kind of bad... If we extend it to the fandom interpretation of characters, it's a toss up between Fluttershy and Luna, at least pre-season 2 Luna. Nothing against canon Luna, but she can't really match what the whole community came up with.

How did you come up with your handle/penname?

I am A Very Strange person. Also my first name's actually Avery. Yes it's a girl's name too.

Have you written in other capacities (other fandoms, professionally, etc)? When did you first start writing?

I've toyed with the idea for years; I have an active imagination I suppose. I was "writing" fanfiction when I was seven just imagining where I'd go if I was a Pokémon trainer. I'd never really written anything substantial, certainly not a full story, until MLP came up.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

To be honest, ideally if I'm not writing or working on schoolwork I'm sleeping. If I can't muster up the energy to write, I do have a few video games, and I enjoy board games when I can get friends together.

Who is your favorite author (published or fanfiction)? Do you have a favorite story or novel?

Hummm. In terms of fanfiction I'm not saying, I don't really have a single favorite, nor do I read a lot of it. For published novels, I enjoy the works of L. E. Modesitt, I think he influenced my ideas on world-building. Terry Pratchett's a lark, but after you read a few books in a row they start to feel formulaic.

Stephen King believes that every author has an "ideal reader" - the one person who they write for, the one person whose reactions they care about. Do you have one, and if so, who is it?

Ideally, no one. I'm writing because it's fun. I often forget that, but I don't think I'm doing any great deeds or even that I'm producing art. I'm having fun, and readers can come and go as they please. I forget this sometimes and worry about everypony's opinion and that's when things go wrong. I guess my ideal writer is me. Perhaps that's selfish, but I often seem to be my own worst critic as well, so it works.

Do you have any tips for aspiring writers, or writers who are struggling with their own stories?

Oh boy, do I ever. First off, the same piece of advice any artist will tell you - just start producing something. You really don't have to worry about it being good, because there's nothing worse then nothing at all. The more practice you get putting ideas to paper, the easier it becomes. For this purpose it's really helpful to write what you think, even if your thoughts are disorganized.

Secondly, accept that you're not going to be good at it for a while. Overconfidence is almost as bad as a lack of confidence. If you can't accept criticism, you won't improve, and you'll keep receiving criticism. The best thing to do is head it off at the pass and become your own worst critic. Put down that draft, give it a couple days, and then come back when you're in a fresh mindset and do your best to tear it apart. As long as you're trying and improving your work, you're a better writer than most.

Third and lastly, sometimes ideas just don't work! Don't get discouraged if your drafts keep running dry at chapter 4. I myself have 4 stories out there (not counting a smattering of short pieces) and yet about 30 different drafts on file. Recycle or combine ideas you don't want to let go, but don't sit there at a blank page. Some people benefit from plotting things out, sometimes you might want to try to sum the entire story in a paragraph, sometimes you just need to write and see where it goes. Remember step one - as long as you're writing, you're making progress.

What is your typical writing process? (Do you work through multiple drafts, do you have any prereaders/editors, etc?)

I come up with an idea, sometimes a scene or other times just a single "what if" statement in my head. I can think "where does this go" and "how did we get here" and build a story outwards from there. I don't outline so much as just get a feel for the story. So far I've written shorter works because of this, since it's easier to hold the whole story in my head the smaller it is. The first draft I make is a skeletal one, rushing through the plot to get characters from point A to point B. Then I set it aside for a day or two (this is important! You need to 'reset' before editing) and give it another go, fleshing out scenes, rewriting paragraphs and making sure it flows naturally. Then I give it to editors (one, two sometimes) and get their opinions - I don't look for grammar and spelling errors so much as just comments on what makes sense as a reader. Did I over-explain? Skim too much? Go too fast? Does this dialogue sound awkward? Et cetera. Then I go over what my editors had to say, typically throwing out a couple paragraphs and expanding others again, and out goes the final draft.

What inspired you to write Kindness's Reward?

I won't name names, but I was rather unhappy with 'Twixie' stories up to that point. More than that, her character felt flatter in fanon than in canon. I wanted to see her shipped with somepony else, and once I thought of Fluttershy my muse went wild. More ideas just kept coming after that, especially as I began chatting to my future editor on the work. It really "wrote itself" to a point.

Did you run into any tough spots or challenges when writing Kindness's Reward?

The scene with the dragon took a lot of redoing, and I'm still not 100% happy with it. Action scenes are a bit difficult for me to pace, and I have to convey a sense of urgency while still making every detail unambiguous. Other than that, Trixie's character took a little work, because I actually hated the pony before writing this. Believe it or not, I warmed up to her by the end of the story...

When you set out to write Kindness's Reward, did you have any specific messages or themes in mind?

Trixie stories are often about redemption, and it was definitely on my mind. I wanted to start with her canon character, and make something off of that. In line with that, I honestly wanted to prove she was a character in her own right. She isn't treated as such, even by most "good" shipping fics involving her, because even then she's typically just a partner for Twilight, no real depth given to her. I dare you to find more than a couple shipping stories where her love for Twilight is even explored or given context! She just shows up, usually already inexplicably in love, and that's the end of it. I wanted to give her more.

Where can readers drop you a line? or if you want

Is there anything else you'd like to add?


Report RBDash47 · 11,854 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

I love this story. Good Interview! :twilightsmile:


That story was amazing. I loved it.:twilightsmile:

I've been meaning to read this for a while. I've always loved the last line in the description.

Excellent story, I read it a few months ago. Very well written, an outside-the-box ship, and incredibly sweet and emotional. Great story and author! :pinkiehappy:

That story was what got me to actually appreciate Trixie. And why I consider her to be one of the 3 best ponies (alongside Applejack and Fluttershy)

I have to say, Kindness's Reward actually made me warm up to Trixie. Very damn good story.

Does anyone know a good Luna story, pre-Season 2? I cant seem to find one because of how many other Luna stories there are

Site Blogger

You've read Common Sky, I hope?

Is this the fic that started the whole "Trixie eats pinecones" meme?

Site Blogger

I've always wondered where that came from myself. I don't think it could be from here; there's no mention of pinecones anywhere.

I heard it was from a fic where Trixie was in the Everfree forest and had to eat pinecones to survive. It was meant to be a sobering, melancholic matter, I think, but then imageboard memes happened.

One of the earlier fics I read in this fandom and one of the best too.


Just Add Ponies, and simmer for two minutes on low heat.


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