• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Wintergreen Diaries

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

More Blog Posts54

  • 423 weeks

    tl:dr - I am no longer writing fan fiction.

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  • 458 weeks
    General Update

    NEW STUFF IS COMING. There, got that out of my system. Phew!

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    2 comments · 648 views
  • 464 weeks
    Help Wanted

    Rather than go into my usual tirade about this that and the other reason for not having been updating, I'm just going to jump right into the meat of this post. This next chapter of "Stay" is one of the most important, and it happens to be the one I am least satisfied with. It is also one of the longest, and one that I have been dreading editing for probably nigh a month now.

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  • 473 weeks
    Several computer crashes and one nasty cold later...

    ...I am, theoretically, back online. This last week was rather hectic. First came the plague, which knocked me off of my feet for a few days and set me pretty far behind at work, but on top of that my computer's power supply decided that having a working fan was a thing of the past. Consequently, my computer kept releasing a scent somewhat reminiscent of one most easily replicated by sticking

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  • 476 weeks
    It's Happening

    Just submitted my next story for moderation. The story is divided into three arcs, and I'll be releasing the first arc over the next few weeks since it is already finished. Hope you all enjoy!

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Second Wind · 7:42pm May 27th, 2013

2013 has been a year of change. Neither comfortable nor wanted in most instances, but my life has undergone monumental changes, and more loom on the horizon. Despite the fear that seeks to paralyze and the apathy that has robbed me of enjoyment these last few months, the proverbial sun is slowly rising, bringing with it understanding and hope. I realize that updates have been scant, and for a while, I feared that's because I had already penned my last story. However, I have started something that you, the fans, have come to love, and I would see that through to completion, even should that take me many months and many hours spent wondering why it's so bucking hard to write one minute and the next I've several thousand words of wit giggling at my chagrin. However, simply "finishing" is far less than you all deserve. No, if this series is to be my "legacy," then it should be one that I regard with pride, and that is why I have decided that before I move forward, I must return to the start. With that, it is with great anticipation and mild anxiety that I have decided to completely scrap "Tears in the Snow," and will be writing two stories to replace it.

You see, despite both praise and condemnation, "Tears in the Snow" is the story that leads the way to the others. As the first to be seen should new readers seek to browse my works, it should be the hook that draws them in, but how can I expect such a fragmented, poorly written story to do so? Make no mistake, there are plenty of points that I got right, but for many, the gaping holes in logic and contrived situations are too much to bear. For a story where half of the focus is a character that reader's have never met, Cerulean has been described as "static," "too perfect," and generally lacking in dynamic, even while a good number of ponies commented on how much they can relate to his constant blunders and seemingly doomed efforts at every turn. I can only speak for myself, but the characters are one of the primary reasons I was so drawn to My Little Pony, and as such, OCs should seek to be just as intriguing and captivating. I can also say from personal experience that I am living proof that somepony can take a simple task and botch it six ways to Sunday, but I digress: Cerulean, his back story, and his character need work. For a setting as clean and pure as the FIM universe, having two tragedies as serious as rape is simply too much. Therefore, I will be toning down the extent of Cerulean's tragic past and instead going for a more realistic reason for his grief. His family situation will be solidified and explained, and Bangles will receive more development as a character (if this is necessary, since I'm changing what actually happened between them).

Another point, though less worrisome to me personally, was that Twilight and Cerulean seemed to fall in love too quickly. Well, that's definitely going to change as well. The story that I've started to replace it, tentatively titled "In Swept a Blizzard," will be centered not around romance, but the theme of friendship versus loneliness. Can a pony who has lived a life of nothing but constant let downs, abandonment, and betrayal find solace through the efforts of but one caring heart? That will be the central question confronted within the first story. The story to follow after, "The Warmest Winter," would detail how friendship grew to be something greater between the two, and give the pairing a much deeper framework for building a relationship. I've read some of the comments about how ponies feel about OCs, and quite honestly, some of it is justified. That is exactly why I want to prove them wrong.

Now, because many OCs are assumed to be self-inserts, and that is something I wish to avoid, I will be changing my user name. I haven't nailed down what to call myself, exactly, but having a character named "Cerulean" when my username is the same just begs for undue hate and misunderstandings.

As one can imagine, the amount of editing that will need to be done with the other fics is great. "Unplanned Parenthood" will likely cease to be canonical to the Ceruverse, and "Song of Whispers" will probably be taken down and heavily edited, if not re-written entirely to remove extraneous content (all the Rarity drama) and further develop Whisper as a character (revoke his rights as dovahkiin, focus more on his sense of self-discovery as opposed to living in constant fear), and explore how care for another can motivate one to greater feats of strength (more development of Fluttershy as a character). The other stories may need minor tweaks, but for the most part, I'm happy with them the way they are.

This isn't to say that you won't be seeing new stories, either. While I generally like to sit down and work on something until it's finished, it can be refreshing to jump ship and start in on something else to get away from a story when it gets too aggravating. In this sense, I may actually start working on Rarity or Pinkie's stories well before I finish all these edits. As for the intermediary fic, it may not even be necessary by the time all the edits are done, but I already have four chapters of that finished, and from what I've been told, it's a buck to the feels nearly every chapter. And actually... it may still have a place, since dealing with Cerulean's parents before Crimson has been introduced screws continuity out the yin yang. Back to the subject of new stories, I already have Rarity's OC figured out, and from what comments I read, most of you think Melody would make a great partner in crime (read "significant other") for Pinkie Pie, so you may well get to meet the Gourd family (yeah, I know, "how do gourds have anything to do with singing or writing?" this too will be answered, I'm sure).

Now then! This is a huge undertaking on my part, but one that I am excited to work on. Expect to be asked for feedback and suggestions as I get more involved with the story, and once again, I would like to thank you all for being awesome. If you all would like to see the first chapter (unedited) of "In Swept a Blizzard," I -may- be able to be convinced if I get enough feedback on this blog post. It's good to be back, everypony.

Hiatus: officially over as of... now.

Report Wintergreen Diaries · 545 views ·
Comments ( 49 )

I hate to be that guy but this is a good call on your end. Your earlier fics are always the lesser of the ensemble of fics you write. It's a good idea if you revamp your earlier stories. Though, I'd like to suggest something.

Don't delete them if possible.

Some people actually still like the early fics. It holds a special place in their hearts. Plus, it's always inspiring that others can see that writers started off with their stumbling blocks. That they can aspire to do better because their role models didn't start off perfect or the steam roller writers they'd eventually be.

You became better through writing and effort and so can they. Your earlier and current fics say that much.

So you're going to practicly re write everything? Any chance the old stories will be saved at a google.doc so you still can read them? Im nostalgic and likes to re-read good stories. :)

1108129 I hate it when I'm late and someone else says what I was about to say. :derpytongue2:

will the original works be available to read elsewhere?

woo hoo at last great to hear it
first of all i am a bit disappointed to hear some of that particularly about whisper as he was my fav behind silver
but your writing skills have significantly improved over the course of your storys so the cerulieverse can (hopefuly) only benifit from this
secondly now you can fix the plot holes of bangles using magick after tears in the snow
thirdly at least try to do somthing regarding unplanned parenthood
and lastly i reiterate WOOOOO HOOOO great to have you back

1108129 1108142 1108144 I don't plan on deleting anything, rest assured! I may, however, taken them down for a time to make edits and such. Besides, Fimfiction is really picky about posting "new" stories that are heavy edits of previously approved fics. I think Blizzard will qualify because it's a completely different story in nearly ever regard, but the others will likely just get revamped. :twilightsmile:

*thumbs up* Well said, good luck on your writing endeavors, Cerulean1313! :pinkiehappy: (tentative name sounds so impersonal :derpytongue2:)

what (s)he said^

although what were ceru's 2 tragedies?

Huzzah! :pinkiehappy:

Hiatus over? Aww yeah!

And the Rarity drama in Song is going away? I'm somewhat glad to hear that, I was never particularly fond of what happened between her and Carrot Top.

You're back! You're back! I was so scared you weren't going to be able to find the time or will to keep writing the ceruverse! :raritycry: But anyways, I'm kinda sad to hear that you'll be redoing Tears in The Snow, but if you're replacing it with two stories, that just means that we'll have even more awesome stuff to read. :yay: Just please don''t make too many changes to Braving a Storm, Dash isn't my favorite character, but I love the way you wrote that story :twilightsmile:

I kinda like the old ones, to be honest... :applejackunsure:

If you rewrote the first one into two, I'd probably have to re-read it, and I soon won't really have a lot of time to read many longfics. (Graduating high school.)
If you changed up the past between them (the rape part), I really think it would take away from the story. I mean, that's just me. It also depends what you'd change in their past. I don't think the rape was too much, as they had plenty of time to move on from that trauma. And I don't think I've seen rape used in another story without it being a clopfic fetish. In yours, it's a really well-placed plot device. :rainbowkiss:

Also, more Bangles development? Yes! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for considering. :moustache:

Shoot, now I really want to read these before you go about changing them, just 'cause. Still, good to see you're reworking "Tears in the Snow". Don't take this the wrong way, but it kinda needed it.
Are you going to be reworking them from first in the series to last in the series, or all at the same time?
And finally, about the username, I personally reused my steam name. Keeps things simple, it's completely unrelated to my characters, and it rolls off the tongue. Dunno if you have steam, or some equivalent, but I recommend that if you do.

I discovered this series a while back and while it does very much interest me, its been on my back-list and have been wondering when I should start it. Now that you're redoing the beginning I would like to know what you think. Where and when should I start reading this so as to not be confused when continuity and canon starts changing? Should I wait till the new storys are done, which I am glad to, greatness take time, or start as is and come back later when everything is redone?

Welcome back, glad to hear it.

Now on to the point of this blog. I feel that you have created a wonderful universe around these characters, and although some things in Tears aren't needed, it still fives more depth. )Not sure about the seventh element stuff though) Whilst I semi-agree that what happened to Cerulean is not in line with the MLP theme, the fact he manages to reconcile with that pony is. And while you say the romance happened to quickly, I have to disagree. I have read stories where it happens in the first paragraph, not given time to develop. It is safe to assume that his seemingly instant attraction to Twilight is something to do with how she saved him, and you even have him considering if he is actually feeling that way, and even then it takes a while for them to admit it.

The most (or from what I can tell, anyway) controversial part. Rarity's drama. I know you've had a few people make comments on this, but the way I see it is that it gives more depth to a character. Why else would she take a dislike to Cerulean and his open displays of affection for Twilight? You gave us a very good reason for that, and if people don't like it....
Same goes for those who wanted a Fluttershy-Whisper only story. With the world you have built, it would be silly to not acknowledge the other characters. A few chapters here and there to show us what is happening is a good idea.

I would ask you not to change it too much, but it is your choice, and having seen how much your writing has improved of time, I respect that and eagerly await what ever you come up with. And please keep Unplanned Parenthood as canonical to the series, there is just too much in there that can not go to waste!

Basically, the way I see it is that a few things in Tears may need addressing, but other than that the others should stay the same. I just hope Risks doesn't change too much, as that's my favourite one of the series.

All I have to say is that the rewrites better be DAMN GOOD! Better even than the original.

I am devastated right now. If you change a single word of those stories I will cry. They are the best stories I have ever read and you are the best author on here in the world. Don`t let anyone tell you otherwise. I love your stories and everything about them. Don`t sell out and change something beautiful just because someone says that they don`t like it. Please, I beg of you, don`t change your stories. Especially not Song of Whispers, Tears In The Snow, The Risks of Braving A Storm or Under The Starry Skies, they are my favorites.

glad to see you back:twilightsmile:
welcome home:pinkiehappy:

1108256 Just download the files.

I like the concept of your Storys and their coninuitation from one to the other. You also made lovly characters of your own to fill in the Canon Void in case of romantics etc. (My favorite being Storm Blitz :twilightsmile: ) I am pleased to see that you again found your drive to write stories we all love so much but I can not help being a little concerned...
Many a times have I come to like and love well written storys wich the autor saw fit to re-write to improve them only to discover that this task proved to much and the whole thing being canceled befor it had time for completion. Ich wish you the best of Luck that you won't be such a tragic case and we will see much more of Cerulian and company :twilightsmile:


Have your subscribers suggest a new username for you. My suggestion will be "Mister Bluebottom, Esq."

Oh wow, that's quite something! :pinkiegasp:
Nonetheless, very excited to see what you come up with! :rainbowdetermined2:

A few things to consider as you begin the editing/rewriting process...

First: The whole "FiM is to pure for rape" thing that you were talking about as far as Cerulean's backstory goes is a kinda silly attitude. Granted, rape is bad, terrible (even worse than murder by most standards), but then again, if we went by these standards, the FiM universe is pretty much too pure for sex and the consequences thereof (particularly since your stories deal heavily with relationships between mature individuals, followed by pregnancy and even birth). The issue about rape is that way too many authors use it as a source of cheap drama. You, at least, handle it in a sensitive manner and demonstrate (particularly in those rewritten chapters you let me preread) an understanding of the long-term consequences of that action. In other words, you handle the concept of rape in a mature manner and don't resort to it as a cheap gimmick to up the drama (something I need to work on in my own stories).

Second: I can understand your wanting to restart the whole Twilight/Cerulean relationship from scratch, particularly in the timeframe in which it takes place as romances that develop too quickly (chronologically at least) is always something of a pet peeve for me, especially for some stories that only go one or two days between too characters meeting for the first time and them falling in love. That said, it is still possible to maintain a relatively swift timeline of a relationship and thus be able to keep Unplanned Parenthood in keeping with your canon with only a few modifications, particularly because you do such a good job of illustrating the ups and downs of a relationship, even if Cerulean's and Twilight's get off to a rather rapid start.

Third: Your antagonists. Up until Under the Starry Skies, this has been one of your weakest areas (you did an excellent job making Applejack the antagonist of the first half of the story and yes, she is the antagonist for the first half). This is largely because your stories are heavily character-driven, which makes it jarring when you have richly developed characters like Storm and Cerulean on one side and then have characters like Proud Skies or Bangles (first draft) on the other who are flatter than your average dinner plate. It's perfectly fine to have an antagonist who's nothing more than an unlikeable character to get the crap kicked out of them if they're relatively minor (aka Levinbolt). However, when your antagonist is a major player in the story, then they should have a little more depth and motivation than simply "I want to screw with Storm Blitz's life for no reason other than I am really a massive ponce!" attitude that Proud Skies tosses around. As a major source of the conflict of your story, your antagonist can make or break it.

Finally: This isn't really related to your writing, but changing your user name is...kinda pointless, in a good way. I can understand you being leery of accusations of self-insertion (which aren't always bad if you do them right, but are incredibly difficult to do so) oh about...seven stories ago. But, at this stage, those kind of accusations have long since lost any sign of credibility. I wouldn't worry about it.

It's good to see you back in your groove, but don't blast your own writing too much. While I may have laid a lot down here. Yes, your writing could use some improvement (the same could be said of just about any author on this site), but not the complete and total retooling you're suggesting. If you want to do it because you genuinely feel that you can tell a better story that way, then by all means go ahead. But what we don't want is for you to do it out of some misplaced sense of obligation that you've ruined things through the topics you've introduced or the rate at which you develop them. Either way, it's good to have you back.

1108511 First: Ceru's concern isn't so much as there being two sources of rape in the overall story so much as it's IN THE SAME BLOODY FAMILY. Happen(ed) to Cerulean AND Crimson? That's just... You know? It's one thing to have it happen to two characters. It's another to have it happen within the same family.

Second: Yeah, agreed.

Third: But if he wanted a chance to be EqD approved... Then it becomes a fairly big deal.

Finally: It comes down to Ceru wanting his work accurately reflected, and the difference btw. the first and last fic are just so great... I only stayed on with him after the first story because I became his pre-reader. I was constantly harrassed by Ominous to read it, and I did, under protest, because the first story was, in my opinion as a pre-reader, quite bad. The grammar was bad, the conflict'villain was lacking, and then the ending was just...

THAT'S why he wants to start over, to a degree. Yeah, he wants to keep the old version so people can see where he came from, but he wants to re-write it to do it justice, since like he said, people have to slog through that fic first before they can get to the 'better' ones.

(Good thing Ceru knows I'm not picking on him... :twilightblush: )

Look at all these amounts of excitements I'm having!
It's flooding all over, and I'm blaming you for it! :3

Rape and his parents
Already done BTW so if anyone wants those stories PM me

Now it's time to borrow AB's mallet and chisel and get to work on revamping my "The Cereverse" group BTW Cerulean1313 come join it so we can be co-owners

Comment posted by Hawkx1 deleted May 28th, 2013


specifically... were his parents killed, then he was raped? not a very clear answer

I have no words.

I'll give you the problems with everypony in Ceru's family statutory rape with a family member (Crimson), dysfunctional household (Father can't only convey love through words due to a stutter and the mother seeing comfort from somebody who can say it), Whisper/Jade (missing and presumed dead until "Song of Whispers"), and finally Cerulean (raped by a female classmate via blackmail then getting him jailed but saying he raped her destroying his reputation). The parents isn't expanded on in the first story, Jade/Whisper isn't revealed yet so the tragedies are actually probably Cerulean and Crimson's.

Well this is interesting. Literally slammed my hands on the table with a "what??" reading that the first time.

I have to say, I'm very excited with where the new stories will take us as readers. Despite what anyone one says, the original works still good enough to make me laugh and cry. I suppose all I'm saying is that I'm sure that whatever you write to revamp the Ceruverse will be gold, and I'll be overjoyed with every update. :twilightsmile:

I'd like to see the newest chapter of the rewrite, pl0x?

thats what you should do post the first chapter to help aliviate the fears of some readers and give everyone an idea on how things are going to go forward


damn... i can see why he wanted to cut down on the family tradegies, but why did she blackmail him if he reluctantly went through with it? was he going to snitch?

Honestly I was wondering when you would do this as the fact that I have noticed most of this going on. No I'm not saying the stories were bad but for "Tears in the Snow" I won't call it the best story. I had trouble reading through that and in truth
"The Risks of Braving a Storm" had more development in the storyline and plot than "Tears in the Snow" did through any part of it.

But all and all your story "Under the Starry Sky" is probably the only one that can be left mostly untouched.

I think another reason for the rewrite was it was a bit messy on explaining things I've reread all parts of that tragedy. Ceru was the only one friendly to Bangles (I think her Father and possibly Mother was constantly away) she decided if they slept together that he would love her he blackmail that either she sleep with him or she would get his friend expelled (not sure how) and that's the blackmail part.

While I don't mind a rewrite Crimson is an enjoyable character before and after her redemption so while I'm against the reason she because sexually promiscuous (statutory rape by a family member) I am for the type of pony she is when first introduced to where she is now and hope Cerulean doesn't change her in his rewrite. Also, I enjoyed Whisper/Jade's storyline (Not so much the Rarity chastity stuff that can be cut though keep the Rarity/Carrot Top friendship) and disagree with Cerulean planned changes for it

I know this is pretty random, but please, never evereverevereverever use the amazon fan fiction publication service. Just see it's terms and agreements

I for one would love to see the first chapter of the rewrite!

good luck on all the rewriting and thank you for posting a blog saying what's going on.

I earnestly look forward to your newest fictions for several reasons.

I skipped tears in the snow and never went back to read it, and because I love your writing. Good luck! :ajsmug:

i applaud your choice. Tears in the snow really turned me away from the series the first time i read it. It wasn't till later that i picked up on Cutie Mark Catastrophes (one of my favorite stories on this site) that i gave your series a full read through. I look forward to seeing the new beginng :twilightsmile:

Reading through 'Tears' right now is telling me that you're probably correct about needing a reboot. I hope your proofers and editors come through quickly; it can be a pain to have something waiting on the readers...

EDIT: Come to think of it, will we be seeing any Season Three changes in this reboot?

Not only is this a brilliant blog post, this is a brilliant idea!
I have been reading your stories and come to think of it, Tears in the Snow is in need of a bit of a rewrite compared to your newer stories. With that said, I completely agree with what your doing and heavyly support it.

Good luck with all future endevers

Yours truly, Harvy Birdman,

Dunno why you are assuming it was a family member. All Crimson has said is that she knows who raped her. The identity of the rapist is at this point unkown, but where was it implied it was someone in the family?

You read as many fanfics and watch "Criminal Minds" as I do and storylines start to blur but even if you take the family member part out it's still rape and therefore still tragic I'm just happy that most of Ceru's family has been able to get over there's it even seems like the parents are fully together if "Cutie Mark Catastrophes" was any indication.

I'm okay with you revamping Tears in the Snow, but would you be okay with me riffing it? If so, I would like to request that you to make a copy of the GDocs and send me the link. I hate trying to copy the fics straight from FiMFic, and the download options don't always work either.

Glad you're back Cerulean. I hope your stories will be as successful as always, coming off of your hiatus.

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