• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2021

Lady Froey

Non-GMO 100% Organic Gay

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Found 4 stories in 25ms

Total Words: 132,255
Estimated Reading: 8 hours

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With her friends from Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer attended Camp Everfree and managed to save it from being lost forever. When her past comes back to haunt her, however, she is reminded that not all things can be saved.

Written by: Lady Froey and Madeline L-Equine
Edited by: eLLen and Door Belle

Takes place during: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
A side story to: By Her Side

Chapters (1)

After losing her powers at the Battle of the Bands, Adagio had separated herself from the Sirens and had spent the last several years adjusting to living as a regular individual in the human world. Attending the local community college for the new semester, she runs into Sunset Shimmer.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine, eLLen and gardrek
Cover art by: SILVERTRASH

Chapters (12)

Vinyl Scratch is a teenager growing up in the small town of Ponyville with her mother: pianist Claret Rondeau. Along with her best friend Derpy Hooves, Vinyl goes through the hardship of her teenage years.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine and gardrek
Cover art by: Stella Lux (LumenGlace)

A prequel to: Music to His Ears

Chapters (10)

Vinyl Scratch is well known as DJ PON-3 across Equestria. Other than their music career, however, not much is known of the pony’s personal life as they struggle with their relationship, identity, past, music and coping with the effects of their actions on others.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine, Bad_Seed_72 and Proper Noun
Cover art by: Stella Lux (LumenGlace)

Takes place after: Major and Minor

Chapters (12)