New and old stories · 2:40am Dec 8th, 2014
Hello fillies and gentlecolts, I xpete1 have not been on my computer enough lately to type up a new chapter for "Silver Wing" but rest assured that I have been writing down chapters in a notebook. Eventually I was inspired, by binge gaming, to write a new story. Featuring five fantastic gamers who have been misplaced in the My Little Pony Your Human and Youniverse. They will no longer have their old bodies, but new Spartan Solider bodies from Halo 4.
Happy reading, xpete1
1937963 no problem. I gave my story to a frrind of mine I will read your story along with Silver's together.
Thank you for the watch, I hope that you enjoy my story, though now that I spotted your story, I promise we didn't even intend to overlap there XD
Thank you for favouriting 'My Family and Other Equestrians'.
thank you for the fav! :)
Thanks for the Favorite on 'Sapphire Stone' - Work on the next book has already begun.