• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2020


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Gilda returns to Ponyville to try to apologize, but Pinkie just will not shut up long enough for Gilda to do so.

If only there was SOME WAY to keep that pink pone's tongue busy.

Chapters (1)

Berry Punch and the rest of her family look back on their life and all the troubles that Berry's alcoholism has caused and decide how to deal with it.

It turns out having an alcoholic family member isn't terribly funny. Also Happy Mother's Day!

Chapters (2)

On All Foal's Day, Rainbow Dash and Gilda get into a prank war with a snooty camper at Flight Camp. But things get out of control very quickly and Rainbow and Gilda find themselves in a lot of trouble.

Chapters (1)

The megaspells detonated. The world died. While most of the surviving ponies did so in underground Stables, the pegasi hid in the clouds. Rainbow Dash, the most celebrated of their ranks, disagreed with their abandoning the world below and left to seek those in need. In doing so, she was branded a traitor. For when Rainbow Dash left, she took the key to the pegasi's continued dominance with her. To retrieve this "key", the pegasi hired a mercenary to bring it back. The mercenary was Gilda, an old friend from long ago. The "key" is Dash's head.

Chapters (1)