Posting Again · 10:19pm Sep 24th, 2013
Ok, so it's been a while!
After feeling guilty over the nearly 50 unfinished MLP stories lurking on my computer I've started to actually finish and clean up a few. I can't promise any sort of set schedule, far too much technical writing I need to get done in the next few months, but I am going to make an effort to actually finish a story and get it posted up.
Hey, thanks for faving "In the Heat of the Moment"! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for favouriting "What Comes Next"
I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks for faving my Trixiejack fic!
Muffins on your doorstep!
Thank you for faving 'Every day'. It's very much appreciated.
Thanks for the Fav/Follow on Pretty Horses