• Member Since 13th Sep, 2023
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  • 40 weeks
    Story Update - Oct 19th

    Hey everypony! It's been a week since my last update, so I thought I'd fill all of you in on what's happening with the story! Admittedly, I haven't been able to work on it too much this week due to some personal relationship stuff I'm going through atm, but I should be able to get back to working on it more consistently from now on. I'm just about finished the first of 6 short stories that will make up the entirety of chapter 6, so I hope you're all looking forwards to that. Anyways, have a

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  • 41 weeks
    Story Update - Oct 12th

    Yo everypony, whazzup? .....I'm probably never going to use that greeting again in my entire life. Anyways, Chapter 5 just got published a handful of hours ago and I wanted to talk a bit about chapter 6, since it'll be quite different from every other chapter in the story in the way that it's formatted. I've been hyping it up a little bit as a big chapter, and that's because it'll be a bit more of an anthology of shorter stories instead of one full chapter. Each mini-chapter within chapter 6

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  • 41 weeks
    Story Update - Oct 10th

    Hey everypony! I'm getting real close to done Chapter 5 of Love Is Immortal, and will likely be releasing it either tomorrow or later today. Sorry this has been taking so long, I've been busy grinding in Destiny 2 for the Hollow Denial pattern
    I hope you all have a lovely day, and here's some more Twishy art to help improve it!

    Source: http://sunodraws.tumblr.com/post/180037022291

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  • 42 weeks
    Story Update - Oct 6th

    Hey everypony! Just wanted to fill you guys in on the progress of the next chapter. Chapter 5 is still coming along pretty well, but it's going to end up being a bit longer than I initially intended, so it will take a bit more time than I thought to finish. I'm still not sure if I'm going to release as soon as it's done or wait a bit, but we'll see. I imagine it should be out sometime early next week, but no promises! Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day or night!

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  • 42 weeks
    Story Update - Oct 3rd

    Chapter 5 of Love Is Immortal is coming along quite well, and my cold has died down quite a bit. (yay :yay:!) I should be able to get this one done before the weekend, but I think I might want to work a bit on Chapter 6 before I actually publish Chapter 5. This is because I plan to have Chapter 6 be quite a bit longer, and I don't want the wait in between 5 and 6 to be too long. I'll still try and get 5 out before the end of the week though, so you can all look forwards to that. Also I

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Story Update - Oct 19th · 1:18pm Oct 19th, 2023

Hey everypony! It's been a week since my last update, so I thought I'd fill all of you in on what's happening with the story! Admittedly, I haven't been able to work on it too much this week due to some personal relationship stuff I'm going through atm, but I should be able to get back to working on it more consistently from now on. I'm just about finished the first of 6 short stories that will make up the entirety of chapter 6, so I hope you're all looking forwards to that. Anyways, have a

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Comments ( 5 )
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Oh wow, this is all really amazing to hear! Thank you so much for the in depth response to my story :raritystarry:

If you didn't notice from the description/author's notes, Inner Strength is part of an ongoing fanfic series called Who We Become. If you want to see more of Twilight, Fluttershy, and everyone else in this incarnation of their world, then that's the place to do it! :scootangel:

I'd love to share my thoughts!
Inner Strength is probably my favorite story on this site that I've read so far, it's extremely good the entire way through and the writing is top-notch. I love the way you slowly built the relationship between Twilight and Fluttershy, it just felt so natural and well paced. The stuff with Fluttershy's past was also really well done, as soon as I saw Fluttershy's reaction to “You know, you look a lot like her, Shy" the alarm bells started going off in my head. The setup to that whole plot point was executed perfectly, and I honestly can't wait to reread this at some point to pick up on even more details. This story is also probably one of the most emotional ones I've ever read in my whole life, I cried like actually 7 or 8 times throughout the whole thing. The ending was just too much for my gay little heart to handle :fluttercry:

Other various things I loved:
- The DnD (or OnO, I guess) chapter was really fun, in fact the entire section with Twi's family is a great break from the normal drama. Just very soft and cozy.
- The chapter with Twi and Shy at the creek watching the silly little guys do their silly little dance was a really fun read, and also a great way of demonstrating the turning point in their relationship.
- I absolutely loved the way you wrote Luna, she is genuinely amazing here.
- I also loved pretty much everything about Amber, especially her relationship with the aforementioned moon goddess.
- I like how realistically Applejack is written, she's not outright homophobic to her friends, but it's obvious that she would have a serious issue with it if it was anypony but her closest friends.
- Sweet Celestia I want both Ivy Jewel and Stormy Skies to stick their heads in the nearest blender. Absolutely loved to hate them.

There's probably a good few other things I forgot to mention, but I do want to thank you so much for writing this. It genuinely is one of the best written stories I have ever read, and was an absolute delight to go through. Looking forwards to reading more of your stuff soon! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding Inner Strength to you bookshelf! :yay: Would love to hear your thoughts on it if you have interest in sharing, but by no means feel obligated lol :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the fave.

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