• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 17th, 2021


Nope.avi. WAIT! One thing. Favorite word. Sums up my ENTIRE life. That word is.... Bollocks. Terra, Aqua, Ignis, and Ventus.


Hate my brain! · 1:38am Apr 16th, 2013

I'm sorry for the wait everybrony, as I've said previously I get distracted very easily, so I find it difficult to write. And, if I think something doesn't sound just right, it bothers me so badly that I can't keep writing if I don't think of a way to fix it immediately. Video games don't help either. I am working on the next chapter now, and I will try to make it long. Also there will be less filler and more action. And possibry powers.

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